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The New World Order is already here

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posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Heard of the UN? ... The Cia has officials as presidents in other countries
they have mindcontrol perfected... Cell Phones run on frequencies... Humans run on frequencies... coincidence... I think not..

Yes i have heard on the UN......UN = United Nations,
UN is a grey area, the theories on the UN being a "dry run" for the New World Order does make you think, but if America and UK can go against the UN i doubt it is

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 11:55 AM

Well thats highly unlikely, if we are dealing with a secret international force then i doubt information could leak onto the internet. Some of the bilderberg members are high figures in the media, so i think media control is true.

Well, China very overtly censors Internet usage of its communist-controlled citizens, and it basically doesn't mean a damn thing to the average Chinese computer enthusiast who circumvents censorship as easily as one ties one's shoes.

In my opinion, the future of controlled communication lies not in censorship, but in disinformation.


[edit on 21-9-2004 by Zipdot]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 12:14 PM
Dinero6911 said,

Cell Phones run on frequencies... Humans run on frequencies... coincidence... I think not..

Heh, have you ever forgotten your cell phone at home when you go to work? Before I had a cell phone, it was no big deal not having one, but now if I leave it at home I'm *naked* and constantly thinking about it. NWO frequency-propelled addiction device? Probably not, but hey!


posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 12:36 PM
What if the powers that be are not even human, but merely manipulate various humans, especially those in power? So there is/may-be no human NWO, but it is infact a NWO of some other [actually] intelligent species. Think of it like bits and pieces of software here and there that sculpt and direct the flow of events [read human actions] to acheive the desired results. Emotions make an excellent hook into the human [other species?] psyche.

So while we look for some clandestined group of humans, and there may be a few, the real NWO is written in the subtext. Examine even what you do, are you being manipulated? are you sure?

If something can operate from the 4th (physical) dimension, they could do any number of things. Everything in the 3D Universe is viewable from the 4th dimension, even the insides of things, including you.

How easy to cause a little heart attack in someone with just a whisper of effort right inside an artery. And coming from the 4th dimension there is not a trace of evidence.

Now imagine communicating inside some moron's head who thinks they are hearing the voice of god. Put that moron in charge. Voila, you have become the puppet master.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Zipdot
In my opinion, the future of controlled communication lies not in censorship, but in disinformation.

I agree, if we're not told anything we don't think about do we?

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I tell you what I will believe the new world order is here if bush win the elections again, and I will said lord have mercy of the citizens of US.

hey, with a two party system and with, aparently according to certain to certain conspiracists, both candidates having royal blood in them, i dont think it matters who gets elected. The agenda will go foreward either way. i always has and always will.

Originally posted by zipdot

Heh, have you ever forgotten your cell phone at home when you go to work? Before I had a cell phone, it was no big deal not having one, but now if I leave it at home I'm *naked* and constantly thinking about it. NWO frequency-propelled addiction device? Probably not, but hey!

yeah i used to get that hardcore, maybe you are right... then i started withdrawing...keaving phone at home and taking only if i knew i'd need directions or last minute tickets to some rave etc. Then I got a PDA phone, and again was addicted, and just couldnt bare leaving without it, but again, i survived without it for 3months although it was reallly hard at first. I DO know that my head does feel lightheaded if i chat on the phone for over 30mins without a handsfree kit, so maybe they are getting at us using microwaves on cell phones... werent the military meant to be developing microwave weapons and what about these microwave towers that can be used for mind control? I know some disinfo website had an article on that a few months back.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by da_superphreak
If you ask me, The NWO is already here, I saw a program on TV that said that George Bush and his government knew that 9/11 was going to happen and they let it happen just so they could bring in the Homeland Security laws and all the other policies and also so that they would have a front for the war on Terror. So basically no-one can do anything without someone knowing about it and that someone will tell another someone who will tell the Illuminati, which leads to this question, "Was 9/11 planned by President Bush?"

I know, I'm not an american
but seriously, when the towers collapsed I told a few person...I think that's an inside job of the U.S gov....that's what I felt inside....people treated me like I was a god damn crazy, my mom was crying!!! But now, I'm like ''damn I'm glad some people woke-up!!'' I think that U.S wants to control everything, they want to control the WORLD, they want money, power....they can do ANYTHING to be the big force on earth. The NWO is started on 9/11...that's my opinion. U have to be careful guys...governments don't give a crap about us normal people living in their country. If you are not vigilant, they will brainwash you and take control of youre they are god
In canada, there is not much action...that's why i'm interested in our neighbors


posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 03:24 PM
yeah blatantly, we're just a bunch of consumers and workers under the nwo's regime and in the society which is fueled by capitalism. We work for them, the elite, making the goods and providing the services and they pay us the "money" which we spend on those same goods and services, what a perfect scheme for control and exploitation! I dont know what the nwo really is, but the elite have been in control for as long as you want to thin, be it the roman empire, medieval times, British empire raping my motherland of india causing a million plus deaths in the division of her, to now when they murder children for oil and for putting puppets in power.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 03:30 PM
OF course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is the thing I tell myself every morming when I wake up and the same thing when going to bed...

The NWO, is actually everybody is the same and have the same beliefs and run econony like SLAVES!!! We are like slaves, but we don't know it! That's the worst!! The main goal is to enslave the planet... if we are to revolutionary, we are the ENNEMIES

WHY!!!! I don't wanna be a slave! I want to be free!!
We have to wake as many as we can...maybe someday everybody will think that way

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:15 AM
i]Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween

[1) who is controlling it?
of course its USA controlling the whole internation
2) what countries are involved in the control?
every country on the earth
3) what is the NWO supposed to do?
let all country under the control of the USA. let all country and other nations service for the USA people.

4) how does a miniscule minority control the masses once the masses don't wish to be controlled?
if any county don't wish to be controlled , we will send troops to destory them such as Afghanistan and Iraq.

5) why would the upper echelon of the NWO grant control to a singular person, or country?
This question shoud be answered by Gerge.W.Bush.

[edit on 9/11/04 by SomewhereinBetween]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by redflag
i]Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween

[1) who is controlling it?
of course its USA controlling the whole internation
2) what countries are involved in the control?
every country on the earth
3) what is the NWO supposed to do?
let all country under the control of the USA. let all country and other nations service for the USA people.

4) how does a miniscule minority control the masses once the masses don't wish to be controlled?
if any county don't wish to be controlled , we will send troops to destory them such as Afghanistan and Iraq.

5) why would the upper echelon of the NWO grant control to a singular person, or country?
This question shoud be answered by Gerge.W.Bush.

[edit on 9/11/04 by SomewhereinBetween]

You have a very convincing argument supported with undeniable facts. I also now know that sun only rises and sets over the 3800 N and 97 00 W coordinates.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by redflag
i]Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween

[1) who is controlling it?
of course its USA controlling the whole internation
2) what countries are involved in the control?
every country on the earth
3) what is the NWO supposed to do?
let all country under the control of the USA. let all country and other nations service for the USA people.

4) how does a miniscule minority control the masses once the masses don't wish to be controlled?
if any county don't wish to be controlled , we will send troops to destory them such as Afghanistan and Iraq.

5) why would the upper echelon of the NWO grant control to a singular person, or country?
This question shoud be answered by Gerge.W.Bush.

That is soooo logical! That it what I feel like everyday, I feel like I'm trapped and there is no way out! We are in the ''system'' but the thing is I KNOW society is actually controlled, so I feel more free, but why no one catch this, why people accept it like it's normal????????

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 03:25 AM
i think in some parts of society peple set their own norms? Like in my old grouop of friends, who ,made them think that having merc or bmw and one day a proche was success and that hsaving money is all that matters, and armani suits, and drinking, going to clubs etc?

Then with some of my black friends, who made it so that when the smarter ones would try to do some work and get ahead, his own friends would tell him he's not acting black etc sop that he was either forced to loose his friends or to study on the sly?

I dont see any govt officials from the nwo hanging in ghettos tellings blacks to kill each other and that they cant make it out the projects or that we must buy cars and go clubs and be rich and talk about crap like who slept with who and which club was "slamming" etc

does anyone get me?

and if u dont have those interests, your weird or a loner.

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