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2012 End of World?

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posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 10:40 PM
All the movies and tv shows are zeroing in on the 2012 craze.

Futurama said World War III happened in 2012.
The "I am Legend" movie had the miracle cure come on 2012.

That's just what I noticed the last couple days.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by lostinspace
All the movies and tv shows are zeroing in on the 2012 craze.

Futurama said World War III happened in 2012.
The "I am Legend" movie had the miracle cure come on 2012.

That's just what I noticed the last couple days.

Ofcourse all the TV programs, Movies, Internet, Forums and other mediums are infested with this stuff!

They want you to fear and stay inactive. You are now chickened out and will sit by to watch the so-called End of the World in 2012...HAHAHAHAHAHAH exactly what the Elite want.

They fear us, we dont need to fear them.

Thats why they are spamming us to death with their 2012 theory!

Im sure that in 2012, they will miraculously find some new theory from some ancient dead people how the world will end in 2024..............

Wake up and see The Truth as it wussies!

We control our destiny together!

[edit on 9-1-2008 by drexciya]

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:20 PM
I had an epiphany concerning the sun, the Mayans, 2012, and the transendental object at the end of time.
See, the Mayans laid out their temples according to very precise calendrical events. Their big, and I mean big, event is on December 21, 2012.
It is the end of their calander.

The people who built those monuments and temples wanted them to last, even if the people themselves did not.
There is a reason the people thought the temples they were that important.

There are temples and pyramids devoted to the sun that are alligned to meet the end of the Mayan calander, do not doubt it.

Ive always known where I was going to be on that day. I will be atop a step pyramid in south america and I will will greet the dawn on December 21, 2012 as the living representative of the sun on earth.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 03:38 AM
The earth has been here for 5 billion years.

The Future is undecided.

Time does not exist, there exists only now.

Any fool that tells you he can predict the Future is dumb and ignorant, period!

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:31 PM
My understanding is that according to Mayan lore, their calendars were based on a series of "ages" which ran cyclically from the beginning of time, each age beginning and ending with an apocalyptic event. Each age was born out of the destroyed world that was before it and would, in turn, be destroyed by the counter force that created it (i.e. the age of fire would end with destruction by water, which would then give rise to the age of water, which would be destroyed by wind, etc...)

I am personally skeptical about the entire 2012 thing. This is not the first age of the Mayan calendar. It is the third. Since the world was not destroyed on the dates of the previous two ages, I do not see why it would end now with this one.

I think this is just another in a long series of astronomical apocalypses that never happen. There were so many of these predictions in the 19th and early 20th centuries that if there was any validity to them, we would have been toast long ago.

I was a kid at the time, but wasn't there also something in the early 1980's saying something very similar to this? I think it involved an alignment of planets in the solar system in 1982.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Dec. 12th 2012 hah um well first off...yes it is true that the Aztec calendar will end on that date. well as to what happens on this date is not to personal belief it is proven that the Aztec calendar was based on astronomy the position of the stars now if one was smart about investigating this aspect then one would discover that the earth and the sun will be align on this day with the center of our galaxy. what this means is that at our center we have a super massive black hole as to what will happen is up for debate. Scientist belief that with the alignment there will be a gravitational pull at our polls north and south. Scientist have reason to belief that this has happened once before on our planet. They suspect that the super massive black hole with pull our sun in and in turn pull our earth which will cuss our planet to shift on it axis. Resulting in either minutes or in hours even a few days a sudden increase of temperature in certain areas of the earth and also a rapid decrease in temperature in other areas. And cussing the earths population to either die off from heat or extreme cold. Also the oceans will be depleted and dry out. That is what scientist speculate what will happen… this happens every 2500 or 3000 years for this alignment to happen

You can check this out in many website there are to many to list but one very good one is the history channel.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Dec. 12th 2012 hah um well first off...yes it is true that the Aztec calendar will end on that date. well as to what happens on this date is not to personal belief it is proven that the Aztec calendar was based on astronomy the position of the stars now if one was smart about investigating this aspect then one would discover that the earth and the sun will be align on this day with the center of our galaxy. what this means is that at our center we have a super massive black hole as to what will happen is up for debate. Scientist belief that with the alignment there will be a gravitational pull at our polls north and south. Scientist have reason to belief that this has happened once before on our planet. They suspect that the super massive black hole with pull our sun in and in turn pull our earth which will cuss our planet to shift on it axis. Resulting in either minutes or in hours even a few days a sudden increase of temperature in certain areas of the earth and also a rapid decrease in temperature in other areas. And cussing the earths population to either die off from heat or extreme cold. Also the oceans will be depleted and dry out. That is what scientist speculate what will happen… this happens every 2500 or 3000 years for this alignment to happen

You can check this out in many website there are to many to list but one very good one is the history channel.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by xzist

I think you are on the right track. Trust and cultivate this intuition concerning enlightenment. Try to develop your own unique contribution to the movement towards enlightenment, and learn to trust and search for verification of the truths of your "higher self" as you progress.

Good luck...

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:23 PM
The Jews, Mayans/Aztec and Christians all recorded periods where the sun turned off.

1. The 9th plague of Egypt was of total darkness for three days.
2. The prophet Joel spoke of a future date where the sun would turn dark.
3. Before Jesus died the sun light failed for three hours.
4. Jesus said that the end times would have an event where the sun would not give its light.

The Maya/Aztec prophecy says the fifth sun comes to an end December 21, 2012.

The moon is called "New" when its totally black. The same could be true of the sun. When it goes dark it becomes new. This means that the sun has gone dark five times.

If it turns out that the sun is really Electric in nature then it is possible for it to turn dark every once in a great while. This means that the voltage source that drives the sun is external and that if there was ever a disturbance of that energy the sun may stop arcing, momentarily.
If there was an incredible amount of sun spots on the sun, the sun would appear dark. Photons do not emit where there are sun spots.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 01:41 PM

What is all that 2012 fuss about?
The year 2012 is referring to the last year of the Long Count Maya calendar. The current Great Cycle, as the Mayas call it, is set to end on the winter solstice of 2012: December 21 2012. Many people believe that on that date, the world will change and never be the same. Some predict terrible events resulting in the destruction of our world and some predict that it won’t necessarily end, but we will enter a new era and massive changes will occur.

This article will try to answer most questions you may have in a rational and scientific way. There’s too many websites creating some sort of fear propaganda around 2012 and as you will see, you have nothing to be scared of.

There’s too much disinformation going on about this subject and what you’ve read so far about the end of the world in 2012 is probably false. There’s an article you can read that was publish around 1990 and it kind of reminds me our current situation about 2012:

More at

Moderator edit: Please do NOT cut and paste websites here. Quote a few paragraphs, explain what's good about the page, and link

[edit on 9-3-2008 by Byrd]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 02:00 PM


There’s been some sort of hype lately regarding the Web Bots and I’m really surprised there’s almost no information about it available. The Web Bot project was developed in the late 1990s mainly to predict the stock market ups and downs (Web bot and stock markets). How do they do it? It’s really simple in fact and it’s a very nice implementation of what search engines do. Web bots simply crawl the web the same way Google crawls it at regular intervals to catch new and existing web sites and detect relevant keywords. Web Bots do it just a little differently: While search engines are just “indexing” the Web and creating a Web directory, Web bots are looking for trends with the keyword relations they find. It search for keywords “standing out” in a web document but also take in consideration the content preceding and following the keyword. This data is then analyzed by a linguistic tool to determine the meaning if there’s any.


Moderator edit: Please don't cut and paste web pages here. Cite a few paragraphs, explain why you picked this, and link.)

[edit on 9-3-2008 by Byrd]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 02:06 PM

What is Planet X?
First of all, Planet X or Nibiru as some like to call it is a large hypothetical planet beyond Neptune. Why hypothetical? Because no one ever saw or proved the existence of Planet X. That’s also where the name X comes from; to represent the unknown. A lot of attempts were made to prove the existence of the planet, even by the NASA, but without success.


[edit on 9-3-2008 by Byrd]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 02:16 PM

I think an important thing in life is to remain rational and not being caught in all sorts of fear/war/whatever propaganda. The key to that is being able to detect propaganda. In fact, I’m amazed that propaganda still works really good in today’s world because access to information is so much easy. Access to information and education is key to eliminate propaganda. Well informed people are less likely to believe things that doesn’t make sense because they can make their own objective opinion from things they’ve read or seen. With Wikipedia and all the information available on the internet these days, you don’t have any excuse anymore to be misinformed.


[edit on 9-3-2008 by Byrd]

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 07:40 PM
Here's one thing to consider with 2012 is "evolution" We humans are on the cusp of our next phase of development and we are mutating right now and it is something that most can't accept because its something we don't yet know about so it cannot be explained.

With all the extra radiation in the atmosphere because of man, some ppl made this transformation already and can't figure out why they can see things like "deja-vo" or preminitions,and the ppl that haven't mutated think the ppl who have r crackpots because they can't understand it.

Think of all the ppl with breathing problems they could be part of the mutating proccess ..I know of ppl that have never been around smoke but they have developed COPD.I believe it is because of the mutation.

People cannot cope with what is happening within thier bodies.Our inner self is telling us to be peaceful but all u hear is war Those two are conflicting with each other and u end up with a bi-polar disorder.

"The more we try to understand the more confused we get."Im not sure who said it but it fits.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 10:12 AM
Isn't this the first prediction that has actual science based proof behind it. All the other doomsday prediction were based only on religion. The Mayan civilization were based on science... And their buildings, on astronomy. Their calendar ends on the 21st/12th/2012. A supercomputer has predicted the incoming catastrophe. The program it uses has spiders. These are small inbuilt programs. I'm sorry guys, but there's a sad/good story behind all of this. Half humans will fight for their life to try and avoid this catastrophe whilst religious people will fight for their god to come and cleanse this world. And with the amount of scientific proof backing this, along with the calculations, and amazing accuracy of todays astronomical technology, I think these issues have to be taken into governments decisions on what to do. Remember, this thing happens every several hundred thousand years. It's just like the predictions that science has made about an eclipse, or the knowledge that the sun gets hotter and colder for good reason, As well as with reasons as to why mars and the earth are getting hotter. Things happen. We're on one planet in a big place. Make sure you slip on a shirt, slap on sunscreen, and slap on a hat on the day. And find the most amazing shelter ever. Personally, I don't fear the end. I'll be on my roof, completely naked, drinking beer, having a smoke, and catching a nice tan on my genitalia.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 08:20 AM
My opinion on the 2012 subject from what i have read and investigated is short and simple. Einstein predicts polar shift due to the fact of the 26,000 approx cycle (which the egyptians, mayans and many other ancient civilisations knew about,even the bible has similar prophecies!) which sees our planet passing through the gravitational plane from the centre of our galaxy( thought to be a massive blackhole) All magnets have north and south poles which will be reversed when passing through this plane. So basically we will experiance earthquakes, floods, plate shifting and other extreme weather conditions. Not the end of the world, just changes.
Now I am from Australia and the native aboriginies here claim to have been on this island for more than 40,00yrs and they had never experianced any massive events such as has been predicted by most doomsday theories. So the question is will or wont something happen? We will just have to wait and see. My advice is if the worst is to come, Australia should be a pretty safe place to be.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by joehayner

only God (Allah) knows when the world is going to end so it might be the day of judgement on 21st december 2012
i think we all should turn into Muslims so God can forgive us and there will be place for us in Heaven.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 08:39 PM
yea but i think they meant end of the age which means on the same day as the "end of the world" 12/21/2012 winter solstice ends the age of pieces and starts the age of aquarious. dats my opinion

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

There is a possibilty that 21/12/2012 is the last day but not completely,becausewe have a 24 hour circle time around the earth,and so possibly the last complete day would be ,20/12/2012, or 12/20/2012 depending if you put the day or month first. If you look at the numbers they are symetrical or repetitious,has anyone else spotted this? mike

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:14 PM

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