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Strange sounds 2012 The Pas Manitoba, Canada

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Komodo

well, I just watched the Mexico video again, the shack has electricity, so they could play the sound without problem (similar like the guy played it in the car with iPod and filmed it with camera)...

also, the sound is much quieter when the person goes to another room, and after he/she returns (at 1:40) the sound is very loud... this means the source of the sound is in the shack...

I could be wrong, but I believe this is the case...

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:15 AM
The first one in manitoba sounds like a road is being scraped or a roller is in use .
Sounds like it could be paving equipment or a snow plough.

It's heavy machinery, you can hear the squeel of the metal turning, like a roller does.

edit on 18-1-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:36 AM
ATS has taught me that aliens used to build awesome things like pyramids and giant stone structures, and pictographs out in the desert for "navigation", but now they just kidnap people in their sleep, ram things up their butts, make inexplicable noises around the world, and fly around allowing only the worst of camera men/women to film them.

This whole series of videos seems like a hoax. The way the camera persons swing back and forth wildly, to film nothing seems all too hollywood dramatic. As someone said earlier there must be another dozen alien invasion movies about to be released this year, and this is just a viral marketing campaign.
edit on 18-1-2012 by kingofmd because: spelling

edit on 18-1-2012 by kingofmd because: spelling

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I call BS on at least two of these videos.
At the 3 sec mark you can hear what sounds like a dinner plate being struck by a knife or fork. Exact sounds IMO.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:03 AM
Reminds me of when I used to live a few miles away from a big railway shunting yard- at night you would get this strange howling/scraping/squeaking sound floating across the city. Im guessing it was the old carriages being moved that had been sitting for a while and their brakes were stuck on or rusty bearings.

The 'mystery' sounds definitely have a metallic / old machinery edge to them. Im sure it would be unnerving to hear it for real, however, Im on the side of hoax, as the sounds are too similar.

Ive been looking at the you tube accounts of the people posting these videos, and some of them (not all) have posted UFO / chemtrail / 2012 type stuff before, and whilst that doesnt prove anything, it makes alarm bells ring. I think there might be some real experiences but the majority are hoaxes.

Whilst there is still no MSM coverage at all (apart from Huffington post, and the Borneo Post!) Im very suspicious.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by sam_inc
Either the earth or an alien war going on that we cant see

Now that is interesting!

Where did they get the idea to use a sound like that for their movie?

I think they used this movie as a pre-conditioning tool so people would relate similar sounds to hostile "aliens".

I am starting to think TPTB are going to play their false flag alien invasion card. Once enough people wordwide have experienced and are scared enough by this noise, I think we will start seeing them then too.

When you think about it logically, it would be pretty silly to warn the population of a planet that you were about to invade though. Unless fear was the main objective, that is.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:25 AM
I have not heard these sounds in Winnipeg. What date do you claim to have heard them?

Glad someone is claiming to have heard them here so I can verify myself.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:46 AM
I heard this sound last summer in Michigan. I was a bit taken aback by the video because it is the EXACT sound that I heard coming from what seemed everywhere at the time. I wanted to share because there is a back story that may have something to do with what is causing these sounds.

That day, there was an intense storm that produced a tornado on the property behind my house, the next mile over. It was not a big tornado, I think they rated it an F0 actually, but it had enough power to throw some things around and damage a relay station which is in the same square mile of my home.

Anyways, after this went through, our power went out. But then it started to come back on and go back off. It would be on for approx. 3 seconds and go back off for maybe a minute or so.. Did this for about 30 minutes before going completely off. During this same time, as the power was off the sound would start.

Now, I was unaware at the time that a tornado went through less than a mile from the back of my property, but the winds were horrendous. I was watching trees bend like I have never seen them do before. This led me to think that the wind had damaged some of the tall metal power towers that were near the relay station. It sounded just like the video, like metal was damaged and twisted and swaying back and forth in the wind. I was sure that was what I was hearing.

I took a ride and found no such damage. I was told later by consumers energy that the on/off of my lights was due to the relay station trying to kick itself back on, but because of the damage, was going right back off again.

I remember being really freaked out at the time. The sound is so loud and eerie. At the time, I assumed it had something to do with the storm or electricity, but now I don't know.

I don't think it was a coincidence that I heard this right after the storm, so I am led to believe that it has to have something to do with either atmospheric pressure or electrical charge....

Just wanted to share.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Since you bring up the northern lights, I was thinking about 2012 and how we are supposed to experience a lot of solar activity this year. Add that to the possible failure, changing or warping of our magnetic field and we could possibly get these sounds....

It could explain why they are being heard all over the globe. But in that case, I would assume there would be media coverage by now. But the media, being puppets and all, are always late to the party when it comes to 'conspiracies' or 'phenomenons'... if they aren't told to report it, they don't. On that note, I do feel like the responsibility to solving this noise phenomenon is ours.

Please note, at first I didn't have any faith these sounds were real, I thought people were using the same audio in different videos.... but I'm not sure anymore. I'm about 70/30 split... 70% of me believing they are real, produced by an unknown, unidentifiable source... not produce by man (not by youtubers anyway).
edit on 18-1-2012 by six67seven because: addition

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:09 AM
First video is fake, it doesn't sound right. Sound is much louder than your voice. Surely people would have called emergency number and there would be panic. Still you sound calm.

Its weird that sound always some seconds after you start recording lol. How you know sound is coming again?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:20 AM
As much as I too find this video both eerie and interesting it is important to note who actually posted it on YouTube before jumping to conclusions. The video was originally posted by coopers204. Amongst his other uploads capturing phenomena is the aptly titled 'strange motionless object (dat after strange sounds heard)'. I have posted the link below for you to judge for yourself.

If someone has already pointed this out then please accept my apologies.

However, by way of a plea to what appears to be an increasingly growing number of ATS members... Please stop automatically assuming that everything you see is genuine. Rather than assume automatic authenticity because of some predisposition that compels you to want to believe that what you see, hear or read must be true, please apply a little thought. There is an ocean of trolls out there who can easily knock up this kind of video. I can do it as can my younger brother who can create great images (still and video) of UFOs in all manner of scenarios.

This community is supposed to consist of enlightened open-minded thinkers but there seems to be a severe lack of reasoning before jumping to conclusions.

For example regarding this video there are two main yet simple questions to ask:

1) Is there any corroborating evidence to back up what coopers204 heard? As it happens there is none. No other testimony whatsoever. You would have thought someone else in the area would have heard it too given the audio level and the fact that coopers204 lives near a town. In fact in most similar examples like this it only seems to be sole individuals who actually hear anything rather than multiple sources who each experience the same event. Why might this be?

2) Can it be faked? Well I posted a link for you to look at so the matter of credibility is for you to judge for yourselves. It’s child’s play to rip audio from wherever these days so long as you have a PC and the software to do so. This ‘sound’ can easily be duplicated from another source and dubbed. If the other source can be traced then authenticity can be verified without a shadow of doubt.

As a researcher and advocate of many conspiratorial theorisations I am dismayed at the lack of foresight demonstrated by many in the ATS community. Trying to prove things is hard enough without folks adding to fuel to the TPTB, sceptics, naysayers. When they make us look like nutters then fair enough, but when it’s our own side…

Kalanthius Flipside

edit on 03/11/2011 by Kalanthius because: Spelling mistake first line 'to not who' to 'to note who'.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Tnx for posting this, I'm convinced that Mother Earth is regurgitation man's garbage ! It's going on all around the world at the same time. Hang on to your boot straps because it's going to be one heck of a ride!

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:42 AM
Well being in Manitoba, i can verify i have not heard such sounds at all.

Hoax? If someone is also from here, please give me an idea of what time of the day you hear this so i can perhaps wake up and go outside to see. Until i hear it myself im siding with this being a hoax.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:44 AM

I note that immediately after posting my comment the YouTube link I posted for all to view suddenly went blank. It now says video removed by user. Wonder why?

Kalanthius Flipside

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by nightbringr
Well being in Manitoba, i can verify i have not heard such sounds at all.

Hoax? If someone is also from here, please give me an idea of what time of the day you hear this so i can perhaps wake up and go outside to see. Until i hear it myself im siding with this being a hoax.

That is good information to hear. Pretty soon, we might get, "Well, maybe only certain people are susceptible, can hear the noises." Which then, I'd be happy to call these recent experiences as part of a hoax, because that's a bit ridiculous.

Keep in mind that these noises have been documented around the world since the 1950's if I remember correctly, so they do happen... but there has been such a big wave of hearings since we rolled into 2012, just seems like we're being taken for a ride. IDK, I'm still holding on to the 30% of me that believes most of the videos are fake.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:01 AM

I am fighting with technology here so please bear with me.

Regarding the issue of credibility of coopers204, the person who posted the original video of the eerie sound over
Manitoba. His other upload capturing unusual phenomena - the aptly titled 'strange motionless object (dat after strange sounds heard)'. - was removed by him immedietely after I posted the link drawing attention to his fakery.

This video was posted after the sounds video.

However I made a screen copy first. Unfortunately it has no sound but you will get the drift.

You will find it here in the Uploads section. Its the only video listed.:

Sincerest apologies for lack of sound as it impacts on its value but I was rushing with some software I haven't used in a while.

However in essence he talks about a strange unmoving object in an otherwise clear sky - pointing to small dot, which is, in effect, a mark on the screen, which he eventually alludes to at the end of the video, after taking the p***. He then switches on the vehicles wipers and laughs mockingly.

Kalanthius Flipside
edit on 03/11/2011 by Kalanthius because: Correct video information substituted.

edit on 03/11/2011 by Kalanthius because: Additional information.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by amicrazy
reply to post by zorgon

I call BS on at least two of these videos.
At the 3 sec mark you can hear what sounds like a dinner plate being struck by a knife or fork. Exact sounds IMO.

Well done, you can easily distinguish that sound and that was exactly what I was thinking when I posted this response yesterday...

Strange sounds in Mexico thread - second post on page 6

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by TheOneElectric

I think you are with the silent majority that will think of anything and everything else, but quietly whisper "aliens" to themselves for fear of ridicule. I am with you though. I don't know what it is, but, could it be?

It's ok. I'll take on the role of nutter. Here's the thread I posted about this:

The more this goes the more I think it's ETs. If another, more mundane reason is ever found, I'll gladly retract. "Found" as in "proven" with little or no doubt.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by six67seven

Originally posted by amicrazy
reply to post by zorgon

I call BS on at least two of these videos.
At the 3 sec mark you can hear what sounds like a dinner plate being struck by a knife or fork. Exact sounds IMO.

Well done, you can easily distinguish that sound and that was exactly what I was thinking when I posted this response yesterday...

Strange sounds in Mexico thread - second post on page 6

Actually poorly done. In the second video, the moaning sound begins at 7 seconds. In the Kiev video, it doesn't start until 14 seconds. That there is a very similar sound in each video does not indicate that they were copied. It simply indicates that whatever is going on, the sounds are alike and have certain, specific smaller sounds accompanying it. What you think is the "same" sound is actually likely part of the process of whatever is happening.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:35 AM
Whatever the cause is of these noises, the are disturbing. Haven't heard them like that myself.
They remind me of the scene from the movie Legion when Gabriel comes to earth. That is bizarre to say the least.
Listen to the clip. It sounds like many of the noises.

edit on 1/18/2012 by mugger because: add

edit on 1/18/2012 by mugger because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/18/2012 by mugger because: (no reason given)

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