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Are we sure Mitt Romney is eligible to be President?

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posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 01:58 PM
Shouldn't those potential "beings" applying for the POTUS submit to background/criminal checks (i.e. eVerify)? I do NOT think Mitt is eligible to be President because his grandparents were felons on the run (at that time, of course) and in my opinion only.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

My thinking? No that you asked

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 02:00 PM
Same eligibility has Gingrinch & Santorum & Perry & Bachman

Ron Paul is the only eligible President of the United States

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 02:11 PM
I say he needs to PROVE his eligibility 100%.

Beyond any doubt.

I want to see the original B.C. right now.

I want to see all his degrees and credentials.

This IS "Birther II".

Let's clear out the vermin if any exists.

That goes for everybody.

Let's get the vetting right his time !!

Congress ..... where are you ?

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Right now there are currently 6 ballot challenges against President Obama (4 in Georgia, 2 in Texas), the complaints filed all say that since Obama's father was born in Kenya and not a US citizen that Barack Obama is not a 'natural born citizen'.

Romneys father was born in Mexico and a Mexican Citizen...
edit on 13-1-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 02:32 PM
More interesting information...

In 1912, Mitt grandfather's Gaskell Romney returned to the U.S. fleeing the Mexican Revolution. (No mention of immigration papers here). The Romney family's genealogy page states he lost all his "home and possessions" there. But the family later sued the Mexican government and was awarded damages in 1938. This seed money "put the family on a solid financial footing." The fact that his father was then a sort of Mexican immigrant didn't prevent George from becoming CEO of American Motors and the governor of Michigan.

So that is where the Romney family fortune began???

How much did they get from the Mexican Government? ..and wouldn't Romney's family have to demonstrate their Mexican Citizenship to collect damages from the Mexican Government? The Mexican Government wouldn't write a check for property damges to illegal American Squatters!

Where are those court documents????

This is unravelling fast....
edit on 13-1-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 02:34 PM
We already have a non pres so why would this keep out Mit? if it does apply to Mit then it should apply to Obama, if it does not apply to Obama it should not apply to Mit see the dilemma, if this be the case and Ron fails I will vote for the Terminator himself, if there should ever be an alien invasion or the machines come to life, ask this... who would be the best bet to defeat them. He too is not native born but he did become Gov of Ca.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
reply to post by xuenchen

Right now there are currently 6 ballot challenges against President Obama (4 in Georgia, 2 in Texas), the complaints filed all say that since Obama's father was born in Kenya and not a US citizen that Barack Obama is not a 'natural born citizen'.

Romneys fatehr was born in Mexico and a Mexican Citizen...
edit on 13-1-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-1-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

Then the Romney issue would be the same right ?

I say get the vetting right this time.

Where's the lawyers ?

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 02:48 PM
From what I've read recently, some people DO have the opinion that "Natural Born Citizen" means that you were born here AND both parents were citizens at the time of your birth. The key seems to be that "citizen" and "natural born citizen" are NOT the same thing. You can be a citizen, and still not a "natural born citizen".

If that is true, we don't need a birth certificate for Obama OR Romney, since it is public record that BOTH of them were born to fathers who were NOT citizens at the time of their birth. The places of EITHER of their births would in that case not be relevant.

WOW, I would love for this to be true. I really don't want Romney. (Or Obama). Of course, if Obama were ruled to be ineligible, that would open up a huge can of worms. Would we automatically end up with Biden running for reelection?

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 03:35 PM
I'm surprised the Justice Dept hasn't filed the lawsuits yet !

"Once bitten by the gila monster" as they say

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
One thing is clear, Orly Taitz, the Queen of the birther movement, has filed multiple legal arguments that if found valid, would immediately disqualify Mitt Romney as a candidate for President.

Where is she when ya need her ?

I want to see Orly's birth certificate.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 06:19 PM
That might explain why he is so un-American in just about everything he does.

I say the northern states need to look in to his eligibility. The south will just give him the benefit of the doubt.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:13 PM
I wanna see this guys birth certificate, (THE REAL ONE!)

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:31 PM
This is interesting for sure.

If we look at the Constitution it states that "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

A debate comes when looking into the definition of "natural born citizen"
Also, could our founding fathers have meant something different with the words "natural born citizen" then our understanding of the words today?

For me a natural born citizen is simply any man or woman who was born in the United States as a citizen of the United States, regardless of where their parents may be from.

So was Romney in fact born in the United States as a citizen of the United States?
I haven't looked much into the subject but from the info easily found online we are led to believe he was born in Detroit, Michigan.

Some more research is in order but so far this all checks out to me.

On the other hand it is interesting how he has jumped to Obama's defense when people started challenging him about a similar issue. Who knows what more digging may turn up.

At the very least he should furnish a copy of his birth certificate like Obama was pretty much forced to do.

Btw... First Post. Glad to be here!

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:36 PM
i defended obama, so here I go again

nowhere is it ever declared that a person's parents or decendants be any sort of citizen. natural born simply means that you were granted citizenship by the event of your birth


the relevant question is where was mitt born ?


no, we do not need to see a long form birth certificate, whatever his state provides is fine

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
reply to post by Indigo5

Dude, I want EVERY candidate, including Romney, and especially Obama to show their birth certificates.

Being born in the United States is good enough for me....I don't care where your parents are from (unless they came here illegally).

Since Obama already has and apparently you are still denying that if you still need to see it, what good would it do for any of them to show theirs? Apparently you are in no position to judge the validity of any. So what good would it do?

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 09:59 PM
I thought... I thought Mitt was white? Like really white. I guess ridiculous rich corrupt people come in all shapes and colors.

Anyways I'm not really versed on any of this birther stuff but can't wait to see what becomes of this.
edit on 1/13/2012 by Mcupobob because: My ex was a Mormon-mexican-American Concidence? I think not!!!

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

No where in the constitution does it specify that both parents need to be American citizens in order for a child to be a natural born citizen, unless that child is born abroad (McCain). Romney to my knowledge was born in Detroit Michigan, to a Mother who is a born American citizen, and a father, whom was born in Mexico. There is nothing thus far here, or from previous arguments regarding Obama, where the constitution states both parents needing to be American citizens for US born children to be NBC. Let's also note that Arthur Chester was born of a parent whom was an Irish immigrant and citizen, and this was well known at the time. No challange was sort against his eligibility, and no conclusions were made proving his ineligibility. The Wong kim ark court case should be clear as well on this.

Sorry anit-mitt's, Romney is here to stay.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Based on the above information, it would appear that Mitt does NOT meet the requirements to qualify for POTUS.

Based solely on the fact that he is a lying moron? Oh, you meant something else... my bad.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 11:19 PM
His dad ran for President in 1968 on the Republican Ticket, and was the Governor of Michigan.
edit on 13-1-2012 by LazloFarnsworth because: (no reason given)

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