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Why Does the Left Try so hard to Justify Terrorists in the Middle East?

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posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
Well actually to sum it all up - it's about jihad against the jews as mandated by the Koran and mohammed.

That's it - everything else is just distractions and distortions, to prevent non muslims from understanding this fact!

The left plays along with all of this because it suits their agenda.

That pretty much does sum it all up. And all the excuses I keep hearing on this thread are closely linked or exactly the same as the excuses I listed above in my OP. I guess people can't read long posts anymore, or are mad whenever anybody goes against their leftist agenda. This is why I will never be able to comprehend that sort of mentality. We can't all feel good at the same!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by neo96
Seems to me the one who dropped 2 nuclear bombs was the Democrats
Seems to me the one who started Vietnam was the Democrats
Seems to me the one who bombs Bosnia were the Democrats
Seems to me the one who bombed Pakistan were the Democrats
Seems to me the one who bombed Yemen were the Democrats
Seems to me the one who bombed Libya were the Democrats
Seems to me the one who are going around to Foreign countries at the moment and killing any Brown person are the Democrats even if they are American citizens.

And abortion that has killed over 50 million children supported by the Democrats and the only ones what are going around defending Islam and condeming Jewish and Christians.

And the Democrats heros are Chez,Chavez.Mao and other homicidal maniacs and the left vilifies the right when they do and continue to do worse than the right ever has.

Forgot to add their terrorist gun running operation in Mexico that has killed thousands

I tried to reduce the above quote to the meatiest parts to respond to but I believe it is ALL WORTH REPEATING.

And your examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

Certainly the Marxist globalist oligarchy uses the GOP as well in it's conquests and evils. However, the Marxist Dems are the most compliant and most eagerly complicit in such evils, hypocrisies, FREEDOMS DESTROYING deadliness.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
This is why I will never be able to comprehend that sort of mentality. We can't all feel good at the same!

No, the real reason is because you use words you do not understand and discuss things you have no knowledge of. That is why you will never be able to comprehend that sort of mentality.
Hell, none of you even know what the wordd Jihad actually means but you are experts on Islam. Right.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by Miraj

Evidently you have not read the 109+ verses of the Koran ORDERING/ EXHORTING, CALLING, INSISTING that good Muslims MUST destroy, kill, exterminate, spew deadly violence all over non-Muslims until they are wiped from the earth.


I'm sure offering your neck first will do a lot to win the day for all of us.

And, it just might save your wife and children a few more minutes.


The left love to justify those lines in the Koran but then they attack any Christians who say Merry Christmas during the holidays, or think people are crazy when they believe that God has a plan in store for them. Now, sure there are messages like that in the bible like disobeying your parents = death. But no Christians really follow that anymore. Are you liberals beginning to see the difference here?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

JIhad means holy struggle. Does that answer your question.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Mcupobob

National defense isn't something the left wants to get rid off, but would rather be defensive about the terrorist problem rather than offensive.


Bill . . .Traitor Clinton shredded our military wholesale.

OBama is depleting and shredding our military wholesale.

This is deliberate.

They want us to unable to respond well when Russia and China attack us at the beginning of WWIII. They WANT US DESTROYED UTTERLY--or as close to utterly as possible.

I cannot recall a single case in all of recorded history as we have known it when leaders of their own country have deliberately set out to UTTERLY DESTROY THEIR OWN COUNTRY.

Yet this Marxist globalist oligarchy is doing exactly that in order to make overt establishment of the

NEW ORDER--the satanic Marxist globalist tyrannical oligarchy of ruling elites

on the ashes of the old one all the easier.

Anyone who fails to see this is either uninformed, ignorant, willfully blind or devoid of sufficient processing power to figure it out.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

If there is an agenda which I am sure there is I think the Dems and the GOP have equal wrongs and of course equal rights. They are both good and bad for American society. But the imbalance between dems and GOP is huge because there appears to be a lot more liberals nonsense flying around like half the people on this thread trying their hardest to justify everything the terrorists do!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:51 PM
There are no right or left regarding the middle east!

The few fanatics left are in bad shape, and will probably be caught by allied forces.

Let us instead focus how we can build up these countries again? no?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
My guess is that most leftists are completely vaccuous idiots - they have been marinaded in a soup of NWO marxist inspired cultural subversion their whole lives via films,music, school, TV, books. peer pressure etc and have simply absorbed its axioms into their system without ever examining them critically, instead they have been conditioned to respond to 'feel good' factors, PC orthodoxy and moral relativism as the sole criteria for decision making.

For them USA is inherrently evil, white people are guilty, brown,black people are innocent victims, business/profit=badl, Israel=nazis, etc etc.


PREACH IT BRO. Having studied globalism since 1965 . . . and their skillful owning and using of the MSM, and the populations increasingly deluded responses thereto--I assure you that your assertions are spot on.

The Time Machine's Eloi marching compliantly into the caverns of the Morlachs to be their dinner are not any more deluded and idiotic than the folks contributing so ignorantly to the Marxist globalists--primarily through cheering their MOST complicit folks--the Dem leftists. Sure the GOP is complicit, too. HOWEVER, It's far less idiologically and far less affixed to the Marxist tit than the Dems and other leftists.

THEY ARE ALSO POOR STUDENTS OF HISTORY . . . because tyrants always sentence to death amonst the earliest their earliest most eager supporters. They know that such untrustworthy traitors are poor foundations to build a new order on.

edit on 23/12/2011 by BO XIAN because: TRYING to fix color emphasis

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Chevalerous
There are no right or left regarding the middle east!

The few fanatics left are in bad shape, and will probably be caught by allied forces.

Let us instead focus how we can build up these countries again? no?

Well that would be good except as I have stated before we will use drones and such to hunt down the remaining terrorist leaders, we can still have a minimum amount of troops in the countries so as to avoid an Iranian or Al Qaeda takeover, We can't just give up and leave as some Ron Paul people feel the need to do. The damage as already been done on both sides and we need to move forward implement democracy on those countries and yes see what happens! At least this time they get a choice weather to choose peaceful democracy or live under a dictatorship and religious paranoia.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

You can pretend to throw these justifications. But you still fail to see the root of this has something to do with us. Not all muslims are bad people, most of them aren't. Yet people will sit here, and ran about them day and night. You want violence? I can pick and choose it from almost any section of your bible. And not all the apologetics in the world will cover up the violent history contained in Christianity.

Falling back to some war on christmas won't excuse the fact that you fail to realize another aspect of this stupid thing we call a war.

So lets examine this following fact: I hate Islam. Not Muslims. I do not love their religion, I hate it entirely more than I hate the foundation of Christianity. But I do not hold the right to wipe out an entire religion based on the actions of a relative few. A relative few that we still incited to attack us.

Have your religion, but stop pretending we're innocent in this war on terror.

If people would deal with reality and stopped playing these stupid blame games we might get somewhere. But most of the people here don't want solutions, they want wars. They want conflict to justify their meaningless lives, something to rally around. Republicans crave it, democrats do too.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Miraj

While I admit some of the right wing do want to destroy all Muslims, I have never wanted to, nor claimed to hate Muslims. Modern day Muslims are fine albeit, still blinded by religion in general. I am talking about the extreme terrorists in the Middle East where 95% of their entire lives are directly influenced by some form of radical islam. Sure we have had a hand and I have said this already in my OP but that does not justify the actions of theirs either. They need to do somethings on their part as well which they refuse to do so that just makes the US push them farther.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:00 PM
Why Does the Left Try so hard to Justify Terrorists in the Middle East?

Because they are in bed with the Zionist fascist empire elitists, that's why!

second line

bottom line
edit on 23-12-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:03 PM
Why do we always divide ourselves into the left or the right, republicans or the democrats, when it comes right down to it, we all want the same thing. People may be confused on what they want, but we all want the same thing

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by andersensrm

I don't try my hardest to justify terrorist activities. I know what they do and I know what we do. I think the terrorists are doing more damage to their own people and their own countries than the US has ever done to anyone! Some people just need to wake up and stop trying to logically think in this situation! The terrorists sure don't

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier
Why Does the Left Try so hard to Justify Terrorists in the Middle East?

Because they are in bed with the Zionist fascist empire elitists, that's why!

second line

bottom line
edit on 23-12-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

Couldn't agree more with ya! The left are trying so hard to stick up for themselves and the terrorists at the same time its laughable. I find it funny that they would want to side with the terrorists half way around the world instead of trying to find some sort of common ground with those in their own country, or to understand the basics of the terrorists hate filled propaganda that they claimed they want to study. Light bulb, I think they want to study terrorists to see why they are more successful than they are at hurting US! Maybe, but, then the left would have to be more extreme than the right automatically loosing their feel good nature and peace loving ways! Oh the hypocrisy!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Wow, take it easy. First of all, I'm Christian, so I wouldn't be able to answer your question about how holy one site is compared to another.
Second of all, really? You're really arguing that the Arabs should be gracious and just give the land to Israel?
Neglected? Empty? I'm sorry if the Palestinians back in the early 1900s did not impress you with a New York kind of place. They were simple villagers, living off their own food and crop.

They owned 97% of the land, and almost 70% of the population were Arabs, even after hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants found their way to Palestine. Made the desert bloom?
Yes when the US, Germany, Canada and numerous other countries give billions away on a yearly basis to reinforce Israel in terms of structure, military, etc. You pretty much can make anything bloom.

Wrong take on history? Yes, even when I present well-documented facts, there's always that kind of person who just pops up with his own world in his mind. It's because of people like you that the entire human race is doomed.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
reply to post by andersensrm

I don't try my hardest to justify terrorist activities. I know what they do and I know what we do. I think the terrorists are doing more damage to their own people and their own countries than the US has ever done to anyone! Some people just need to wake up and stop trying to logically think in this situation! The terrorists sure don't

Sure but the so called terrorists make up such a small % of the world population. If we can stand up as people, they can't hide anywhere. Yet we keep ourselves divided into countries, parties, skin colors, but we are all the same. If we were to abandon the system as people, abandon the $, then as the people, print 30 trillion new bills of whatever we want to call it, pay off all our debt, then spread the other half amongst us. That's what they're really afraid of us doing, because there's nothing stopping us from just starting over. In all reality I don't think the system of money will last much longer.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
reply to post by captaintyinknots

That's funny because you have failed to answer any of my questions directed at you and I have answered most of the questions that you directed at me. So go ahead run away and hide and attack others trying to defend their own country's actions instead of ones ruled by terrorists. Go ahead, because you are not satisfied with the answers that I have given or the examples that I have shown. You have shown nothing but to try and justify everything the terrorists do by your own twisted logic which they cannot even comprehend because they are taught hated filled religious propaganda in their schools not liberal feel good mental state. So thank you for just proving the very point I am trying to make!!!!!

I'm not running away from anything. I simply see no point in repeating the same things to a juvenile who dodges the topic and turns around and makes it about insults and accusations.

You have shown no examples. You have shown only that you need to finish your high school education and leave the heavy topics for the grown ups.

I will say again, tho, for the umpteenth time:can you back up the things you accuse me of? You keep ignoring that question. I know your tactic-make the accusation enough and perhaps it will stick. Sorry, kiddo, ain't going to work. Either back up your accusations or be exposed as the liar that you are.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77
reply to post by andersensrm

I don't try my hardest to justify terrorist activities. I know what they do and I know what we do. I think the terrorists are doing more damage to their own people and their own countries than the US has ever done to anyone! Some people just need to wake up and stop trying to logically think in this situation! The terrorists sure don't

And that right there sums people like you up. That you would ask others to STOP thinking logically is so incredibally backward that it is funny.

Perhaps you ought to try and apply a little logic to your thinking....maybe then you can start making some actual point

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