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Is "Anonymous" fake? Seems like something out of "1984", the book

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posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:01 AM
Could the govt. control the opposition as well? Fake cyber attacks.

Seems almost childlike. If people think there is some resistance, they sit back and do nothing.

Just a thought, or just a rant.---------------------------

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:08 AM
I know its made up of some real people who are genuinely passionate about activism, but due to their anonymity anybody can pose as a member of anon and slander the groups name by any means they can to further their own agenda like increasing control or censorship of the free web or whatever.

edit on 20-1-2012 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by wonhunlo

I have always thought this, Some of the stuff they hack is not in tune with the cause of liberty and justice for all. The fact that they "claimed" that they were going to hack the Iowa caucas tells me that it is the government behind them. Ron Paul should've won and because of the "threat" from Anonymous, they moved the vote "counting" to an undisclosed location where they were able to cook the numbers and fraudulently steal the election from him, and I've even seen some videos of Anonymous speaking negatively towards Dr. Paul. Anyone who speaks against Dr. Paul is no friend of liberty and is probably bought off by the establishment. If it smells like government corruption and infiltration, my experience has been that it probably is.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by wonhunlo

Yeah they really exist. I am in the I.T industry and a few years ago met a person named Pete at a bar in Sydney who claimed to be in the group. Claimed he was actually trained by Julian in Melbourne. Who knows if he was full of it or what. He claimed the group is large but very loose. In other words not as tight as al-Qaeda but functional. So yeah i believe they are real but how much they "Take orders from above" or "run their own race" I do not know!

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by phatpackage
reply to post by wonhunlo

Yeah they really exist. I am in the I.T industry and a few years ago met a person named Pete at a bar in Sydney who claimed to be in the group. Claimed he was actually trained by Julian in Melbourne. Who knows if he was full of it or what. He claimed the group is large but very loose. In other words not as tight as al-Qaeda but functional. So yeah i believe they are real but how much they "Take orders from above" or "run their own race" I do not know!

That's not how anonymous works

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:33 AM
I wrote it before in another topic about "Anonymous": It's just a bunch of hacker- and 1337-Nerds, mostly from 4Chan who watched Matrix too often and read too many superhero comics.
The only reason they get so much attention ist because
a) the Mainstream media today pinpoints every "Hacker attack" to "Anonymous" (and most of those "Hackers" who were caught by the Police were between 15 and 21 years old)
and b) They are somehow rather popular here on ATS - for whatver reason.

So far "Anynomous" was all talk, they haven't done anything worthwile, they haven't done anything worth talking about. I guess in 2-3 years they will be vanished, some of them will grow up and look laughing back at the crap they did.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by OmegaOwl

OK provide names, places and people involved and I will believe you. Until then Pete over rules you by a long way! But I am open to change opinion if you provide all the proof! It's up to you!

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 08:19 AM
The answer to this is both yes and no.

My own belief is that Anon is primarily made up of young people, who while having good intentions, function mainly on the basis of their emotions, and don't exercise a lot of discernment, or have a lot of knowledge about how the world really works.

As a result of this, I think it is possible for Anonymous to be duped and hijacked into supporting causes, and taking actions, which in reality further and support the causes of the exact people, that Anonymous themselves think they are fighting. In hindsight, I think #opegypt and the Egyptian revolution was a case in point.

My opinion about the Arab Spring is that it was largely a case of the cabal wanting to replace old Arab despots, with others who hadn't committed so many visible attrocities, and who didn't have such negative history with their populations, so that they would be easier to manipulate. You can see this borne out by the fact that things ultimately haven't improved much in Egypt after Mubarak left; the army just took over, and then it was more or less business as usual.

So that is the real issue with Anonymous. They have libertarian/anarchic intentions, like I said; but because they operate primarily on the basis of emotion and reflex, rather than logic, they usually end up actually being pawns in the Problem-Reaction-Solution game.

The current DDoS retaliation over MegaUpload is a classic case in point. The reaction of the fascists who were trying to push SOPA/PIPA through, will be to simply feel more justified, in response to Anonymous' actions. What weshould really be doing, is attempting to demonstrate to governments that the Internet using population are sufficiently responsible and mature on our own, that we don't NEED their attempts at regulation. Behaving like militant 14 year olds is entirely the wrong approach.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by wonhunlo

Anonymous is not fake. I assure you some of the people involved with that group are very real. And very talented with a keyboard.
I do think some of their supposed exploits are over-hyped though, and certainly some "hacks" especially some DDoS attacks attributed to them are actually some younger kids trying to prove they know how to play with C and C++ or something like that.

I have my doubts that anonymous had anything to do with this weeks DDoS attack on the White House site either. Not their MO. A major file sharing site might have just been shut down, but SOPA and PIPA were both nearly dead at that point not to mention the WH had already stated it was against the legislation as it was written.

So the group is real. But not everything that hacks is from that group.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by phatpackage
reply to post by OmegaOwl

OK provide names, places and people involved and I will believe you. Until then Pete over rules you by a long way! But I am open to change opinion if you provide all the proof! It's up to you!

Its called Anonymous, I don't know any names or people.
Thats the intention, thats how it works.

The entire point of Anonymous is to operate

Hence the name Anonymous.
Anybody and everybody is anonymous.
Membership consists of simply agreeing with whatever ideas or views they had at that particular time.
The name Anonymous is a lot like the Jolly Roger, a flag.
Not an organization, there is almost no organization.

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by OmegaOwl

Not an organization, there is almost no organization.

The exact point made.

In other words not as tight as al-Qaeda but functional. So yeah i believe they are real but how much they "Take orders from above" or "run their own race" I do not know!

Is my quote above not the same thing?

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