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China's Savage War With Space Aliens

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Phantom traveller
I think this guy is looking for a Hollywood contract for a sci-fi show...

If there is a lot of truth in his stories that TPTB want suppressed, he'll probably get his contract too.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

And regarding 12 foot giants, they'd have bones and skeletons after they died, right? If we found 12 foot tall giant skeletons, would that not be proof that there were 12 foot tall giants?

If you live in a world where you can't prove anything, you don't live in the same world as I do, where you CAN prove things.

Well, only if the those bones had the chance to fossilize. its not like we've found every single set of dinosaur bones that ever existed right? What about the threads talking about the giant footprints?
edit on 18-1-2012 by Gwampo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:35 AM
There seems to have been a race of giants alright.....
They apear in lots of mythologies and oral histories.
The natives of N America only defeated the last of them just before the white men arrived......
They trapped the last of them in a cave and set fire outside to kill them off.......
This cave has been pointed out and discovered as far as ive heard.....

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by stirling

nice story (the cave and its known location), any source for that?
edit on 18-1-2012 by Hessdalen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Hessdalen

Hey the cave was in lovelock nevada, its a really cool story. ck-nevada.html

The remains were also found by miners, I'm not sure where they are now or if they have been DNA tested. Some even speculate that the giants were the offspring of fallen angels who mated with the "daughters of men" as told in the book of Enoch. Fascinating.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

....And regarding 12 foot giants, they'd have bones and skeletons after they died, right? If we found 12 foot tall giant skeletons, would that not be proof that there were 12 foot tall giants?

If you live in a world where you can't prove anything, you don't live in the same world as I do, where you CAN prove things.

Don't quote me on this but I feel fairly confident we (humans) haven't "Excavated" every square inch of the Earth. Now if we were living in a scenario where we had overturned every inch of dirt on Earth, as far down as possible and found nothing, I would then value and appreciate your argument that "if there were Giants, we would have found their bones."

Saying "I haven't found it so it obviously doesn't exist" is an utterly arrogant mindset and one of the main hindrances to exploring topics like ufos, ghosts, religion etc.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:00 PM
This is some interesting articles there. still i dont know how could humans drive off aliens who have the technology to travel through the galaxy and stuff. but very interesting

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by lapzod

I will go with the giants being the true sons of the gods you know,the other alien race who came before others.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:07 PM
Hi everyone - I rarely post on ATS and actually only have a cursory interest in the world of aliens, but something twigged me about this thread that I wanted to share (maybe I'll make a standalone post if people are interested, with better pictures).

A colleague and I trade clients. He was an archaeologist in China (Beijing) and spent years digging for fossils in Tibet. Since moving to (my first world country), he does a form of qi massage (actually, that's how we met). We got to talking one day about the jade he wears around his neck as it was so unusual. All of a sudden, he pulled out, like, half a dozen pieces of jade from pockets, etc. etc. It turns out that he is a certified antique jade collector, and is part of the major Chinese jade appraisers society, or whatever it's called. They trade the pieces among themselves, and he is contracted out to museums and retail stores to appraise pieces worth hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars. Our discussion focussed mainly on the chi that jade generates, so he said he'd bring some of his collection over for fun. Some of his own pieces were lent to a national museum in Beijing to be put on display.

He showed up with two huge shopping bags of jade, most of them hundreds to thousands of years old, neolithic, and he spent some time showing me the different ways they were carved (with hide, sand, etc.). All of a sudden, he pulled out a few really odd pieces, and said, "Oh - these are aliens."

His English is 'ok', so I asked him to repeat. With a deadly straight face, he said "Yes, Chinese believe that aliens were around a long time ago. We believe that they gave information all over the world about building pyramids, and other things. We believe they were giants and had big heads."

I had only my iPad available with crappy lighting and took some terrible shots of them that I can try to post here. I just emailed him to bring them back so I can photo them with my DSLR if anyone's interested.

What do you think? Again...I have totally no background in this stuff.

Ok, I'm apparently a noob with the photo thing so uploaded it to photobucket - that's allowed right??

Photobucket link to Chinese jade aliens

1) The crappy iPad picture shows 4 'aliens'. These are all quite antique. Two on the left are reptilian, with large eyes and tubes coming out of their head. The two on the right have large eyes - 1 has a wierd hat or split head or something.

2) The white one is more human-like, except for the exceptionally large eyes and flipper like arms (this was one shot I got with my DSLR the second time he came over, in sunlight).

When I have my colleague over, I'll get him to give me the dates and locations that they were found. Many of his pieces were found in Mongolia, others in random places around China. He says many are found in farmers' fields, ploughed over, or in tombs where they change color because of the chemicals in the soil that they are buried in.

Let me know if anyone's interested in me posting better shots of the other 4 - I won't waste my time if it's a no. Cheers!

edit on 18-1-2012 by Cascadian because: Picture link

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Cascadian

Photos man ..we are waiting

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Mkoll

I was wondering this also.
Perhaps it was the intention of the alien beings to either never kill us or to limit human casualties as much as possible, to the extent of leaving the planet. Maybe their goal was to convince us to serve them, and various groups of humans fought against them, at times killing them or at the very least becoming too much of a nuisance to bother with.

For example, if you're a scientist who goes into the middle of a jungle to study chimpanzees and rather than being able to observe or direct their behavior, they gang up on you and act aggressively towards you... You're probably going to leave. You will probably not want to kill them, be it for legal or moral reasons, despite having the technology to do so.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by AzureSky
That's whats great about the world. You cant prove or disprove anything

No one has all the answers, No one!

You cant prove aliens exist.
But you cant disprove it.
We've proven lots of things. If we really had an alien, dead or alive, it would be proof of their existence.

Even a video sort of like "alien autopsy" that wasn't a horrible fake would at least be something.

And regarding 12 foot giants, they'd have bones and skeletons after they died, right? If we found 12 foot tall giant skeletons, would that not be proof that there were 12 foot tall giants?

If you live in a world where you can't prove anything, you don't live in the same world as I do, where you CAN prove things.

Here is a newspaper clip from 1870 that claims that numerous giant skeletons have been found in late 19th century America. Remains of humans 9 to 12 feet tall have been found in sarcophaguses and burial mounds from Ohio to Arkansas. I won't sit here and tell you that these are absolute facts, but it is definitely food for thought.

My honest belief is that they did once exist, along with other species of civilized humans and aliens during ancient times and our minds have been wiped from the knowing of their existence either by worldwide political means or by the ancients during the time of their departure. That's why the sphinx's head has been changed to its current state.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:26 PM
These do not appear to me to be pipes. These are geological formations. The Eh-pH and geochemistry of the groundwater in the area changes with the fluctuation of the lake level. This changes the state of minerals in the groundwater. When the conditions are right, iron precipitates from the groundwater forming these shapes. Sometimes these formations follow cross- bedding planes. Sometimes they form around roots or disturbed areas like worm or rodent borrows. When the sandstone erodes around these concretions, they are exposed and interpreted as pipes. Probably hematite and silica sand.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:27 PM
Well, they were probably giant to them being smaller in stature but the giants were probably people from the Steppes. There are mummies of them. But the enslaving invaders? well I have nothing to add.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
That's whats great about the world. You cant prove or disprove anything

Yeah right and yet here you are using computing technology based on scientific principles that "proved how electronics works".

No one has all the answers, No one!

You cant prove aliens exist.
But you cant disprove it.

You cant prove god
Nor Disprove.

The lists go on. Its very fun to speculate and try to find the hidden truth to it all. I think the secrets lay in gnosticism, and early religions (like that of egypt).

I'de like to get my hands on the book that talks about giants though, wonder if we can get those texts.

hmmm I wonder why god appeared in there alongside the premise that anyone who believes in aliens in China MUST by inference believe in God.

Good try BUT you miss the salient point : You cannot prove a negative therefore you can only move forwards by accepting evidence and put everything else into the "belief" bucket. So without evidence of aliens in China it is no more credible than any other science fiction story as is the bible (yes the bible is science fiction - immortality, healing by touch, conversion of matter from one form to another -loaves and fishes etc etc)

So a "man" writes down on paper/parchment/whatever a story. That story is either true (backed up by evidence) or not. No evidence does not mean it is not true merely as credible as any novel.

Bible - written by man.
Gnostic gospels - written by man.
China aliens - written by man.

Funnily enough one aspect of "evidence" is cross reference information from multiple sources especially when those sources would be expected to be in conflict. Hence : BBC is "full of lies" (but just happens to match stories from Russia, China etc on some subjects ..... duh face slap!). On religion we have the bible (old Jewish + christian), new (christian) and Koran. Cross referencing uncovers basic tribal conflict and key personalities ie Jesus Christ was obviously a real person! Yes me the atheist recognises that it is highly likely Jesus Christ was a real person........but only a man!

The list goes on but the parts labelled "unknown" is shrinking and the parts that come off are never ever labelled "made in heaven by god". Not one ever. Zilch zero. As in DUH!

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Gwampo
Well, only if the those bones had the chance to fossilize. its not like we've found every single set of dinosaur bones that ever existed right? What about the threads talking about the giant footprints?
You're right we don't find fossils of everything which is why I said finding 12 foot tall fossils would be proof, and I didn't say failure to find 12 foot fossils would be proof of non-existence.

I've seen bones distorted in the fossilization process, but never anything like a 6 foot skeleton doubling in length. On the other hand, I've seen cases where footprints have changed in size significantly, for they are much more susceptible to the environment (like rain, etc) than bones are.

And if you're talking about this:

As far as I know humans have always had 5 toes, so it doesn't look like a human footprint made by giant humans. I'm not even sure it's a footprint. As a human is walking in soft ground that leaves an impression, the print that's left will tend to blend the toes into the foot a little better that thant with the rest of the foot, because of how the weight shifts when walking, as seen below.

I expect a human footprint to look more like these fossilized human footprints:

Note how not only does it have five toes, but each toe doesn't make a separate oval impression as in the above photo. Notice how in this fossil the toes seem connected to the foot, but in the other photo, they don't?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Watts
Saying "I haven't found it so it obviously doesn't exist" is an utterly arrogant mindset and one of the main hindrances to exploring topics like ufos, ghosts, religion etc.
Who said that?

Not me.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

so you like big feet huh?

Check this so called fossilized footprint of a giant in South Africa in an undisclosued location.

I'm not sure what I think of Michael Tellinger. His theroies are very interesting.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by MrSpiderMonkey
reply to post by Arbitrageur

so you like big feet huh?

Check this so called fossilized footprint of a giant in South Africa in an undisclosued location.

I'm not sure what I think of Michael Tellinger. His theroies are very interesting.


Granitic rocks do not expose themselves to conditions where a foot can be imprinted.

Granitic rocks form deep within the earth at temperatures around 2000 degrees F. Granite forms very slowly over thousands of years. This is why granites are coarse grained with phenocrysts. This Giant with big feet would have to be underground about 10 to 20 km under pressures of well over 50,000 psi, and endure temperatures around 2000 degrees. Talk about a hot head....Geez.
edit on 18-1-2012 by consciousgod because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Watts

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

....And regarding 12 foot giants, they'd have bones and skeletons after they died, right? If we found 12 foot tall giant skeletons, would that not be proof that there were 12 foot tall giants?

If you live in a world where you can't prove anything, you don't live in the same world as I do, where you CAN prove things.

Don't quote me on this but I feel fairly confident we (humans) haven't "Excavated" every square inch of the Earth. Now if we were living in a scenario where we had overturned every inch of dirt on Earth, as far down as possible and found nothing, I would then value and appreciate your argument that "if there were Giants, we would have found their bones."

Saying "I haven't found it so it obviously doesn't exist" is an utterly arrogant mindset and one of the main hindrances to exploring topics like ufos, ghosts, religion etc.

You took the words right out of my mouth!

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