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Iran military warns US aircraft carrier away from Gulf

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posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by stirling

Chess may have been invented in the region, but the best chess player the world has seen was an American. Something the rest of the world just does not seem to "get" is that America, being a "melting pot", has a synergy that is unparalleled.

This topic is simply laughable. Iran may be a regional power, but on the world stage they are nothing more than a bad joke. The last time the US military used their full capabilities was in WWII. In every other conflict it has been a "win the hearts and minds" thing. If we wanted to eradicate Iran, we could do it in less than 1 week using conventional means. A single aircraft carrier group could take out Iran, conventionally, without setting a boot on the ground. Good, bad, or otherwise, that is what you get when you spend $500B+ per year on defense. The only question is- Does the US have the resolve to utilize its military to its full potential? My answer is- Not in this lifetime.

To be clear- I do not support the US policy of policing the world and I am largely embarrassed by the actions of my government. I am just trying to be objective in my assessment of a potential military conflict. Personally, I think we should back off and make a better effort at peace. The problem with that, as I see it, is that Iran does not want peace because they are Muslims which, by definition, means that they are commanded to convert or kill everybody who is not like them.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 11:53 AM

'Our interest is in safe and secure maritime passage for ships transiting the Strait of Hormuz. That is our desire,' said Pentagon spokesman George Little. 'No one in this government seeks confrontation over the Strait of Hormuz. It is important to lower the temperature.'

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 11:54 AM
It's amazing how ignorant people are, how presumptuous they can be overall.

Iran is no threat to the USA? Logic Failed. Why? If they were no threat what's with the embargo's and sanctions? All the talk about nukes? The sabre rattling from both sides? If Iran was no worry to the USA and EU why then do they react so harshly to Iran?

Did you ask yourself this question or are you just a USA military man flexing his muscles for the USA Military Complex? The very one that seeks to control and manipulate you?

All you people talking like Iran is nothing fail to hear the words of your very own leaders, fail to see the actions of your leaders and the reasoning behind it and are the very kind of people dictators love to have under them. It's no wonder the USA is falling apart at the seams, some of their people refuse to learn from the past, learn about their enemy, heck, even learn about their own potential leaders.

You dig your own holes, keep diggin and tell me when you made it to China.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by DragonTattooz
reply to post by stirling

Chess may have been invented in the region, but the best chess player the world has seen was an American. Something the rest of the world just does not seem to "get" is that America, being a "melting pot", has a synergy that is unparalleled.

This topic is simply laughable. Iran may be a regional power, but on the world stage they are nothing more than a bad joke. The last time the US military used their full capabilities was in WWII. In every other conflict it has been a "win the hearts and minds" thing. If we wanted to eradicate Iran, we could do it in less than 1 week using conventional means. A single aircraft carrier group could take out Iran, conventionally, without setting a boot on the ground. Good, bad, or otherwise, that is what you get when you spend $500B+ per year on defense. The only question is- Does the US have the resolve to utilize its military to its full potential? My answer is- Not in this lifetime.

To be clear- I do not support the US policy of policing the world and I am largely embarrassed by the actions of my government. I am just trying to be objective in my assessment of a potential military conflict. Personally, I think we should back off and make a better effort at peace. The problem with that, as I see it, is that Iran does not want peace because they are Muslims which, by definition, means that they are commanded to convert or kill everybody who is not like them.

*ahem* Canada *ahem*

Synergy unparalleled? You must be American to only see red, white and blue when in fact your statement couldn't be further from truth. More European nations are multicultural then the USA, and Canada is equal too or greater then the USA as a melting pot.

As for your military "wiping out iran in a week" that's laughable considering they couldn't secure Iraq in the ten years they were there. Since they left, Iraq still sees the same problems when they were there.
Your military is only good at dropping bombs, creating security is not something they can do at all. Unless security is killing people, then ya, they are secure all right.

This is all based on what has happened, facts. Not some delusional idea that American Military Might is the best there is and ever was. Fact is, they are strong, but not very wise, not very smart, not very caring, and above all, not entirely fair in how they go to war.

Actually the USA is good at one thing, avoiding huge conflicts and attacking poor governments they had imposed on those countries in the first place. Those are facts, thats stuff you will find in the history books.

You won't find Iran beaten in 1 week in any history book or even a plausibility in any American General's mind.

Your just talking the big talk, but your country fails to walk the walk.

BTW Iran hates the USA because the USA is a dictator in the middle east. That's all their is too it. It's very simple and straight forward and noted by many politicians, military leaders and others.
If the USA was not dictating to the world who can do what, while they do whatever the hell they want, perhaps the world would be more open to their ideals.

Unfortunately when you spend time force feeding people, eventually they will figure you out and fight back. That time has come.
Everyone pays karma back when karma comes to collect. There is no denying that. In My opinion, Karma is comin' a knockin'.
edit on 3-1-2012 by EspyderMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 12:35 PM
Basically oil is back at 108$ a barrel. Elections coming up in Iran? The West is going with the sanction strategy in the hopes of destabilising the current political leaders I presume, and it sounds to me like they are pissed. Oh well who knows.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by DragonTattooz
reply to post by stirling

Chess may have been invented in the region, but the best chess player the world has seen was an American. Something the rest of the world just does not seem to "get" is that America, being a "melting pot", has a synergy that is unparalleled.

This topic is simply laughable. Iran may be a regional power, but on the world stage they are nothing more than a bad joke. The last time the US military used their full capabilities was in WWII. In every other conflict it has been a "win the hearts and minds" thing. If we wanted to eradicate Iran, we could do it in less than 1 week using conventional means. A single aircraft carrier group could take out Iran, conventionally, without setting a boot on the ground. Good, bad, or otherwise, that is what you get when you spend $500B+ per year on defense. The only question is- Does the US have the resolve to utilize its military to its full potential? My answer is- Not in this lifetime.

To be clear- I do not support the US policy of policing the world and I am largely embarrassed by the actions of my government. I am just trying to be objective in my assessment of a potential military conflict. Personally, I think we should back off and make a better effort at peace. The problem with that, as I see it, is that Iran does not want peace because they are Muslims which, by definition, means that they are commanded to convert or kill everybody who is not like them.

You mean bobby Fischer? bobby fischer against the world.. yes another alu head
but probably the best chess player ever.
I agree with your story, the question is, if the US, the Uk and maybe France go into war will it be another total conflict with a prequel attack like pearl harbour. In that case they could attack and invade, with all the support, like they did in WW2 Germany and stay there for a while, or like they did with Japan with a big bang at the end..But just like the Japanese the Persians are pretty proud and tough people and would resist like [would have ] happened during an operation detachment or downfall [which never occured]..If the US get suckered in like Iraq 2003, it must be quick and swiftly no bs..
btw I wouldn't be surprised if John Cornelius Stennis is of Dutch origin, the word stennis is also a dutch slangword for... "trouble"..

edit on 3-1-2012 by Foppezao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:01 PM
All this talk of Iran threatening a U.S. carrier is laughable, sure maybe some of the tech on a carrier is outdated but we are not talking about just a carrier. The numerous destroyer and frigate escorts are more than well equipped to handle anything thrown at a carrier before it reaches it. Now I am not naive enough to believe that we wouldn't come out of the fight with a scratch, I do believe that it is possible that Iran has an ace up their sleeve to be pushing so hard for a fight. It could be they have something or someone we may not know about, either way until the first punch is thrown everything is just speculation.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:11 PM

"Iran will not repeat its warning...the enemy's carrier has been moved to the Sea of Oman because of our drill. I recommend and emphasise to the American carrier not to return to the Persian Gulf," he said.

"I advise, recommend and warn them over the return of this carrier to the Persian Gulf because we are not in the habit of warning more than once."

The U.S. military brushed off the threat: "The deployment of U.S. military assets in the Persian Gulf region will continue as it has for decades," said spokesman Commander Bill Speaks.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by N3kr0m4nc3r
All this talk of Iran threatening a U.S. carrier is laughable, sure maybe some of the tech on a carrier is outdated but we are not talking about just a carrier. The numerous destroyer and frigate escorts are more than well equipped to handle anything thrown at a carrier before it reaches it. Now I am not naive enough to believe that we wouldn't come out of the fight with a scratch, I do believe that it is possible that Iran has an ace up their sleeve to be pushing so hard for a fight. It could be they have something or someone we may not know about, either way until the first punch is thrown everything is just speculation.

Don't forget that it is highly possible that we also have at least one SSGN submarine in the gulf as well.

That is 154 tomahawk cruise missiles with any combination of warheads probably all pre-targeted at tactical targets and able to be launched (all 154 of them) from the safety of being underwater, within a matter of hours, those missiles will be landing on tactical targets taking out essential command and control posts.

Oh yeah and the ability to launch UAV's and UUV's (Unmanned Underwater Vehichels) to link battlefield data back to commanders, again all from the safety of underwater.

That is one SSGN....a battle-group usually has one and sometimes two fast attack submarines with similar capability's with it as well.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by MollyATS
They should send 2 back.....

And keep them there.....

My quess is that they will return with three
One on each side and visible, it what they don't see they have to wory about

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:40 PM
I'm still waiting for the bombs to start dropping. The only thing threats do is piss someone off and an unspoken threat to attack the U.S. in international waters if we do not comply may be met with the kind of response where we destroy the next ship that tries to make good on that threat.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 01:52 PM
Iran is not very smart. First they say their nuclear program is peacefull. Now they start testing missiles. Do they really want a fight with the USA? They should remember what happened after pearl harbor.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:00 PM
Go Team America!

Just joking, I hope Iran takes a few American boats out, only if the US attacks first.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Phayte

A US aircraft carrier currently deployed in the Middle East should "not return" to its base in the Gulf, the head of Iran's armed forces declared today, adding ominously there would be no repeat warning.

I thought this might be worth a mention.
edit on 3-1-2012 by Phayte because: (no reason given)

The guy is just "big in his mouth" ... what is he going to do? Nuke it?

Hell, if it was me ... I'd nuke it in a second, and I wouldn't even put out a warning either ... I'd declare war on the US, and deprive the entire US/EU of oil.

But this guy? he's probably going to declare a holy war on Israel ... with all the idiotic statements to follow, and then he is going to make a whole lot of empty statements and no balls to back them up.

I'll raise an eyebrow when he acts ...

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by LonelyGuy
Iran is not very smart. First they say their nuclear program is peacefull. Now they start testing missiles. Do they really want a fight with the USA? They should remember what happened after pearl harbor.

If they're smart, they'll goat the US into a war ... do you think the US/EU have the money to continue their wars?

In a year or two, the entire US/EU region would be bankrubt, beyond help.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Foppezao

You mean bobby Fischer? bobby fischer against the world.. yes another alu head
but probably the best chess player ever.

Bobby Fischer

The only thing that made Bobby Fischer a good chess player, was the fact that he got his ass out, while he was ahead. That is what has given him that "title" over the years ... he won Boris Spasky, barely ... but the russians that followed Spasky, were far far better than Spasky ever dreamt off. Fischer managed hang onto the title, because he was beyond approach.

And as an American you should go and wipe your butt, before you speak Fischers name. This man hated America and everything it stands for. He fled the US, and the US state department was on his tail for decades, and the last time I recalled he was living in Japan, when the US demanded him ousted back to the US, when an old friend of his, in Iceland ... had Iceland give him an assylum against the US.

Yeah, great American anology ... arrogance and ignorance combined. Go murder some more kids ...

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by bjarneorn

"do you think the US/EU have the money to continue their wars?" This quote from your post in itself says to me that if there is an attack (by US or EU) it will be quick and spend as little as possible.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by mileysubet
Don't forget that it is highly possible that we also have at least one SSGN submarine in the gulf as well.

That is 154 tomahawk cruise missiles with any combination of warheads probably all pre-targeted at tactical targets and able to be launched (all 154 of them) from the safety of being underwater, within a matter of hours, those missiles will be landing on tactical targets taking out essential command and control posts.

Wouldn't you like to see the look on the faces of the crew on a small fishing boat, when the USS Nevada ripple fires 154 Tomahawks nearby?

There are tactics that deal with cruise missiles and they are quite effective. Between the carrier's E-2s and the AWACS flying out of Saudi and Qatar there is little chance of surprise. The main issue for Iran is targeting data. Those missiles need to know where they are going, until the ships get within range of the missile's sensors. After Iran's threats, I'd have no problem with the Navy or Air Force splashing any Iranian aircraft before it gets close enough to provide that data. Between ECM, chaff and other systems that I am not going to mention, it will be a little harder than they think.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:20 PM
What if Iran makes good on its warning?

Fires one of those Russian S300's into the carrier whilst its in the straights of Hormuz?

The carrier being one of the largest ships in the world - it would be ideal way to block the straight from supply of oil.

Yes, US would attack in return, but why would Iran wait for them to attack?

US/Israel attack is only a question of when......the amount of threats and sanctions already imposed on Iran are already justifiable as an act of war.

Iran could kick this off sooner than expected.


US could sink its own carrier kicking of this Nuclear football match in earnest......if only the refferee's weren't so corrupt.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 04:00 PM
It's disturbing how many westerners hate their allies more than their enemies.

Simple reality is that if the US wasn't taking on the role of combatant here, Iran would freely develop nuclear weapons which would enable them to blackmail the ME region and parts of Europe. They would then freely use oil blockades to blackmail all developed nations.

You would be doing the dirty work if we didn't...

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