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Why do 27,000 children die every single day?

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by OWSisdead
Why? Because people are breeding irresponsibly.

Spot on. And as much as I dont like to say it, its not really their fault in my opinion, these people simply do not know better. Little children dying was extremely common in history, and there are plenty of places around the world that still do live "in the past". I mainly blame developed countries that do nothing substantial to remedy the situation.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Dionisius
reply to post by OWSisdead

True we are breeding at a ridicolously stupid and irresponsible rate, but it goes a whole lot deeper than that.

Its got more to do with money, power, secret societies and big business and all the # that goes along with these evils.

Really secret societies and big business? Youve been brainwashed by Barry Obama it's called personal

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by OWSisdead

Of course, its the personal responsibility to stick the middle up to Capitalists and tell Civilization that its got it all wrong, take a look in the history books and have a look at what has happened to every single Civilization previous. It might open your eyes to how all this infront of us is not going to last and is the wrong way to live.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by OWSisdead
Why? Because people are breeding irresponsibly.

That is one of the main problems. Sending aid in the form of food to a country without teaching them is only a temporary solution. Some of these poor nations just don't get the idea that if they keep making babies in a system that already can't support existing populations, that the problem will just get worse.

Canada is a major exporter of wheat... back a few years Canadians decided to help third world countries to help themselves by teaching them to farm and provide seed.

In india, they took the lessons and now are exporting wheat, competing with Canada to the point that Canadian wheat was rotting in the silos

In Biafra, the farmers told the instructors that "This is not the way we do things, we will continue to farm the way our ancestors did" Which was basically stripping the land so little would grow. End result... they are still starving and still produce babies with no hope of feeding them

In today's reality many people in the US are facing job loss, home loss and even starvation so the ability for people to help others around the world is getting less, while the population continues to rise, especially in 3rd world nations. So expect this to get much worse

As to the money that organizations raise to help people? I think we need to really do a check on that... Take the Red Cross for example... 9/11 they raised MILLIONS but where did that money go? Only a few thousand were ever given out to families from the reports I saw

In Japan, I followed the disaster for months... Red Cross raised several BILLION in aid (6 I believe it was) Yet by the third month not ONE DOLLAR had reached those in need. Red Cross made some comments about it taking time to process or something... really? Three MONTHS? I never did find out if that money ever got there.

We see the ads on TV to help the children... people donate money out of sympathy, but does anyone follow up on it? A lot of that money is lost in 'administration costs" IE directors salaries. Here in Las Vegas we have a major charity for the Mentally handicapped. Directors make 120,000 a year. They tried to raise that to 160,000 but the feds put a cap on non profit directors at 120,000

Unicef years ago was nailed because their operating expense was over 85%

The Truth:
According to the Salvation Army, Commissioners W. Todd Bassett and his wife Carol A. Bassett jointly received basic living allowances and grants totaling $64,210 for 2004 plus housing valued at $34,116. That is still considerably less than the salaries of some of the other top charities.

Marsha J. Evans, the president of the American Red Cross, was paid $651,957 in 2004. The president of the United Way is now Ralph Dickerson Jr. who's current salary is $420,000 per year, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

UNICEF C.E.O. and President Caryl M. Stern earned $478,645 in 2009 according to a Better Business Bureau report. The Better Business Bureau also said that Brian Gallagher, CEO of The United Way earns $1,037,410 in 2008.

Now you know where your money is going, and why the children are still dying. And that isn't even counting the black market where the goods that do get shipped disappear to

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Maslo

Are you for real?? We're told that we are using up the worlds finite resources, at an ever increasing rate. We have the technology to see a car licence plate from a satellite orbiting our planet. And our goverenments have computers that can tune in to any telephone conversation they wish to. We've created a chip (RFID) smaller than a grain of rice able to store and transmit megabytes of data. And yet we don't have the ability and technology to utilise and recycle the earths natural resources expediently enough on an ongoing basis?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Dionisius
reply to post by OWSisdead

Of course, its the personal responsibility to stick the middle up to Capitalists and tell Civilization that its got it all wrong, take a look in the history books and have a look at what has happened to every single Civilization previous. It might open your eyes to how all this infront of us is not going to last and is the wrong way to live.

Ok I see you are one of those its everybodys fault but the people responsible. Therefore your post just seems to read blah, blah. blah.
edit on 5-1-2012 by OWSisdead because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Dionisius
Its got more to do with money, power, secret societies and big business and all the # that goes along with these evils.

Don't go blaming 'secret societies' without knowing what your talking about. Masons, Shriners and others spend millions on helping children, communities and making hospitals.

The biggest problem and why these charities have such high salaries is people... People think they can ease their conscience by sending money and forgetting about it. All these non profit groups make big salaries, have perks etc. People assume non profits don't pay compensation WRONG If the have money left at the end of the year, they won't get the same grants the next year so they have to dump the money... They can do that by throwing big parties for director... huge expensive galas usually around Xmas and they can use those to raise funds for the next years

I know as I and my Guild helped as volunteers to set up such Galas in Vegas

Personally I support charities that work within my own area, because we have lots of children in need in our own communities. I can't be too concerned over starving kids in Africa or Asia when we have the same starving kids in Tennessee and even in every city in the USA.

I know the game with the directors salaries, but that didn't stop our group helping to raise millions to help those mentally handicapped kids. At least being part of it we could see where the money went and enough did go to make a difference... but i did have it out with one director who referred to us as "Oh he doesn't know anything, he is just the help"
He later wished he had never made that remark

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:36 PM
Sounds like Aide Organizations are Big Business. Sad,very sad.

About the breeding issue comments, are we supposed to tell those people to stop having sex?
Get the men to cut off their gonads? We can't even tell our teenagers to not have sex how are we going to tell grown people?

Oh, but they are so irresponsible! No food, no medicine, no schools, no clean water, while we are at it lets top it off by taking probably the one last enjoyable thing they might have left in life.

Come on, put yourself there.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by synnergy
Sounds like Aide Organizations are Big Business. Sad,very sad.

About the breeding issue comments, are we supposed to tell those people to stop having sex?
Get the men to cut off their gonads? We can't even tell our teenagers to not have sex how are we going to tell grown people?

Oh, but they are so irresponsible! No food, no medicine, no schools, no clean water, while we are at it lets top it off by taking probably the one last enjoyable thing they might have left in life.

Come on, put yourself there.

Look if you have no food, no schools and no medicine it's not time to have sex. It's time to get your priorities straight no if's and's or butt's.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by zorgon

There IS enough for everyone! Why do there have to be the 'have's and the have nots.' The context in which you think is all wrong!!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by OWSisdead

Deep breath................breathe out.............

You have me all wrong friend, I am saying that EVERYONE has the responsibility because we have the option. The terrible things we are doing every single day to all manner of creatures, to our own kind and to Nature itself are unnaceptable, we as peoples need to wisen the # up to what we are doing and the consequences of our actions.

Everything we do is centered around money and power, when really it should be instinctually centered around love, compassion, gratitude, family and friends and more essential than anything, being happy. Which deep down is what everyone knows they want and need, so why all the BS?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

Hvae you not read my 2 replies?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Welshy77

Suprisingly I have, why do you ask?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:58 PM
Humans ae basically just baby machines.

If they stopped producing babies when they live in situations where there is already too many people to survive on the available resources, then those babies wouldn't die. But they are no better than rabbits or lemmings.

It's nature. Been that way for hundreds of millions of years.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Welshy77
There IS enough for everyone!

Yes there is... but you can only lead the horse to water, you cannot make him drink.

Ask yourself why these people destroy there own backyard to the point that their children swim in trash?

Ask yourself why illegal immigrants escaping from poverty in Mexico do THIS to the country they are entering?

Arizona Illegal Highway

When the Pioneers moved west they had next to nothing... but they didn't live like slobs. They built houses out of logs with dirt floors but they were cleans. Ask yourself why they live like THIS

As I said you can teach all you want, you can give out welfare all you want, but if that horse won't learn to drink on his own, it is a lost cause and you might as well light a fire with your money

Want my help? Get off your butt and show you are willing to help yourself first... because if you don't there are others who will... and I am not ashamed of my contributions to charity, it is documented...

What have YOU done this month to help solve the problem?

edit on 5-1-2012 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

Thank you. lol It just scares me that the majority of people (even on this site) don't think the way i do.. Money is an illusion...We are quite capable of looking after everyone. But those that can.. do not. To me that seems the real issue!! Why not address it? instead you seem to get embroiled in blatant cases of 'mis-management'?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Essan
If they stopped producing babies when they live in situations where there is already too many people to survive on the available resources, then those babies wouldn't die. But they are no better than rabbits or lemmings.

Lemmings are smarter
Every so many years a bunch of them run off a cliff and clean the gene pool

Yeah yeah I know...'Illuminati thinking'

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Love the photos! V. Heart wrenching! You are trying to point out the shortfalls and disregard of those at the bottom of capitilism. Why should there be a bottom? All are created equal, yes? Then why can't we all actually be equal? Why place these human beings in the context of 'education etc..' There is a structure in place.. you know this to be true. Why does there need to be a top and bottom? Haven't we all gone beyond that now?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Dionisius
You have me all wrong friend, I am saying that EVERYONE has the responsibility because we have the option.

So then let me ask YOU... what have you personally done to help the situation?

Our group has helped raise literally millions for helping mentally handicapped children here in Vegas.. They are provided with a place to work and actually earn money and learn to help themselves..

We help with the Mormons and Boyscout food drives that collect food to feed LOCAL kids in need of a meal, and not only at X-mas and thanksgiving... they need more than one meal a years

At work a lot of the stuff that would get thrown away after a convention (to expensive to ship back) our company goes out of its way to gather and deliver to local charities. This includes food and all sorts of goods used as samples for the shows...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I forgot to add.. they are human beings.. just like you!! You can't lead a horse to water?? Honestly.. think about it.

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