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Free energy/ Water car blueprints for FREE

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posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:38 PM
WOW I've been waiting for this! People have died for this knowledge. Thank you!

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 11:49 AM
Hey, guys. Just came back from putting water in my car's gas tank. Didn't work. Who can I send the repair bill to? The guy trying to sell E-books on how to get rich off of sucke-... I mean how to build free energy devices that violate the laws of energy conservation? Can I send the repair bill to him? I mean, it was his idea, and it didn't work.
And as to the lunatic who says, "Proof?! You want proof of my outrageous claims? You MUST be a disinfo agent working for the reptilian illuminati royal family of bavarian rosicrucians", extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
And as to the fellow who said that what he meant by free energy was energy that you didn't have to pay for, that's right out the window immediately. You gotta buy the E-book, you gotta buy the parts to build the thing that probably won't work in the first place. You can't squeeze blood from a stone. You cannot create something out of nothingness. Energy can not be created or destroyed, only transferred. This is accomplished by things like: Combustion. Convection. Radiation. Take a physics class. Learn something other than conspiracy gibberish, and install solar panels. Wind turbines. Alternative methods of generating energy. Don't give your money to any huckster with a box of magnets and a few bales of copper wiring who says he's the next Einstein, but you all gotta pay up first to take a peek inside his garage.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by PinkiePie

Thanks for posting those Op.

More of us should be learning as much as possible about alternative energy simply due to the fact that if we initiate war with Iran there is a very high probability that gasoline prices will quadruple overnight.

Instead of focusing on why it wont work we should instead focus on how it possibly could.

I know for certain that the large amounts of energy many claim is necessary can be easily resolved by the use of AC alternating current vs DC for it's the oscillating frequency of AC which breaks the bonds and not by trying to force Direct current through water which is not a good conductor to begin with.

And also why we use AC vs DC to power our's considerably more efficient.

In fact in perusing the plans they provide the necessary voltage and frequency for the above reasons.

Thanks again.


posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Its kinda funny the amount of years this website must have existed for, and all the sort of gibber jabber you see on the internet about free energy especialy the stuff that gets posted here, every single member should be powering there homes, neighbours, villages with limitless clean energy for free, even there flying car!

Oh but wait.....

That isnt happening.


posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 10:03 PM
Finally, a voice of reason. They think anyone with a basic understanding of the laws of physics is some sort of illuminati agent. I'd love to have a free energy device. While you're at it, I'd love a hyperdrive, and a food replicator. The simple matter of fact is that it is science fiction, atleast for the moment. Hucksters and scam artists trying to play off the fringes of society isn't helping anyone, except the con-men.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by UdonNiedtuno
reply to post by Grifter42

Except the current laws of physics incorrectly predict many physical observations, especially at the quantum level.

So maybe the laws are wrong.

Its more about the laws of thermodynamic, which seem to be rather solid. You are talking about the conflict between quantum mechancs and the theory of relativity, where what seems to apply to an subatomic level, does not seem to apply to large objects, such as planets and stars.

Think about it, if somebody would have found a way to build a perpetuum mobile+, a device that produces free energy, dont you think there would be a substantial black market for such a device? How many of those people pushing youtubevids of their free energy solutions built a device to power their house, or their car? How many cars are on the road with a free energy device under the hood?

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone

Originally posted by JustSlowlyBackAway
reply to post by PinkiePie

I would love the cure for boldness.

I am totally bold...there is no cure for my boldness. Others have cure.



posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by PinkiePie
First off, the kid who made diaspora got killed. for making competition to facebook.
The kid who wrote a blog about conspiracy in the 2012 olympics got killed.
What happened to Rife? Inventor of the Rife machine, cure for cancer?

Look, no matter how long you try to disinfo and tell me there is no cure for cancer or free energy, your banging on metal. You will not change my opinion or the opinion of the people who believe in it.
And i tell you what else im going to do, i will post the whole deleted blog of rik clay.

As for steve jobs. i am also baffled that he didnt find a cure for cancer with all his money and connections.
He had millions and way more time to try various cures. Has his cancer being too late to cure?
I have seen a boy in china remove a tumor by using his chi holding his hands above a patient...with a scanner recording it.
I think steve jobs deserved it, and i hate him. He is not an innovator, he started to care only about money.
He probably didnt believe, he probably didnt find the correct cure, or maybe the gods decided to punish him

I dont care if he is a millionaire and he died of cancer.
There is an ordinary old man who cured his cancer by drinking marijuana oil.
I do what i can to help and experiment. Im not the first to invent the cures for cancer.
Im just someone who wants to try them, and when i make them i will search for sick people and try to cure them.
problem BIG PHARMA?

If you get too showy with "your cure for cancer" you might end up in a ditch too.

Humble places like "home4health" in kentucky stay "alive" as they do not broadcast "we have a cure"! And of course the proper legal set up.

Zealous people who dont learn from the past are the ones who get killed.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by PinkiePie
boncho....that name sounds reallly....bulgarian.
And what is your excuse for being a disinfo agent today?
Do you know how many americans have died from vaccines last 2 years?
Do you know how many americans have died from fluoride in water and aspartame in soft drinks?
Do you know how many americans have died from prescribed medicine?
Every third americans gets cancer around 30-40 years old. The others die from vaccines.
And no one says that american water is contaminated with radiation...therefore bottled water too.
They havent killed this member yet because he hasnt ruffled any feathers..but they did kill ric clay and a lot others.

As for free energy, it exists...and it has been proven countless times, there are articles on rexresearch and all over the web. Just because you say that it doesnt exist and its proven wrong...doest not make you right.
I would love for you to read all the diagrams on free energy without understanding anything and telling me its fake.
As for the water car book, yes it was paid, and usually when people ask for money its a fraud...but in this case the book is complete with blueprints and manuals. Even if this book is fake, there are videos on youtube with people driving water cars they made at home.
So, water cars are real just as free energy.

It doesnt matter how much you guys spam and try to keep the people down. It wont work anymore now that i am here. Your charade of ignorance is over.

Boncho will not answer you intelligently, what he does is demand that you prove it to him, and fails to see that others have already proved it a long time ago. He has been haunting my thread on how I made a HHO Reactor, the trials and troubles I had with it, and the final product that I am using today. People like him will never believe you, you are wasting your time with him.

A recent quote from boncho:

Originally posted by boncho
(In Reply to my own thread.)

It's very simple. There is only so much energy available in hydrogen. Your numbers do not match up. So either you have defeated the laws of physics (which makes you a god) or you are either lying to us, or yourself. There is no in between.

(See, if you do not satisfy him, and retract what you said, he keep this up)

To which I answered: with history of those who first discovered it, and those who made it work. His kind supports Big Oil, Big Pharm, and Big Corporations, and you cannot tell them anything, they already know it all.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 01:59 PM
You have quite a persecution complex, it seems. Proof is key. You're using Rumsfeld logic, that whole "Absence of evidence doesn't equal evidence of absence" nonsense. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If I told you I had an invisible dragon in my garage, would you take it take it as fact, or would you ask for some sort of proof?
If you had any understanding of physics, you'd realize why it's hogwash to think of anything as free energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Only transferred. You cannot create something from nothingness. 2 + 2 does not equal 5, no matter how many times you try to change around the math. You cannot get more energy out of a system than you put in it.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by NotThat
reply to post by PinkiePie

The articles look good. Do you know anyone who has tried it?
I don't have an extra car to try it on.

Yes, I did. Looky here at my thread:
Turn Your Car/Truck Into a HHO/Gas Hybrid
As you can see by reading my thread, I first bought one from a company that no longer exists. The design was inferior, an, through trial and error, my son and I was able to design a two Reactor design, using stainless bolts instead of wire, and our design was vastly superior to the one we bought. We bought all parts save the MAP/MAF Sensor Enhancer, which could me made at home, but this unit is nice, and quality made, and the Sodium Hydroxide, which one cannot purchase locally because the kids use it to make Meth.

I have been running this, on one design or another, for over two years now. It is not a "install and forget" thing, it takes constant maintenance and upkeep. I have been called a liar many times over this, and so be it, but it does work, quite well, I might add.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:16 PM
That's not free energy. That's hydrogen economy. It's an alternative source of energy, but it's not free energy, and you still have not proven beyond any sort of reasonable doubt that this sort of thing exceeds the energy required to break the bonds of the hydrogen in the first place. There is no such thing as free energy. The things you are listing are sources of ALTERNATIVE energy, energy that does not come from petroleum. There is such a thing as an alternative source of energy. There is no such thing as free energy, as it violates the laws of energy conservation, and several other laws of physics. Don't worry, no one's going to fine you for breaking the laws of physics, because you haven't. It's physically impossible.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:18 PM
Damn right it's economy, I was getting about 14 mpg, now I'm getting near 32 mpg, so yes, economy. As for free energy, well, it isn't exactly free, there is the water, the lye, and the bolts that only last a few months, and are pretty expensive, but I love the mileage! I hear on TV of these new cars, little Kia's and such, they say they get 28 mpg, and I have to laugh. As far as proving this to you, no. This is mine, I built it, it belongs to me alone. Why should I go to all of the trouble to prove it works, when all I wanted was to save some money? See, you "prove it" guys just don't get it. I am a mechanic, plain and simple, and I like big V-8 engines and I like my big Chevy van. I just want it to run cheap, and have found a way. I come in here, so I can tell others how they too can save some money, and clean out their engine in the process. I get these guys, like you, all you can do is keep saying, Prove it! You are a liar! Science prevents this! Breaks the laws of Thermodynamics! Impossible!

Keep right on thinking that, friend. Shows whose side you are on.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Ummmm sorry to break it to you buddy but, on average most european cars do 40+ mpg, and thats pretty much standard, Volkswagen Blue Motion engines can get returns of up to 70mpg. So.....we dont exactly need proof of ultra efficient engines and to be honest if you could do 100mpg with a V8 you would be a millionaire. Your not though are you, because you cant do that.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Boncho will not answer you intelligently, what he does is demand that you prove it to him, and fails to see that others have already proved it a long time ago.


I demand proof when someone says they are breaking or bending the laws of physics. Shame on me.

I never said hydrolysis is imaginary, or that it is not real.

He has been haunting my thread on how I made a HHO Reactor, the trials and troubles I had with it, and the final product that I am using today. People like him will never believe you, you are wasting your time with him.

If you list all your numbers in a single post, in a clear and cogent manner, I will break them down mathematically for you. But I believe it will only show that your contraption cannot work as you say it does. Meaning, you wouldn't be inclined to do this.

His kind supports Big Oil, Big Pharm, and Big Corporations, and you cannot tell them anything, they already know it all.

Damn right it's economy, I was getting about 14 mpg, now I'm getting near 32 mpg, so yes, economy.

I think this is the last figure I needed from you, if I can find the other posts I should be able to break down the fact that you are lying...

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by boncho

Damn right it's economy, I was getting about 14 mpg, now I'm getting near 32 mpg, so yes, economy.


Okay so it was 14mpg to 32 mpg.

You have basically doubled the distance your vehicle can travel.

A 14 mile trip would have used roughly... 128.52 MJ

But you are saying you can now get a 32 miles on this amount of energy from gas.

See: Energy Density

There is 34 MJ in a litre of gasoline. (34x3.78 Gallon)

This means you must be producing an equal amount of energy from your "HHO" system to make up what you are not using in gasoline.

We need to know where that missing 128.52 MJ is coming from.

However, you have already stated that you only use a half cup of water in a 100 mile trip.

If we take 2689.7 liters of hydrogen in a liter of water.... And then take the energy density of hydrogen gas, we get =

27.03 MJ of energy from the available hydrogen gas in a liter of water.

This means you would need around 4 liters of water for your system, to go 14 miles. (At the efficiency you are claiming)

And it would also mean that you would need about 28 liters to go on the 100 mile trip you claimed you did.

Care to comment?

edit on 26-12-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-12-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Ixtab
reply to post by autowrench

Ummmm sorry to break it to you buddy but, on average most european cars do 40+ mpg, and thats pretty much standard, Volkswagen Blue Motion engines can get returns of up to 70mpg. So.....we dont exactly need proof of ultra efficient engines and to be honest if you could do 100mpg with a V8 you would be a millionaire. Your not though are you, because you cant do that.

True, but those are very small vehicles. I drive a 4300 pound, 3/4 ton, G-20 Chevy van, 350 V-b TPI engine. I could haul one of these cars, and still get over 20.

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