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Ron Paul brings back soldier that was cut off from CNN

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:00 AM
Rand Paul as Ron Paul's Vice president?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:12 AM
I just hope the U.S. Army doesn't come down on Cpl. Jesse Thorsen as hard as it can for his breach of Military code by showing support publicly while in Uniform. That would be a shame but then he knew what he was doing to start with. I wish him the best of luck though.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by conar

I love it when Ron dismisses these CNN Trolls with skirts. You ever notice how they field him with mostly female news personalities more than male?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by blupblup

Well....with a name like "blupblup" it has to be true right?

I'm so tired of people who either dont like the US, dont live here, or dont plan on voting, always chiming in with their sarcasm and their cynicism. You dont hear (mostly) people in this country blasting candidates in other countries.

Of course you have your Ahmadinejads, and general buffoons and thugs in other political arenas, but its not of our business.

Always remember the golden rule:

If you dont have something nice (or constructive) to say, dont say anything at all. Its just a waste of time and energy.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:59 AM
So now Ron has to fight Santorum and Romney, and the leftovers of the Bachmann campaign, its still a really big uphill battle. That hill looks a lot like a mountain these days..

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by blupblup

Man.... I swear to god... politics in the US.

You guys are being played so bad.

It's so obvious... It's like a circus.

Guy gets cut off by awful news station... have no fear, Super Ron Paul is here..


How convenient


this has been driving me nuts.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by conar
Rand Paul as Ron Paul's Vice president?

Lol, Rand Paul looks like he is dressed for a Star Trek convention.

As for the soldier, Ron Paul is complicit in this crime because he admitted this soldier is a part of his campaign for 3 years. I guess breaking the law to get out of the Service is alright in Ron Paul's philosophy, that is what this is showing. That is as far from acting like you respect the duty of Commander in Chief as possible. Proves he is not fit to be President.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:11 AM
There's a better chance of Dear Leader Kim Jung iL rising from the dead and becoming the 2nd coming of Christ than Ron Paul ever becoming the US PResident.

Ain't never going to happen.

CNN will likely realize they need to cease putting enlisted military in front of a mic.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:12 AM
Ron Paul is a George Soros Schill...

Check his past out

edit to add a link for those unwilling to dig around a bit:
edit on 5-1-2012 by tspark because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by CourageousEyesoftheHeart
Bottom line is if Ron Paul dies, even of natural causes or events, TPTB will be blamed and people will be PISSED. They want him alive, they need him alive, because Ron Paul dead is something harder to contain than Ron Paul alive.

If he becomes President, same thing stands. And the platform he has is a stage for the world. And many eyes will open along with many changes that won't easily be reversed. Not only in policy but in public perception of America, her citizens and their place in the world and in their own country. Will America continue their role in actual freedom and liberty? Or will the world continue to pretend they do? Me thinks the world will not, nor will American citizens.

TPTB are screwed and the American "brand" needs to be fixed or lived up to lest people stop buying it.

Believe it or not Ron Paul is the perfect choice. TPTB can use him as a vehicle for change, if they were only flexible and creative enough to see the potential in Ron Paul as president. Why not reshape the world and remain in power? I'm sure the puppet masters can put on a show with Ron and at the same time Ron can get America on the right track.

No one will destroy the infrastructure the oligarchs have created it's huge. It can change slowly though for both us and them, all that is required is co-operation. Ron Paul is the hinge on a door with tons of potential. There is too much momentum and energy now for there not to be change.

edit on 4-1-2012 by CourageousEyesoftheHeart because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2012 by CourageousEyesoftheHeart because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2012 by CourageousEyesoftheHeart because: (no reason given)
This was supposed to be a reply to DiabolusFireDragon but I hit the wrong button...
edit on 4-1-2012 by CourageousEyesoftheHeart because: (no reason given)

Inspiring post man, but you have to remember that TPTB are extremely clever and will have thought of this. Its my belief that they are double bluffing American voters into thinking that Ron Paul will be great 'for the people', but Government is controlled left, right and centre and Ron Paul wont have any breathing room, let alone any room to make his own choices that benefit the people. Remember that Congress must approve bills and just about every single member of Congress is in TPTB pockets. And this is if he doesnt lose the election or has a convenient 'accident'.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:30 AM
I support Ron Paul... but for the sake of honest critical thought... there is merit to SOME of BlupBlup's counter.

I'm not as cynical as he... and I admit I'm a vociferous supporter of Ron Paul. No... RP is not perfect. No human being, let alone candidate, is.

The difference is Ron Paul has no "personality" to sell. He's just trying to tell the truth as he sees it. He's an M.D., and he can also do simple math and analysis. He himself IS capable of critical thought. Most of the professional political class (PPC) is just selling a product, that they know is no good. They don't NEED substance... the marketing campaign of the PPC IS the product... because the results after the fact are anything but.

Look at some of the primary messages of the Bush campaign. No "nation building" and a "more humble foreign policy". This, when the plans for an Iraq Invasion and the language of The Patriot Act was already on the drawing board. I voted for Bush. I told a conservative friend after the election, "Dude... look at the team he's putting together... it would make you wonder if they were planning to go to war."

Look at the campaign promises of Obama. Out of the majority of the things he promised during the campaign, he's done the opposite.

Ron Paul, in a very real way... has already won the election. He has made a HUGE impact on the conversation in the United States. No matter what happens to him now... his message has ALREADY created a substantial impact on the cultural "meme".

Also... do NOT underestimate the threat he is perceived as being, to the Military/Intelligence/Banking/ETC Industrial Complex. To the Oligarchy, he is the most dangerous person on earth, at present.

Also remember... the Oligarchy WANTS a violent uprising against "the system". They know how to deal with violence... they have an answer to that. What they DON'T know how to handle is non-violent committed civil disobedience... and the more committed to the non-violence that civil disobedience is, the more destructive the protest is to the status-quo machine.

Remember that handful of women in NYC during "Occupy", that had been corralled with a police moveable fence, and were then, just out of malice, sprayed with ace by an NYPD supervisor?

That was it. BOOM!!! It hit front and center on the planetary media within 48 hours.

Despite the successes or failures or politics of the Occupy Movement... all freedom loving folks woud do well to learn what worked.

Ron Paul is out in front of the whole world, being very vocal about the symptoms of empire, the well developed cracks in that empire, and the history of EVERY SINGLE NATION, and what has happened after those symptoms appeared. Even his own solutions, will cause a major "healing crisis" in the patient.

But to do nothing... or continue on with Empire, has a very clear outcome. Collapse.

Ron Paul's message is doing the one thing that the Power Elite fear more than anything in the public message space... he is causing people who come from across the entire Left/Right political spectrum to join together. In a propaganda driven media... that is their nightmare come true, when the "sheep wake up", and become Lions.

Rise like Lions after slumber
In un-vanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many — they are few

Peace, out

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
reply to post by blupblup

Well....with a name like "blupblup" it has to be true right?

I'm so tired of people who either dont like the US, dont live here, or dont plan on voting, always chiming in with their sarcasm and their cynicism. You dont hear (mostly) people in this country blasting candidates in other countries.

Of course you have your Ahmadinejads, and general buffoons and thugs in other political arenas, but its not of our business.

Always remember the golden rule:

If you dont have something nice (or constructive) to say, dont say anything at all. Its just a waste of time and energy.

Don't be such a fascist. Everyone here is entitled to an opinion. Besides blupblup has given constructive and thoughtful opinions. Just because you disagree with them is not a reason to try and silence him.

American foreign policies affect the entire world, on a very large scale. So it's perfectly reasonable that we "foreigners" have our opinions and "interfere" in your discussions. Get used to it.

edit on 5-1-2012 by dadgad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:39 AM

FWIW... if you look at all the different elements of what is going on... the simple math of it is that TPTB are 100% invested in COLLAPSE.

They WANT to collapse the United States, deliberately. They NEED an out of control ANGRY population in the U.S., and they will do whatever they believe it will take to get it.

Don't believe me?

Watch, listen and learn from everything that is happening in our foreign and banking policy. Extreme extraction of treasure from the core of the U.S. has already taken place.

Do the math. The financial and social mathematics of events will always yield solid data. Then, just run the equation, and look to see what the result is.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Pinkgomo653
Second, he was in the heat of the moment and was eager to show us how the military supports him?

This is exactly why you cannot wear your uniform when actively participating in a political event. The MILITARY does not support any presidential candidate.... single individuals within the military might support someone... Ron Paul said specifically in his address that the active duty supports him... which is a bold faced LIE.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Pinkgomo653

Ok, it's all well and good that he allowed him to come back... but... I was expecting RP to get the soldier to finish the statement that was cut short. All Jesse did was go up and praise RP and his campaign.

Not that that's a bad thing... If I was American, RP would be my choice as well. However, I find it weird that he still didn't get the chance to finish his statement that was blatantly cut-off by CNN.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:12 AM
I keep hearing people say, "...even if he was elected, what could Ron Paul do?"

Answer...He could VETO bills.

Also, the Executive branch has been gathering alot of power unto itself throughout the tenures of the
last few presidents. And bills like the NDAA give the president the license to pretty much declare
anyone a terrorist threat and put them under the jail forever if he feels fanciful.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:20 AM
I have to admit, I am on the fence this time around. Not about Ron Paul himself, but this whole strangeness that is going on. Where were all you people four years ago? I voted for Paul, before our country was openly raped by banks and corporations. At the time he pulled about a percent of the vote. Who help F our country up through the back door? The Fed chairman and all the dudes Obama has put into the system. McCain would have done the EXACT same as Obama too.

All of us have been put on the line for 14+ TRILLION!! You can't undo a rape like that.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz
reply to post by blupblup

I don't care what he changes or if he doesnt do anything different besides foreign policy is the number 1 thing, America is no longer the good guys we are the bad guys and he wants to change our world image by getting us out of wars with other countries we have no business being in. Every other candidate and politician wants to stay at war. Now to say basically were all dumb and falling for a trick is pretty pathetic...Ron Paul is not Obama let me be clear on that.

No.... Ron Paul is not some saint who is doing all of this for purely altruistic reasons and because he knows it's wrong to meddle... he's an isolationist and would rather leave people to die and get brutalised by insane dictators while he shrugs his shoulders and says "Not my problem" and closes America off from the world.


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
reply to post by blupblup

I'm so tired of people who either dont like the US, dont live here, or dont plan on voting, always chiming in with their sarcasm and their cynicism. You dont hear (mostly) people in this country blasting candidates in other countries.

And how much do you know about candidates in other countries?
I like to take an interest in the WORLD.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:56 AM
Yeah it was pretty crummy they cut him off. A little suspicious too.

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