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Is anyone here good with reading energies? I really need help with this psychics, please

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posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:06 AM
This person is actually my best friend, someone really really close to me. We don't even call each other best friends because we feel like we have a even deeper bond. We are really comfortable with each other and he tells me everything, really personal information. I'm not sure if he knows that I'm gay but he knows that I never had a girlfriend before. He did have girlfriends before but it's interesting that his most current one (now ex) was saying that he is always talking about me and stuff...

He asked me out once and he sounded serious but I was too nervous and I just kept saying "I dunno" to everything...

He said that he loves me and the only thing he needs is me and we are planning on leaving together and getting away from everything for a while, he even let me choose the place where we would go. But now I don't know if his ex wanna be with him again... fustrating...

I'm wondering what do you think about this? What can you pick up about this situation?

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by arpgme

You sound gay. And not in a happy way.
edit on 18-12-2011 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Hi arp,

Can I ask how old you are? Because maybe you need to be a bit older first.
I would really like to help you.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:14 AM
sounds like you really like him. Reading what you wrote made me smile. I think you should go with him but go on a date with him see what happens. Dont be afraid.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

I'm 19. This is really stressing/confusing saying that he loves me and only needs me and wants go away with me but then thinking about an ex and the ex still likes him too.

Originally posted by Doublemint
sounds like you really like him. Reading what you wrote made me smile. I think you should go with him but go on a date with him see what happens. Dont be afraid.

Wish it were that simple but now ex may be getting in the way.

edit on 18-12-2011 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by NeoVain

To Neo and whoever starred that post,

It is gay-bashing and unacceptable.

He already said he is gay - so the point of your post is to drag him down.

This guy needs help, not putting down.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:21 AM
What part of a psychic do you need here?

Honestly? If you're not mature enough to come out and ask this person if they are gay or not and at the same time tell them you are gay - a psychic isn't going to help you and you probably should NOT be in a relationship.

No, you don't need a psychic. This is up to you. You need to call on your own energy and use that energy to help you tell him who you are and what you want.

And really - even if a psychic told you - 'Yes, this man is gay!' - you would still be right where you are, right now. Sitting there wondering about his 'ex' (ask him about it) and needing to tell him you're gay, and, how you feel about him.

I'm not trying to be a meany here, just shedding some light on a tough subject.

And yes, growing up is painful at any age.

Good luck to you!

edit on 18-12-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by arpgme


You have my total support, but 19 is very young.

Don't run away with him and try to keep a level head. These things take time and maturity.

I know this sounds like boring advice, but maybe try and explore your commitment to each other before doing anything drastic.

I wish you well.


posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:25 AM
I'm back because I'm worried about something.

If you are going to go away with this guy?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you are SAFE!

DO NOT go someplace that is remote.

Wherever you go, make sure it's public. No 'romantic' camping out in the woods.

And really - this is no joke - make sure everyone you know is aware you're going, and when you're to return.

You might love this guy, but there's an ex in the picture and this day in age people are just to freakin freaky to trust in this way.

It's better to be safe than sorry!


posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Hey man,

This dropped like a leaden boot...

But now I don't know if his ex wanna be with him again...

I imagine there is a second boot. Has it fallen yet?

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by arpgme
Okay first off... I read your title... and thought .... hmm interesting. I got to your actual thread and started laughing "BECAUSE" the title didn't match with what you wrote. But listen... I read your aura.... and everything about you screamed "I NEED HELP OMFG!?!?!?!?!?" Well listen.... from what you wrote... and said... I don't know what exactly "TO" tell you. You need to be responsible for one thing and know who "YOU" are before you go into a relationship. I am talking about your sexuality here. Being gay and being interested in another.... is it a guy or girl your interested in? LOL Regardless being interested in the same sex and then being interested in the opposite sex is called being bi. Um.... I got the impression when I read your aura that you "WERE" a female.... but if you are a guy then I apologize and would like to point out that what I just wrote about knowing who "YOU" are does not apply here. Second off.... why is this in the paranormal section? Were you looking for a psychic to tell you how things would play out exactly if you asked the guy / or / girl out? I mean... please be more specific. Third off.... regardless of how things play out if you value this man or womans friendship and you truly don't trust your own feelings on how you feel about him or her then don't just jump into the relationship. Now you didn't give me much info here but yeah... just take what I say into consideration and trust yourself and think before you leap. Thats about all I can say here.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:31 AM
Life is too short.

Just be open and honest with him.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

We (both guys, him and I) knew each other for a few years, we are really really close, We are going away but we will return, I just feel scared that he may go back on his word because of one of his ex (female).

By the way I am completely attracted to guys, obviously he is bisexual if his ex is female but he is saying that he loves me only need ME and he also talked about sex with me and stuff

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:37 AM
If you want it - - take a chance.

Nothing in life is guaranteed. But if you don't live it - - it is not LIFE.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Ok arp,

My opinion is this.

1. Hetero's are that way.

2. Gays are that way.

3. Bi's are just greedy and don't know what they want - they just know that they want everything on offer. So I would not ever trust one.

But good luck and I hope it works out for you.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

I take offense to this. I am "BI" and a woman mind you. Lord only knows my own mother treats me with the same attitude. Now listen.... I am an old fashioned romantic. I believe in the waiting... ((Though sad to say I made a fool hardy descion and lost it at some point but "HEY" thats life.)) but I do believe in the waiting for that special someone and trusting and doing what needs to be done blah blah blah to make that other feel loved and special. Now you are right. Most if not some bis "ARE" greedy. But don't fill this guys head with a lot of lies. Some bis aren't greedy and some look for that special someone and know what is right and wrong and are mature about it. What he should do in this situation is talk with the guy and make sure that he is mature enough to know right from wrong and that they can handle the consequences. Sorry I don't mean to be mean in this post or bashing on you personally because of what you said and I meant no offense to you but please be respectful of sexualities >,> Some people are delicate.... sadly.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Rishiana

Sorry, Rish,

I certainly did not mean to offend anyone.

It is just that I think bi's are hedging their bets, just like agnostics. And like a government waiting to see which way to jump.

That is just my opinion.

But I think we are all called upon to make a decision in this life - like, are you fish or fowl, pro or con - whatever.

I think that is an important part of being human.

And I have a strong feeling that this young man will be hurt, and I want to stop that.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 01:02 AM
I don't know about energies and stuff but i do know people just from your op that you've put your soul mate on a pedestal. You obviously have known each other for a long time and have a great non sexual relationship. But you will have to be the one to make next step.

This person tells you he loves you and for any person that's big magic not said very often and meant. If you think he means it you should take the vacation and both of you set aside your notions of what your relationship is try and act like you have just meet and were planing your first trip together and let the magic happen if its there.

Any who here's why i stuck my nose in you obviously have strong feelings about this person if your willing ask a bunch of strangers online about what you should do. "Just make a decision" I haven't been where you are but I've been in love. It didn't workout she had her problems I had mine. If I'd have tried harder maybe it would have worked or mabey it would have turned in to a Shakespearean tragedy.

It just wasn't in my cards and I regret not finding out what may have been. But nobody I know of ain't got no regrets

And on that note just jump in because Que Sera Sera

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

Hey I can see that... we don't want him "HURT" but personally speaking... without "PAIN" there is definitely no gain. Listen.... I have been used.... thrown to the curb.... and I barely have any friends now because I was naive and "BRAIN WASHED" into thinking like a rich person by my own grandparents and mother. Now I regret my mistakes... and I freely admit I was a "INSERT A LONG LIST OF PROFANITIES I WISH I COULD TYPE ABOUT MYSELF" and I learned. Learned the hard way.. the only way that would program who I am today and what I stand up for today into myself. Now am I fish or fowl you say? Nope... I am "ME" and damn proud of who I became.... and I still wish I could be better. Still wish I could do more and even though I am proud I do hate my own guts each and every day I walk this Earth because of past mistakes. But hey? Through it I help people... and sometimes that is what others need to experience if they can't take their own advice and be mature about it and "THINK" before they leap like I said in my other posts. Now the government are just toddlers who have no real conception of reality... so comparing them to bis whom half know "WHO" they are even if some of them are greedy, they still know "WHO" they are. Deep down inside they struggle and fight and half of them probably try like I do while the others who are the majority are just immature and don't know who they are or what they truly want. Now then... lets have a hug and put our beliefs down in plain truth. Who's the enemy? No one... we just are all brain washed to "THINK" as our parents thought. That or we were brain washed by the Media, the Government, and every day situations in our lives that led us to believe that what they, "our parents, the Media, the Government, those situations in our lives" said was true. For once look and think outside the box. Its time to stand up and make our own damn decisions ^_^

edit on 18-12-2011 by Rishiana because: More info needed.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by arpgme

You honestly don't need a psychic. I can't think of a man or woman, gay or straight, who hasn't been faced with a desire to move forward with a relationship, yet has concerns about being hurt. You've already gotten some very good advice:

Originally posted by Doublemint
sounds like you really like him. Reading what you wrote made me smile. I think you should go with him but go on a date with him see what happens. Dont be afraid.

I would only add that taking it one step at a time, and being as honest with both yourself and your friend as possible, you will find your way forward. I wish you the very best.

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