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The Polarization of the Masses

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posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by MentalData

No one said the light is against Jesus Christ. Do some more research other than the bible on its own and you may find alot more about Jesus and who he was. It is even more detailed than you think. Jesus Christ was the final bestowal mission of Michael of Nebadon which is when he become Master Soverign of our Universe he was always the creator so of our universe and his last mission was as a flesh mortal on our world that is why he is sometimes known as Christ Michael. Why do you think this world is so immportant to the creator. The blending of Michael of Nebadon and Esu Sanada aka Jesus at that time. Which Esu will be our Planetery prince again after our ascension to the next density. As for light what do you think he teaches.

PS Have you ever wondered why Michael is still the most popular English guy name in the Western world. Maybe because the Creator Son is a Michael. That last part made me smile.

PS Dont get confused with Archangel Michael (this was an earlier bestowal mission for the lord) or Archangel of Michael which means an Archangel in service of Michael.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Hanma

That would be because the future is never set and they travelled most likely when the dark was in power. That is the whole reason the Andromeda Council stepped in. They knew if they did not step in there would be tyranny hundreds of years from now. The good guys changed the future by intervening pursue.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by DissentFromDayOne

Once again why do people think the light is against Jesus Christ. Man some people need to learn and see the bigger picture from above not just one book. I look at all the religious books all the research, every view. To be honest if you are to entrenched into any one religion than it will be harder for you to embrace the change. You do have the worship the lord side on your hand which is good, but it is more than that now the lord wants us to learn to be co-creators.

I understand you may think some new agers are evil and is a cover story and you may be right for some of the dark cabal fronts etc but dont assume following the light means you are following some evil. I would say to you I serve the All Father and love him dearly as much as i love his son Michael ( Jesus Christ ) . What i dont believe you need to serve one religion over another who are you giving that power really to. If you love the lord than what building is your barrier to his love. I find myself to sit beyond just religion of our planet as I have always found the lord in my heart and my soul. He is apart of us always but you need embrace that fragment of him.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by DissentFromDayOne
reply to post by 1littlewolf

Why don't you just come out and say your are worshiping lucifer, the so-called light-bearer?

No different than the freemasons, catholics, and the rest of the babylonian mystery religions.

Me-thinks you are being led astray by satan, the devil, who cannot save and only destroys (eternal damnation).

The bible says:

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6

The true light:

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2Cor 4:6

Today may be your last day...believe on Jesus Christ, Lord of lords, Kings of kings......amen.

I don't even believe in the concept of the Devil. He is just the fear I speak of personified through biblical metaphors and used by religion as a means to further their agenda. Even if you do believe in him, the Bible states that God is far stronger so why would you fear him anyway?

But if you wish to find your love and light through the teachings of Jesus then all the best to you.

edit on 24/1/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by frenzy4444
reply to post by Hanma

That would be because the future is never set and they travelled most likely when the dark was in power. That is the whole reason the Andromeda Council stepped in. They knew if they did not step in there would be tyranny hundreds of years from now. The good guys changed the future by intervening pursue.

Are you suggesting that there is still hope? In one of my earlier posts I mentioned that not even the Andromedans know if we can make it.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by batgirl

And who is promoting this Global Mind Shift into consciousness. Could it be the UN, private corporations, mass media, the government. Adds in corporate stores and commercials on television promoting the 'One Mind'. The meshing of all religions. It sounds good on the surface, after all who would be against the end to poverty and wars and violence. Who could be against peace, love and compassion. But this kind of love and compassion consists of and includes the stripping down of individual thought and whoever questions it is seen as being 'negative'. The New World Order is a coming reality and with it comes a New World Spirituality, this is not paranoia, it is reality. Is the world on a collision course, yes, can it keep going the way it is, no, but what comes about as a result of this collision will be yet another Grand Deception and it will come in the name of love.

You think so...?! I have seen no evidence through either word or deed that any government or mass media outlet, and very few corporations are promoting anything but strife and division. Borders are closing up, the media only further promotes this division through sensationalist stories and it is obvious most corporations are only interested in unity with their shareholders.

I know I'm not up with NWO conspiracies, but if was the head of a worldwide shadow entity seek global domination I would firstly unify the masses against a common enemy, not divide everybody and create everyone else as the enemy. I also don't see anyone ever accepting peace if it came with the price of stripped down personal liberties, nor can I see how peace could be achieved if it came at the price of our freedom.

What you are voicing is the very fear I'm talking about, and it truly makes me wonder..... if a candidate came along offering to end the wars and focus on unity and peace, would you vote for someone else promoting fear and strife because of NWO conspiracy fears?

If like you do believe the world is on a collision course, then you have to decide what kind of world you want to live in. For it is clear that our current way of living on many levels is unsustainable, and therefore cannot continue. So you basically have 3 choices.

*Either the most of the world's population is annihilated in WW3

*The NWO that you most fear is instigated

*We end up with a utopian future.

Now of the latter two, which one do you think increased fear is more likely to produce, and which one do you think increased love and acceptance is more likely to produce?

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Hanma
Anyone who seems to work from the shadows, or offers a one world government, and / or offers aa one world religion in the name of our own FREEDOM will eventually take our rights away. It has happened before. Any government who has been set up before promising its people freedom and liberty has only taken them away slowly over the years ...

I don't want, no, I don't NEED a new world order. I don't need ANY world order. Read this post of mine for further clarity:

Humanity (at present) needs some sort of 'order' otherwise it would descend into chaos. But I would be much more in favour of a UN type agreement where each country is run more as a massive state than as a completely autonomous entity. Naturally I wouldn't be voting for this if it comes with a mandatory chip in my brain.

Religion or spirituality will and should never be part of a government agenda, although an increased spirituality and awareness I can see one day influencing policy making for the better. I think any government offering any form of religion these days will be laughed out of office by the majority of the populace.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Oxygenation
While the world continues to visibly witnesses and experience injustice.. ignorance and indifference will always be prevalent.

It is fine to try to manifest positive energies in the way the OP has demonstrated.

If the OP is of a sincere and genuine heart, mind and soul.. they will have already filtered energy through their heart, written word, onto their monitor, onto your monitor and into your heart and mind..

And that cause and effect of loving and vibrant energy is never a bad thing.

But we cannot ignore the very real threat that evil poses in this world of ours.. and until it remains in this world there will always be a paradigm of opposing forces.

Regardless of how hard we try to manifest goodness and love into this world we will never completely vanquish evil with good wishes or sentiment.. we will simply be ridiculed and belittled as weak people...

We must focus on ways of dismantlement the very dark and evil forces of this world before we can effectively heal it..

People with the mentality demonstrated by the OP will best serve after the event. Before it is a little premature but none the less.. appreciated and respected.

Peace and blessings to you.

Peace to you friend, but I would add that evil is only a concept in the mind of the beholder. Now I'm not advocating throwing bunches of flowers in the face of a very real enemy, but no one is truly evil; and ultimately most of us no matter what culture want the same thing - peace and prosperity.

What I'm against is foreign (and internal) policy decisions which only serve to increase fear throughout the world, such as this ridiculous War on Terror.

Evil does not exist, only ignorance, misunderstanding, fear and the reactions they cause. I would be interested to know what you mean by ‘the very dark and evil forces of this world’, because all I see is needless suffering.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:53 AM
This thread focuses on fear when it's really about:

"And the masses have become restless, for somewhere deep in each and everyone us we sense in our subconscious minds that a great shift is coming."

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Gridrebel
This thread focuses on fear when it's really about:

"And the masses have become restless, for somewhere deep in each and everyone us we sense in our subconscious minds that a great shift is coming."

It is a focus on the increasing levels of fear prior to the shift which is polarizing the masses.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

Hi 1LittleWolf and thanks for your response.

You say evil does not exist and is a concept of the mind. If that were the case we could wave away everything else in the same way, after all everything is conceptualized in the mind even suffering, misunderstanding and pain.

The physical world around is is Maya... it is an illusion as is the by product of everything manifest from the physical world.

Evil is Maya as is Love and all else that permeates from our physical realities. We attach ourselves to their identity based on the emotions we feel.

That being said, talking from a physical reality context, evil is very real..

Evil can be defined as the premeditated intention to cause or inflict destruction in any form.

That which is thought out and then acted upon meticulously and without conscience or regard for life is evil.
When NATO sends a bomber over a peaceful village in the middle east and commands it to drop a bomb which kills hundreds of innocent adults and children in order to gain a military advantage is evil.

There are also other factions in this reality that are evil such as those who bow down and worship the likes of Lucifer and Satan. Those who have no regard for the love of one another but "do as thou wilt" or do as they wish.. without conscience.

There are many forms of evil in this world and to disregard them or say they are simply states of the mind is in a sense a form of denial.

If you have an argument against this i would very much like to hear it.

Peace and blessings.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 05:26 AM
I am by nature a cautious person and take much convincing before I believe anything. I don't consider myself as perceptive to the spiritual world around me, but I do believe there certainly are people that are very perceptive to such thing. But there is something big on the horizon. There has been some happenings in my life recently that have made me stop, and think about where I have been going wrong in my life, and I want to change not to better myself individually, but for the overall good of the planet & my fellow humans. Has anyone else at there noticed this since the start of 2012?

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 07:33 AM
Fear is a response to uncertainty, when we look to the future and we are unable to predict what is to become of our lives, we feel fear, and the fear in turn creates a cascade of possibilities in our minds, of the negative situations that can potentially occur.

Hope or faith is a reponse to fear, it is a trust that allows one to be at ease with uncertainty, however, fear is required as it allows us to react on the most primal instinct of survival - ultimatley, without fear, we would be unable to protect ourselves, we would be lost without the ability to take control of our circumstances.

Therefore, the key is that we have to react to fear in a constructive way, because, if we cannot perceive an "escape" we will start to feel cornered, we will start to feel despair. This is where creativity comes in, and also where rationality and reason are used, in order to find the path to survival in the face of intimidating circumstances.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:50 AM
Here is only one example among many where organizations in high places are promoting the belief system of the Global Mind Conciousness (One Mind) Transformation:

Planetary Citizens and Findhorn

In 1973, UN Secretary-General U Thant and New Age activist Donald Keys founded Planetary Citizens. This organization is now a UN-recognized non-governmental organization, "devoted to preparing people for the coming of the new culture."

A Findhorn meeting. Source: In 1973, Findhorn member Donald Keys and UN Secretary General... read more.

Donald Keys has been actively involved with the Findhorn Community in Scotland and writes regularly for its magazine One Earth. Findhorn promotes New Age teaching as “a spiritual community, ecovillage and an international centre for holistic education, helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive and sustainable future.”ii

Planetary Citizens and the Findhorn Foundation are just two of the organizations connected to the United Nations that teach blatant New Age, Earth worship, and Luciferian doctrine.

Keys wrote this in One Earth:

The New Age groups are focusing and entering a new stage—a world related stage. They are becoming mature enough to begin to shoulder some of the load of humanity's burden.iii

David Spangler, co-director and spokesperson for the Findhorn Foundation explains the organization’s Luciferian views:

The true light of Lucifer cannot be seen through sorrow, through darkness, through rejection. The true light of this great being can only be recognized when one’s own eyes can see with the light of the Christ, the light of the inner sun. Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age, which is the age of man’s wholeness...

Lucifer prepares man in all ways for the experience of Christhood and the Christ prepares man for the experience of God...the light that reveals to us the path to the Christ comes from Lucifer. He is the light giver. He is aptly named the Morning Star because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a greater consciousness...He stands no longer as the tester or the tempter but as the great initiator, the one who hands the soul over to the Christ and from the Christ on into ever greater realms (emphasis added).iv

David Spangler also gives a clearly satanic understanding of Scripture:

We can take all the scriptures and all the teachings and all the tablets and all the laws, and all the marshmallows and have a jolly good bonfire and marshmallow roast, because that is all they are worth.

I have respect for where you are coming from but please try not to reduce my thoughts to being fear-based and part of the problem. I seek truth first and foremost, wherever that truth leads is where I go whether I like where it leads me or not.

How do you know that there is not one single solitary evil person on this earth and that evil 'in reality' does not exist. On a certain level I understand why you believe that and I assume you will not see it in any other way. Your 'enlightenment' has convinced you of this and the reasons why you believe this are so complex that it would have to take a thread all on it's own to be able to go into it. That being said. I have met 'evil' people and a very small number who have proclaimed themselves to be evil and do not have a problem with it. They are in psychological terms called psychopaths. They are also, in powerful circles, largely running the planet. They are not living in ignorance or misunderstanding of themselves or the truth of their core being. They are what they are.

What is going on on this precious planet earth on a spiritual level is very complex and discernment is never a bad thing. Discernment in these times is extremely important. Peace.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Great thread thank you.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

so your saying that fear keeps you from walking off a cliff or jumping in front of a bus? If i conquer my fear of the unknown does that mean that im going to be stupid enough to walk off a cliff? UMM NO!!! we are not talking about eliminating our logic and intellegence we are talking about not letting the emotion of fear be exploited and used against us. Theres a difference between letting fear be a defense mechanism, and being stupid. on top of that the emotion of fear comes from the body and the ego, fear of death is a fear of the end of your ego, because the soul never dies, its indestructable, so the soul has nothing to fear from death, only the body/ego, you have to learn how to discern between the instincts of your body/ego and your true self which is your mind/soul or whatever you want to call it....people are identifying with their body so much they dont know who they really are in their soul and thats what the spiritual journey is about....finding your true self.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:25 PM
the mind is the creator of this world everything you see with your eyes is a projection of the universal mind . The mind is the alpha and omega its industructable, not even death can conquer it. however the EGO which is how the mind experiences the world, is destructable.....they key to everything is BALANCE...ego/mind/spirit have to be BALANCED the universe itself is a balance of positive and negative, you need negative to point out the positive and vice versa the point is to balance good and evil, dark and light, night and day ect......

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:09 AM
Interesting. When you go to Orly's website at Orly your browser provides a MALWARE warning! There is no malware there.....probably the US Federal Government attempting to dissuade people from visiting her site. Pathetic.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by batgirl

Hey batgirl,
Sorry if I seemed rude or dismissive. Your concerns are very real and I certainly would not put it past some corrupted member of the elite to try and gain more power if the wrong kind of one world government was in place. But I guess my point (which I’ll admit I have just explicitly said) is that these types of individuals gain their power through spreading fear throughout the masses.

Originally posted by batgirl
Here is only one example among many where organizations in high places are promoting the belief system of the Global Mind Conciousness (One Mind) Transformation:

Planetary Citizens and Findhorn

In 1973, UN Secretary-General U Thant and New Age activist Donald Keys founded Planetary Citizens. This organization is now a UN-recognized non-governmental organization, "devoted to preparing people for the coming of the new culture."

A Findhorn meeting. Source: In 1973, Findhorn member Donald Keys and UN Secretary General... read more.

Donald Keys has been actively involved with the Findhorn Community in Scotland and writes regularly for its magazine One Earth. Findhorn promotes New Age teaching as “a spiritual community, ecovillage and an international centre for holistic education, helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive and sustainable future.”ii

Planetary Citizens and the Findhorn Foundation are just two of the organizations connected to the United Nations that teach blatant New Age, Earth worship, and Luciferian doctrine.

Keys wrote this in One Earth:

The New Age groups are focusing and entering a new stage—a world related stage. They are becoming mature enough to begin to shoulder some of the load of humanity's burden.iii

David Spangler, co-director and spokesperson for the Findhorn Foundation explains the organization’s Luciferian views:

The true light of Lucifer cannot be seen through sorrow, through darkness, through rejection. The true light of this great being can only be recognized when one’s own eyes can see with the light of the Christ, the light of the inner sun. Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age, which is the age of man’s wholeness...

Lucifer prepares man in all ways for the experience of Christhood and the Christ prepares man for the experience of God...the light that reveals to us the path to the Christ comes from Lucifer. He is the light giver. He is aptly named the Morning Star because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a greater consciousness...He stands no longer as the tester or the tempter but as the great initiator, the one who hands the soul over to the Christ and from the Christ on into ever greater realms (emphasis added).iv

David Spangler also gives a clearly satanic understanding of Scripture:

We can take all the scriptures and all the teachings and all the tablets and all the laws, and all the marshmallows and have a jolly good bonfire and marshmallow roast, because that is all they are worth.

Thanks for bringing this article to my attention, I find it quite interesting. While it pleases me that a UN Secretary General would even consider meeting with someone considered ‘New Age’, and the fact that they are aware that we must bring about a new culture upon this Earth (for as I’ve said throughout this post soon I don’t think we’ll have a choice), I would be very wary of someone whose truths seem to stem from any mythological entity, whether I agree with the message or not. I am aware of a growing number that don’t see Lucifer as the bad guy, but this is beside the point. All these truths I speak of should originate within us.
Whether Lucifer exists or doesn’t, whether he’s good or bad is irrelevant, for we are quite capable of working this s#%t out ourselves. Invoking the name of an entity such as him, let alone making public policy out of it will only serve to further polarize us against each other which is completely counter to what our goals should be.

I have respect for where you are coming from but please try not to reduce my thoughts to being fear-based and part of the problem. I seek truth first and foremost, wherever that truth leads is where I go whether I like where it leads me or not.

Completely agree. Truth and transparency should be our main priorities, for then people will be able to judge for themselves. This is why I have so many issues with the governments and media in their current state themselves. Anything short of that is open to being abused and manipulated by those with an agenda to fulfil.

How do you know that there is not one single solitary evil person on this earth and that evil 'in reality' does not exist.

I still stand by these words, for I believe all negative actions stem from ignorance, misunderstanding, reactions to a perceived threat, and negative personality traits which themselves stem from a mixture of one’s initial genetic personality and then shaped through experience.

I do however believe that there are many who have strayed to a point that they are incapable of being rehabilitated and therefore need to be dealt with in a way that they are no longer a threat to others.

I certainly to not believe in a blind faith in everybody’s higher reasoning. I do believe we all have it, but I also believe there do exist many who are incapable of reaching it. In the more utopian world I envisage though I think children will have a much better chance of being raised so that they are less likely to develop such dysfunctional problems, and I believe in a more utopian world there will be far less situations present which will exacerbate any negative personality traits to the point where they cause the individual to act in a negative way toward others.

On a certain level I understand why you believe that and I assume you will not see it in any other way. Your 'enlightenment' has convinced you of this and the reasons why you believe this are so complex that it would have to take a thread all on it's own to be able to go into it.

I am not by any means even close to enlightenment. I have many flaws (on many different levels
) but I have seen the damage a fear based society can do which is why I seek something different. Maybe I just have a little more faith that the greater good in humanity will eventually win through....

That being said. I have met 'evil' people and a very small number who have proclaimed themselves to be evil and do not have a problem with it. They are in psychological terms called psychopaths. They are also, in powerful circles, largely running the planet. They are not living in ignorance or misunderstanding of themselves or the truth of their core being. They are what they are.

Evil is very subjective and who draws the line of what is and isn’t evil. Psychopaths have an untreatable mental disorder in which they are unable to empathise with their fellow humans. This in turn allows them to commit atrocious deeds a conscious holding them back. Most actually so lead relatively ‘normal’ lives - a guy I went to school with’s wife was a clinically diagnosed psychopath. Obviously if they do behave negatively to a point it harms others they have to be dealt with like anyone else. As for those people who you describe as evil, they’re the one I mean whose personalities are flawed beyond reprieve.

As for the powerful circles, I have seen no proof it exists beyond those that are very clearly seen e.g. governments etc. but I don’t deny it’s a possibility. But if they do exist and their actions are motivated from any source other than peace love or prosperity for all then I would say they are ignorant of their core being (but these are just my beliefs). But fear and its propagation through the masses would surely be the chief tool in their arsenal to achieve whatever twisted agenda they might have.

What is going on on this precious planet earth on a spiritual level is very complex and discernment is never a bad thing. Discernment in these times is extremely important. Peace.

Again I completely agree.

Look, I’m not some navel gazing indigo child type who believes that we can solve everyproblem simply send out ‘good vibes’. People have to wake up and realise what a ride the government and media is taking them for. But they also need to be aware that the Earth’s gonna reach a point sooner or later when our entire sociological, political and economic culture is going to have to change otherwise we will descend into that which we most fear e.g apocalypse. We have to decide what kind of world we want to live in and start acting accordingly. And those actions start from how we treat each other to how to who we vote for and what we’re willing to make a stand for.

Hopefully you see where I’m coming from now. Peace

edit on 27/1/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:14 PM
With all that has and has not been said thus far, all I have to offer as absolutely undeniable is this: We are making the transition to a type 1(planetary) civilization.
On a side note...
Personally, I'm excited and honored to be here today, not just because I'm an Aquarius, but because this is an epic moment in human history. It's been said that History is just a big lie that everyone can agree on. It's also been said that history is written by the victors. Let this history not be written by the victors of a war, but by us as a race, Victory of War itself.

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