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Georgia Mom Arrested for Allowing 10-Year-Old to Get Tattoo

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posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by insanedr4gon

Part of the overreach of the State is the army of people in the schools looking for possible parental abuse. This started when social workers began to look for signs of abuse. They work for the State, not for the family.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Yes, I hear you. I am sure it is the same thing with all the states. We cannot keep up with the laws. I am deeply concerned about the rise of the Nanny State and especially those which take away the parental rights of guardianship. In the UK they have Nanny Cams installed in some homes to make sure the kids are eating properly. Is that the kind of society we want? It's a far cry from the individual rights our Founding Fathers envisioned. In the pioneer days, a 10 yr old might be wielding a gun for the protection of his own family from a bear, and of course things have changed since then, but I think we have lost our common sense. In fact my own ancestor fought in the Revolutionary War at age 14

I sometimes feel their are cams in all homes (through modems and other hidden technologies most of us aren't fully aware of)

I agree that the government won't take care of children any better..and the parent does have the right to parent their child as they see a point.

There are parents out their who put there child in cages all day, and feed them scraps.. There are parents out there who feel it is acceptable to have sex with their 5 year olds..

There are parents who feel their children were born to do all the chores in the home , so they can sit and get drunk and watch football all day.

I guess what I'm saying is there a fine balance between allowing parents the freedom to parent their kids how they see fit, and advocating for a child who is under the guardianship of seriously flawed parenting.

I think arresting this mother was going to an extreme... but I do think that children at the age of 10 should not be getting tattoos.. there are other ways to memorialize someone .

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

You sound a lot like Obama at the Saddleback forum. Sorry, he is so Statist and so anti American family regardless of how he parades his children in front of the cameras. He clearly believes the govt has more right to parental decisions than parents do.
Did you agree with Rick Perry that girls should be forced to be vaccinated with Gardasil ? He may have lost his bid for President over that issue but somehow Obama's Statism seems fine with so many.
You may be right about the possibility of hidden cameras, as we saw in the case of the school monitoring kids at home with the laptop cams. That was so invasive, and they were not told beforehand. There is no excuse for that. However, I think at present we have more of a chance of getting our electric monitored with Smart grid meters than with hidden cameras placed by homebuilders.
And what's with the heart monitors at schools now? Schoolyards with prison style chain link fences? Was that to keep kids from skiipping classes after lunch or for locking down the schools lest a kid should be running around with a gun? Or for whisking the kids away during a terrorist attack, to an undisclosed location where even the parent cannot join them?
The plan of Statism is always to separate the kids from the parents, whether by physical force(how about at the gulags and internment camps the kids were kept in separate quarters often) or in values clarification where the values of the parents are extracted from the children and declared to be not valuable in the child's learning process, or in the case of abortion, the new thing is to not inform the parent.

According to Katherine Albrect, author of "Spychips", the future of rfid will be kitchen cabinets which inform a physician that his patient has not taken his meds that day, or a refridgerator which tells you whether you are out of milk. Some of these applications are already patented by corporations. I think I can judge for my self if I'm out of milk. I don't need a refridgerator to tell me that. But a cabinet that tattles on it's owner by alerting a physician, that's way over the top for me.

edit on 21-1-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
I wasn't suggesting the state take the kid, just that the mother get checked out good before they let her resume normal family life. A mother letting a 10 year old do such a thing is not normal. I'd like to know what she was thinking. That's just it - she wasn't thinking. I'd want to ensure the mother has the correct parenting skills so she won't make the same mistake twice. Nothing big brother about that.

Having to deal with the tragic loss of one child, while trying to remain strong enough to comfort your other very young child and help him to find a way cope with such an enormous life altering loss and eventually find a way back to some sense of a normal life for his future, is not by any stretch of the imagination "normal". For most parents the loss of a child is their worst nightmare.

That is an important element of this issue that those expressing similar views to yours don't seem to factor in. As a parent I know I would do just about anything it took to help my remaining child recover from something so unimaginable, so he would eventually start to feel that life has some normality again.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by miconATSrender

how about you put your precious bill of rights behind you ( your government has years ago0 and think what is best for the child, and the responsibility of the parent to protect their child. to me,that childs welfare is worth more than the $50 the stupid artist made. why don't you see if you can find a photo of the masterpiece this 'artist' did on this child. i'm sure it its breathtaking. as any real tattoo artist out there knows that this boys skin is going to grow,and expand as he gets older,ant the 'artwork' will as well and distort.
are you that much of a moron that you have to attack me with such flimsy comebacks,seriously.
i work in this profession,and if people choose not to be responsible for their children,let them do the absurd,well i'm glad i do work in a profession with people who are professional enough NOT TO TATTOO 10 YEAR OLD CHILDREN.

your attitude is alarming. get the kid a stick on tattoo,mine and the rest of the kids i know are happy with that.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 12:36 PM
To make a quick comment, I think the tattoo artist should also be held responsible as well as the mother.

I also think this kid is pretty smart. I think he wanted to get a tattoo and figured out how to persuade his mother. Considering his brother died two years ago, if he had asked to get a tattoo at 8, would it still be acceptable?

I will admit to being confused. Why is it illegal to allow a kid to get a tattoo, but giving your little girl Botox is considered OK
Why aren't the cops arresting the Botox injecting mom?

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by reficul
. . . as any real tattoo artist out there knows that this boys skin is going to grow, and expand as he gets older, and the 'artwork' will as well and distort.

. . . I work in this profession, and if people choose not to be responsible for their children, let them do the absurd, well I'm glad I do work in a profession with people who are professional enough NOT TO TATTOO 10 YEAR OLD CHILDREN.

Your attitude is alarming. Get the kid a stick on tattoo, mine and the rest of the kids I know are happy with that.

Thank you. I've been waiting for someone like you to post in this thread.

The Self-Entitlement attitude with no responsibility behind it - is insane.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
To make a quick comment, I think the tattoo artist should also be held responsible as well as the mother.

Law is going after the artist.

I will admit to being confused. Why is it illegal to allow a kid to get a tattoo, but giving your little girl Botox is considered OK.

Because laws are usually made as a result of an incident. Something happened that Georgia felt the need to enact a law in 2010 to protect minors from being tattooed.

Now that a mother was found to be injecting Botox into her minor child - - - laws most likely will be made to prevent it.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Annee

thanck you for your sanity and sense of what is correct!

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 01:29 PM
Blatant child abuse.
I hope she goes to jail.
And I too agree with Afterthought, the needle sticker should be held as an accessory to the crime.

edit on 21-1-2012 by Violater1 because: STAR to AFTERTHOUGHT

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Yes, I hear you. I am sure it is the same thing with all the states. We cannot keep up with the laws. I am deeply concerned about the rise of the Nanny State and especially those which take away the parental rights of guardianship. In the UK they have Nanny Cams installed in some homes to make sure the kids are eating properly. Is that the kind of society we want? It's a far cry from the individual rights our Founding Fathers envisioned. In the pioneer days, a 10 yr old might be wielding a gun for the protection of his own family from a bear, and of course things have changed since then, but I think we have lost our common sense.
In fact my own ancestor fought in the Revolutionary War at age 14...
edit on 21-1-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)
we need to fight child protective services - - day care in the state of georgia is a booming business as is foster care - - -

also, in georgia if you are a convicted felon (and i am not talking about acts of violence) - i'm talking about drug users who because of an addiction - which, as you are aware, is the intended result of our government - kinda frustrating -

but, things are the way they are, eh?

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Annee

Law is going after the artist.

Thanks for bringing me up to speed and I'm glad to hear the artist is going to be held responsible, too.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 02:04 PM
Lol, wow. What's the big deal? Isn't there a bunch of kids that do this and worse in indigenous tribes? Poor lady, hopefully cps let's her keep her kids.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by silo13

How the hell is it insane? I'll tell you what's insane, her letting her son get a tattoo...they should strip her of custody and put him in a adoption home.

And to top it off whoever gave this kid a tattoo should be put in jail, 10 years old hes not even halfway done growing his skin will expand that tattoo will expand as well, be lookin like a moron. There is a reason you have to be 18 to get a tattoo.
edit on 21-1-2012 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Submarines
Not only was I shocked, but I was speechless!

What shocked me even more was your post! I can't believe that you have a problem with the arrest of a mother who allowed a TEN YEAR OLD CHILD to be permanently tattooed.

Please tell me, someone, that I'm not the only one here that has a problem with this!

Don't worry your not the only sane person left on ats.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz
reply to post by silo13

How the hell is it insane? I'll tell you what's insane, her letting her son get a tattoo...they should strip her of custody and put him in a adoption home.

And to top it off whoever gave this kid a tattoo should be put in jail, 10 years old hes not even halfway done growing his skin will expand that tattoo will expand as well, be lookin like a moron. There is a reason you have to be 18 to get a tattoo.
edit on 21-1-2012 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

So he can be sexually assaulted as frequently happens in foster care? For me the tattoo itself is not the issue it's the idea that as parents we have no rights whatsoever to our children yet we held responsible for their actions. If we take them to school and they duck out the back they want to put the parents in jail. If the kids hold a party while we're at work and someone brings in beer and a car accident or alcohol poisoning occurs they want to arrest us. They want to tell us what we're allowed to feed our children etc. We as parents have no constitutional rights to our children we are like babysitters for the state. I personally dont think tattooing a 10 year old is a good thing-he might change his mind about later-but I dont think thats any worse than piercing a childs ears or putting them in pagaent or making them dance 8 hours a day so they can win competitions. No one is calling the CPS on the Dance Moms or the ones on Toddlers and Tiaras.


posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 03:02 PM
As a former professional tattoo artist and a shop manager for many years,in the state of Georgia, I can say that I have personally had multiple clients come in and request similar things of me. I would always refer them to the law then tell them of my ethical stance on tattooing children. The whole physician osteopath clause in the law is pretty much solely for reconstructive surgery. Such as tattooing a nipple on someone's chest if they had been in an accident or had a medical condition that required removing it, things like that.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by reficul
reply to post by miconATSrender

how about you put your precious bill of rights behind you ( your government has years ago0 and think what is best for the child, and the responsibility of the parent to protect their child. to me,that childs welfare is worth more than the $50 the stupid artist made. why don't you see if you can find a photo of the masterpiece this 'artist' did on this child. i'm sure it its breathtaking. as any real tattoo artist out there knows that this boys skin is going to grow,and expand as he gets older,ant the 'artwork' will as well and distort.
are you that much of a moron that you have to attack me with such flimsy comebacks,seriously.
i work in this profession,and if people choose not to be responsible for their children,let them do the absurd,well i'm glad i do work in a profession with people who are professional enough NOT TO TATTOO 10 YEAR OLD CHILDREN.

your attitude is alarming. get the kid a stick on tattoo,mine and the rest of the kids i know are happy with that.

Well, how about, no. I will not disregard my Bill of Rights.
So you would not tattoo anyone under 18 even if there was no law on the books. I believe you should have the right to do that.
I think you are alarmed by people who stand for freedom and liberty. Since that is my attitude.
Did I attack you? That is an interesting concept there. I think I did say its foolish comparing a tattoo to a gun or getting laid if i am not mistaken. And if I was mistaken or misread your stance and referred to you as a totalitarianism lover. I apologize.

Oh and I thought I was clear as a bell, I would not let my child have one. But that is just me. I will not force my ideals on anyone or have them arrested if they do something I personally would not do.

And I for sure am not for stealing their livelihood from them for it. Although I bet it was a hack job in a back alley, because its illegal. So your concern about HIV and Hep is apt.

And it would seem that you are in a country that is ruled by totalitarianism since you don't have a Bill of Rights or Constitution. Since you said it was mine and my government. Now it makes more since. You are not American. But hey thats cool. We still remember freedom and want it.
Peace, seriously.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 04:27 PM
Some tribes in the Amazon tatoo their children at birth...better go arrest them parents

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by aprilc1

Well if you raise your kids right, you won't have problems like them skipping school or whatever. People just don't know how to put their foot down. Your the boss not the kid. That is what's wrong with kids these days, their parents let them step all over them. Then there is friends of the kids, you need to watch them more than anybody. If their friends are bad cases then you keep them the hell away from them so they can't influence your kid. There are millions of ways to get around having bad kids, you just have to have the patience and do it right.

and you don't have to whip your kid to teach him a lesson, learn how to be intimidating.
edit on 21-1-2012 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

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