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Announcement of New Banking System

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posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:04 PM
I'm not sure what to think about this video. It's bold, I'll say that much. I've been hearing a lot of chatter about something coming in the banking sector. It's interesting if true. Welcome to day 1 of 2012.

Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot has been reporting about unusual recent banking activity. See Below.

"Show me the Money!"

Announcement of New Banking System

Link to CMN.Com

Please spread far and wide. Feel free to embed, Digg, Tweet and Facebook.

A New Global Economic Restructuring

Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring arising in 2012.

The statement will be delivered via a video-taped interview with a layperson on behalf of the consortium that has been working behind the scenes, on the problem of the unsustainable global economy for the past 8 years. The party who drafted this statement has stated, in response to conspiracy concerns, that “The usual suspects are not the suspects” and that the Global Elite also understand that the unsecured, digital money system has failed us all, including themselves.

This announcement is to serve as the introduction of a New Global Economic Structure that will begin surfacing in 2012. Those involved in this plan are calling it the “greatest humanitarian effort” in modern history. It will be for each of us to determine over time if this is a truthful statement.

CMN is serving as a neutral party for this broadcast and what it claims, as the economic consortium does not wish to break this news through mainstream media at this time. Please give this your serious attention, as it may be heralding a new way of conducting commerce on the planet that will effect us all well into our future. It will be through our understanding and acceptance that this will happen.

A portion of this plan does include a dissolution of debt in a carefully considered and planned way. The plan itself is paradigm shattering, and only hinted at in this video-taped statement.

There will be more to come throughout the year.

Read the announcement below:

Neither banks nor public authorities (or mainstream academics, for that matter) calculated the economy’s realistic ability to pay – that is, to pay without shrinking the economy. Through their media and think tanks, they have convinced populations that the way to get rich most rapidly is to borrow money to buy real estate, stocks and bonds rising in price – being inflated by bank credit – and to reverse the past century’s progressive taxation of wealth.

To put matters bluntly, the result has been junk economics. Its aim is to disable public checks and balances, shifting planning power into the hands of high finance on the claim that this is more efficient than public regulation. Government planning and taxation is accused of being “the road to serfdom,” as if “free markets” controlled by bankers given leeway to act recklessly is not planned by special interests in ways that are oligarchic, not democratic. Governments are told to pay bailout debts taken on not to defend countries in military warfare as in times past, but to benefit the wealthiest layer of the population by shifting its losses onto taxpayers.

The failure to take the wishes of voters into consideration leaves the resulting national debts on shaky ground politically and even legally. Debts imposed by fiat, by governments or foreign financial agencies in the face of strong popular opposition may be as tenuous as those of the Habsburgs and other despots in past epochs. Lacking popular validation, they may die with the regime that contracted them. New governments may act democratically to subordinate the banking and financial sector to serve the economy, not the other way around.

MICHAEL HUDSON - a former Wall Street economist. A Distinguished Research Professor at University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC), he is the author of many books, including Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (new ed., Pluto Press, 2002) and Trade, Development and Foreign Debt: A History of Theories of Polarization v. Convergence in the World

I wanted to add something. I have been watching Kerry's Blog at Project Camelot and she has been reporting on unusual banking activity:

Systems Stat - Current UST (United States Treasury) in Lock down on Currency comp upload of all Exotic & Major Currencies in progress, NOW.

* Pentag*n & all upper level 3 letter agencies on 24/7 call in conference concerning re-adjustments of Worldwide currencies in action for 48 hr. systems from BIS have been activated.

* All currencies reading 00.000 on all Bank computer screens. Active NOW.

* Cannot get any answers from ABN AMRO, BOL (Bank Of London) UBS, Credit Suisse, or any other Major World Banks on what is taking place.

* Have never seen this before. Ever, Anywhere!

* Analise - Unknown

* System status - Unknown

* This could be a system adjustment. - Unlikely.

* Conclusion - Unknown at this time. - Extremely Unusual Banking activity.

December 21, 2011 Update 11:17PM PT

Extremely Unusual Banking Activity.

December 22, 2011

Another Update from my source on Unusual Banking Activity:

* Up-Date - 12/22/11 5:17 P.M. EST

* Systems Stat - Current UST Lock down still in effect, although the extra teams have been allowed leave as most of Computer Up-Loading is now in Place.

* Two of the 3 Letter Agencies still in Lock down. Confirmation from 4 sources (Pentag*n, 3 Letter, Local Banks) have Confirmed this is taking place.

* Banking Screens on 138 different Currencies still Showing 00.000 , Although fluctuations in Rates are beginning to appear.

* Still no Answers from European Banking System, however they have been notified to expect a large change in all Currency Rates.

* Again, We have never seen this before and neither have the Banks.

* Analysis - Not enough Data at this time to support any type of Conclusion.

* Critical - An Attempt will be made to by B.I.S. (Bank of International Settlements), IMF, W.B. (World Bank) U.S.T. to Re-Align or to RV (Revalue) all Currencies Worldwide Simultaneously. I Repeat Simultaneously. This has never been attempted in the History of Modern Banking. Ever.

* This is scheduled to take place within a 24 to 72 Hour period from NOW. *NOTE - Still unknown if this is physically possible.

* We are not sure what to Expect at this time. We are following it hour by hour.

Letter from a Source:

Unusual Banking Activity Report #3


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

I would like to begin by thanking Project Camelot & Kerry Cassidy for an amazing job of Professional Journalism, an UN-dying passion for her art, and true bravery in the face of adversity which I have witnessed in only a few true Warriors on this Planet.

Thank you Kerry. You carry that beautiful light where ever you go, reminding us in even the darkest times there is always hope. Our Team thanks you from the bottom of our hearts.

* Last Up-Date before the Shift - 12/25/11 2:45 P.M. EST Christmas Day.

* System Stat - UST and other three letter agencies out of lock down as of yesterday. Skeleton crews remain to assure of completion of currency re-adjustment.

* Assured that this is not a crash. I repeat. Not A Crash. Quote from a 24 year veteran of a letter agency * Quote - (We are leveling the playing field, giving everyone a breather.) - End-Quote.

* Banking screens still showing 00.0000 on over 149 different Countries, up from 138.

* Finally received information out of Europe that the last of the adjustment codes out of Geneva (from Basel -aka-BIS) have been implemented and are working their way through the World Wide Banking System.

* Banks will now answer to their regional directors in a 10 Region World Wide Central Banking System. Very similar to the EURO being Pegged to the Swiss Franc. Each Region will have it's controlling Currency.

* Analysis - Still UN-known if this is possible. Some of the more outdated systems in the more isolated countries had to be implemented physically with programmers sent from Europe and the States.

* This schedule is still on point. We are not sure what to expect.

* Conclusion - Unknown - (However many of us believe that this is a beginning move to completely take over the Banking System Worldwide). - Extremely Unusual Banking Activity.

December 29, 2011

Unusual Banking Activity Report #4

Note: behind the scenes the Global Settlements have been due to be released a number of times over the past year... and each time it gets close someone steps in to stop them. We are told, each time, the members of the Bush Cabal are responsible.

Along those lines, if the Global Settlements are released, according to the White Hats the next step is the revaluation of the Iraqui Dinar... This is what may be causing the strange banking now for the report from an undisclosed source:

* Note - We did not expect to be giving you a 4th up-date concerning Current World Wide Banking Status. The Re- Alignment should have Been Completed 14 Hrs ago.

*Systems Stat - UST & All other Letter Agencies just removed from Lock down (Washington, London, Zurich, Basel, Geneva). This includes UST, BIS, IMF, and almost every other Major Bank in Europe, The Americas, Africa, Asia and most if not all of South American Banks and Financial Institutions.

* Since we have never seen this before, it still remains a mystery how the International Banking Community could keep 154 Exotic currencies off the Boards Listed at 00.0000 Buy / 00.0000 Sell and not in the Exotic trading community, for 19 Business trading days, is still beyond our comprehension . One would think at some point it would reach the Financial sector, or they would at least discuss the matter publicly in the International Community. Talk about Banking & Media Control. Jeeses Lawissese.

* Analysis - Still UN-known.

* Conclusion - UN-known at this point - Extremely Unusual Banking Activity.

Link to Kerry's Blog
edit on 1-1-2012 by seawolf197 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:14 PM
oh boy this may notbe a goodthing

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:25 PM
Yes saw this on another site. What I heard was a general statement saying nothing in particular and a vague allusion to a one world currency. No details about who or what. In fact no details at all. Reminds me of those fake mediums which give generalised statements to the grieving. Sorry but who is this guy claiming to be speaking for? I'm not buying it but if it did happen to be true, I would find it worrying - because there is always a possibility that this collapse has been engineered to bring in such a thing.
edit on 1-1-2012 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:25 PM
Any chance of a brief summary of what is in the video?

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by seawolf197

have we not learned yet that banking systems don't work?
talk about the United States of Amnesia.

edit on 1-1-2012 by OUTofSTEPwithTHEworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
Any chance of a brief summary of what is in the video?

It's so vague and wishy washy it would be difficult to summarise. Start listening beyond half way - you won't be missing anything. He concludes by saying people have been working on a new system and we are heading for a bright new world and people wouldn't need to worry about debt - though it might be a bit rocky at first.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

I added it to my original post above. I should have included it.

edit on 1-1-2012 by seawolf197 because: Moved info to initial post

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:34 PM
I don't know what to think either... he doesn't seem to comfortable.. scared even. hmm..

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:44 PM
Everything said in the video is just a lot of hot air and waffle with vague generalisations and nebulous entities - "people in high places". I don't believe a word until I can see the TANGIBLE changes that they speak of in my life world - NO homelessness, NO poverty, NO greed. Until then all these videos with their players are just TALKING HEADS.. meaningless electronic impulses on a screen...

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by dr3jon3z
I don't know what to think either... he doesn't seem to comfortable.. scared even. hmm..

Or maybe it's just that his delivery is poor and unconvincing.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Any chance of a brief summary of what is in the video?

There you are:

A New Global Economic Restructuring

Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring arising in 2012.

The statement will be delivered via a video-taped interview with a layperson on behalf of the consortium that has been working behind the scenes, on the problem of the unsustainable global economy for the past 8 years. The party who drafted this statement has stated, in response to conspiracy concerns, that “The usual suspects are not the suspects” and that the Global Elite also understand that the unsecured, digital money system has failed us all, including themselves.

This announcement is to serve as the introduction of a New Global Economic Structure that will begin surfacing in 2012. Those involved in this plan are calling it the “greatest humanitarian effort” in modern history. It will be for each of us to determine over time if this is a truthful statement.

CMN is serving as a neutral party for this broadcast and what it claims, as the economic consortium does not wish to break this news through mainstream media at this time. Please give this your serious attention, as it may be heralding a new way of conducting commerce on the planet that will effect us all well into our future. It will be through our understanding and acceptance that this will happen.

A portion of this plan does include a dissolution of debt in a carefully considered and planned way. The plan itself is paradigm shattering, and only hinted at in this video-taped statement.

There will be more to come throughout the year.

Summary and Statement in Full


posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:50 PM
If it's such a big deal, why release this so called grand information through some obscure Youtube video?
Besides, it doesn't really give any information.

He starts reading his "statement" at 10:15 if anyone wants to skip the pointless banter that comes before.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:53 PM
Right right.....

So some major players from all over the world have come
Together and formulated a plan that will help resolve the worlds
Debt and help people " acend " into the next level .... Or whatever
they were saying at the end .....

So these dudes are doing it out of the kindness of there heart.....

With no thought of self gain....

And if this plan is so good that it will fix the world economy ....

Then why not test it on the euro???.... They have the currency there

If it sounds to good to be true.....

It usually is.....

RFID anyone?

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by aaronez
Everything said in the video is just a lot of hot air and waffle with vague generalisations and nebulous entities - "people in high places".

Exactly what I thought. Plus what he read out was full of platitudes and things we know about already. Listen carefully - it's the interviewer who is fleshing it out with her comments about NWO and global currency.
This is why I said it reminded me of those fake mediums - where they just talk in generalisations and it's the grieving person who has lost someone who fills out the details.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:58 PM
This is playing out too perfect.

Yes, evil people will just cease to be evil. Oops, we're sorry.

Then pose to be saviors.

I try to be truly optimistic about this and I know like everyone else that we need change. But the change these guys are planning, I don't think the roots of their change or their idea of change are "humanitarian".

It just seems so convenient. It smells of Problem, Reaction, Solution, on probably the biggest scale humanity has ever seen.

Lets hope I'm just a crazy paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Peace and love to all Happy New Year! Its going to be an interesting one.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:00 PM
sheeze... the first two minutes was all i needed to discern the 'Schtic'

a group of new-agers no less with 'high hopes'

the Video was by media network)
the front man, i presume, is the 'Lay Person' who is a functionary (in the finance/money world)

and this spokes=person speaks on behalf of the 'Collective'
those are alluded to be high ranking individuals in the present world

this is in the first two minutes of the i am not making this up & i won't waste a bunch
of your tie trying to listen in the full 24 minutes !

Lets refer to the internet link as 'conscious media network

but rather as Come - on -Man... like the football analysts say'on-man

and that sould give the regular joe or jane the ammount of credence they should give these brain-damaged doo-gooders

imho, of course

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:02 PM
Just something about the video's production quality reminds me very much of the types of videos put out by people who want to take your money. I can't nail exactly what i mean by that, but it's very reminiscent of videos put out by network marketing companies. Not necessarily anything they said, because I honestly didn't watch it beyond noticing it's production quality. It seriously screamed scam. I may be committing a fallacy and judging the book by its cover, but I'll leave it as it is.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:06 PM
This explains it better than the actual video

A New Global Economic Restructuring
Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring arising in 2012.
The statement will be delivered via a video-taped interview with a layperson on behalf of the consortium that has been working behind the scenes, on the problem of the unsustainable global economy for the past 8 years.

CMN is serving as a neutral party for this broadcast and what it claims, as the economic consortium does not wish to break this news through mainstream media at this time. Please give this your serious attention, as it may be heralding a new way of conducting commerce on the planet that will effect us all well into our future. It will be through our understanding and acceptance that this will happen.
A portion of this plan does include a dissolution of debt in a carefully considered and planned way. The plan itself is paradigm shattering, and only hinted at in this video-taped statement.

Smells strongly of BS (my comment, not part of the extract!)
edit on 1-1-2012 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by DISINFORMANT

I agree disinformant.

The thing that raises my eyebrows a little is the message is spot on to what they are going to try to do to sell the global currency and new system of slavery.

Even if the video is a scam the message being portrayed is dangerous and I think we are going to hear alot more talk like this through the next little while. I make no mistake, I know your enemies will pose as your saviors.

Ah well time will tell.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:22 PM
Let's engage our brains here.
Seriously are we expected to believe that a global network has been working behind the scenes to design a new system and they have chosen CMN to give us a little taster?
This statement alone beggars belief

'Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring'

edit on 1-1-2012 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

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