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Anyone else notice the sudden anti ron paul posts.

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posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by flexy123
* Potential racist background and connection to supremacist groups? CHECK!
* Denial (Lies?) of its own involvement of those newsletters in his OWN paper? CHECK!
* Approx. 90 years old? CHECK
* Cannot handle a CNN interview with "uncomfortable" questions? CHECK
* Best candidate America ever had!


posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by okamitengu

OP, have you noticed in the Australian Media (not sure if you watch the news at times) when they are talking about the U.S Presidential Candidates, they do not mention Ron Paul at all? They mention everyone, except Ron.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:34 PM
I personaly do not agree with a lot of what Ron Paul says, especialy his Libertarian philosophy as i am a fairly hard line socialist.


I do recognize him as a fairly decent human being who seems genuinely enthusiastic about trying to fix this nightmare hell world we have found ourselves in.

But i think the main thing that I like the most about him, and i think this is the case for other people too, his popularity really does highlite how criminaly stupid the rest of his opponents the establishment and the people in the media actualy are.

It pretty much blows my mind it takes some one with even the slightest bit of common sense to come along and oppose them so people can actualy see how mentaly retarded the people in power truly are lol.

posted on Dec, 21 2011 @ 11:57 PM
I don't usually get into politics much. This whole "left vs. right" thing is a bunch of silliness that goes nowhere except when it comes to money in the pockets of politicians. Politics. Poly, ticks. Ha.

That said, Ron Paul has definitely perked my interest a lot. The very idea that a man, a D.C. Republican no less, is against needless wars, worthless money, and is for civil liberties and freedom makes him the best thing to happen in politics since Grover Cleveland. I haven't watched any of the debates yet, but I certainly will now.

As for his possible involvement in racist so-so's, I fail to see how, from what I understand, receiving contributions and taking a picture with a possible white supremacist indicates racism. I'm sure you've received change in a store after buying something. Think about who may have handled that money in the past. You could potentially receiving money once owned by a serial killer, or a rapist. Does that make you one? Of course not.

It's another example of the association fallacy gone haywire.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by ManjushriPrajna
I don't usually get into politics much. This whole "left vs. right" thing is a bunch of silliness that goes nowhere except when it comes to money in the pockets of politicians. Politics. Poly, ticks. Ha.

That said, Ron Paul has definitely perked my interest a lot. The very idea that a man, a D.C. Republican no less, is against needless wars, worthless money, and is for civil liberties and freedom makes him the best thing to happen in politics since Grover Cleveland. I haven't watched any of the debates yet, but I certainly will now.

As for his possible involvement in racist so-so's, I fail to see how, from what I understand, receiving contributions and taking a picture with a possible white supremacist indicates racism. I'm sure you've received change in a store after buying something. Think about who may have handled that money in the past. You could potentially receiving money once owned by a serial killer, or a rapist. Does that make you one? Of course not.

It's another example of the association fallacy gone haywire.

Dude, thumbsup and star for you for using Grover Cleveland as an example of a great president.

Best post I've read all day. Thanks!

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by ManjushriPrajna

Don't bother with the debates, he gets little airtime. You're better off watching youtube if you want the truth.

You have to actually seek out the real information instead of getting it pumped into you these days. Sad really.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:21 AM
ya definitely, orchestrated or not.

they are certainly spreading alot of fud around.

i doubt its some big conspiracy by tptb though, its more likely one loser with multiple accounts being a douche.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by snarfbot

i doubt its some big conspiracy by tptb though, its more likely one loser with multiple accounts being a douche.

You might be onto something. Ignoring the usual crowd of contraryians, there does seem to be a massive influx of anti-paul posts, most of which are factually lacking.


most of these posts use the same tone and terms and in some cases, almost looks like a cut and paste with a quick "text replace" to change it up a little.

Think about this though, for a site full of "free thinkers" who distrust the MsM the racist posts started almost as soon as the last interview finished airing.

Think about that.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:17 AM
I find all the anti-Paul threads and posts amusing. Like a flailing, bawling child. Very transparent, much like our dear leader.

He promised transparency and although he failed to deliver, he is certainly transparent!

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by snarfbot
ya definitely, orchestrated or not.

they are certainly spreading alot of fud around.

i doubt its some big conspiracy by tptb though, its more likely one loser with multiple accounts being a douche.

I really believe it is a conspiracy. How can media outlets continually ignore a guy who is polling in the top 2 in Iowa? I think the establishment is purposely keeping RP in the closet as best they can and if that fails…they will simply force him out.

I just made a THREAD describing how they’ll do it.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 02:08 PM
I have noticed it, and it was to be expected.

It's the same people who were basing OWS, supporting military action on Iran, and the raids on Pakistan. The lot of them are predictable, but it helps prove our conspiracy theories

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Didn't you notice last month the anti-Cain threads?

And then after that the anti-Gingrich threads?

Believe me, Ron Paul isn't special and there isn't a nefarious shadow group plotting against him. He rose in the Iowa polls...and now more people and the media are interested in him.

It just so happens that Ron Paul has some ugly issues in his past, and when you match those up with some of his makes him appear to be a closet bigot.

This is normal politics...not a conspiracy against Ron Paul.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:23 PM
I'm indifferent.

Didn't like him or dislike him.

And I'm not one of the posters who is attacking Ron Paul threads. But in honesty, recently there has been just too many Ron Paul threads.

I mean, it's worse than 2012 threads when all the doom and gloom predictions were going on.

It's one thing to like a presidential candidate, it's another thing to worship him as if he's the second coming of Christ.

"END THE FEDS", Ron Paul tags every where I see.... Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

You know, a reverse logic would also work on this topic, now I suddenly feel like there is a conspiracy going on ATS that hordes and hordes of Ron Paul followers make threads for him on a daily basis.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:32 PM
half the people on ats want to overthrow the government. the other half want world war 3. i don't think there are to
many voters on here.

so anti-anybody posts about candidates aren't going to do much in terms of swaying votes or opinions.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by okamitengu

i SUSPECT this may be orchestrated, im not saying a conspiracy, but perhaps a marketing team working the anti ron paul side to slow his rise.

Rhetoric always ramps up before the election, and frankly many members here have gotten a little cultish over Ron Paul. I like the guy and want to see him as president but some of the posts I read are so starry eyed it kind of freaks me out. I think it's good to have a little perspective. I also highly doubt that if a campaign was launched to discredit the man, they would really care at all about a conspiracy website. Way better ways to spend your money in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:40 PM
Or maybe just maybe there are people out there who don't support him? Ever thought about that?

How dare someone make an "anti" Ron Paul thread!

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:41 PM
All they have on Paul are passages wrote by somebody else. It's a joke.

They can't find baggage on the guy, and it upsets them.

Hard to run a smear campaign when you have no resources to use. Instead of attacking his character (impossible), they will merely just say the primaries and caucuses that he dominates are just "not important".

We are not fooled.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by okamitengu

I have most certainly noticed it.
Ron Paul stands for person freedom, and a take down of the Central Banking Cartel and the FED. So, the way I figure it, if someone posts against a man like this, then that person must be in support of Big Banking and Slavery to the FED. It is just that simple.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:50 PM
It will get much worse, ATS is an absolute nightmare near election time. I have already seen a few members return to ATS who were extremely active last elections, and are seemingly only active during these times. I don't think there is some coordinated effort or anything though.
edit on 22-12-2011 by Solomons because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 04:09 PM
While i'm not for or against Ron Paul. I do find it funny the sheer size of the lynch mob that forms when someone say's they don't like him.

I am not talking about the people showing credible sources refuting what is said about him, I am talking about the people that talk down to anyone that isn't wearing their RP 2012 pin, and doesn't want him as a president. Ive seen so many posts saying Ron Paul is all about freedom. Well what about peoples freedom to choose someone else without being called stupid or a douche???

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