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Breaking: Michele Bachmann Iowa campaign co-chair endorses Ron Paul

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posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't "they" (source) say that if The good Dr. wins Iowa they will just move to the second place winner?

If this is true then he will be forced to run as an independant which will make it much harder to garner the support.

Am I wrong?

Media talk and nothing else. They have been saying for months Ron cant win anything, now he is gonna win Iowa and is gaining great momentum. Fox and CNN dont determine which states matter and which dont, the people do.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:37 AM
Even if he does run Independent people will still know who Ron Paul is, and what his goals are as President. I am sure even as an Independent he will get a lot of support.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by Praetorius

It's a nice gesture but it will take more than this to fuel said conservative voters behind the Senator to vote for Ron Paul. It's a nice start but I don't see much sway of support for Romney or Gingrich at this point in the game. Maybe I am wrong. GOP leadership still seem to have too much of a handle on this all and we all Know Ron Paul is not there man and that the people are not being considered here.

Best of luck to all of you Ron Paul supporters. I hope you get your wishes.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 04:17 AM

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 04:46 AM
Michele Bachmann just got humiliated.I think Sorensen realized that it's over for her and knows that if there is a chance to turn things around here then it's with Ron Paul.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:25 AM
This is awesome news! He is picking up far more momentum then I had thought he would... Lets hope this trend continues to escalate.

The conspiracy theorist in me can't help but wonder if they are not setting him up and when he is elected they will crash the economy and blame it on him... Even if they do he'd still be the best guy to have in office cause hed still cut big government as much as he could.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 06:55 AM
I'd guess the majority of ATS'ers are serious Ron Paul supporters, at least thats the drift I get. Regardless, if you are or not, it appears America is SO disgusted with corruption and business as usual, that it only makes sense to jump on the Ron Paul bandwagon. The powers that are, are finding that no matter how elaborate their plans, they are being foiled, and the news agencies with smear agendas are coming under fire from the public. When the news services have no sway, the will of the people shines apparent. I'm voting for Ron Paul, and I think Americans don't want to miss their one last chance to reclaim America. Though through it all, ultimatly it will be the will of God, in the bigger plan of how His prophecies reveal themselves. I know the atheists will take issue, but they are irrelevant anyway, in the grand scheme of things. Ten years from now, it will either be a better world, with a God fearing, respectful people or it will have sunk into utter chaos.
Try as you like there is a plan of what God will allow, and what the evil forces will be allowed to in the end, fulfill prophecy. From Genesis to today, it has already been written, and if a people will call upon God, they will be saved. Think long and hard on that, so far it's irrefutable.
edit on 29-12-2011 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 06:58 AM
I don't mean this to sound cold, or please understand that my opinion is simply meant as something for everyone to consider.

If you are a Ron Paul supporter, vote for the man regardless of anyone saying "he can't win" or "you're throwing your vote away". He is intelligent, has some great ideas and (IMHO) would make a great President.

If, however, you are not sure about Ron Paul, or think some of his ideas are too "different"...consider this. If nothing else, a vote for Dr. Paul is a smack in the face to the typical candidates, the current President and all the "powers that be". And that is exactly what our government needs...a smack in the face. If you are sick and tired of the same crap, the same infighting and want to send a message to all the "dead wood" in our government...send your vote to Ron Paul. Make the establishment shake in their boots!

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Praetorius

“Kent Sorenson personally told me he was offered a large sum of money to go to work for the Paul campaign. Kent campaigned with us earlier this afternoon and went immediately afterward to a Ron Paul event and announced he is changing teams. Kent said to me yesterday that ‘everyone sells out in Iowa, why shouldn’t I,’ then he told me he would stay with our campaign. The Ron Paul campaign has to answer for its actions.

OK - the problems I've got with this:
1) She doesn't say WHEN Paul allegedly offered a large sum of money to work for his campaign (if he did) - I would assume that Paul originally approached Sorenson about being a campaign staffer when he originally booted up his Iowa campaign, as Paul had endorsed him for state government.

3) I'll waiting on Sorenson's response to the sell-out claim. But I'd have to say we probably would have heard of something before now - like a firing? - if it were true.

It doesn't matter, whatsoever, what this Sorenson dude has to say about this. This is a statement of Sorenson's ethics not the Paul campaign's. Why should the Paul campaign have to answer anything??

I just hope Paul doesn't put this Sorenson fellow in any position of leadership in his campaign...

edit on 29/12/2011 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by Plotus
I'd guess the majority of ATS'ers are serious Ron Paul supporters, at least thats the drift I get. Regardless, if you are or not, it appears America is SO disgusted with corruption and business as usual, that it only makes sense to jump on the Ron Paul bandwagon. The powers that are, are finding that no matter how elaborate their plans, they are being foiled, and the news agencies with smear agendas are coming under fire from the public. When the news services have no sway, the will of the people shines apparent. I'm voting for Ron Paul, and I think Americans don't want to miss their one last chance to reclaim America. Though through it all, ultimatly it will be the will of God, in the bigger plan of how His prophecies reveal themselves. I know the atheists will take issue, but they are irrelevant anyway, in the grand scheme of things. Ten years from now, it will either be a better world, with a God fearing, respectful people or it will have sunk into utter chaos.
Try as you like there is a plan of what God will allow, and what the evil forces will be allowed to in the end, fulfill prophecy. From Genesis to today, it has already been written, and if a people will call upon God, they will be saved. Think long and hard on that, so far it's irrefutable.
edit on 29-12-2011 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

I couldn't have said it better myself. It's high time the thieves that make up our government get the message that "we the people" doesn't mean just the top 1%, that it actually means the populace at large.

I truly believe that Paul is the only candidate to represent that fact!

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
I don't mean this to sound cold, or please understand that my opinion is simply meant as something for everyone to consider.

If you are a Ron Paul supporter, vote for the man regardless of anyone saying "he can't win" or "you're throwing your vote away". He is intelligent, has some great ideas and (IMHO) would make a great President.

If, however, you are not sure about Ron Paul, or think some of his ideas are too "different"...consider this. If nothing else, a vote for Dr. Paul is a smack in the face to the typical candidates, the current President and all the "powers that be". And that is exactly what our government needs...a smack in the face. If you are sick and tired of the same crap, the same infighting and want to send a message to all the "dead wood" in our government...send your vote to Ron Paul. Make the establishment shake in their boots!

Good observations,

When people walk into that little booth, and the curtain is drawn to give them complete annonaminity, Dr. Paul will be the vote they cast. They would never admit they voted for him, but they will vote for him because his message rings true, and connects with them. The exit polls won't show it...the final tally will. To the surprise of the MSM, who think they know it all.

It will be a very interesting caucus day

edit on 29-12-2011 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by grantbeed
Awesome interview on FOX with senior advisor for Ron Paul. No matter what she hits him with, he answers brilliantly, the interviewr seems to be quite uncomfortable in her chair a few time because he hits that nail on the head time and time again!!!


edit on 29-12-2011 by grantbeed because: (no reason given)

@ 4:28 she says " inv " then says injecting , she was going to say invade

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Dr UAE
You weren't supposed to notice that!

Man, I hate semantic gymnastics. I did get a chuckle out of that when I saw it last night, though.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:30 AM
Thank you Kent Sorenson for standing on the right side ..thank you a lot ..go Ron Paul !

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse
OK, I'm awake.

As requested...:
1976 - Iowa republican caucus winner Gerald Ford - was the republican nominee (lost to Carter)
1980 - George HW Bush
1984 - Reagan again, unopposed - president
1988 - Bob Dole
1992 - George HW Bush again, unopposed - lost to Clinton
1996 - Bob Dole - was the republican nominee (lost to Clinton)
2000 - George Bush - president
2004 - Bush again, unopposed - president
2008 - Mike Huckabee

So, there's about a 57% correlation with republican winners of the Iowa caucus going on to be the republican nominee (not including the unopposed runs).

That out of the way - I take it you're not going to bother clarifying your point or addressing the rest I and some other posters have mentioned? Paul's got the fundraising and ground-game to see this through, and at this point I'm inclined to agree with Deace's assessment in his articleThe Buchanan Treatment Won't Work on Ron Paul:

First of all, Paul’s campaign apparatus is dramatically superior to anything Buchanan ever had. His Iowa Caucus campaign is a well-oiled machine, and the envy of the entire process. They’re running the best commercials. They’re the best organized. They’re the most loyal. And look beyond Iowa, too. Paul wins straw polls all over the country, including CPAC and even at the 2011 Values Voters Summit. I know several of these people who are the masterminds of Paul’s organization, and these folks don’t put their phasers on stun when it comes to their opponents and know what they’re doing. They’re not kooks, they’re sharp cookies and losing is not an option in their strategy. They have no problem burning down the entire system, because they distrust it anyway...

...The more Rudy McRomneys the Republican Party serves up, the more popular someone like Paul will become. Frustrated voters will use Paul as a blunt instrument, or maybe even a sharp object, to attack a failed system with.

The Republicrats deserve Ron Paul. The ruling class created the Ron Paul phenomenon by its own actions. And the more they persist in being tone-deaf to voters’ angst, the more likely they are to suffer at his hands.

And as much as I disagree with Paul, I’d choose him over the Republicrat ruling class any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Then entire article is worth reading in full, but I like those parts, personally.

Take care.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:47 AM
Just watched the "Ron Paul's Salute to Veterans Iowa Campaign Rally - 12/28/11" and I was just awed by this man's speech. It's as if the speeches aren't written, he just speaks from the heart.

I've said it in another thread and I'll say it again here, the election of Ron Paul would have global impact for the better so whether you are an American or not, support this man!

And if America decides they don't want him, Mr Paul, please come fix the UK

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Flint2011
Thanks Flint, so do I. And I think we might see some very surprising things - I'd say a very good chance of brokered convention at least.

Anyway, with so many things so far out of whack at this point, I definitely pray Paul gets in, or someone finally decides he's got ideas worth paying a lot of attention to. Our foreign policy puts a big old target on our back (while taxing the military greatly and leaving us here with porous borders and less defenders in the event of something real going down), too many civilians die for no good reason, and our economy is sputtering despite false dawn. We've simply amplified the problems Paul warned us about years before the collapse finally occurred.

I'm not sure the country's got much left in her without a significant course change, at least not with it continuing to resemble anything we know as the US.

Take care.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman
I agree somewhat, but I personally think it's a load of bollocks.

I can definitely see the Paul campaign having offered him money to come on to the campaign back in November and prior, as that was in the momentum-building phase when additional help would have been much more useful. Six days before the caucus, though? I don't think that's enough time to do much of anything useful, I can't personally see the worth of paying someone a significant sum of money for 6 days' work when it looks very likely to be a win anyway at this point, and it would probably be silly for a few other reasons I just can't bring to mind at the moment.

It seems more likely to me that yes - the campaign did PREVIOUSLY offer money, but as Sorenson said yesterday, he realized Bachmann's campaign is a sinking ship and, no offense to Sorenson as this may not be the best way to say it - rats will swim. Paul and his supporters helped him a lot previously, so I trust his reasoning that it was just time to get on a campaign that has a real shot of going somewhere. We'll just have to see how it all plays out.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:09 AM
“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.” ~~Mark Twain

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by PW229

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