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I am a 25yr old White Male in UK, and I have been diagnosed with HIV :(

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posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by minor007
its true its in the bloodstream but where it began for most people was in the bowel and that's where it colonized and spread

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by benjamin2012

Stay strong, dont breathe a word of this to anyone in your life. try and seek enjoyment from the simple things.
God be with you.


posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

Why shouldn't he breathe a word of this to anyone?

I don't understand this point.

Of course what the OP does is his business, I'm just wondering why somebody would give that advice?

HIV/AIS is not something you can just sweep under the carpet.

edit on 7-1-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by Mcupobob

Originally posted by Mcupobob
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Doesn't make money? People who are sick like the OP getting conned out of their last money on a "cure" of fiber. Pshh. The natural remedy market is nothing but filled with scam artist and its sad to see people actually vouch for such people who pray on the sick .

You have no idea what your talking about. When you take natural supplements to try and prevent/cure a disease you have to actually do research and choose specific ones for your need. Not just pick any old thing and hope for the best. Calling the natural "remedy" market a scam is like calling a food shop a scam. Makes no sense at all. Of course there are people selling "cures" which are scams, but you get scammers in every industry. So trying to blame a whole thing because of the acts of a few is really unfair. The biggest scam is the pharmaceutical industry that sells toxic drugs convincing people that these toxic drugs can help them but all they really do is pro-long there death. If you go the natural route you can over-come almost any disease. If sick people are getting "conned" then they obviously not doing enough research on the product there buying before hand.
edit on 7-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
reply to post by Mcupobob

Originally posted by Mcupobob
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Doesn't make money? People who are sick like the OP getting conned out of their last money on a "cure" of fiber. Pshh. The natural remedy market is nothing but filled with scam artist and its sad to see people actually vouch for such people who pray on the sick .

You have no idea what your talking about. When you take natural supplements to try and prevent/cure a disease you have to actually do research and choose specific ones for your need. .....If sick people are getting "conned" then they obviously not doing enough research on the product there buying before hand.
edit on 7-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

Mcupbob - I can agree in many cases.

RevelationGeneration - The rest is for you and the other fervent supporters of alternative medicine, ONLY as applied to this condition and NOT as a general put-down - alternative medicine has its place:

When you promote a remedy with any amount of integrity, you HAVE to do more research on the disease FIRST before you can promote a cure, and thats where all of the alternative therapies promoted for this condition fail, because there is no specific research with true long-term success (long-term being more than 10 years, and weeding out the naturally immune and the long-term suppressors - about 5 to 10%) that they can reference.

Nor is there any 'AIDS denialist' literature that the alternative-health promotors can provide that in itself is not full of holes and not based on incomplete knowledge and half-truth (and once again proven with long-term studies made in this century).

This is what I need for proof. Show me someone that lived 20 years with both T-cell receptors, and no broadly-neutralizing antibodies, that started with a high viral load and low CD4, and we can re-discuss all of the above. I ain't holding my breath on this because I looked already.

Really, don't believe this crap.The denialists don't believe it, the people of SA lived it (and the believers died from it), neither do the profiteers of the natural health industry believe it (that is not ALL of the industry but there is a segment that is not there for the benefit of humanity).

Once again...alternative therapies and natural health prevention and remedies are not being debunked here. But seeing the 'denial' arguments being used to support alternative therapies as opposed to the proven - in THIS case - is idiotic, it is dangerous, and it is wrong, and cannot be done by people that understand it, only by followers, or by profiteers, or by those with an agenda to sway a segment of population to remove themselves from society. For the record I believe all of the above, and have seen the proof. THis is more than the they can say, they has only spouted the canned response of fools and profiteers.

I have to question if this is a scam for the profiteers of alternative medicine, or if it is more sinister and agenda to steer a particular condition to certain death? With its own group of fervent followers and preachers that know it makes them feel healthier, see how it works for other conditions, but have no real knowledge of THIS condition. Hmmm.

Can't put them all on an island anymore, just not politically correct, can't even sort it out anymore since there are heteros and even women in the bunch, maybe even kids...can't even preach about it, get labeled a bigot...but at least the righteous can still dupe the stupid ones and the desperate ones and the poor ones to falling into the trap of death by acting like a friend? And get a fervent base of believers to unknowingly carry out their agenda while thinking they are doing good?

Did you notice how this specific situation fits in with a lot of what you see in the other forums here, the depopulation conspiracies, the NWO, eugenics, etc....all have some piece of 'removal of undesirables' involved. So in this case, the alternative cure hawkers' conspiracy does NOT fit, but worse, the hawkers of alternative cures fits into the conspiracy. The true definition of shrill.

There's your sign. See it?

edit on 7-1-2012 by lakesidepark because: this is the last thing I ever wanted to be an expert on....

edit on 7-1-2012 by lakesidepark because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-1-2012 by lakesidepark because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:16 AM
It's so strange that when people who knew less than nothing on HIV/AIDS pushed these diet cures, or a range of con-men and their dodgy overpriced snake-oil cures, they did not apply the same unproven and sometimes harmful supplements to themselves.

Manto Tshabala-Msimang was our infamous health minister under Thabo Mbeki, and quite an insulting and aggressive defender of the President's quack theories (most of these people try to be very intimidating and defensive). She was also known as "Dr Beetroot", and our ehihibit at the 2006 AIDS conference in Toronto was essentially a vegetable stand (with the added African potato, which proved to be toxic to the liver). Activists fumed with anger, as people kept dying, often unable to eat in any case, and put on drips of another scam product called "African Solutions".

Eventually people just had it with the embarrassing circus, and Mbeki was deposed by his own party.
In 2009 Manto's liver packed up from her alcoholism (she infamously even drank in hospital).
She received a liver transplant, but it didn't go well for long.
People were outraged that she was fast-tracked for a liver transplant, when ordinary South Africans are put on long waiting lists.

We also felt that she should have applied her quackery and diet-cures to herself (but many of the people who push these things know full well it is nonsense).
She had no business being in a hospital, and should have gone to a vegetable shop.
Perhaps those sentiments were somewhat cruel, but after what SA had been through it was understandable.
It was time to "de-liver".

As one could see with Mbeki, people who push these unproven cures for HIV/AIDS often have a whole range of other bizarre beliefs, and that's fine for them, but they shouldn't have power over anybody else.

edit on 7-1-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:31 PM

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 02:41 PM
Benjamin, you mentioned on page 10:

Originally posted by benjamin2012
.......... I have nobody to talk to in the real world about this and forums like the ones mentioned previously really are lifelines for people like me.

I have a question. You don't have to respond if you don't want to. If you don't I'll understand perfectly.

First, let me say that I do not condone the homosexual lifestyle, as I think it's unnatural. I'm not writing this to condemn you. Also, I understand that one post will probably not sway you to change.

So my question is... you're a 25 yr old young man.. with many hormones. What are you doing about your sexual urges these days? It's hell being alone, no matter who you are. And I know you don't want to infect anybody else. Maybe you can find an AIDS support group and someone there? Maybe you already did? Just a suggestion.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by lakesidepark

No one is promoting remedies, your trying to use a straw man argument. All we are saying is that HIV is simply a VIRUS and Virus's aren't a death sentence. Just like Cancer isn't a death sentence, but chemo is a death sentence just like the toxic Antiretrovirals are a death sentence, they cause aids. Choose to believe what you want, alternative-health is the key to most health problems my friend, you should really take a look at a site called you may learn something about health. Pharmaceuticals are bad and UN-needed, everything we need to treat disease can be found in nature. How you use the term "denialists" is typical for straw man based logic. Pharmaceuticals are dangerous, and the profiteers behind that industry do everything they can to suppress the truth of alternative cures. I have to question if this is a scam for the profiteers of big pharma, or if it is more sinister and agenda to steer a particular condition to certain death?

edit on 7-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

There have been people diagnosed HIV positive..Then when they check on their status a few years later find they are clear. Well whats happened? I suggest by eating certain things they have flooked a cure.The aids virus needs a very specific environment to survive.tBody temp, ph, even alchohol levels.Metal loading, anti virals etc.The money going into the pharmacuticals want a patented cure, so they can make money.Anacdotal cures are laughed at by them.
How come in a flu epidemic the hospitals dont get so badly understaffed they have to close? Doctors constantly touching the sick seem to be immune. It seems that an informed Doc takes 30mg of zinc a day,its well known in medical circles that this will protect you from colds and flu,add a 1000mg of vit C and your laughing, when all the rest are sick in bed.I dont see this being pushed because the world we live in is a business model where, you dont give a sucker an even break.Yeh I know the first reaction is BS. If that were true then why arn't everyone taking it.and who would try it on my say so?...Most people cant remember to wash their hands after going to the toilet..Let alone take a couple of pills regularly. Now you can see the problem and the reason why the Big Pharma rule. Most of the population are sheep for the shearing of .What a great business model it is...the faster the food the less essential nutrients are in i,t and the sicker the general population gets,and the richer Big Pharma this a coincidence? Why are the simple basics ignored....

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:49 PM


posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 05:45 AM
From your first post it sounds as if you are at peace, and ready when the time comes to leave this awful world. I am glad you have arrived at that point, and I understand the struggle it takes to get there. I find it amazing that so many people think that avoiding death is a battle that can be won, when it's an inevitability for us all.

At the end no one worries about all the material crap they are leaving behind. But more the emotional damage they may have caused others out of pursing the material crap that is meaningless. My fondest memories haven't been ones of acquisition, but of special moments with those I love. Like my grandmother and I sharing stories over coffee, or my son calling me silly daddy saying a-a-a-apple when he was little and I'd do flash cards with him. It's those precious moments that have real meaning and it doesn't take a life time to figure that out.

My advice isn't trying to prolong the inevitable, but using the time you and all of us have left to clear out any remaining regrets we may have in the way we treated others. If there is no way to contact a person or if they have passed then write them a letter and seal it. That inner peace will continue to grow and expand.

I find it very interesting that when someone fully embraces the fact they will pass away, how much peace overcomes their being. It's as if they realize that they don't have to struggle and life's pursuits seem as nothing but a pointless upstream battle that does not need to be fought or swam...and all the beauty is right there in the moment already blossomed and people just can't see it.

Take care and I hope you continue seeing life clearly.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Darkchemistry
At the end no one worries about all the material crap they are leaving behind. But more the emotional damage they may have caused others out of pursing the material crap that is meaningless. My fondest memories haven't been ones of acquisition, but of special moments with those I love. Like my grandmother and I sharing stories over coffee, or my son calling me silly daddy saying a-a-a-apple when he was little and I'd do flash cards with him. It's those precious moments that have real meaning and it doesn't take a life time to figure that out.

Thank you for your reply, it gave me goosebumps to read as I can really relate to you, especially when you say its the memories and not materialistic things that matter. I will carry on living my life with this motto in my head, however long I have left I am going to make every moment count, not just for me but for my family and those around me.


posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by anonentity
There have been people diagnosed HIV positive..Then when they check on their status a few years later find they are clear. Well whats happened? I suggest by eating certain things they have flooked a cure.

I suggest, and evidence with ongoing trials, that they are part of the group called 'long term non-progressors' whose bodies create the antibodies against the virus instead of the antibodies it normally creates against the shell of the virus (which do not work with this virus - this is the first problem with HIV - it attacks and hides itself from our primary defense). I also note some of these people have been studied for the last 10 years and the scientists have isolated at least two antibodies that are candidates for drugs.
However, I would also suggest that anon cannot even provide ONE case study of the 'they' that he refers to.

How come in a flu epidemic the hospitals dont get so badly understaffed they have to close? Doctors constantly touching the sick seem to be immune. It seems that an informed Doc takes 30mg of zinc a day,its well known in medical circles that this will protect you from colds and flu,add a 1000mg of vit C and your laughing,

The doctors also get regular vaccinations, And there are times when hospitals may go up to 30% unstaffed at peak of flu season.
I would also suggest anon just spouted this from the hip and has no references to cite, and probably doesn't work or know anyone that works in a hospital.

and the sicker the general population gets,and the richer Big Pharma this a coincidence? Why are the simple basics ignored....

Of course not. When people get sick Big Pharma makes money. That IS what they do. Should they make money? YES. I want them to make money and find more treatments and cures. That is also what they do.

Maybe they make too much? Can't argue there! And I am NOT spouting from the hip, I am spouting from the checkbook.

The simple basics should NOT be ignored.
But killing a cold and getting rid of a retrovirus are two different things. Good health practices should always be used, and I fully agree with the nutrition aspects of all the arguments here.

What I don't agree with is the people that try to inform others and PUSH onto others their BELIEF that the alternative therapies can cure this, especially when there is no evidence they provide except they 'know someone that did it', and too much evidence and dead bodies to refute it.

This is not discussing a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy in itself.
This is dangerous and deadly. I can only think it has a purpose.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by nobodysavedme
The above TOS'er suggested there was only a certain way the disease could be contracted. Much like the other postings, if it wasn't for the danger aspect of the information, I would keep my mouth shut. Discussing specifics to fight these fools definitely goes beyond TOS. Simply put, I believed your 'friend's' theory too. But here I am (or more for the TOS violator, no 'but' and still here I am).

Both the threads that have run on this subject this week have gotten their share of TOS, because too many people (especially in the US) see the disease itself as some curse to the wicked and not a disease. It has a stigma and I am not fond of attaching my name to it. Most heteros that have this get tired of this crap and aren't in a position to fight it. And they have to learn tolerance, acceptance, and understanding from a position most of you outside this world cannot even dream of being in. In the 80's and 90's no one would help the gay population here, and they had to fight to get the drugs and fight to get Big Pharma to get on the bandwagon, even fight for the right for medical care. No one would touch them or work with them. And they were the only ones that went to work in the field to help those that get this. Meanwhile the heteros hid. They didn't fit in the support groups for the disease; and they were no fit anywhere else. They didn't speak out. Yet they had to seek help from the gay activists that were willing to fight the front-line in the public eye, and have them to thank for the fast-tracking of the drugs, the medical assistance, the counseling, the knowledge to live. That'll smack the right-winger right offa your face.

Of course now the percentages are more balanced to the population (sadly because some didn't think they were at risk since they didn't fall into the 'risk group' of the 80's and didn't keep up)..and support groups include a much larger representation of the population, a wider range of beliefs, including many that started with the same beliefs as those who get kicked from these threads for TOS...and yet there are still those that think there is only one way to get it.

I would suggest that the TOS'er do a bit more learning, and get some more understanding, so someday they don't have to deal with this with their son or daughter because they misled them into thinking they were not at risk if they didn't do a certain thing.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by lakesidepark

Keep taking your vaccines and drinking your flouride and eating your aspartame.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by RMFX1

To give you some idea of what is contained in the needle attached to a syringe after use by someone who has a viral load.
The size of the hepatitis virus and aids virus are very similar, to give an idea of scale and content on a normal 1ml single use disposable needle.
If the virus was the size of a soccer ball and you scaled the needle up by the same amount, the needle would reach from london to new york, and would be 47 miles wide.
Think about the amount of soccer balls you could fill that space with. london to new york, 47 miles wide, clothing represents absolutely no protection if it breaks the skin, in a tube that has been filled with literally billions of virii there will be plenty left lying around.
even after a cold water flush, bleaching, a hot wash, a cold salt wash, and a final cold water rinse, there will be enough to infect another person if they used it for injecting.
thats why they recommend you dont share injecting kit, even if it has been washed.

To the OP i am glad you are feeling a little better, thanks for posting your story, interesting and thought provoking reading.
Good luck.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
reply to post by lakesidepark

Keep taking your vaccines and drinking your flouride and eating your aspartame.

That response from you does indicate some success in my arguments simply because there is no followup to the obvious presented in my responses, and no basic proof. The vanquished resort to attacks on other fronts before desperate retreat. And those that only quote their sources cannot defeat those that live them and quote them.

My vaccines are limited, no city water and no flouride, and hell no on the aspartame. No sodas, no alcohol, sex no drugs no wine no women no fun no sin no you no wonder its dark....(sorry started singing some voodoo there for a moment - must be the dementia).

Please only speak of what you know to be facts.

Which, BTW, is the biggest problem in the responses I felt needed to be contested - they were all formed by people that refused to speak of only what they know.

Since these disproven ideas from totally uninformed people (we're not talking about alternatives and healthy living, we are talking SPECIFICALLLY about the ability of any alternative therapy to reverse the course of HIV, and most specifically any promotion of the old denialist arguments to support their alternatives) are dangerous to the OP and to anyone reading this thread for information, my replies ARE NECESSARY.

These people are more dangerous than the simple troll, as they promote their safer alternatives in too many areas that they cannot prove, then use whatever information they can find to keep the profit flowing (or keep their argument going if they are one of the blind flock). Make Big Pharma and Big Doctor and Big Medical the boogyman, find some poor / desperate people with no hope and no way to afford the recommended treatments, and make a buck (or pound) or two. The age-old profession of the flim-flam man as applied to deadly disease.

And better, they can wrap the whole thing in its own conspiracy that really helps to bury the purpose (and the dead bodies), hide the actual failures, and keep the gravy train a'rollin. It works well, especially with this disease, since the average joe schmo doesn't learn anything these days about the success of the drugs, and most people with HIV aren't braggin around the office water cooler about how well their drugs are doing, so people don't learn anymore than what they heard in the 90's (this was back when there were people actually proposing to put all infected people on an island...remember those days???). This works very well for the scammers and their duped accomplices.

Back to the OP...I am glad you are at peace. But at some point in this process you will figure out that you can live, and that you will live, and you will start looking for a purpose and even questioning why you can live, as there are poor in the US dying and waiting their turn on the ADAP lists, and I don't even know enough to speak of what people in SA have been thru. SO you will question why you get the chance, and it is then that life will come back and you will seek the purpose. It will come to you. Whether that is saving the world, or helping one other person, it will be worth it.

My purpose must be to stick my neck out and talk to those bigots and blind who wouldn't even listen to you, and you know what I mean about that I am sure. Hopefully you understand why I would take so much of your thread for this war, but its your war too, its our war, you just ain't ready to fight it yet, but you saw it walk right into your life right along with the disease, just like it infested this thread. You still need to get more T-cells, then you will be ready to fight, grasshopper.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by minor007

fictional story hmm?? so youre saying more than five attempts on the mans life who made those claims were just somebody who was pissed off over a poker game bet?? get your head outta your ass mr. cooper was murdered because the feds couldnt take anymore of the exposure he was releasing.

go troll a thread about fox news and get a life.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 06:25 PM
No matter gay or straight, no one deserves this. My sympathies man. But maybe this will make your life better, in the sense that you'll live every day like its your last

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