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ADD and ADHD and a new theory

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posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Red Balloon,

Ok I am formulating a response to yours...which will come shortly. However, I noticed your "Mood: Lost"...perhaps you should pop another dexedrine pill? Hope I was life saving. I also noticed alot of anger and hostility in your post(s), is that a negative side effect of the medicine?

[edit on 30-9-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

[edit on 30-9-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

Since you edited in another comment, I will reply to that also. Did not mean to miss it the first time around. I'm angry because its frustrating when people who do not have experience or knowledge of ADHD and ADD make comments insinuating that the struggle so many people face is all in their heads. It makes me angry when I am called a pill popper. That's reasonable. I don't usually tell people about ADHD because of this exact reason. People make assumptions and judgements about me that are not true, and that is frustrating for anyone. It has nothing to do with medication, and that shows your ignorance on the subject. Not knowing about something and making posts like yours can really be hurtful to a lot of people, and hilights the prejudices and disregard so many people have. I have not attacked you personally, I have attacked your theory and the words themselves. Why are YOU so angry and hurtful?

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:45 PM
"why be so nasty?" HAH! That is EXACTLY how I was interpreting you...I'm sorry for alluding that you are a "pill popper".

You are being so presumptuous it's ridiculus.

"Perhaps you should not be so judgemental of people who are happy, well adjusted, and quite successful and comfortable with themselves."

Umm what? Come again? This thread was started because someone with "add/adhd" did not feel that way. As far as me being judgmental towards your happy, adjusted life...could you point that out in my posts? You're not being rational. You're being emotional and hostile. Projection anyone?? =)

Again I am formulating a response. Please give me some time do this this.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:50 PM
Dude I made ONE post that barely touched on my "theory". You are being VERY conclusive, yet you have collected VERY little input from me to support this attitude.

BTW: I was diagnosed "ADD" and I have taken meds. I took Dexedrine and Wellbutrin. My best friend is "ADHD", my mom is a doctor and I am a research freak (im on ATS arnt I). Again hold your pants on and let me formulate a response so that my "theory" will be made more clear.

[edit on 30-9-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

[edit on 30-9-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Umm what? Come again? This thread was started because someone with "add/adhd" did not feel that way. As far as me being judgmental towards your happy, adjusted life...could you point that out in my posts? You're not being rational. You're being emotional and hostile. Projection anyone?? =)

Again I am formulating a response. Please give me some time do this this?

Sure - you were being judgemental when implying I was a pill popper, or my anger and frustration was a result of medication. It's judgemental to suggest the mood line in my profile is somehow associated with ADHD or medication. It's judgemental to say that people with ADHD are somehow exploiting something.

Also, I could have made the same associations with your name on here, and your 'Dreaming' mood, but my feelings are not projections, they are reactions. Yes, I'm most definitely emotional on the subject, and like I mentioned in the first post I made, I stayed away from this post like the plague for this reason exactly. I thought I could help out ADHDsux4me, and I hope I did. I wish them and everyone else who feels they are disadvantaged or suffering the best, and I will be more than happy to discuss this outside of this thread with anyone who cares to share their experiences or informed advice through U2Us.

As for giving you time to formulate a response, take all the time you like. I'm going to try my darndest to not be back to this thread to even view it. I've said what I needed to to ADHDSux4me, and hope more people who suffer can see the positives and benefits, and those that are misdiagnosed can find the help they need.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 09:10 PM

"As for giving you time to formulate a response, take all the time you like. I'm going to try my darndest to not be back to this thread to even view it."

Well that pretty much confirms it. Yet some how I am the ignorant one hehe. Ok you yourself acknowledge the fact that you have an emotional barrier on this subject.

"Yes, I'm most definitely emotional on the subject, and like I mentioned in the first post I made, I stayed away from this post like the plague for this reason exactly."

It is so obvious your emotions, your "reactions", are hendering your ability to consider all facts from a logical viewpoint. So my attempts would be futile anyhow. Oh well.

"It's judgemental to say that people with ADHD are somehow exploiting something."

Read my intial post again, apparently you were not rational from the start. It's obvious I am refering to the pharmaceutical companies doing the exploitation and NOT people with ADD/ADHD.

ADHDsux4me: In a nutshell I believe there are effective alternative methods to medication for ADD/ADHD. Lemme know if you want me to expand on that.

[edit on 30-9-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

[edit on 30-9-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 10:31 PM
I know this has been an enlightening thread for me, as I hope others who have experienced similar problems, or those who would like to understand what it is to suffer it, could draw some wisdom from these collected musings.

Everyone here is entitled to their views and opinions, and no one is "wrong" for having them. RedB, is a very passionate person. This is not a unique trait amongst us ATS's out here, but a common trait among us with ADHD, we are very passionate people about topics we hold dear.

I'm sure in the spirit of an open forum, we can all just agree to disagree and leave any presumptions about what one says, to be nothing more than conjecture, unless they come out and Just say something inflammatory and get the point across that it was intended to be

So, Let's keep this thread on-topic and not digress into a war of minced words, and innuendo's contrived from typing. Typing like this conveys very little, and sometimes the context of how things were intended to come across is grossly misinterreputed.

Take for example, if I were to call my friend in a joking tone an a$$hole. They would probably get my intention was joking, and joke back at me similarly. If I were to do the same to a stranger on the street, I'd get a very real negative response, and maybe a butt-whooping for my audacity.

Text is impersonal, and can be miscinstrued unless it is definitive.

Many Thanks and Best Regards,


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