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Edwards Airforce Base Bigfoot Sightings

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posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:13 AM
We've all heard of Edwards AFB in California. A large installation north of LA, Edwards has been an active military site since the late 30's. It is famous for many reasons, mainly involving UFOs.

It recently came to my attention that there supposedly have been large hairy humanoids sighted by guard personnel regularly at Edwards AFB since at least the 70's and probably earlier. Many of these sightings have been captured by surveillance cameras. Another interesting thing is that there are reportedly extensive tunnels under Edwards, and that the hairy intruders have found ways into them. They have been recorded on camera underground as well.

The base administration have adopted a policy of leaving the creatures alone, they seem to pose no threat. At first, apparently, it was thought that these mysterious humanoids were in some way connected with the UFO activity around the base. Supposedly it has since been established that there is no connection between the creatures and the unidentified flying objects. I found it surprising, given the history of Edwards, that it seems the UFOs were as much of a mystery at least to the guards and their superiors. The story goes that, seeing as Edwards has always attracted interest from UFO researchers and regularly has people snooping around hoping to see something, if people got wind that Bigfoot like creatures have also been seen in the area it would increase their security problems twofold. Having Bigfoot researchers as well as UFO fans to keep an eye on would be too much of a headache for the people responsible for keeping out unwanted visitors in the area. Some guards have speculated that the humanoids are aware of this and seem to see the base as a sanctuary of sorts. Also, public knowledge that the base's perimeter and tunnel systems are breach-able is not a good thing for the Air Force's reputation.

There have been many 'Bigfoot' incidents involving UFOs, and many people believe that they are connected to each other somehow. Theories range from the inter-dimensional aspect to the idea that the hairy humanoids are slaves of the ET's(?). At the infamous Skinwalker Ranch in Utah large hairy humanoid creatures and UFOs have been observed simultaneously for example. However the guards and their bosses at Edwards view the creatures as real flesh and blood animals that have evaded scientific classification.

I forgot to mention, all the activity seems to be nocturnal.

I did a quick search but could not find anything already posted about this.



edit on 22-12-2011 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-12-2011 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
Supposedly it has since been established that there is no connection between the creatures and the unidentified flying objects.

edit on 22-12-2011 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

Wonder how this was supposedly established?

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

I'm as open-minded about the existence of these creatures as you'll find. But having lived in Southern California for many years, the thread headline immeditately caught my eye because of the terrain.

Not only the complete opposite of the climate and terrain more normally associated with Bigfoot - there is no where to hide or take evasive cover.

Think I'd chalk this one up to some other explanation.
edit on 12/22/2011 by Open2Truth because: embedding problem

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua

The base administration have adopted a policy of leaving the creatures alone, they seem to pose no threat.

Now here is a chance for a dare-devil

Put on a gorilla suit and climb over the fence and look around at EAB

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

Good question. I'd say there could be a link. It's possible that those at Edwards who are aware of any connection would not allow that information to filter down to subordinates. The fewer people in the 'know' the better. However if the UFO activity is/was of an unknown source then it would automatically be viewed as hostile, and if there a was perceived link between the Bigfoots and unidentified flying objects then we could assume the staff at Edwards would treat them as a threat and act accordingly, but they don't......'supposedly'

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Open2Truth

There are many sightings of 'Desert Bigfoots' on record, and yes it's a mystery as what they eat and drink, and where they shelter. The transient hypothesis may explain this, they may be migrating seasonally. It would be very interesting to learn as to whether guards at Edwards have identified individual creatures who they have seen more than once.
Thanks for the pic BTW.
edit on 22-12-2011 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

It took me some time to pick my jaw up off the floor after reading through the links.

How has this flown beneath the public radar for so long??

These creatures are clearly pretty intelligent if this is anything to go by.
If you've ever seen soldiers demonstrating camo in the field then you'd know how easy it can be to dissapear just about anywhere, dessert, grass field, whatever.

The least the military could do is investigate on behalf of the public, they don't need to disclose sensitive operations related info to give us a clear picture of what these guys are.

I strongly suspect that they are also in Australia but the chances of anyone other then children getting a chance to see them is slim if they have some form of heightened sense like telepathy, however it sure would explain alot.

I can't help but think that if we could get a few clear pictures we'd be able to keep the image's of what they look like in our minds as we VERY peacefully go out to certain wilderness areas and calmly spend a few months sitting and waiting. If what these soldiers say is correct then the right attitude and the right mental pictures would act as a form of communication that might finally solve this long running mystery.

Though, given humanities history we might want to keep it on the down low.
Another thought just occurred to me that there #must# already be non-military people out there who are in the know, because if i could arrive at this conclusion in an hour then surely others have as well.

So there it is all you crypto-loving people out there. A possible formula for finding these elusive guys.
And who knows, perhaps this represents an entire branch of animals that use similar methods and that have similar levels of intellect that have eluded main stream science.

Well Harry, Nameste my friend.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Open2Truth
reply to post by seabhac-rua

I'm as open-minded about the existence of these creatures as you'll find. But having lived in Southern California for many years, the thread headline immeditately caught my eye because of the terrain.

Not only the complete opposite of the climate and terrain more normally associated with Bigfoot - there is no where to hide or take evasive cover.

Think I'd chalk this one up to some other explanation.
edit on 12/22/2011 by Open2Truth because: embedding problem

That photo you posted could have as many as 30 or more soldiers in it with terrain specific camo and you'd never know, it is not uncommon for people to pass right by a prone soldier without ever realizing it.
Ergo: plenty of cover
As for food and moisture, we need only look at other large dessert animals, camels for example, certain types of antelope and even smaller things... it's not unthinkable.

Australian aboriginals used to live in desserts with far less vegetation then what surrounds that base, they would collect nighttime dew and any other forms of available moisture into small holes in the ground which would then be covered by a rock, they were able to remember (like a map) where these rocks were and travel through desserts that european settlers could not hope to cross easily even with supplies.
There are solutions to these issues.

Perhaps the fur insulates them against temperature and they would lose far less moisture by moving at night time. def not inconcievable.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:49 AM
The population of California is what. some 37 million people? And in all the years that California has been occupied no one has seen these creatures well enough to take a picture, yet there they are living in flat land, with just scrub to hide in, no one has found any foot prints, no fur caught up in tumble weed or cacti, no droppings. So this nocturnal animal is able to move around in sandy soil without leaving a mark?

Sorry I cant buy this, a story written by someone who wont name his sources, for what ever reason (according to the author) with no physical or photographic evidence, and yet expects us to believe in his story of UFO's and Bigfoot, c'mon please, are you really all that gullible? He is not even saying he has seen them, he is telling of 3 people told him so it must be true, yeah right. A lieutenant, a Major and a grunt (Do the air-force personnel call themselves grunts in the US, they don't here, grunt is normally a name a soldier uses) all giving what would be national secrets (UFO activity around the air base) to this particular author, just can't believe people here are buying this, I have personally seen a UFO and believe in them, but I cant swallow this amateurish rubbish

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:53 AM
I think it was back in the 70's, there was a former astronaut, Steve Austin who proved that Bigfoot and
Extraterrestrials worked together.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by PrinceDreamer

You very obviously have got a clue what you're talking about.
Along with countless sitings, footprint casts, audio recordings, the most famous piece of evidence ever concerning Bigfoot came out of....guess where????......California.
I'm not gonna waste my time telling you what it is as you seem to have your little mind made up about this topic already.

edit on 22-12-2011 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Submarines

You are correct! here is proof!

Your showing your age

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to [url=http://www.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by flyingfish

Geez , that picture brings back nightmares from 70s TV, the amount of people who have posted on youtube about how freaked they were as a child upon seeing them episodes, arggghhhhhhh.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Droidinvoid

I hear ya, that was the beginning of the end for the six million dollar man.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 03:41 PM
I appreciate you bringing this to our attention. I thought it was a very interesting read.

This is just hearsay...I freely admit I have no sources or documentation...but I have heard rumors that Quantico Marine Base in VA is also frequented by Bigfoot. These are just stories I have heard from people who have spent time there and live in the area. My sense from these stories is that the military just kind of ignores the situation.

In some ways it makes sense that if there is a real animal behind Saquatch that hanging out around a military base is a smart move. For instance, Quantico is something like a 100 square miles, and for most of the year it is off limits to most people. I do think they allow hunting a few days a year on the property but even that is restricted. Sure they have a range there and do live fire exercises but it isn't like you cannot get away from that easily. So there is lots of land to roam, plenty of deer and water, and the neighbors leave you alone. What else could the hairy one ask for? :-)

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by angrywhitechick

I find the possible link between UFO's and Bigfoot interesting.
John A Keel mentions in his book 'The Mothman Prophecies' that sightings of large hairy humanoids(usually with glowing red eyes) increase around areas experiencing a UFO flap. Many conventional Sasquatch reports include the glowing eyes, the site I have sourced this story from includes another report from EAFB which involves security guards and something big with glowing eyes but I didn't add it here. As I mentioned in the OP, the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, once the site of bizarre paranormal activity, has yielded many reports of huge hairy humanoids with the bright red eyes alongside tonnes of UFO activity. So the question remains, for me anyway, is Bigfoot a paranormal entity or a real flesh and blood animal?

Here's another link mentioning UFO's, EAFB and Bigfoot: Source

edit on 4-1-2012 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:10 PM
Going out on a limb and saying Bigfoot is flesh and blood. I am not saying it does not have anything to do with UFOs. I have never seen a UFO. But I was stationed in Wash.St. when I was in the Navy and well, going through North Kitsap county in 2000, if I did not see and hear a Sasquatch I would love for someone to tell me what I saw. Me and two others had the same experience. Howling and wooping coming from the area we were in and rock being thrown at us. Then we got enough nerves up to leave and what we saw when we left was an 8-9 ft. being with fur or hair all over and the size of this thing was like he was on 'roids. I will never forget it. Something is out there.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Raivan31

Originally posted by Open2Truth
reply to post by seabhac-rua

I'm as open-minded about the existence of these creatures as you'll find. But having lived in Southern California for many years, the thread headline immeditately caught my eye because of the terrain.

Not only the complete opposite of the climate and terrain more normally associated with Bigfoot - there is no where to hide or take evasive cover.

Think I'd chalk this one up to some other explanation.
edit on 12/22/2011 by Open2Truth because: embedding problem

That photo you posted could have as many as 30 or more soldiers in it with terrain specific camo and you'd never know, it is not uncommon for people to pass right by a prone soldier without ever realizing it.
Ergo: plenty of cover
As for food and moisture, we need only look at other large dessert animals, camels for example, certain types of antelope and even smaller things... it's not unthinkable.

Australian aboriginals used to live in desserts with far less vegetation then what surrounds that base, they would collect nighttime dew and any other forms of available moisture into small holes in the ground which would then be covered by a rock, they were able to remember (like a map) where these rocks were and travel through desserts that european settlers could not hope to cross easily even with supplies.
There are solutions to these issues.

Perhaps the fur insulates them against temperature and they would lose far less moisture by moving at night time. def not inconceivable.

The photo may make it look like heavy ground cover but its not go to google earth and max magnification

35º 50.54' 87"N 117º 46.37' 98"W

we need only look at other large dessert animals, camels for example, certain types of antelope and even smaller things... it's not unthinkable.

There are no camels in the calif desert and even though Edwards is in the antelope valley of Calif the antelope were killed off over 100 years ago and have not been seen since.
Rabbits and coyotes are about the biggest thing left

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:48 PM
My money would be on a Chewbacca type creature. Of course I am out of my mind most of the time.

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