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Another Understanding/Interpretation of this Universe.

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

"Energy" is a "Concept" and is also the result of programming.

I will even show HOW later on.

What is believed to be the Universe is Manifested INSIDE (Conceptually) the "Real Self" which is "Non Dimensional" and is manifested (Re. The Universe) via "Communication".

The Manifestation of that Universe is in the Space between the 2 Ends.

There is Energy!

The outflow of magnetic energy from the core of a planet (the density of the matter matters), into the dimension below ours, is what creates gravity (Newton's THIRD Law of Motion) and the inflow of energy into the dimension below ours, is what creates anti-gravity in IT.

It's known as Bi-dimensional Transdermal Energy Transfer (B-tet).

Opposites Attract!


Ps: Science should know that our planet's core is creating more magnetic energy than we can account for, so where is it all going?

edit on 5-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

If I have read your post right....your are including the Magnetic and it's quantity as a condition for Gravitational effect?

This is possibly the single most illogical thing I have read here. Earths Magnetic field is created by the spin of Earths molten liquid metal core. If a planets core stops spinning...usually as a result of a cool down of the core temp....there will be NO MAGNETIC FIELD.

If you desire to challenge this then I recommend you look at Mars. Mars' core has cooled to the point that it no longer spins and there....IS NOT MAGNETIC FIELD generated around that planet. Thus this shoots a HUGE hole in your incorrect assumption of what is and creates GRAVITY. Gravity is not a force but simply an expresion of Space/Time geometry. Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Ps: Man has two brains that form the One Mind that they never use.

Pps: What is the 3rd part of the Mind that links both Brains?

A "Space" containing "Nothing"....

No, that's the Universe, kNot man. There is a Sumthing that links them, and from IT, you get the stupidity that abounds.


At the bottom of my post....

The Manifestation of that Universe is in the Space between the 2 Ends.

Sumthing you're missing is the Trinality of Life, which converts to 23.

Mouth & Asshole = 2
3-part Digestive System in between

2 + 3 = 23

What about the Trinity of Fire?

Heat & Oxygen = 2
Fuel - Wood/Petro/Chemical = 3

2 + 3 = 23

Theory of Relativity of an Open System Universe: Everything is Relative to Source and Source is Relative to Everything.

2 spatial dimensions
3 dimensions of Time

2 + 3 = 23


Again...your lack of knowledge of Physics is appauling. First of can't have even the EXISTANCE of space without a minimum of 4 dimentional states. You need length, width, depth and time just for a basic improper teaching concept for High School students.

Actual Universal dimentionality is 10 plus dimentional states. Proof? You cannot have frequency of a particle such as a varient of 10 plus dimentions. These particles behave as both particle and wave and also can exist in multiple universal states.

Google....Quantum Home Experiment for Light divertion....use a piece of heavy paper....make a 10 inch slit horizontal by one half inch verticle....shut off the lights....shine a flashlight at the slit from about 6 to 8 ft away....and watch the patterns that will occur on a wall behind it. Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Matrix...Blackholes of the strength and size that exist at the core of every galaxy....if there were two....they would quickly pull toward each other and become one.

It is a physical impossibility for a Singularity of such effect to exist next to another of lesser or greater strength back to back. They would just swallow each other. Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Interesting human theory....

You and I know very well the human species understanding, is developing rapidly.
The Species is at the beginning of awakening NOT at the End, so your thinking will be totally different in another 1,000 years.

But you still don't understand, I am NOT writing about the End result, you refer to as the Universe where your understanding lies.

It is intended you experience the end result as you do, I don't question that.

I am writing about HOW what you believe to be your reality is produced, which knowledge is foreign to you.

I understand your reaction, so this is why I suggested you just sit back and wait until the thread is completed before jumping into the unknown "Outside" the world you refer to as the universe (Not in the so called physical sense, but what produces your experience, you refer to as the Universe the only one you probably know of)

There are, (I am NOT kidding) some thousand drawings and animations that already exist yet to come, explaining all I am writing about and perhaps more than a thousand pages.

The Manual involving the "Processing System" which has been compiled, involves more than 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) Geometric drawings.

This will first be available in Chinese, but I hope to have an English version available sometime later this year.

edit on 5-1-2012 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Look.... You Still have NOT understood this thread at all...

I can't do it for you.

You have to use your intelligence and read carefully.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Look.... You Still have NOT understood this thread at all...

I can't do it for you.

You have to use your intelligence and read carefully.

Matrix...please don't misunderstand me. I am aware that there is so much more than we understand especially from a spiritual point....but the concepts I am speaking of allow for this.

It is when you put forth statements such as drawing a circle and labeling it two dimentional...and although you may think this a conflict of is not.

It is a reality that in order to either draw a line or circle or even describe one....has at it's heart a Multiversal construct as in order to represent Geometric supposedly two dimentional must have 10 plus dimentional states.

I have heard laymens terms of a person describing what a two dimentional object....say a circular loop that can be viewed dead on but when turned on it's edge...does not exist. This is an imposibility and even an immagined version of this is impossible.

Reason why? If it were described to be a rel construct this would need to be matter or energy and these things cannot exist without a 10 plus dimentional universal state. If it is just a thought or representation....then the area as you have described inside...cannot exist in two dimentions since space or any scacial reference must exist again in a 10 plus dimentional state. I am not trying to be a pain. I just know what I know. Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Just being a little lighthearted here, so please don't be offended.
We can't be serious all the time now can we?

So NO offense intended, but in fact, quite the opposite.

You have learned from "human primates" and can only repeat what those human primates have taught you, but this is No recommendation regarding understanding, and is No fault of yours.

It has nothing at all to do with anything the human primate believes to be "spiritual", in his own interpretation of the word spiritual, founded on superstition and ignorance of the Self.

I see The human Species is crossing Galaxies in seconds regularly these days....

Oh that's right I forgot, they are still playing with fireworks (Rocket Power)

It has something to do with lacking knowledge I am told...

Doesn't say much for their self proclaimed intelligence does it?

You ain't going anywhere with fireworks now are you?

Don't worry I just see the humor in "Primates" this includes the "Primate" I experience at present.... but I can laugh at myself.

Still I enjoy the experience through the old "Primate" don't you?

When we can Laugh at Ourselves then we can learn...

But the secret is knowing what to ask.

If you ask the wrong Questions you get the wrong answers.

But if you ask the right Questions you get the right answers.

An intelligent person only asks a question, if he knows he will get the right answer.

As this can Not be denied...

As I said don't be offended, but Laugh.

edit on 5-1-2012 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:36 PM
OK. Here is the next stage... and following this stage explaining the processing functions, the HOW to Program or change things involving the body and environment, which by the way is just part of what takes place in these “Stories” referred to by humankind as “Reality”.
There is no end to this universe as it is “A never endingstory” told by LIFE.

Because it only involves a “Story” it has no boundaries, but goes on for as long as the “Partitions” of LIFE which are innumerable keep writing stories i.e. supposedly reality, according to the human species.

It is plain and simple, a baby can understand, there are NO boundaries, as All is the result of “Communication” involving something “Non Dimensional” and therefore has NO boundaries, except that contained within the “Concepts” of The “Partition Maps” but have NO boundaries to their Generations.

I have shown you the main “Partition Maps” of the Mind or LIFE realising I am writing about “Concepts” that Produce the “Story” i.e. the body and Environment and NOT about the universe itself, for it is “'The Story” that produces, what the human species refers to as “Reality”, I am attempting to describe to others.

I will show most of the Components used in the processing system using the Eye Matrix “Partition Map”

I don't want to repeat what I have already shown so please try to remember the concepts or refer back to anything you are unsure of. If you don't understand please feel free to ask more regarding your interest. If I have the knowledge I will give it freely. If I don't know I will tell you.
So here is “The Eye Matrix” we will show these Components used in processing on.

Drawing 109.

I think the best place to start is with the “9 Gates”.

And show its base layout and each register.

Drawing 110.

The Corners in Yellow line work are as given before (sorry have to repeat this)

a. The Upper Left Partition is the Program Library (Containing Programs)
b. The Upper Right Partition is The Control Library.
c. The Lower Left Partition is the Picture Library containing static Images including Letters and glyphs.
d. The Lower Right Partition is what I call the Scratch-Pad Library.

The Other Squares on their corners i.e. on Edge are as follows.

a. The Upper Centre Square on edge is the Upper “Running Program” register involving Mobile pictures.
b. The Left Hand Centre Square on edge is the Written Program register involving billions of strings of letters and Glyphs.
c. The Right Hand Centre Square on edge is the register which is the out put which reads the program and is then passed onto the “Control” register to be processed before being fed out through the “Primary Accumulator” which is in the Centre Square from a “Non Dimensional” Source.
d. The Lower Centre Square on edge is the out put to the Lower World involving the Scratch Pad register used in editing. I will explain this register later on.

The reason why these Yellow Squares are on edge is because a “Square” on edge is the Geometric “Instruction” for enabling the “Running Program”.

Drawing 111.

In this next Drawing is shown the “9 Gates” again and all the titles for the registers remain the same, but in this drawing all “9 Squares” on their sides indicate the Main “Temporary” Library registers as the Square as I said is the Geometric Instruction for the Main “Temporary” libraries.

Drawing 112.

And if we Rotate this set of “9 Squares” in a “Slide & Rotate” fashion the set of 9 Squares reduces in size as it rotates and ends up aligning itself with the “Partition Maps” Line Work.

Animation 113.

This is just of those examples, regarding those strange Rotations I spoke of earlier, I will refer to in the future as a “Slide & Rotate” function.
But there are much, much stranger rotations than this one to come.

(((Even others, millions of years ahead of the human experience, still explore this universe and are still amazed with what they also discover.
So the human species needs to get over itself and become as little children, for ever being amazed with what has been Created i.e. the programs that the “Partitions” of LIFE has written.
You too shall one day Create Universes and Worlds, (by writing Programs to play with and explore and for others will also to enter your play grounds, but first we need to receive the knowledge of how to do this.))).

So at the end of this “Slide & Rotate” function we have passed from the Main Libraries to the Running Program. These contain your options or choices within a program or experience which gives the “Entity” (i.e. personal character and all that that person is) of the species LIFE is experiencing in a given program.

Drawing 114.

The Colour RED indicates a “Control” Program in this case indicates the boundary of the HOLE in the Closest layer which is a WHITE Mask.

Two WHITE Layers are involved in the above Drawing. And a Hole has been produced in the nearest WHITEMask” to expose the WHITE Mask on the layer theses Geometric “Instructions” exist in.

Conceptually All layers can present the Partition Map required to obtain or identify the correct formats involving any form from “Glyphs”, “Letters” to “Pictures” etc.
You can see the thinner blue Line Work extending beyond the “9 Squares” in the above drawing.

In this next Drawing are shown the Intermediate size Octagons over each of the 9 registers (Squares on their sides)

Drawing 115.

These are the Octagons of the Main Library Access. Remember the Octagon is the Geometric instruction for the Communication involving Glyphs and Letters. Often a picture is seen in a small square either on its side or on edge in one or more of these Octagons.

But there are other Communication formats I will introduce you to later on.

In fact we don't have to remember all I am showing but just get a general understanding of the processing system and its workings.

Over the next thousand years we will only be using the more simple methods of Communication
as we do not have to design Computers but merely learn to Access the most powerful and perfect “Processor” (Computer System) ever Produced by LIFE.

NOTE; In the above drawing the Line Work used to form the Octagonal “Instructions” is BLUE.
BLUE is the Colour Code for “Importing”.

NOTE The Mask in each of these Octagons is CYAN.
CYAN is a mixture of BLUE and GREEN.

So at this stage I will introduce to you the Main “Permanent” Library Component Instruction formats.
These Libraries can't be changed but New Programs can be added.
There is NO limits to the Size of these Libraries except the Instructions used.

The Hexagons are of different Sized and are in two orientations.
The Colour Code for these are Different Shades of GREEN.

In my next Post I will show you some of the “Partition Maps” regarding these and HOW they got their “Shapes

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:33 PM
Here is the First of the Main “Permanent” Library "Partition Maps".

Remember everything I have shown so far involves the applications of "Concepts" used in the Processing System which Produces this and other Universes.

Please DO NOT Confuse what I am writing about, as being of The Universe it Self.

The Universe you experience is the Result of this “Processing System”.

So what has been found in your Universe I am NOT here to dispute, but only show HOW the Universe which is a InteractiveStory”, (whether Science likes it or not) within a Non Dimensional Entity.

It is intended or you are meant experience this Universe in the way you do, it's just that most can't understand why this Earth is the way it is, regarding All activities involving the Species.

But as I have said many times this Universe is only a “Story” involving Geometry taking place within something which is “Non Dimensional”.

When I say “Within” I am NOT referring to anything "Dimensional", but instead involving the "Communication" of Organized "Concepts" we could call a “Program”.

So here is the First Permanent Library "Partition" Format.

The “Hexagons” are the Geometric “Instructions” of a Program.

To understand Correctly we have turned the “Plane” around so we are now looking at the REARFace” and NOT the NEAR "Face", as we were looking at before, involving the "Processing System".

These are the LargestHexagons”.

Drawing 116.

Which Originate from that “Six Pointed Star” shown in Drawings 029 through to Drawing 037 in the early stages of “Construction” shown in the beginning of this thread.

Drawing 117.

And in its Rotated (90°) Orientation.

Drawing 118.

And just showing the "Hexagons".

Drawing 119.

And in this Drawing below, Both are "Superimposed" on one another.

Drawing 120.

and in this Next Drawing, the "Overlaps" have been Highlighted in GREEN.

Drawing 121.

Note; How the "Overlaps" appear in pairs, leaving Four singular cells.

a. Upper Left.
b. Upper Right.
c. Lower Left.
d. Lower Right.

Remember those Corner registers in the "Processing System" on the other "Face" of the Plane and the CYAN "Masks" I mentioned?

a. The Upper Left Partition is the Program Library (Containing Programs)
b. The Upper Right Partition is The Control Library.
c. The Lower Left Partition is the Picture Library containing static Images including Letters and glyphs.
d. The Lower Right Partition is what I call the Scratch-Pad Library.


The Pairs relate to the Libraries containing the “Books i.e. “The Program Books

These Can't be Changed, however new programs can be added having their own "Conceptual" Locations within "Conceptual" Layers.

But we still haven't got to anything which the human species calls Physical (in Ignorance).

I have a few hundred pages to write before getting to that stage, and some thousand drawings to present also, before we get to the stage of an experience which is what the human species refers to as “Reality”. But actually isn't as physical as they believe.

In my next Post I will return to the other "Face" of the Plane again, involving the "Processing System" and continue to explain its workings.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

"Energy" is a "Concept" and is also the result of programming.

I will even show HOW later on.

What is believed to be the Universe is Manifested INSIDE (Conceptually) the "Real Self" which is "Non Dimensional" and is manifested (Re. The Universe) via "Communication".

The Manifestation of that Universe is in the Space between the 2 Ends.

There is Energy!

The outflow of magnetic energy from the core of a planet (the density of the matter matters), into the dimension below ours, is what creates gravity (Newton's THIRD Law of Motion) and the inflow of energy into the dimension below ours, is what creates anti-gravity in IT.

It's known as Bi-dimensional Transdermal Energy Transfer (B-tet).

Opposites Attract!


Ps: Science should know that our planet's core is creating more magnetic energy than we can account for, so where is it all going?

edit on 5-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

If I have read your post right....your are including the Magnetic and it's quantity as a condition for Gravitational effect?

This is possibly the single most illogical thing I have read here. Earths Magnetic field is created by the spin of Earths molten liquid metal core. If a planets core stops spinning...usually as a result of a cool down of the core temp....there will be NO MAGNETIC FIELD.

If you desire to challenge this then I recommend you look at Mars. Mars' core has cooled to the point that it no longer spins and there....IS NOT MAGNETIC FIELD generated around that planet. Thus this shoots a HUGE hole in your incorrect assumption of what is and creates GRAVITY. Gravity is not a force but simply an expresion of Space/Time geometry. Split Infinity

You absolutely misread what I said. I didn't say anything about the movement of the Earth's core, I said there is a energy drain of the magnetic energy being created by the core and it's that energy drain that creates gravity.

Everything is Energy and the source of Cause & Effect throughout the Universe.


Ps: You are mistaken about Mars. They know the mantle is about 300 to 500 miles thick and from there, it is a molten core. So Mars is creating magnetic energy at its core and since you say there is no magnetic field around Mars, then where is that magnetic energy going?

edit on 6-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Ps: Man has two brains that form the One Mind that they never use.

Pps: What is the 3rd part of the Mind that links both Brains?

A "Space" containing "Nothing"....

No, that's the Universe, kNot man. There is a Sumthing that links them, and from IT, you get the stupidity that abounds.


At the bottom of my post....

The Manifestation of that Universe is in the Space between the 2 Ends.

Sumthing you're missing is the Trinality of Life, which converts to 23.

Mouth & Asshole = 2
3-part Digestive System in between

2 + 3 = 23

What about the Trinity of Fire?

Heat & Oxygen = 2
Fuel - Wood/Petro/Chemical = 3

2 + 3 = 23

Theory of Relativity of an Open System Universe: Everything is Relative to Source and Source is Relative to Everything.

2 spatial dimensions
3 dimensions of Time

2 + 3 = 23


Again...your lack of knowledge of Physics is appauling. First of can't have even the EXISTANCE of space without a minimum of 4 dimentional states. You need length, width, depth and time just for a basic improper teaching concept for High School students.

Actual Universal dimentionality is 10 plus dimentional states. Proof? You cannot have frequency of a particle such as a varient of 10 plus dimentions. These particles behave as both particle and wave and also can exist in multiple universal states.

Google....Quantum Home Experiment for Light divertion....use a piece of heavy paper....make a 10 inch slit horizontal by one half inch verticle....shut off the lights....shine a flashlight at the slit from about 6 to 8 ft away....and watch the patterns that will occur on a wall behind it. Split Infinity

You are a Product of your Education and when Wrong is the Teacher, Wrong is the Student and Two Wrongs don't make a Right.

You included Time in your DISTANCE dimensions and that is moronic! Time is a Dimension of the Universe, thus, separate of Space, although intertwined into Space. So while Space has three DISTANCE dimensions to it, Space itself is a Dimension of the Universe, which has ZERO to dew with the DISTANCE dimensions of it.
And there are THREE Dimensions to the Universe, 2 of Space and 1 of Time.

You have been turned into a fool by your education.

"Nothing is worse than an Educated Fool."


Ps: I guess you've also bought into the theory that photons have no mass?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

"Energy" is a "Concept" and is also the result of programming.

I will even show HOW later on.

What is believed to be the Universe is Manifested INSIDE (Conceptually) the "Real Self" which is "Non Dimensional" and is manifested (Re. The Universe) via "Communication".

The Manifestation of that Universe is in the Space between the 2 Ends.

There is Energy!

The outflow of magnetic energy from the core of a planet (the density of the matter matters), into the dimension below ours, is what creates gravity (Newton's THIRD Law of Motion) and the inflow of energy into the dimension below ours, is what creates anti-gravity in IT.

It's known as Bi-dimensional Transdermal Energy Transfer (B-tet).

Opposites Attract!


Ps: Science should know that our planet's core is creating more magnetic energy than we can account for, so where is it all going?

edit on 5-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

If I have read your post right....your are including the Magnetic and it's quantity as a condition for Gravitational effect?

This is possibly the single most illogical thing I have read here. Earths Magnetic field is created by the spin of Earths molten liquid metal core. If a planets core stops spinning...usually as a result of a cool down of the core temp....there will be NO MAGNETIC FIELD.

If you desire to challenge this then I recommend you look at Mars. Mars' core has cooled to the point that it no longer spins and there....IS NOT MAGNETIC FIELD generated around that planet. Thus this shoots a HUGE hole in your incorrect assumption of what is and creates GRAVITY. Gravity is not a force but simply an expresion of Space/Time geometry. Split Infinity

You absolutely misread what I said. I didn't say anything about the movement of the Earth's core, I said there is a energy drain of the magnetic energy being created by the core and it's that energy drain that creates gravity.

Everything is Energy and the source of Cause & Effect throughout the Universe.


Ps: You are mistaken about Mars. They know the mantle is about 300 to 500 miles thick and from there, it is a molten core. So Mars is creating magnetic energy at its core and since you say there is no magnetic field around Mars, then where is that magnetic energy going?

edit on 6-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given) won't have any magnetic energy to drain if it does not exist at the core or anywhere once a planets liquid metal spinning internal core stops no longer have a MAGNET CORE OR A MAGNETIC FIELD.

This is the case on Mars so your theory on what creates Gravity would dictate that since it is the magnetic drain that creates Gravity...Mars should not have Gravity...but it does...but it DOES NOT...have a magnetic core generating any magnet field or any magnetic field that could be drained at the core or at surface or amywhere.

What you propose in not reality. Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Matrix...Blackholes of the strength and size that exist at the core of every galaxy....if there were two....they would quickly pull toward each other and become one.

It is a physical impossibility for a Singularity of such effect to exist next to another of lesser or greater strength back to back. They would just swallow each other. Split Infinity

Considering the NEGATIVE nature of the Spatial Dimension below this one, how can Negative attract Negative?

You have no clue what the truth is! You've bought your truth and when you dew that, you sellout.


Ps: The backside of a Black Hole isn't open to this spatial dimension, so how can NOTHING attract NOTHING?
Black Holes are DIRECTIONAL. One side is open to this spatial dimension and the other side is open to the other spatial dimension.
edit on 6-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

"Energy" is a "Concept" and is also the result of programming.

I will even show HOW later on.

What is believed to be the Universe is Manifested INSIDE (Conceptually) the "Real Self" which is "Non Dimensional" and is manifested (Re. The Universe) via "Communication".

The Manifestation of that Universe is in the Space between the 2 Ends.

There is Energy!

The outflow of magnetic energy from the core of a planet (the density of the matter matters), into the dimension below ours, is what creates gravity (Newton's THIRD Law of Motion) and the inflow of energy into the dimension below ours, is what creates anti-gravity in IT.

It's known as Bi-dimensional Transdermal Energy Transfer (B-tet).

Opposites Attract!


Ps: Science should know that our planet's core is creating more magnetic energy than we can account for, so where is it all going?

edit on 5-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

If I have read your post right....your are including the Magnetic and it's quantity as a condition for Gravitational effect?

This is possibly the single most illogical thing I have read here. Earths Magnetic field is created by the spin of Earths molten liquid metal core. If a planets core stops spinning...usually as a result of a cool down of the core temp....there will be NO MAGNETIC FIELD.

If you desire to challenge this then I recommend you look at Mars. Mars' core has cooled to the point that it no longer spins and there....IS NOT MAGNETIC FIELD generated around that planet. Thus this shoots a HUGE hole in your incorrect assumption of what is and creates GRAVITY. Gravity is not a force but simply an expresion of Space/Time geometry. Split Infinity

You absolutely misread what I said. I didn't say anything about the movement of the Earth's core, I said there is a energy drain of the magnetic energy being created by the core and it's that energy drain that creates gravity.

Everything is Energy and the source of Cause & Effect throughout the Universe.


Ps: You are mistaken about Mars. They know the mantle is about 300 to 500 miles thick and from there, it is a molten core. So Mars is creating magnetic energy at its core and since you say there is no magnetic field around Mars, then where is that magnetic energy going?

edit on 6-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given) won't have any magnetic energy to drain if it does not exist at the core or anywhere once a planets liquid metal spinning internal core stops no longer have a MAGNET CORE OR A MAGNETIC FIELD.

This is the case on Mars so your theory on what creates Gravity would dictate that since it is the magnetic drain that creates Gravity...Mars should not have Gravity...but it does...but it DOES NOT...have a magnetic core generating any magnet field or any magnetic field that could be drained at the core or at surface or amywhere.

What you propose in not reality. Split Infinity

Mars' gravity is 38% that of Earth's and Venus is close to the same size and DENSITY and Gravity of Earth. The density of Mars is 3.94 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) and the density of Earth is 5.52 g/cm3.

Dew you recall I said DENSITY matters?

What you don't realize is YOUR theory of how planetoid magnetics is created, is WRONG!


edit on 6-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Matrix...Blackholes of the strength and size that exist at the core of every galaxy....if there were two....they would quickly pull toward each other and become one.

It is a physical impossibility for a Singularity of such effect to exist next to another of lesser or greater strength back to back. They would just swallow each other. Split Infinity

Considering the NEGATIVE nature of the Spatial Dimension below this one, how can Negative attract Negative?

You have no clue what the truth is! You've bought your truth and when you dew that, you sellout.


Ps: The backside of a Black Hole isn't open to this spatial dimension, so how can NOTHING attract NOTHING?
Black Holes are DIRECTIONAL. One side is open to this spatial dimension and the other side is open to the other spatial dimension.
edit on 6-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

A Blackhole is an expresion of One Dimentionality or SINGULARITY. There is no front or back....left or right...and Blackholes are the most extreme effect of Gravity....NOT MAGNETICS....there is no positive or negative! Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Matrix...Blackholes of the strength and size that exist at the core of every galaxy....if there were two....they would quickly pull toward each other and become one.

It is a physical impossibility for a Singularity of such effect to exist next to another of lesser or greater strength back to back. They would just swallow each other. Split Infinity

Considering the NEGATIVE nature of the Spatial Dimension below this one, how can Negative attract Negative?

You have no clue what the truth is! You've bought your truth and when you dew that, you sellout.


Ps: The backside of a Black Hole isn't open to this spatial dimension, so how can NOTHING attract NOTHING?
Black Holes are DIRECTIONAL. One side is open to this spatial dimension and the other side is open to the other spatial dimension.
edit on 6-1-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

A Blackhole is an expresion of One Dimentionality or SINGULARITY. There is no front or back....left or right...and Blackholes are the most extreme effect of Gravity....NOT MAGNETICS....there is no positive or negative! Split Infinity

Another THEORY of YOUR's that is WRONG!

A black hole is a Rip in the SKIN of Space and it has two sides like a coin.


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Interesting human theory....

You and I know very well the human species understanding, is developing rapidly.
The Species is at the beginning of awakening NOT at the End, so your thinking will be totally different in another 1,000 years.

But you still don't understand, I am NOT writing about the End result, you refer to as the Universe where your understanding lies.

It is intended you experience the end result as you do, I don't question that.

I am writing about HOW what you believe to be your reality is produced, which knowledge is foreign to you.

I understand your reaction, so this is why I suggested you just sit back and wait until the thread is completed before jumping into the unknown "Outside" the world you refer to as the universe (Not in the so called physical sense, but what produces your experience, you refer to as the Universe the only one you probably know of)

There are, (I am NOT kidding) some thousand drawings and animations that already exist yet to come, explaining all I am writing about and perhaps more than a thousand pages.

The Manual involving the "Processing System" which has been compiled, involves more than 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) Geometric drawings.

This will first be available in Chinese, but I hope to have an English version available sometime later this year.

edit on 5-1-2012 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax

FYI: It's kNot going to take a 1000 years.


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Look.... You Still have NOT understood this thread at all...

I can't do it for you.

You have to use your intelligence and read carefully.

"kNot even God/Source can win the fight against stupidity when Stupid is judging the contest." - Old Toad Proverb


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Just being a little lighthearted here, so please don't be offended.
We can't be serious all the time now can we?

So NO offense intended, but in fact, quite the opposite.

You have learned from "human primates" and can only repeat what those human primates have taught you, but this is No recommendation regarding understanding, and is No fault of yours.

It has nothing at all to do with anything the human primate believes to be "spiritual", in his own interpretation of the word spiritual, founded on superstition and ignorance of the Self.

I see The human Species is crossing Galaxies in seconds regularly these days....

Oh that's right I forgot, they are still playing with fireworks (Rocket Power)

It has something to do with lacking knowledge I am told...

Doesn't say much for their self proclaimed intelligence does it?

You ain't going anywhere with fireworks now are you?

Don't worry I just see the humor in "Primates" this includes the "Primate" I experience at present.... but I can laugh at myself.

Still I enjoy the experience through the old "Primate" don't you?

When we can Laugh at Ourselves then we can learn...

But the secret is knowing what to ask.

If you ask the wrong Questions you get the wrong answers.

But if you ask the right Questions you get the right answers.

An intelligent person only asks a question, if he knows he will get the right answer.

As this can Not be denied...

As I said don't be offended, but Laugh.

edit on 5-1-2012 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax

Pee on!


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:23 PM
Hey TMT, I thought I'd fill you in on sumthing you may kNot be aware of.

This Spatial Dimension is controlled by White Light and the Spatial Dimension below this one is controlled by Black Light.

That's the SOURCE of Black & White being TRUE colors of Light.


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