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23 Dec UFO in Russia, 5 different videos posted.

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People

Originally posted by Kjack93
WEIRD!!!! It looks like a moving cloud but I see the light in the middle. Honestly I have no explanation great video!

The explanation is that it was the failed launch of an unmanned Soyuz rocket. The cloud/halo effect was caused by the rocket exhaust lighting up the clouds around it. It looked odd because the craft never got higher than the clouds, and later crashed. Rockets usually speed though the cloud layer in less than a minute.

I see it differently, SGIP. The rocket is WAY above the atmosphere, and the cloud is being constantly refreshed from the rocket's own exhaust. What is illuminating the cloud -- over the horizon sunlight, or just the hot gasses glowing briefly as they exit the thrust chambers, or some sort of tenuous ionosphere/plume impact -- I can't say.

Because it's way downrange, out of sight of the launch site, and a lot higher and FASTER, it does look a lot different from the videos and eyeball memories we have on file of previous launches.

No question it's bizarre looking. I don't doubt it's caused by the rocket, but the way it manifests itself is weird. It's been seen before, and has blown minds before. It does take getting used to.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Fryaga

I have yet to see a plausible explanation for how this is a rocket - just speculation. I do have an idea of what a rocket looks like as I'm accustomed to looking at UFO videos and reading all the debunking/intelligent analysis. I've seen a few UFO shows recreate rocket launches at various degrees and watched what those look like. This just simply doesn't look like an erratic rocket, is all. But saying that those who don't know what every rocket looks like isn't really all that meaningful...that argument goes the other way, too. : )

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by justaskin
reply to post by The Cusp
The one thing we know with a certainty is that it is a real object, not CGI.. It is vitrually impossible to render objects passing thru lens flare like that from different angles and still being translucent while variations in the lens flare itself (flickering is going on) Very complex to do.. (Believe me I know) And from different angles as well.. It would cost big money to have a rendering agent like that ... Hollywood level software... Not impossible, but expensive. that being said, it wreaks military.. Looks like a kind of seldf propelled illumination flare.

edit on 28-12-2011 by justaskin because: spl

That video I posted was the first one I saw, and right away I thought CGI. It just seemed that a simple silver sphere would be would be the easiest thing tho make. Plus there's a shine on the top of the silver sphere, but no obvious source of light to illuminate it. But after seeing all the other videos, that rules out CGI.

Some people like Dr. Peter Beter claim that the Russians have had flying silver orbs for quite some time now. He had a sort of podcast from 1975-1982 that you could listen to by phone where he mentions this several times. These recordings are all available online
Sorry, been awhile since I listened to them, so I forget which episodes talk about the Russian silver orbs. But I think he mentions them in most of the early ones, along with how Fort Know if full of gold plated tungsten.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by ConspiracyTruth

Then you think it is a coincidence that the timing and location is exactly right for the videos to be of the Soyuz launch?

"UFO shows" are a pointless comparison for anything.

Why do you think the rocket would be "erratic"?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:10 PM
There a bright spotlight coming out of the middle .. it could be a windows
it look like to be moving slowly semi cloaked
was it filming the reaction of the people .. ?
to see if they would detect some kind of a panic amongs humans on the ground
that would be the perfect test
after that they will probably think ..
ok they are not scared of us anymore
we can fully reveal ourselfs to humankind
2012 is almost there so .. time to hurry up the disclosure

edit on 12/28/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Phage

Absolutely it could be a coincidence. Do you know how many UFO sightings happen every freaking day? You could match up events constantly to any legit UFO sighting and then have some sort of "cover" for it. Still not saying it's not a rocket, but the video itself is the best indicator of things - not a corresponding news story.!/search/%22saw%20a%20ufo%22!/search/%22seen%20a%20ufo%22

And if it's okay to bring in context to a situation...I gave loads of details on the Siberia UFO that showed up two nights in a row - was clearly not a rocket (it was still and glowing and had loads of witnesses) - and was literally covered up by officials...first stated as a meteor and then after second sighting, dropped entirely. Is it a coincidence that weird # shows up in Siberia skies consistently? Not saying the "Military" explanation doesn't work here, but if we're going to look at the Big Picture, we should look at the Big Picture.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 04:58 PM
Well, as far as cooincidence goes, the one thing that might draw a UFO out is something like a rocket launch. Reports of UFOs seen during nuclear missile tests (and even interfering with such a launch in one case), are not uncommon. If a UFO were to find things of interest, I'd think weather events, natural disaster, and launching of uncommon craft (i.e. not as common as say, airplanes), might be some of the things to catch their attention.

In particular, I personally feel their appearance most prominantly cooinciding with our first nuclear tests (and even quite near the first test location) is no cooicidence. If I were an alien species keeping tabs on things, I'd probably certainly watch the progress weapon-wise, of a rather aggressive planet who is starting to venture into space. So a rocket launch is something they may well be interested in.
edit on 28-12-2011 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
Well, as far as cooincidence goes, the one thing that might draw a UFO out is something like a rocket launch. Reports of UFOs seen during nuclear missile tests (and even interfering with such a launch in one case), are not uncommon. If a UFO were to find things of interest, I'd think weather events, natural disaster, and launching of uncommon craft (i.e. not as common as say, airplanes), might be some of the things to catch their attention.

This was Gordon Creighton's theory in the 1970s and 1980s when the correspondence between major Soviet 'UFO flaps' and secret space/missile events first was brought to his attention [by me]. He was the well-respected editor of 'Flying Saucer Review' in Britain, and an ardent ufo 'believer', so rather than admit there might be a cause-and-effect between the Soviet military conducting spectacular aerial and space maneuvers, and people on the ground reporting seeing UFOs, he decided that the UFOs had swooped in close to observe the missile/space events.

Two problems with this lame-brained reality-avoidance dance:

1. Assuming any level of UFO hi-tech, why would they have to 'get close'? If 'close', why should they be visible?

2. If people were observing REAL UFOs who had come in 'close' to observe the missile/space events,
WHY weren't THEY also seeing the missile/space events, and reporting them as well? They ONLY reported 'UFOs', nothing else.

Originally posted by ConspiracyTruth
Absolutely it could be a coincidence. Do you know how many UFO sightings happen every freaking day? You could match up events constantly to any legit UFO sighting and then have some sort of "cover" for it.

This isn't coincidental, and brushing it off as just 'lucky accidents' is another lame-brained reality-avoidance dance. The 'crescent UFO waves' reported in the USSR in 1967-8 coincided one-to-one with the documented test flights of space-to-ground nuclear warheads, to the day and the hour.

If you had read the linked article in the 1982 MUFON UFO Journal, you could have learned that, but that would have gotten in the way of a dismissive 'coincidence' explanation to buttress up your pre-existing beliefs.

It's linked from my comment here:

Badly played.

edit on 28-12-2011 by JimOberg because:

edit on 28-12-2011 by JimOberg because: add links

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by lupus83
Reminds me of a chinese missile launch seen from the behind.

Can you tell if a missile is chinese or russian from behind? I always had trouble with that.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by lupus83
Reminds me of a chinese missile launch seen from the behind.

Chinese missile launch? That sounds like a euphemism. Russian rocket launch should be a euphemism for erectile dysfunction.

Anyways... The object in that video is a shiny silver sphere surrounded by an eggshell layer of clouds that keeps it's shape and travels with the object. And rockets are supposed to go UP!!! Not travels across the sky horizontally. There is nothing about these videos that is even remotely rocket like.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by The Cusp

By the time the third stage of a Soyuz fires at about 5 minutes into the flight, it is at an altitude of about 180 km and is traveling nearly horizontally.

The shiny object is the third stage. It is surrounded by a cloud of effluent (fuel). Since it is well above the atmosphere the cloud remains with the third stage.

edit on 12/28/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by The Cusp
Anyways... ... And rockets are supposed to go UP!!! Not travels across the sky horizontally. There is nothing about these videos that is even remotely rocket like.

You are this week's poster child for best illustrating Will Rogers' wisecrack that "it ain't what you don't know what makes you look like a fool, it's what you DO know what ain't so."

Because you are so astronomically ignorant of the shape of a rocket's ascent profile on its way into low Earth orbit, and so defiantly proud of your ignorance, you deserve to wear the T-Shirt with all the faux-pride it deserves.

Please help me dispel some ignorance of my own. I don't have a clue where you think you learned that rockets always or even mostly travel upwards to reach orbit? Hollywood? Marvel comix? Gossip behind the barn? Or did you deduce it from 'original principles' and just assume that your guess was as close to reality as needed?

Wait -- are you one of those guys who think that spaceships float lazily around in outer space because they've escaped from Earth's gravity?



Move towards the light. We can help you.

Reality is a whole lot more fun and even MORE mysterious.

ADD: Look carefully at the chart that Phage provided. Satisfy yourself that it shows a real feature of rocket ascent. Ask yourself -- why is the typical trajectory even FLATTER than shown here? Look how how the vertical axis is STRETCHED for illustrative purposes. Can you tell the class how MUCH it is stretched compared to the horizontal axis?

Help us help you.

edit on 28-12-2011 by JimOberg because: add

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by The Cusp
.... And rockets are supposed to go UP!!! Not travels across the sky horizontally. There is nothing about these videos that is even remotely rocket like.

To reach Earth's orbit, a rocket needs to move parallel to the ground.

Consider the thought experiment called Newton's Cannonball [click link].

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Phage

Well that was clear and concise.

reply to post by JimOberg

You see what Phage did there? You could learn as much about manners and respect from him as I could about rocket science.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by The Cusp
reply to post by Phage

Well that was clear and concise.

reply to post by JimOberg

You see what Phage did there? You could learn as much about manners and respect from him as I could about rocket science.

You see what Phage did there? He looked something up before making a grandiose assertion of his own imagination trumping reality. Try it next time.

What 'respect' do you think your idiotic claim deserved?

We differ on interpretations and all gain from the debate. That's what ATS is best at allowing a forum for.

When we differ on facts, as your post attempted, we lose ground, add to confusion, and need extra effort to get back on track. Are you sorry for that?

And where are the good manners that dictate that a person discovering that he has posted an error, retracts it and apologizes? And the expression of gratitude to those who helped him escape from his error? Any 'thank yous' due?

Show me.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:41 AM
It's not unreasonable at all to rely on the video evidence first, and then look at the timetable. But I'm no rocket expert, so I'll just go with the technical explanations presented here. Anyways, maybe more UFO sightings like these to come -

Other "coincidences" of where UFOs show up:
Military sites
Nuclear sites
Important events
Crop circles
Big foot sightings
Poltergeist events
Natural weather events like volcanoes/earthquakes (earthquake lights, a phenomenon scientists are just now discovering)

Just sharing. : )

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by ConspiracyTruth
reply to post by Fryaga

I have yet to see a plausible explanation for how this is a rocket - just speculation. I do have an idea of what a rocket looks like as I'm accustomed to looking at UFO videos and reading all the debunking/intelligent analysis. I've seen a few UFO shows recreate rocket launches at various degrees and watched what those look like. This just simply doesn't look like an erratic rocket, is all. But saying that those who don't know what every rocket looks like isn't really all that meaningful...that argument goes the other way, too. : )

This is not a failed rocket.. I live north of the Cape in FL. and have witnessed a few failed rockets... a failed rocket does not stay on a horizonal path for that long of a time... gravity pulls it down and rather quickly... to have a cloud in the air as this one does, it cannot be up that high... I can explain it, but I also don't believe in flying saucers... Maybe it just was some secert launch of something... MIllions of people live around that city and you mean to tell me for as long as that thing stayed up and visable HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS or THOUSANDS of videos don't exist...people didn't run and get a video cam or just use the one on their cell... I mean, they do have cells in Russia... come on now. CGI... yep possible..

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 11:47 AM
Well, insulting someone isn't nice Jim would be kinda like me being insulting and telling you if you haven't experienced such things as Alien Beings and the ships research and theories are just that...research and theory.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by kennvideo

I hear ya. I'm accustomed to watching UFO videos and have seen main failed satellites/rockets/missiles, this just doesn't have that vibe. But again, I'm no expert, and with the timing, I don't rule it out! I just think Siberia is known for this kind of stuff, and it's known for covering up this kind of stuff... again, I allude to the clearly non-rocket UFO that appeared nights in a row, had hundreds of witnesses, and was first explained as 'meteor' by officials - that explanation didn't hold water after second sighting, and then the investigation was dropped...story buried. Siberia is a UFO/cover up hot spot, is my point. : )

And there are great shows that debunk UFOs. Yes TV shows are sensational and stuff, by nature, but that doesn't mean there aren't worthwhile investigations and research done in them, too.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by NeoVain

check that out

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