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2012 End of World?

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by PhotonEffect
Sure, the calendar has nothing to do with magic or the controlling of historical events, it has no measurable affect on reality- of course this is true. And yes there have been some colorful interpretations of what this calendar was meant to keep track of...

However, I disagree with you that this calendar was only used to measure time in a linear sense... it, along with the step pyramids (9 steps-9 underworlds) maps out the divine plan of creation as believed by the Maya - this according to Calleman who I choose to agree with.

It's a spiritual calendar- a guide for living life according to the divine energies of that particular day- this according to the Maya


But Thursday is Thor's day.

Do you get hammered every Thursday?

What does the significance of a thing to one culture have to do with another?


posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
..... But those beliefs have no effect on others or the rest of the world.

Wait, but you're in a position to speak about what beliefs affect the rest of the world? That's a good one...

Its a cultural parameter they created (or adopted from others). It has meaning to them and might even cause them to make certain decisions.
Yes they adopted some calendars from the Olmecs and Aztecs, and gods too...

If I create a calendar that I say starts in 1916 and will terminate tomorrow. What influence does that have on you?

What would be the meaning behind your calendar Hans?

You would be right to snort and laught at the concept.

Yeah probably because your calendar wouldn't ever compare to that of the Maya... You want something to snort at ->Refer to your opening comment instead...

How about if a few million people also followed that calendar...any difference?

If a few million people follow the mayan calendar and what it stands for (which most assuredly is the case around the world today) then it would be safe to say that the calendar does in fact affect people

Er, so what was so special about 3114 say vs 3113 and 3115? Seriously

That was the start of the Great Cycle -- The Long Count --

[edit on 21-11-2008 by PhotonEffect]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Harte

But Thursday is Thor's day.

Do you get hammered every Thursday?

What does the significance of a thing to one culture have to do with another?


So you're saying that one culture has no significance on another? This has never happened, ever, during the course of human history then...

Like mentioned earlier the Maya actually adopted the basis of some of their calendars and gods from earlier cultures, so I'm not too sure what you're getting at really...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:08 PM
Let me try to summary here (Harte let me know if I'm getting your position wrong)

the HH position is that the calendar is an artifical methodology created by the Maya to help them keep track of time for religious, agricultural and cultural reasons. That calendar has no influence on people in Nepal, Mali or elsewhere. It is a Maya specific cultural aspect.

PE your positions seems to be that this calendar in some way effects events in the physical world OR is so constructed to hightlight known or suspected physical effects? Is this correct?

I noted you couldn't come up with a answer to the 3113 & 3115 vs 3114 question, that isn't suprizing not else has ever done that either. However within a few hundred years of that date the first Pharonic dynasty began, Sumerian cities were on the rise too. The Han were getting cheeky and in the ME a lot of villages were expanding.

AFAIK nothing particular dramatic or unusual happened when the last Mayan age ended. The third world age ended and this the earth age (4) began.

What does Maya myth say had happened at that time - I believe it was quite dramatic?

An interesting tidbit from wikipedia on the Mayan calendar.......The resulting date is given as 5 Lamat 1 Mol,[10] or October 21, 4772 – almost 3,000 years into the future. The king Pacal of Palenque predicted that on this date the eightieth Calendar Round anniversary of his accession will be celebrated, suggesting he did not believe the world would end in 2012.


Schele, Linda; David Freidel (1990). A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya. HarperCollins, p. 82. ISBN 0-688-11204-8.

[edit on 21/11/08 by Hanslune]

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Hanslune
That calendar has no influence on people in Nepal, Mali or elsewhere. It is a Maya specific cultural aspect.

Yes specific to the Maya. As far as having no influence I guess it would depend more on what sort of influence we're talking about. If someone from Nepal has decided he wants to use the Calendar for its spiritual guidance, then I'd say that yes the Mayan calendar does in fact have influence elsewhere...

PE your positions seems to be that this calendar in some way effects events in the physical world OR is so constructed to hightlight known or suspected physical effects? Is this correct?

Actually no, I don't believe the calendar affects events in the physical world, nor do I believe it to necessarily pin point "specifically" events that have or will occur, however I do believe that it could be prophetic in nature. I believe that this calendar is above all else a spiritual tool which seeks to keep those who live by it attuned to the frequencies of the cosmos.

Now I can understand how that may sound, however, having said that there's a theory which I chose to align myself with that states the calendar tracks the evolution of consciousness (universally) from seed(big bang) to fruition (2011-2012)- This evolution as it turns out seems to follow a progression through 9 so called underworlds (each ruled by a different god(s) or energy) where each new phase of evolution is built on the previous one- (see mayan pyramids) And this progression through each phase occurs on a tun-based frequency (tun, baktuns and so forth upto hablatuns)

One can see a pattern emerge when looking at events that have shaped history as an evolution of consciousness. We are on a path to fruition ( to becoming one)- and the evolution is drawing to an end- (this is where I believe the whole end of the world thing has come from)

I noted you couldn't come up with a answer to the 3113 & 3115 vs 3114 question, that isn't suprizing not else has ever done that either.

Nothing to do with not being able to answer your question Hans, check below.

However within a few hundred years of that date the first Pharonic dynasty began, Sumerian cities were on the rise too. The Han were getting cheeky and in the ME a lot of villages were expanding.

Well yes but in a broader sense there were things that happened that truly signified a shift in consciousness or a shift into a "new age"- the golden age. Now the mythological start date for the great cycle is 3114 bc- around this time frame is when we see signs of humans beginning to organize and think much more complexly than before... so what happened:

To name a couple:
-emergence of the first ever organized civilizations/nations ( Mesopotamia(Sumer), Egyptians( unification of upper/lower Egypt))

-emergence of organized writing systems (Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian cuneiform)

-first ever building projects on a massive scale- construction of huge stone pyramids and ziggurats ...

AFAIK nothing particular dramatic or unusual happened when the last Mayan age ended. The third world age ended and this the earth age (4) began.

Why not take another look.

What does Maya myth say had happened at that time - I believe it was quite dramatic?

Its been suggested that the erection of the Waca Chan or ( the tree of life, the world tree, the sacred tree)

disclaimer- the ideas I have highlighted here are from Dr Carl Johan Calleman and Ian Lungold. I have chosen to align myself with their ideas as they seem to shed some light on the truth about our existence. Whether you want to believe it or not our consciousness is on an evolutionary path and has been for billions of years... the mayan calendar represents a recognition of this evolution.


[edit on 23-11-2008 by PhotonEffect]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by joehayner
They probably just quit making calenders.

They realized that making calenders that far into the future might not be very profitable.

(I'm just kidding)

I was just wondering what would happen to the world according to the theory that it ends. Because it can't just end. It has to do something that either makes it uninhabitable, or the world "as we know it" changes so drastically that it might not be recognized...

I have a pastor friend who studied many scientific things concerning space, black holes, and many other things, before He accepted Jesus as his Saviour and became a Pastor.

He believes the following thing concerning the end of the universe, and I think it might be very possible!

It goes like this:

Well, the entire universe is going to end in a moment of time.
When God takes His hands off of everything, then everything will collapse into itself creating an eternal black hole that holds all things compressed inside of it. This black hole will forever become smaller and smaller until it is practically non-existent. It will be a hole of fire that will burn for eternity. This hole will still be infinite within itself.

Scripture does tell us that after the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ, and after the destruction of satan, and after God's White Throne Judgment, that He will cause the universe to roll up like a scroll.
The earth and our solar system will pass away completely and be no more!

After God destroys the universe He will make a new planet that does not need the sun nor the moon. This new planet will have a huge city that is called New Jerusalem.

God tells us that He will also make a new Heaven as well as a new earth!

God has many new things for us, and it all starts when Jesus reigns for 1,000 years! If you want to live in a brand new surrounding, then ask Jesus to be your Saviour TODAY!

If Jesus lives inside of you you will not have to worry about this earth being destroyed!!!

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 11:25 PM
NO The world is not going to end in 2012. It'll just be another winter day. But do you know what will happen on that day? People would only have 4 more days of christmas shopping left! To be serious, the mayan's never said anything about the world ending in 2012. They were just too tired to go on writing their calender. Also, when the scientists talk about winter solstices that can kill us in 12/21/12, they're lying like a rug. These solstices happen every year and did it kill us yet? No. And all those Planet X stuff, they said that it passes earth every 3600 years. If it existed, wouldn't it have wiped us all out 3040 years ago? So, no need to worry. the mayan gods won't get you while you're sleeping that night. And on the next day, the news will be broadcasting peices of # on why the world didn't end yesterday. No Worrys. Those idiots on the internet and bookstores are just thinking of stories to scare you and write a good story about. Don't Be Fooled!

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 12:41 AM
3 years 1 month to go.....this thread was started over 5 years ago.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:16 PM
I just think all of these ideas surrounding the Mayan Long Count Calendar are absurd, i'm sorry. I can't tell you what's going to happen, because i can't tell the future. So, I guess me and the calendar have one thing in common there.

Keep in mind that the Mayans were a very spiritual people and trusted the prophecies of their priests. There was a prophecy for every 20-year period I believe, and they have been translated much like the prophecies of Nostradamus so that they can be matched up with events during that time period. Ultimately, the Mayans ended up predicting the demise of their own culture and civilization. Because they had so much faith, they went head-long into their own prophecy when the time came, and were destroyed as a result. This didn't have to happen, but as a spiritual people they believe that it was their destiny.

I don't believe in destiny, but i do believe in mathematics and science. There is nothing in the long count calendar to support that the end of the world is coming.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by j619pinoy
3 years 1 month to go.....this thread was started over 5 years ago.


4 years and about a week of a LOT more nonsense to suffer thru.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:49 PM
There is a lot of relevant texts on this subject. People think that in 2012 a lot of different things could happen that changes the way our world works, and we will have to adapt to it.

Laura Dunham wrote an interesting book I just read about dealing with life after the 2012 shift. You should check it out, it's called "Spiritual Wisdom for a Planet in Peril; Dealing with 2012 and Beyond" It gives some real life advice for what is potentially to come.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 09:56 AM
ow many other times has peoples said the world was going to end?????? Obviously the world will not end, Obviously the people who keep making this crap up is stupid because they just want everyone to be scared!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by The Cyfre
I just think all of these ideas surrounding the Mayan Long Count Calendar are absurd, i'm sorry. I can't tell you what's going to happen, because i can't tell the future. So, I guess me and the calendar have one thing in common there.

Keep in mind that the Mayans were a very spiritual people and trusted the prophecies of their priests. There was a prophecy for every 20-year period I believe, and they have been translated much like the prophecies of Nostradamus so that they can be matched up with events during that time period. Ultimately, the Mayans ended up predicting the demise of their own culture and civilization. Because they had so much faith, they went head-long into their own prophecy when the time came, and were destroyed as a result. This didn't have to happen, but as a spiritual people they believe that it was their destiny.

I don't believe in destiny, but i do believe in mathematics and science. There is nothing in the long count calendar to support that the end of the world is coming.

The prophecies that the mayans foretold were believed because of their faith in their scientific abilities.

It is the same thing that the scientists are claiming today.
Many people are putting their faith in science rather than trusting and believing in God.

Those that destroyed the mayans claimed to be Christians, but they were not.
Both the spanish and the mayans were against God, and they both fell.
The mayans fell because they believed they had a right to conquer other people and then offered them up as sacrifices to their gods.
The spanish fell because they also thought they had the right to conquer people and then offer them up as sacrifices to God.

Both civilizations were wrong and both of them fell due to their ignorance and the misuse of their power.
Many today are going down the same path, and it just might be possible that this 2012 date may be the beginning of their demise.

I am not worried in either case, because I trust in Jesus Christ, and I know that I am not one who thinks it is right to kill others to further the Gospel of Christ.

When the end comes it will be over 1,000 years from now.
The end of things as we now know it could start in the year 2012.
In any case, I must say again, I am not worried one bit!

This response is also directed to the questions asked by ...

Originally posted by bubble boy
i dont know much about the bible but i read somewhere when Jesus Christ came down and died for our sins he also ended the end of the world.(oximoron?) anyways a friend at school told me that IF theyre is a judgement day their will be two survivors. yep you guessed it, a new adam and eve. anyways my advice( IF their is judgement day) is to REPENT! what does that mean anyways? another question... since i dont know much about the bible i was wondering after Jesus Christ died then rose from the tomb what happened after that? he doesnt still roam earth does he? i would think that because he never sinned and well if you NEVER sin then your immortal. well thats impposible for us cuz were original sinners.

oh yeah forgot:i also heard somewhere that there was going to be judgement day because God wanted 2000 years of peace on Earth. way too late for that.

[edit on 25-8-2004 by bubble boy]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:29 PM

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Well one thing we can be certain of. On December 23, 2012 people will be moving onto the NEXT end of the world craze. Why the 23rd instead of the 22nd? There is usually a one day lapse. Why you may ask? That my friend is the real question.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 07:29 AM

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 02:29 PM
The world is not gonna end for a while,
if anyone hear is religious then they will understand what im about to say.

In the holy bible it states the world WILL have 1,000 years of peace. This has not happened yet clearly.

So when 2012 comes, you will all see that this is just a scientifical hypothesis.

Have you ever thought that there just might more than science?

but real power from a god?

What i believe that might be true is..."if" this world gets hit or damaged from some sort of commet and we all die. Then maybe thats gods way of restarting life and giving it 1,000 years of peace.

The question is "Who knows?"
we will all just have to wait and find out and live everyday like its our last.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:02 PM
The end of the Mayan calendar came 4 years early. The end of the Mayan calendar was December 21, 2008 and the Apocalypse has taken a nasty downturn. Have you noticed the bitter cold weather all over Earth yet? The Sun is turning itself off. I am the man of wisdom right out of the book of Revelation and the US government is holding off the supernova of our Sun under my direction. Hypernova of big stars less than 200 light years away are occurring. The Leopard neutrino pulse is what turns off the Sun and we are in the beginning days of a very big downturn in the energy output of the Sun. I am the physicist and messenger from God on the supernova project. I already made some adjustments to counteract the Sun turning off but there is a limit to how much that can be done and we are at the beginning of an event that looks like a big train wreck. Another giant hypernova Leopard neutrino start on January 17, 2009. The great earthquake which rolls the sky up was to be January 2, 2009 but the known is something we can deal with and change. We would be changing the secondary blast from our Sun by consuming the nuclide I call supernovium-1 in the Sun before January 2.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by danielsiedelmann

Wow, you are quite the guy, a true polymath- would you happen to have a good recipe for crab salad?

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:28 AM

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