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United Kingdom: 'Patriot Act Bill' NWO is here for UK'ers!

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posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:08 PM
Tony is gonna slip this one through quietly, everyone in the UK, indeed any person who's a lover of democracy should read this and weep.


Dagger at Democracy

�Are we opening up our system to the equivalent of what
happened in Germany in 1933, where it became possible for
an extreme party legitimately to hijack a democracy
and turn it into something totalitarian?� ... Lord Lucas

Namaste Publishing 13th August 2004

By Elizabeth Gray

All well-meaning people need to take action against the Civil Contingencies Bill now before the House of Lords. This extremely dangerous Bill would give the Government the legal power to put an end to democratic institutions and civil liberties in the UK. Believe it or not, it�s true. No exaggeration.

Lord Lucas, speaking in the House of Lords during the July 5th second reading, came to the point:
"Are we opening up our system to the equivalent of what happened in Germany in 1933, where it became possible for an extreme party legitimately to hijack a democracy and turn it into something totalitarian? . . . They [the New Labour Government] appear to want a role of issuing diktats." He concluded by calling for amendments to the Bill which would safeguard our rights, "or we are signing our death warrant as a democracy".

That is exactly the issue and the menace.
Lord Lucas was not exaggerating.

This Bill, which is not far from passage (and demands radical amendment), enables the Government to declare a State of Emergency on practically any grounds - insignificant events (e.g. �damage to property�); �threatened� insignificant events (e.g. threatened disruption of a supply of money), even a �situation� would do, and a situation occurring outside the United Kingdom would also do.

In other words, anything goes.

If Parliament then approves the State of Emergency insisted upon by the Government (most of them know how to use a rubber stamp), then the Government can effectively rule by decree ---dictatorial power.

for the rest of the big article go here...

Tony Blair needs bloody taking out before we all suffer...

[edit on 10-9-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:21 PM
With respect. They have always been able to tell us what to do. They have all the guns.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:27 PM
Yeah but with this bill it will give them the excuse to actually USE em.

Do you want that?

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:29 PM
Well don't feel so bad is just democracy US style, get use to it, we in the US are doing it and living with it so far.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:32 PM
U US me UK, and i feel our Tony is crazy enough to actually put it into operation. He's a control freak that wants to rule it all.

Trust me this bill in his hands is NOT good news.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Well don't feel so bad is just democracy US style, get use to it, we in the US are doing it and living with it so far.

I am from the US, and I can tell you this. Americans are taking but sooner or later $h1t will hit the fan, cause all this police state bs, and them confinscating registered weapons in Ill and another state, cant rememeber, but will not stand to long.

I agree with Rus, You UK'ers better wake up and smell the coffee or something cause if you guys go thats going to suck bad. I seggest you find some of Alex Jones movies and other movies like it rip them and pass them around.

yes he allows people to take his movies and pass them out. But I seggest you do that for nothing will save you when its done. Americans on the other hand I feel will have a civil war if this crap continues.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:41 PM
Tony Blair is nothing less than a hypocritical dictatorial traitor. And what do we do with traitors ? - yes, we string them up.

Well, thats what we used to do, until someone signed our rights away to Europe - and can you guess who it was, boys & girls ?

Yes - Tony (I wanna be Prez like my old mate Dubya) Blair.

Ah well - sod Europe - lets just string him up anyway - There's a rope in my old shed if anyone wants it.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:48 PM
I for one would have to agree, this is not good. Having to deal with the lunacy known as the patriot act, and knowing a sequel is being drafted, where does one draw the line between liberty and safety? I sincerely hope this does not become a 'western' trend.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:06 PM
Well I am happy that people understand the danger of the patriot act in our nation here in US, for almost two years it's been question about the intent of it.

People tend to turn a blind eye sometimes to the reality of the issues that effect our democracy we tend to trust our government blindly and never questions their true motives.

The patriot act was put in effect for a reason and that reason is not longer needed the patriot act is still in effect.

Never in this nation did the administration act permission to the people of this country if we wanted to keep the patriot act. Yes as days go by and months more and more is misused of this act is coming to affect the people's lives, and not the questioning as his validity is raising more with the citizens of this nation.

Yes UK be very afraid and very scare of the truth motives of your government.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:21 AM
hmm this sets off alarm bells in my head. I can't believe i'm saying this but vote the torries back in. They may be a little crazy but they are really into the sovereignty of the govt and the people (the whole nationalism thing).


posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 12:06 PM
why was this thread started again when i created one explaining the whole bill including a link to the bill??

just wondering thats all,


[edit on 11-9-2004 by infinite]

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by drfunk
hmm this sets off alarm bells in my head. I can't believe i'm saying this but vote the torries back in. They may be a little crazy but they are really into the sovereignty of the govt and the people (the whole nationalism thing).


i think you will find that labour is just the conservatives with a slightly different hat on
I guarantee if the tories were voted in your would hardly notice the difference. we'd still be the americans lapdogs and the NHS and all public services would be well and truly fuc&ed!

dont even bother looking to any other party as they have no chance of actually winning, besides the UK is barely a democracy anyway. it is for 1 day every few years when there is an election then it back to ignoring the people and doing what their business buddies want them too.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by arnold_vosloo
i think you will find that labour is just the conservatives with a slightly different hat on
I guarantee if the tories were voted in your would hardly notice the difference. we'd still be the americans lapdogs and the NHS and all public services would be well and truly fuc&ed!

dont even bother looking to any other party as they have no chance of actually winning, besides the UK is barely a democracy anyway. it is for 1 day every few years when there is an election then it back to ignoring the people and doing what their business buddies want them too.

I hear this over and over again, the Conservatives and Labour are the same... will someone please explain how they are???
In my view they are completely different

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 11:55 AM
I know, it's stupid to say they are the same, at the end of the day labour are still more socialist than the conservatives. Wait till Brown gets into office, if he ever does, you'l see labour go back to it's roots.

The conservatives are a waste of space at the moment, i wouldn't vote for them.

Labour are a bunch of sly buggers, anyone notice how much extra tax we're paying now?

The liberals are not a serious party

The BNP... well, i dont even have to justify why they aren't a good party to vote for....

The UK indepedent party?.... Kilroy Silk? Nah Nah Nah

And lets not forget the greens, such a faboulous manifesto on the environment, but oh wait... nothing else.

So basically, that's why the election turnouts have been so low lately

They're all a waste of space.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 01:09 PM
about the whole alex jones stuff, the reason i didnt get that into Police state 3 was that it seemed all very interesting but i swear there wasnt that much mention about uk, although granted i only watched like half and hour or 45mins, but i never heard him discuss our terrorism act allowing us to loose liberties, but more about patriot act 1 and 2. We been watching programs on that for years now on certain news channels late into the night.
we all know USA is messed up with regards to how easily police go round pulling guns on people etc but here that stuff just doesnt happen. We dont have fbi etc going to our libraries and asking staff there for information on which books a patron has been borrowing since your first patriots act was passed.

Also, maybe you lot have the luxery of having a civil war when the dictatorship govts of USA and UK do push us too far, but unlike you, who complain about having guns taken away, we dont even have any guns to ne taken away! They been illegal during my whole lifetime anyway i think (im 21 now) so how can we fight anyway if Tony did go completely reptilian on us and use that bill (which better not pass) to suspend our rights? We got no firearms generally and even the police for the most part dont carry any,

With regards to tory and conservative, liberals etc, i think the problem is that if you go high up enough, you'd see the same corporations sponsoring the parties, whoever gets in, their agenda will prevail. Any update on that bill btw????? How close is it to been rejected/passed now? Any amendments made yet to it?

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 11:36 PM
While I'm not from the UK I am aware of the documentation in question and I yes think its unusual for this to happen in relation to the foreseen and mesianically verified rise of a Nwo or one world goverment I'm not sure this will fit into a one world order context infact it falls under the context of a dictatorship type set up where it only affects those who have the power to control their own people , which is already the norm in over 100 differnt goverments yes on a greater scale say like the UN or the EU or NATO or some other international organizational setup yes this fits the profile. My suggestion would be fight it like you never faught anything before this is how people like Hitler used the current laws to work themselves into a position of total control in what was put to Hitlers opposition as totally legal because it was passed into law before his actual take over..

This is just the legal loop hole some crazy needs to overthrow the Goverment and make it undesputable in courts or congress.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:53 AM
fight it how? will writing to our local mp's accomplish anything??

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:58 AM
copies of the bill availible at:


html version:

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:24 AM
Heres a little number Mr. G Monbiot threw together for us on this very topic.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 06:53 AM
In ref to fight it how, while I dont pretend to grasp the legislative and parlimental bodies of the UK it would be my assumption that if you wanted to stop this and there are enough people who feel the same you should be able to fight in the vote. Now I know in most cases the world goverments are going to do what they want despite their own peoples wishes stating its the better option for their people but this is a fragile time for the UK goverment, with the Tony B/Iraq problem in world veiw you have the advantage. Let me explain with the publicity of the Bush and Tony B, "Iraqi intel fubar" There is a world stage opening use it> If you get enough people who wish to do away with this bill to cause enough of a noise to peak the intrest of the media you can ride this media wave and surf it right up to the doors of your goverment and if that dont work you can bet their are international governing bodies who the UK goverment put alot of merit in as advisors IE the UN maybe you can grab the sympothy of there high and mighty all knowing, highly moral self opinion and appeal to them to prod old Tony B. It might be workable since the world as a whole have focused on the UK and US big shots and opinion is already low in respects to them, Its a sorta kick them while their down ploy if you know what I mean. Its not going o be easy if it does work but in light of the seriousnes of the sbuject at hand I would think its worth a try......especially when rebelions are at such a high point for exaple look at USSR vs Chechn people thats all over the news granted the Chechyn republic handeled it in a way that I am in no means trying to encourage , but you have to admit unless your a hermit out in the middle of nowhere you heard it on the news , radio and in the paper. The world news organizations are just looking for someone to castrate so to speak. So like in the movie keep to the saying "IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME", build the public out cry build the public voice stand up and take back the goverment that belongs to you already, dont let the politicians with thier baby butt smooth skin setting in their high in might thrones to take it from you, you gave the the power remind them that you cant take it away also,

Well It probably wont work but try stick it out there let the world know pull old Tony B's chain and take the fight to the goverment

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