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*Videos* Mom. Why Am I Fat? Discussing Childhood Obesity in America.

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posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:19 PM
I saw this video, and I am sure that it hits home for many. There is a HUGE epidemic plaguing children today and its called obesity.

In Georgia there is a campaign and commercials that are giving a "tough love" look at the problem.

Here are the commercials that are currently being played on television all over Georgia U.S.

Stop Childhood Obesity: Bobby

Stop Childhood Obesity: Tamika

Stop Childhood Obesity: Tina

Stop Childhood Obesity: Jaden

Stop Childhood Obesity: Maritza

I am sure that we can all have a conversation/debate about this.

Please share your feelings about the above videos, I for one feel that there is a big problem with the way that children eat. Its parents that buy the food, as long as children under the age of 18 cannot provide meals on their own then the parents should be held responsible for what the child is doing.

The same way that a parent is called out when a child commits a crime, and people blame them, this IMHO should be the same way.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:56 PM
The school cafeteria should be the first place to look. If they were hot dogs and burgers, well, they gotta go.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:56 PM
Sorry double post
edit on 3-1-2012 by LonelyGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 04:11 PM
I think there's more at play.

BMI testing is ludicrously inaccurate, and there are all kinds of exceptions and things that can skew the results.

There could be something wrong glandularly or hormonally. The truth is that not everybody can afford to go to a proper doctor or have all those tests done. Insurance is extremely expensive, and a doctor's visit with all those tests can be 700 or 800 dollars without insurance.

You realistically lose a lot of control over what your kid eats when they get older. Teenagers, especially once they get 16 and 17 years old, have a part to play in their health and have to take responsibility for it.

It also could just be a temporary thing and genetics.

My main point, though? Most of the food we have access to here in the States is processed and has all kinds of additives. Even stuff that could be very healthy gets processed and has crap put in it that renders it complete trash.

The point I'm trying to make is that there could be any number of causes that are simply out of a parents' control.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

What a classy way to address a problem. Nice propaganda, which goes no way to addressing the real problem. I'm sure the masses will love it. Not to mention a blatant "blame the parents" approach.

Fructose, processed foods, chemicals. That is what is to blame and (possibly) in that order.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

What a classy way to address a problem. Nice propaganda, which goes no way to addressing the real problem. I'm sure the masses will love it. Not to mention a blatant "blame the parents" approach.

Fructose, processed foods, chemicals. That is what is to blame and (possibly) in that order.

really? it IS the parents fault! it is the parents who parent the children! it is the parents who go grocery shopping. it is the parents who make the food. it is the parents who do not instill an active lifestyle. it is the parents who continually drive the car thru drive thrus.

unless it is a medical is 100% the parents fault!!

moderation is everything. parents control what goes in the mouths of their kids!

i have a 7yr old...she is not fat and i buy junk food too. but i keep her active and i moderate the amount she eats and what she eats!


i know someone who has a seven year old the size of a 12 yr old. i am NOT exaggerating. in fact she looks like tina in the vid above, but she is only 7! she has to buy plus size for kids! the girl is extremly fat. obese. so are her parents. i continually see pictures of her sitting on the sofa eating from a bag of chips......
there is no medical problem with her; therefore, there is NO excuse for her to be that fat. it is abuse. and while i dont see it much were i live (i live in a very active outdoorsy area) i see it rampant in other places.

edit on January 3rd 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

edit on January 3rd 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 06:13 PM
It's a big problem - obviously - though probably a bit more complex than some realize. Western culture could be accurately described as a vast farm of guinea pigs. Marketing & advertisement, kickbacks, under-the-table deals, insurance scams, 'quid pro quo', bribery, extortion, blackmail... words like these describe the relationships between, for example, the FDA/EPA and the biotech industry. Or between pharmaceutical corporations and US medical institutions. And the media of course are the ever-reliable vultures, the bottom feeders, of this incestuous circle of life.

This creates confusion in the public. Obesity is not caused by genes, but by lifestyle. No gene can 'stop' exercise or metabolism from burning calories for energy; it's basic chemistry going on there. Also, not enough people realize that there is a huge difference between a 'gene' and 'gene expression'. It's possible to trace an ailment like obesity back to some kind of genetic factor, but chances are, that gene is not working properly because of some underlying environmental or lifestyle factor.

It's actually very simple. If you want to lose excess weight, you have to make long-term changes to the way you eat. Excercise is important too but diet is by far the most important factor. Eat mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. Forcing your stomach and intestines to break down cellulose wall structures in the plant cells makes it burn hotter, and this directly speeds up your metabolism. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible, as the body has a difficult time processing these.

At the end of the day, it's the responsibility of the parents. I like that these commercials aren't getting technical, but keeping it simple and going straight to the heart of the matter.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

You are right that the parent is the one dishing the food out but it is often the quality of our food that determines how we turn out rather than the quantity. I for one cannot afford wholesome, fresh and organic items for all the things I wish to consume so I either don't buy them or take second best. (I assume we can agree that organic is the healthiest food around)

Seeing as how we are in our umpteenth recession, food is one of the areas people will try to save on, along with energy, transport and accomodation. Having children is an expensive business so food will be one of the major costs I would guess. Most people (guessing again) would not choose the artificial flavour and preservative free version of something if it costs a dollar or two more than the "regular" one.

I was not suggesting that parents feed their children nothing but junk food and sugary soda-pop. But, sugar is in just about everything these days. Not that aspartame is any better and may actually be adding to the problem but thats a whole different discussion.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 01:52 PM
I wanted to give this a bump, as I am quite surprised that this is not being discussed, as it effects millions.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Sorry but i don't buy this line of argument, it is just as cheap if not cheaper to buy fresh foods and cook good home made meals than buying processed crap. Knowing where to shop, getting deals and using ingredients efficiently is the key. I am poor and somehow manage to do so.... there is nothing wrong with processed fast food now and again but when parents make it the bulk of a child's diet? that is a different story all together.

I'm not having a go at you personally, but the argument is a very common one and completely unfounded imo.
edit on 4-1-2012 by Solomons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:31 PM
You want to combat obesity? You can start with what we do to our own food supply.

Do you really believe that injecting cows with steroids and other chemicals to make them grow faster and produce more meat does not have any side effects at all? What we call "food" in the USA is not real food. As an example, you can go to any grocery store and buy instant mashed potatoes.

How do you make mashed potatoes? Well the ingredients should be potatoes, milk, butter. That's it. That is mashed potatoes. Now go look on the back of the package for ingredients in instant mashed potatoes and what do you see?

I just happen to have a package in front of me. the ingredients are as follows:

Idaho Potatoes (with a registered trademark symbol), mono and diglycerides, sodium acid pyrophosphate, (to maintain freshness), Sodium Bisulfite (to maintain freshness), citric acid (to maintain freshness), mixed tocopherols (to maintain freshness).

This is why people are fat. This is not natural and it is not real food. Real food spoils and can not be kept fresh for 2 years. This is just one example of many.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by LightSpeedDriver
reply to post by greeneyedleo

You are right that the parent is the one dishing the food out but it is often the quality of our food that determines how we turn out rather than the quantity. I for one cannot afford wholesome, fresh and organic items for all the things I wish to consume so I either don't buy them or take second best. (I assume we can agree that organic is the healthiest food around)

Seeing as how we are in our umpteenth recession, food is one of the areas people will try to save on, along with energy, transport and accomodation. Having children is an expensive business so food will be one of the major costs I would guess. Most people (guessing again) would not choose the artificial flavour and preservative free version of something if it costs a dollar or two more than the "regular" one.

I was not suggesting that parents feed their children nothing but junk food and sugary soda-pop. But, sugar is in just about everything these days. Not that aspartame is any better and may actually be adding to the problem but thats a whole different discussion.

absolutely disagree. if one is very active....they can eat whatever the unhealthy food is you cannot afford.

i grocery shop at a regular grocery store (not a high end healthfood store) and i have to say healthy food is MUCH cheaper than buying unhealthy food. i believe that is a HUGE exaggeration and misrepresentation. it costs more money to buy bags of chips, cookies, soads, prepared frozen foods etc etc than it does to buy veggies, meats, potatoes, rice and the like. i dont buy organic. i buy regular veggies and meat. organic is a marketing tool in many cases. junk food/unhealthy food costs MORE. it does. i see it everytime i shop!

if you exercise and keepy active, you can eat junk food and unhealthy food and not become obese. but most people who feast on crap are lazy and dont exercise. not saying this is saying the parents of the kids are not doing enough to keep their kids healthy. it is SO EASY to do!!!

so again, there is NO excuse for kids to be fat. and there is no other person to blame than the parents.
while i have no problem with kids playing on the computer, video games, watching TV, indoor quiet activities......since everything is about moderation.....when it is nice out, parents need to get outside WITH their kids. dont blame schools.....schools are there to teach reading, writing, etc...not to put your kid on a physical regime. i see this excuse often. stop it. just stop blaming everyone else but the parents!! dont like what the schools are feeding? make a very cheap lunch and send it. it does not cost much to make a healthy simple meal for kids lunches!! but stop blaming schools or food producers!

when your kid gets home, TAKE THEM ON A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG walk! if it is bad weather out, buy a $29 mini trampoline and make them JUMP until they are exhausted! trust works. living in alaska for long flippn freezing learn how to make your kids exercise and wear them out INSIDE.

no excuses. NONE.
edit on January 4th 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:47 PM
I have heard the argument that fresh food cannot be kept for long periods of time, and I agree. But for about $5.00 you can buy these freshness bags (that can be reused) that can keep ALL fresh foods for 2 weeks sometimes more. I use them.

There is also once a week cooking, I have written about this in the past, and it can be done with families or neighbors. You can make a week of different meals in 1 day. You can either freeze it, or refrigerate and kids can come home and have a t.v dinner made from home.

Popcorn in a bag is way cheaper and healthier, and can be sealed in zip-lock bags. I also have a bread machine ( I can make a 2 pound loaf for 60 cents) and make a different variety of sandwiches and refrigerate. My children for lunch, can choose a sandwich and grab a bag of popcorn in seconds.

It takes some effort but the reward makes anything you do for the health and well being of your children worth it. There are literally thousands websites, and videos on how to make homemade peanut butter, jams, and smoothies that can give your children what they crave, and keep them healthy.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 02:56 PM
I 100% agree with greeneyedleo comments here, because I have seen this evolve throughout my lifetime here.
I was born in 1960 and my first memory's of eating out consisted of family restaurants as back then there were no "chain gang sugar shacks" as of yet.
Family of four with one earner and one stay at home mom, we ate out about once a month and the menu was always home cooked with lots of veggies.
Milk or water only and when we got home (summer time) myself and my brother could not wait to get out of the car to do some running around in the neighbour hood.

Then in the early 70's along came Mcdonalds and things started to change.
We ate there about 3 times a year because my Parents could not stand the food so it was just to shut up myself and my brother once in a blue moon.
We still jumped out of the car to burn baby burn those sugars when we got home and nobody gained any weight.
So about nine times a month we still ate out at Mom and Pop restaurants which to this day serve a good portion of veggies, potatoes, and of course a meat dish of some kind or fish.

Fast forward to 1990 as we have no children here, so I will use my experience with my brother's kids.
My Nephew was getting pretty heavy in my opinion, actually very obese and so I asked my brother what the deal was.
His reply was that we are taking action about it, we have cut down to twice a week for eating out at Wendy's.
Twice a week???? sputter and sputter I to keep my nose out of his business so I don,t say what I am thinking to myself and my wife too.

This would be the late 90's and now my nephew is slim and trim, but I fear damage was done to his arteries but I am no doctor.

So what happened you ask? They simply cut out all fast food and only diet pop.
Lots of veggies and dip (home made) and he got used to it after about a year.
Good ending to a possibly tragic medical problem.
Here I am 52 years old and am 6 foot plus and weigh about 180lb,s Same weight I have carried since my early 20's.

My Nephew out weighed me and was shorter than me when he was about 14 years old.
Scary times indeed and I will say it is almost all the parents fault, give kids money they eat out, give them an XBox they stay on the couch.
S&F to the OP.
Regards, Iwinder

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:01 PM
Funny. My daughter started to gain weight after starting school. At first I thought it was the school food. I have packed her lunch from home since first grade and they are very healthy. She isn't huge or anything, and doesn't get picked on for being big, but she has been chubby since the end of kindergarten. She is starting to grow upwards more rapidly than outwards thankfully as she is 12 now.

Lately it seems like when she comes home from school she is totally zapped of energy. It is winter and all so we can't get out as much. My point is, her problem was lack of exercise, not food intake nor food choice. The school system takes our children from us and keeps them away from sunlight sitting at a desk for eight hours a day and as I said, there isn't much daylight nor energy left at the end of the day. Also, with her being twelve she has lost that element of play that seems to send kids running back and forth skipping and singing! So, with exception of a brisk walk or some wii sports (or Lord help me, a trip to the mall....) it is getting hard to encourage her to stay active these days.

My girl eats things most kids wouldn't dream of eating. I remember on a school function one of the Moms walked by and looked at her lunch (lettuce, sliced turkey, berries and water) and said "My God my kid wouldn't touch that, I could never get away with that" and gave me the most incredulous look. Her kid was eating a lunchable and caprisun. Which brings me to another point. I have noticed among her friends that the ones who dine on fast food and premade processed food daily are sticks and their parents are humongous. Kids that eat at home with normal size patents are a little chunkier. I often wonder if these kids that live on fast/processed food are severely malnutritioned or something and that me comparing my daughter to these kids for size is somehow wrong.

I have seen some really huge kids and I can see that there is an obesity epedemic amongst children, but I can't say "blame the parents" because I am one and I know how hard it is to present your family with healthy meals these days.

Just some food for thought!

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:10 PM
Is anyone else noticing the labored open mouth breathing at the end of every Ad?

I had a young 12 year old helping me on the job pick up a few pieces of lumber, within 10 minutes he had to sit down beside me, he was sweating, and breathing hard, he couldnt speak a full scentence.

Just from walking around and picking up end cut lumber in a 10x20 room,

Lets cut to the chase, the kid was fat - I was no fit kit when I was younger, but I was moderately active, I moved, and it felt right to be outside in the world. I ate crap food and played a lot of video games. So did ALL of my friends, none of us were fat.

Its not the basics of diet, and its not the activity in these kids.

There is something else.

It takes more then soda pop and a couch to make a kid FAT. We're not talking chunky.

We're talking debilitated FAT - aka - disabled.

Where does the responsibility lay?

I can't possible imagine the whole story...but I can't help but feel this is designed for you America.

Protect your kids!


posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Solomons

It's fine to think otherwise only I've watched Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Dr Lustig. He destroys 30 years of popular modern dietary beliefs in 30 minutes or less in his 1.5 hour presentation. Fructose is a large and very serious problem. It's a freely available video with a thread or two on here. I won't preach though.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:42 PM
I remember being a skinny child. And then the Nintendo Entertainment System (or NES) was released. I became fat over the summer. Not obese, but chubby. I would say that home video game systems and PCs are a big contributor to it all. Why go outside and run around, burning carbs, when you can be indoors, sitting down, getting fat and pale? Well, you don't realize you're getting fat and pale, until it's too late. And your parents won't care because they don't have to deal with you, if you're mesmerized by a video game. All the dudes who played sports--basketball--or rode their bikes, they're the ones who got girlfriends. I simply got made fun of. Hey, it will ruin your life, don't doubt it. And when you're a child, you're too young to really understand what is happening. The parents should step in and be parents.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

USA is just the beginning, in fact it is happening all over the world where GMOs and such are being used and eaten. It is easy to look at the US and point judgmental fingers, but really this is not something that affects only Americans anymore.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:48 PM
GM good post but I question this one here" Its not the basics of diet, and its not the activity in these kids."

I think you are in denial and you know it, When I was a kid we had a fundraiser called walk for millions here in Ontario.
You went out and pestered family, neighbours, friends to sponser your walk by the mile.
The walk was 25 miles in one day and yes everyone did it without a problem, I did this walk at about 8 years old and the next 5 or 6 years after without a problem.

The wife did the same thing in another city for about the same amount of time 5/6 years.
It was no big deal or effort actually it was a lot of fun, when I got home I ate and then went out to play ball.

How many kids can walk that in one day now?
Regarding your comment about video games tells me that you are much younger than this old fart here.
So I can say without insulting you that you have no memory of a pre fast food world which it was a ways back.

Close your eyes and just try to Imagine no Golden arches no Neon except for Vegas. There was no such thing back then and in my Public school circa 1966 I can not recall seeing one fat or even chubby student our of about 400 give or take.
Regards, Iwinder
edit on 4-1-2012 by Iwinder because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2012 by Iwinder because: (no reason given)

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