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Catholic Church No Longer Sewars By Truth of the Bible

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posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by 547000

Originally posted by jmdewey60
The Catholic Church was the sole organization at the time which could launch a program of this magnitude, to compile a Bible.
They collected and copied and collated it.
They did not produce the original scource documents.
They only inherited copies of them from an older time.
Before the organization calling themselves, the Catholic Church, came into existence.
edit on 14-1-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

I think you're missing the fact that the bible cannot interpret itself. The Catholic Church had the authority to compile it and decide what is true and what is false because they've inherited apostolic authority.

If they had this authority why did they add books over 1000 years after they rejected them? And why are they now saying that they don't believe in what they accepted as truth 1700 years ago. Anyone that has the authority they claim should have clearly known what was true and what was fiction and simply left out those things that were untrue.

The Catholic church is proving it never had the ability to interpret scripture by these actions, but you still prefer to listen to the church rather than listen to God.

edit on 15-1-2012 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

I have no idea what you're talking about?

The dead sea scrolls proves the books Martin Luther took out were there in the past.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by sacgamer25
If they had this authority why did they add books over 1000 years after they rejected them?

Not true. That error is something you'd read out of a Jack Chick anti-Catholic pamplet ...
Or that you'd hear in an anti-anyone-but-us Baptist preacher spew fest.
And yes, the Catholic Church put the bible together.
They are the only ones with apostolic authority - from person to person - as in the book of ACTS.
That's just a fact you'll have to deal with.

And why are they now saying that they don't believe in what they accepted as truth 1700 years ago.

1700 years ago people thought the world was flat. Now with science we know better. Naturally, 1700 years ago they would have accepted the story of Noahs Ark or the two different creation myths at face value. With age comes wisdom. It's the same with the Church as it is with people.

Remember the story of Jesus and how Mary and Joseph found him in the temple when he was 12 years old? It says from that time on that Jesus grew in age and wisdom. By your thoughts Jesus should not have had to 'grow in wisdom' because it would have all been there automatically. But the bible says different. Same with the Church.

Anyone that has the authority they claim should have clearly known what was true and what was fiction and simply left out those things that were untrue.

You sound ticked ... either that or you just dont' like the Catholic church. Either way, CHRIST HIMSELF put Peter in charge of the Church. Matthew 16-18. And CHRIST HIMSELF gave Peter full authority .. whatever he held bound on earth was bound in heaven. PETER established apostolic succession (see ACTS) ... So if you have a problem with the way that the Church put the bible together and the way it interprets it, then you have a problem with the set up that CHRIST HIMSELF established. Good luck with that.

but you still prefer to listen to the church rather than listen to God.

Scripture is FULL of examples of Jesus (and later the Apostles) having to interpret scripture or interpret what was going on. People needed scripture explained to them. The men chosen by God - The apostles - did the interpreting. Read your bible. It's all right there.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Flyers Fan, how do you see original sin if Adam and Eve did not exist? I don't see original sin as being a lie. But as charles points out the thread title is a lie.

Thank you for pointing those things out. It's very hard to escape from false doctrines of man, like I had to do so when I wasn't a Catholic. Many people hate authority altogether.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

And CHRIST HIMSELF gave Peter full authority .. whatever he held bound on earth was bound in heaven.
Then, later, Jesus gave the same authority to what we have to take as the entire assembly of disciples, representing the church as a whole.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:50 PM
Most Christians claim they believe in the bible, however, every Christian we have personally talked to privately admit they don't beileive the whole thing because of errors in translations or because it was written by men while on the other hand they themselves call it 'the word of God?'. Christians don't live by the bible they live by their own doctrines. That is why there are so many different denominations. Maybe on the surface the doctrines appear to be biblical but they are far from it.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by The Riley Family

You know, words are funny things. You just can't trust them to mean what the other person meant them to mean. For about the hundreth time, I wish I could discuss things face to face.

I think the errors in the Bible are more like the error you made.

they don't beileive the whole thing
Most of the "errors" are spelling errors, or pen slips. Trivial stuff. Caused by people's slips and not affecting the truth of it.

I believe in the truth of the Bible, becuase I believe it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. That DOES NOT mean that I think every word is literally accurate, just like I don't believe "Tiger Woods just hit that ball a mile!" is literally accurate. A portrait painter doesn't paint the subject exactly, he paaints the truth of the subject. Even a photographer will adjust the lighting and filters to bring out a special feature in the subject's face.

You are right that the different denominations are a scandal to Christianity. It was a sad day when the first major group started their own denomination. And that denomination has just continued to split and split again to this day. One person reads the Bible, decides "This is what it means!" and starts his own denomination. As I say. it's sad.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by The Riley Family

You know, words are funny things. You just can't trust them to mean what the other person meant them to mean.

Sure you can for the most part and for the other that is what communication is all about. You need to be willing to take the time to come to a complete understanding. Most aren't willing to take that time because they are only interested in what they want to think and not the truth.

For about the hundreth time, I wish I could discuss things face to face.

We'll make that 101.

I think the errors in the Bible are more like the error you made. Most of the "errors" are spelling errors, or pen slips. Trivial stuff. Caused by people's slips and not affecting the truth of it.

Agreed, but it seems many believe the truth is what is affected but we don't buy that ourselves.

I believe in the truth of the Bible, becuase I believe it was inspired by the Holy Spirit.


That DOES NOT mean that I think every word is literally accurate, just like I don't believe "Tiger Woods just hit that ball a mile!" is literally accurate. A portrait painter doesn't paint the subject exactly, he paaints the truth of the subject. Even a photographer will adjust the lighting and filters to bring out a special feature in the subject's face.

We get what your saying, however, we do view it a little different, like what Paul stated:

This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.

You are right that the different denominations are a scandal to Christianity. It was a sad day when the first major group started their own denomination. And that denomination has just continued to split and split again to this day. One person reads the Bible, decides "This is what it means!" and starts his own denomination. As I say. it's sad.

Aren't the denominations what make up Christianity?

edit on 15-1-2012 by The Riley Family because: had to fix quote marks

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

It was not until the Council of Trent in the 15th century that it was decided that the Deuterocanonical books should be included with the Old Testament cannon. Now 1700 hundred years later the church is claiming that the Church no longer swears by the truth of the bible.

So the Catholic Church is claiming that it has, and always has, the power to correctly interpret scripture. Then they claim that what they have the power to interpret is not the truth.

How can you not see the flaw in this logic? Either the words in the bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit or they were not. God does not change, so the interpretation should not need to change. Somehow the Church held that the bible was true 1700 years ago but now they do not. It is not the word of God that has changed; it is simply the church that is being revealed.

They don’t even believe what they claim but for some reason you believe what they claim.

edit on 15-1-2012 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by The Riley Family

Dear The Riley Family,

I am glad we have come to full agreement, for I accept the statement of Paul you mentioned.

I am saddened that Christianity has divided into so mnay sub-groups. I believe I heard 30,000 denominations and seperate churches at one point. Yes, they are all part of Christianity but the divisiveness weakens them. Maybe some good will come from this disunity, but I can't see it right now.

With respect,

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