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Georgia Mom Arrested for Allowing 10-Year-Old to Get Tattoo

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posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by miconATSrender

ya i get the rights thing, but i think the welfare,and the future of my child trumps that in this case.
well friend, i live in canada wher all my rights still exist, and it against the law to tattoo anyone under 18.
16 with a note from mommy,but most of the respectable artists i know won't work on toy unless you can prove your 18. this is not a freedom of rights thing, its a right or wrong thing, ok. thats all i'm saying.
what will she do for her son next,let him get branded? maybe some cuttings,or scarification! maybe he can get his nipple pierced next. those ball bearing implants are pretty snazzy!
trust me, i work in this industry, and there is a line i don't cross with adults,because i have too much respect for my artwork,and my reputation. i've been working for almost 20 years and there is stuff i refuse to do,and tattooing 10 year old boys is definately one of them!
if he wanted, his mom could have asked the artist to do a drawing or a painting for his dead brother for a memorial,then when he turned 18,if he still wanted ink,well go get it. easy as that.
my son is 13,and if someone ever tried to tattoo him, i would be doing a life sentance.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by CoolStoryMan

It could be the reason that the cops were not there to catch the drunken driver as they were to busy enforcing other mindless laws that our forefathers did not pass when setting up the countries laws for the land of the free!

I cannot believe many posters duh its the law she should have known better. Our country was forged by people who knew they wanted their personal freedoms. The reason we found the west and settled it was to get away from silly people and their laws. Problem there is no longer a new west to get away from you sheeples......

Just because I voted for someone to go into office I did not vote him to pass laws to limit my freedom whilst not given me a chance to veto the law.

What ever this lady did with her son was what they both wanted not anyone heres business to pass judgment on. Many young people have multiple piercings some are so dangerous IMHO where as if a teacher LOL grabbed a kid by the ear like in my time that ear would have fallen off because of the dotted line of earrings.... But you know what just because I don't like that does not mean I won't defend to the death your right to live like that. Wait a min I did serve..... This laws was passed in 2010! What was the spirit of this law. I love to hear the reasoning of it passing. Was there a rash of young people getting Tats? But many piercings are okay?

I did not serve so that future law makers can make laws that curtail our freedom that go against the founding fathers dream of freedom that so many young died to protect. LOL it seems like our enemies should put down their weapons migrate to America and get into law and pass similar laws.... Seems to make more sense making war obsolete! After all we had two terms in California by a none native..... Pass enough laws and the enemy can really put America in a dark place....

Silo you have my vote for as many Stars I could give you and our supporters for freedom and personal choice but only have one flag to wave for our camp....

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 03:38 PM
I so wish that we could start colonizing other planets.

So all these personal freedom - - no laws in civilization people - - had somewhere to go and figure out their own world.

There are reasons for laws. The more and closer people gather together - - the more laws you are gonna have.

That is called civilization.

Or maybe a time machine to send them back to the days of lawlessness. They might have a change of thought after that.

It is kind of sad kids need to be protected from parents - - - but if they didn't - - - those laws would not exist.

edit on 22-1-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Annee
I so wish that we could start colonizing other planets.

So all these personal freedom - - no laws in civilization people - - had somewhere to go and figure out their own world.

We did leave you -> followed!

You were not invited...

We did the work and the freedom and independents attracted you to follow that is AFTER THE Work was done civilizing the new west. We left did the work YOU followed.... Then you wanted your laws.... I wish there was a new west that people who want to bring "Their" laws that would trap them so when we found California you stayed behind. When I go home I am one of the few native born people in that area..... hmmm hope you got the history lesson.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Maslo

Originally posted by VerityPhantom
In my opinion I think that she shouldn't have been arrested it's only taboo in America to have a minor get tattooed when in other countries children have to walk on hot coals to enter manhood or their necks are elongated for tradition.

So is that supposed to be an argument against government intervention? Because highlighting parental stupidity that occurs around the world achieves exactly the opposite. For the record, I dont think she should be punished.

Why yes it is suppose to be an argument over that... I say let stupid parents be stupid. If the kid got a tattoo that held meaning for him then "MINDCHER' OWN BIZNIZ GUBBAMENT!"

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by IceHappy

Originally posted by Annee
I so wish that we could start colonizing other planets.

So all these personal freedom - - no laws in civilization people - - had somewhere to go and figure out their own world.

We did leave you -> followed!

You were not invited...

We did the work and the freedom and independents attracted you to follow that is AFTER THE Work was done civilizing the new west. We left did the work YOU followed.... Then you wanted your laws.... I wish there was a new west that people who want to bring "Their" laws that would trap them so when we found California you stayed behind. When I go home I am one of the few native born people in that area..... hmmm hope you got the history lesson.

Please explain your post.

Thank you.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:19 PM
Heres what gets me with this and why our government really seriously frustrates the absolute hell out of me.

This same mother per our government has the "choice" to abort this same child while he's in her stomach. Nothing can be done about that, because its simply her "choice"

This same mother can decide and make the "choice" to allow her child, boy or girl, to get a piercing anywhere on their body as long as she gives consent.

But this same mother cannot have the "choice" of allowing this same child to have a tattoo....a tattoo that is his "choice" to do on his own body. She has the choice to do what she wants with her body and abort him..but he does not have the same choice to do what he wants with his own body and get a tattoo. ?????

the excuse that 10 is to young to make that kind of decision is not a good enough excuse...I know many 10 year olds who are much more mature and capable of making decisions that many 30-40 year olds and definitely more so that 18 year olds.

If the government wants to raise our children for us...then I hope they are willing to start forking over the freaking money to raise them!

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Submarines

Has it ever occurred to you, that when it comes to another parents children, your opinion is irrelevant? Because it is. It does not matter if you agree or disagree with what the Mother allowed her son to do, she should have the freedom to make such judgements for her children.

So then, according to your train of thought, if I decied I want my 10 year old son to have sex, because he wanted to, or if he wanted to get drunk or to experiment with drugs because he wanted to that it is my call.

So that would be alright then?

Dude, seriously you're sick. I can't believe you just said you want to diddle your own children. Really guy, get some help.
edit on 2/10/2012 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by blupblup

Actually YES.

I'm talking about physical and sexual abuse of a child.
If you don't think the police (state) and social services (state) should step in in such instances, then you need your head looking at.

I'm not talking about parents smoking or playing loud music.

I'm talking parents beating and sexually abusing their kids.... which is why I said there are SOME instances where children need to be removed from parents.


The moment you allow the State to step in and "protect the children" you are setting a precedent that says it is Ok for the State to make parenting decisions for us. Then some years down the line, people continue adding to the definition of "protecting the children," and before you know it, you cannot make any decisions as a parent without someone reporting you to social services. Then all of society is restructured into a nanny's wet-dream to "protect the children" and we wind up defending our own enslavement because we want to "protect the chidlren."

If you know someone who is abusing their children, don't call the Cops. Leave the State out of it. Dress up as a ninja and take them out covertly.

Its the only way.
edit on 2/10/2012 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by silo13

Uh.. get real OP. She says you have your whole life to get a tattoo in remembrance of your brother. The tattoo artist is at fault too.

She shouldn't get in major trouble, but it is completely ignorant on her part. A sufficient punishment would be to observe her for a bit and see where else her judgement is lacking

I am all for liberty and raising our kids without government interference, but don't let that blind you to a possible dangerous situation for a kid. Not that this is one of those situations, but it is borderline. A good parent would tell the child to wait. A kid could say he wants a tattoo for his brother, but let's be honest the most likely scenario is that he thinks it's cool. Tell the kid he has to wait until he is older. Do you guys seriously think this kid is old enough to be trusted with a life long decision?
edit on 10-2-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by silo13

Uh.. get real OP. She says you have your whole life to get a tattoo in remembrance of your brother. The tattoo artist is at fault too.

She shouldn't get in major trouble, but it is completely ignorant on her part. A sufficient punishment would be to observe her for a bit and see where else her judgement is lacking.

That sounds reasonable, but we all know the government is never reasonable. Once they decide to observe her, then every little thing comes under scrutiny, and stuff that is normal to most parents becomes suspect, and the only outcome is that she loses the kids and gets deeper and deeper into the system, and eventually her and her kids become wards of the state.

Nope, they should not even involve themselves in this woman's life in any way.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Even though she has lost a son (that sounds harsh, but we don't know the circumstances, and I doubt she will read this so I am being honest. Could have been absolutely nothing she could have done) and then she lets a ten year old get a very large tattoo in a spot that is impossible to hide without full sleeves?

Her judgement is in question and there is more than enough reason to look into it. I feel the same way about the government interfering, but I honestly don't know what to do in this situation. It's tricky. I mean where the kid got that tattoo is notoriously a place that hurts employment opportunity.

Also.. worth considering how the tattoo was paid for (no intended implication, just a question) because that big of a tattoo would be expensive which would make for extra consideration by the parent as to whether or not it was necessary. If it was cheap or free, then you would want to investigate the safety of the circumstances. Was the equipment clean, did she put her kid at risk of disease?
edit on 10-2-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:22 AM
Guys its GEORGIA .... hell they vote for republicans here, what do you expect?

there is no medical pot either.. nor gay marriage...

but you can chew dip and hunt lol

damn rednecks... sigh....

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by hisshadow

Haha.. asking for it with the republican line. A lot of use are planning on voting for a particular republican this year (though definitely not the same one as Georgia). let's be honest, dems are noooo better.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 02:23 AM
Just a little update.
I know this isn't 'Georgia' - but it's interesting none the less.

Tattoos for teens made legal in Mass. town

A Massachusetts town has made it legal for children as young as 14 to get tattoos.

The Webster Board of Health this week voted to allow children ages 14 to 17 to get tattoos from licensed artists if they have written consent from a parent or guardian who also accompanies them to the tattoo parlor.

Board member Nancie Zecco tells The Telegram & Gazette (http://(link tracking not allowed)/HsJkbi) the goal is to prevent teens from going to unlicensed artists, which can spread HIV, hepatitis and infections.

Interesting in the least. Finally a law to help stop HIV/Hep/Infections and 'allow' people rights to their own body. (end half /sarcasm).


posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 02:54 AM
Its all this guys fault.

I knew this would happen as soon as this album came out.

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