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Debt Forgiveness Act HR 2768 - Cancel All Public Debt Held by Federal Reserve.

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posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

I have to say, it sounds like a great idea.

But, what are the chances that it will happen?

It's a start though!

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 04:41 AM
i heard something i really liked in there. A lot of people who arent for Ron Paul, bring up his foreign policy about taking it easy on Iran and how thats dangerous. But in that interview, he clearly states that if Iran did launch a nuke, their country would be destroyed in hours.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Hopefully this Bill will be asked to each candidate so that we will know where they stand. I have been looking at this solution (debt forgiveness) a long time ago and finally Ron Paul made a bill to make it happen.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 08:29 AM
Sometimes the replies on ATS make my head spin.

This Act does NOT let the Federal Reserve off the hook for the money it owes.

This Act releases the US Government from the debt it owes to the Federal Reserve.

This is a good thing.

With the Federal Reserve printing the US Dollar, each dollar issued has a debt attached to it, this Act removes that attached debt.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by wavemaker
Hopefully this Bill will be asked to each candidate so that we will know where they stand. I have been looking at this solution (debt forgiveness) a long time ago and finally Ron Paul made a bill to make it happen.

i agree. but i highly doubt this bill will reach the mainstream anytime soon.

it's going to be ignored for the most part....unless congress/senate goons sever their corrupt ties to the Fed and banks....which i don't realistically see happening anytime soon.

unless Ron Paul's momentum can keep up, that is.

vote Ron Paul!

reallly....go physically vote for Ron! make sure you're registered republican as some states don't let you vote for a party you're not already registered in.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by metalshredmetal

Originally posted by wavemaker
Hopefully this Bill will be asked to each candidate so that we will know where they stand. I have been looking at this solution (debt forgiveness) a long time ago and finally Ron Paul made a bill to make it happen.

i agree. but i highly doubt this bill will reach the mainstream anytime soon.

it's going to be ignored for the most part....unless congress/senate goons sever their corrupt ties to the Fed and banks....which i don't realistically see happening anytime soon.

unless Ron Paul's momentum can keep up, that is.

vote Ron Paul!

reallly....go physically vote for Ron! make sure you're registered republican as some states don't let you vote for a party you're not already registered in.

One, I have no desire to vote for Ron Paul. And here is my justification: We have so many politicians screwing us over, and then this close to 2012 (forgive me my superstitious drivel) we suddenly have a politician - who is already playing the dirty game of politics - doing all this oh-so-nice stuff for us...I'm not familiar with any politicians who has ever done so many favors or advocated so many "people advantages" without asking for something in return. It's too good to be true.

Two, something doesn't feel right here.

edit on CSaturdayam272710f10America/Chicago14 by Starchild23 because: spelling

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

When you see what happened to Obama's promises it is good to be sceptical. As least with Ron Paul he does have a long political history so his values are on record. Yeah, he may get scanned and replaced with a clone if he wins. If he manages to get through without getting brain washed and only achieves 10% of what he wants, the direction still sounds more reasonable.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by Starchild23

When you see what happened to Obama's promises it is good to be sceptical. As least with Ron Paul he does have a long political history so his values are on record. Yeah, he may get scanned and replaced with a clone if he wins. If he manages to get through without getting brain washed and only achieves 10% of what he wants, the direction still sounds more reasonable.

In my very honest have so many people following one politician (especially considering the political diversity and animosity often displayed during "politician season") is frightening to say the least. It brings the infamous Antichrist persona to mind.

If that doesn't put me off (and it does), nothing will.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

haha, you haven't done much research about Ron Paul have you?

he definitely has not "suddenly" come out, he's been pushing the same platform for decades, probably longer than you or I have been alive, honestly.

Ron Paul's predictions from 2002 come true:

he's the only legitimate candidate who hasn't (ever) supported the Status Quo of US politics & foreign relations.

if you don't know these few things about ron paul already, then you are an uninformed voter, and I hope you either 1) change your mind and vote for Ron Paul, or 2) you continue ignorance and stay home on the Vote day.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:33 AM
God I hope Ron Paul wins. I think riots will happen if he doesn't because most people clearly want him to fix what those crooks have screwed up. Didn't Perry just come out and praise him or endorse him? I know I seen him saying great things about Dr. Paul on the news.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by metalshredmetal
reply to post by Starchild23

haha, you haven't done much research about Ron Paul have you?

he definitely has not "suddenly" come out, he's been pushing the same platform for decades, probably longer than you or I have been alive, honestly.

Ron Paul's predictions from 2002 come true:

he's the only legitimate candidate who hasn't (ever) supported the Status Quo of US politics & foreign relations.

if you don't know these few things about ron paul already, then you are an uninformed voter, and I hope you either 1) change your mind and vote for Ron Paul, or 2) you continue ignorance and stay home on the Vote day.

I don't vote...the reason being I absolutely LOATHE politics. It's a game of who can do the most for themselves while appearing to help the people.In order to play the game, you have to play dirty...or you go home broke. Politicians will wipe the floor with you if you're a nice guy.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

well if you admit that you don't vote, then you should remain ignorant of Ron Paul and his sound history.

if people can't see that Ron Paul is the ONLY & LAST "politician" (among all past politicians and possible future prospective politicians) who has what it takes to take down the Fed,
take down the military industrial imperialism,
take down corrupt government and financial entities,
basically to put America back on good terms with the CONSTITUTION,
then you are as hopeless a sheeple as the rest of the McDonald's eating football watching brainwashed people of america.

when do you hear other candidates talk about the constitution and how far removed from it's law we are? compared to the solid foundation that the constitution provides us, we as a country are in shambles today.

if you already don't vote, and ignore presidential races and candidate's reputation and information, then i think the best thing for you to do is to continue to not vote.

we don't need any more ignorant people voting for mitt romney or gingrich or obama to dilute the people who ARENT ignorant of politics: people who vote for Ron Paul.

while you're at it, you might as well get out of the USA and move to a non-democratic country.

since you're not interested in voting or democracy, two principles on which this country was founded FOR A REASON, then you're doing no good to the rest of Americans except pushing more status quo by continuing a worthless cycle of ignorant non-voting citizens that do nothing but perpetuate the consumer-producer cycle of materialism.
edit on 1/14/12 by metalshredmetal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

I would like to hear what you and other people that would support a plan like this think the consequences of a move like this would be?

How do you think it would effect the markets? The prime interest rate? Inflation? The Nation's credit rating? The Nation's debt owned by other sources?

And also, after considering all the consequences above, how do you think it would effect the average American citizen???

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by Starchild23

When you see what happened to Obama's promises it is good to be sceptical. As least with Ron Paul he does have a long political history so his values are on record. Yeah, he may get scanned and replaced with a clone if he wins. If he manages to get through without getting brain washed and only achieves 10% of what he wants, the direction still sounds more reasonable.

He also has a long political history of being unsuccessful in getting any of his ideas passed into law.

Only ONE bill that he has sponsored has been passed...and that was to grant land to a historical society.

I made a thread on it if you would like to review it.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

this is what would happen, IMO:

Originally posted by metalshredmetal

but, I think it would be wise to add another part to this bill about WHY this should be done, and why the Federal Reserve debt is illegitimate.) There needs to be a vision to replace the money bubble economy.

people might not understand the reasoning behind it unless they make tangible changes to their daily lives/habits. there needs to be a systematic change in the way the economy works in terms of debt and "borrowing"

a system based on physical gold

Pan Asian Gold Exchange, @

an asian gold exchange founded on real gold resources would gather so much international attention that the result would be the immediate selling out of all fiat US dollars and buying of real Earthly precious Gold.

this could happen, and this would mean a very ... exciting ... time for the US economy and thus the John Doe's of America, and other countries.

But, you should be wise enough to consider that this won't be that bad. we're not necessarily going to turn into a "3rd world country". the rest of the stable countries would back us up. countries with more sophisticated financial systems and higher credibility will "bail out" struggling countries with instable financial issues and economic recessions.

this simply results in REAL debt to another country, say China. this is not fiat fake manufactured debt based on fiat currencies like the US Federal Reserve Note. this will be very real debt based on gold payments to and from the borrower.

this Trillion Dollar Lawsuit is testament to the US debt to China already...once China & Japan win this lawsuit and expose the NWO pushers to the whole world, the transparency of the US Federal Reserve corruption will naturally cause the US dollar to collapse and the whole world will openly welcome a Global Gold Reserve Currency.

edit on 1/13/12 by metalshredmetal because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/13/12 by metalshredmetal because: trillion dollar lawsuit

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by metalshredmetal

I don't know where that came from, but it doesn't answer any of my questions. All it is doing is also wanting a gold standard along with the elimination of public debt owed to the fed reserve.

I have other issues of what going back to the gold standard would do to the country...but for this thread I am interested in what YOU think would be the consequences. Please don't act like you think everything will be roses and butterflies...let's take an honest realistic look at this.

So I will restate my questions.

How do you think it would effect the markets? The prime interest rate? Inflation? The Nation's credit rating? The Nation's debt owned by other sources?

And also, after considering all the consequences above, how do you think it would effect the average American citizen???

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

obviously if this happened it would mean that everyone would realize that the Federal Reserve Note is fiat, based on nothing of real value, and the result would be a dollar collapse.

this would surely happen IF the bill was passed. SO, that as a premise, my post still stands to explain what "I think" would happen afterward.

there might be a short temporary time of "credit downgrades" and "economic depressions", BUT this would not last long, at all.

SO many countries rely on the Federal Reserve Note as a base currency that a LARGE percentage of "developed" countries would also have "credit downgrades" and "economic depressions".

BUT, like i said, it would be foolish to assume that that's that, and all us US Dollar-reserve-currency countries would collapse into chaos.

that's just dumb.

China (& most likely Japan) will hand out REAL GOLD (through the above mentioned Pan Asian Gold Exchange or something similar) loans to these countries and within a relatively short period all would be well again, economically.

The entire western world is not going to collapse. if the US or any other huge countries did collapse, China and Japan would surely feel a resulting recession. this is why China will attempt to help our economy with GOLD currency.

for further explanation, refer to my post.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:16 AM
I think the gold and/or silver system would happen by default, so added it to the bill would only give current opposing representatives excuses why the bill should not be passed.

"When your up to your ass in alligators, best solution is to just drain the swamp."

Originally posted by metalshredmetal

i really like the idea of this bill, and i think it's what should be done, to make common sense of an illegitimate system.

but, I think it would be wise to add another part to this bill about WHY this should be done, and why the Federal Reserve debt is illegitimate.) There needs to be a vision to replace the money bubble economy.

people might not understand the reasoning behind it unless they make tangible changes to their daily lives/habits. there needs to be a systematic change in the way the economy works in terms of debt and "borrowing"

a system based on physical gold

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by metalshredmetal

So you admit that there will be a dollar collapse, interest rates skyrocket, huge inflation, a huge depression....but you don't THINK it will last long

So what you are saying is that for the average American life will become immediately worse overnight if this bill would of passed...right? long is "not long"??? You did see what a small recession in 2008 did to us right??? We are still trying to recover...and ironically it is the federal reserve that is keeping it from full blown depression.

And to top it off, you are saying that to come out of this horrible depression and economic disaster...we would have to rely on buying gold from China...who we owe trillions to...and since our dollar has collapsed...that debt is worthless to them. Yeah...I bet they will be really happy just to save us...when their goal has been to destroy us.

Yeah...this sounds like a great plan.

But do you think it would effect the average American??? Do they prosper in the 5 years after this bill is passed???

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

So I will restate my questions.

How do you think it would effect the markets? The prime interest rate? Inflation? The Nation's credit rating? The Nation's debt owned by other sources?

And also, after considering all the consequences above, how do you think it would effect the average American citizen???

OS I'll answer the questions, because it's a fairly simple answer. Everything we know now and how our monetary system works toss it in the garbage. Markets, Interest rate, Inflation, deflation, credit rating, and anything on paper.

Basically it will be an absolute mess, but at some point we have to tell the emperor he has no clothes.

There will be short term confusion and chaos, but the majority of people are good people and will work together to find a better solution.

The average american citizen will do better than they are doing now. Why? because most americans work 6 days a week to keep up with bills, they will start to co-op together and barter for skills, food they need, etc...

People will have more time to can food, learn new things to be more self-sufficient, because currently almost everything we do comes from an industrial processed system.

Heck, maybe will even start to see normal families sit down and eat dinner together again. And maybe more families will actually be able to stick together and not have a 65% divorce rate too.

Let me ask you a question. Wouldn't you like to see things slow down a bit, see other people enjoying life and enjoy life yourself?
edit on 14-1-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

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