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Fountains of Methane 1000m across Erupt From Arctic Ice!

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posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:32 PM

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
Its funny you say that because pockets of air in glacial ice formed during the last ice age reveal co2 levels of over 500 ppm. Basically emissions were higher in those days. Something to think about.

Care to show us that data? I know a few glaciaologists and atmospheric scientists who'd be interested too.

Ice Core data shows COs levels not to have exceeded ~300ppm for the past 750,000 years.

Fossil leaves concur (based on stomata).

That's where got it's name -- the 350 PPM level that we CANNOT exceed unless we want a Pre-cambian style ecosystem (which isn't a guarantee -- it could be really, really bad).

They wanted to make it VERY SIMPLE -- we can KNOW that we are above 350 PPM of Carbon Dioxide -- it's not a debatable difference. But still, an thousand and one bloggers can repeat nonsense to the contrary and state it just like any scientist.

Lot's of quotes about Al Gore or the UN's GW group -- but it is the Climatologists from many nations, who independently created the model and data that have inspired Al and the UN -- not the other way around. What "Denier" climate model is predicting methane bubbling up from the poles and the oceans if the ocean temperatures are NOT rising?

First we are told that it wasn't happening. Then we are told it MIGHT be -- but it could be good. Now we are told that a fricken ecological nightmare being unleashed is a "earth correcting the weather" phenomenon. There might be increasing sophistication to the GW deniers, but that's because "practice makes perfect." This won't be any consolation when we face runaway weather patterns.

Extreme weather is going to be the norm -- and it wasn't God's will that caused it.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:34 PM

edit on 14-12-2011 by VitriolAndAngst because: Thought the first one didn't go through -- so I clicked again to clear the stall.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:39 PM
Someone read this,please.....
It may be a lie
My personal belief is:We're being blatantly lied to about CO2,but zillions of Yottatons of poop gas suddenly appearing really isn't good at all.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:43 PM
Why don't somebody just light a match?

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by jude11
Somehow I think we're going to still be paying a carbon tax...and it's not even our fault!

Corporations destroy the Earth, Earth fights back...and I have to pay.


yeah, those damned "under the arctic seabed corporations" are at it again destroying the earth

i really am interested in al gores explanation of how all those SUVs with improperly inflated tires got down there to release all that evil gas. and even more interested to hear how taxing everything even more is going to stop those SUVs from killing us all.

the earth has been being the earth for a long time. nothing we can do to change that. though i like the "throw a match on it" idea, because that sounds pretty rad.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:46 PM
Ah well, bye bye planet Earth then. Hopefully CERN will find the Higgs boson, then about 10-20 years time maybe somekind of FTL solution. Then its off to the stars to cause some real environmental damage eh?

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:01 PM


posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by andy06shake

Don't worry. The planet Earth will still be here for loooong time... maybe we can't say the same thing to mankind
Personally I don't have much hope for our specie... I would just say "Good luck to next sentient being that will replace us"

edit on 14/12/11 by blackcube because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by MainLineThis

Originally posted by MainLineThis

The planet lives and breaths on a scale the average idiot can't begin to comprehend. I could go to any moment in human history and make weather/climate change arguments and have legions of useful idiots follow my religion, Think about that.

Sure, we cannot comprehend timescales that are longer than our lives. So OBVIOUSLY, you are saying that a huge methane release is a Cyclical thing and we shouldn't worry about it? Or are you pointing out that the TREND LINE shows that the planet is warming, regardless of this one occurrence.

Your post has to have some specifics of WHAT is ignorant -- sure, I get frustrated with ignorance as well. Sure, any ONE event is a "slice in time" -- and does not constitute a trend. But ANY TREND can result in "trigger events". The pulling of a trigger on a gun is an analog process of a finger squeeze, while the firing of the pin is a "binary" and sudden event.

There have been extreme weather events in the past -- but we've got a LOT of them now, and in increasing frequency. If you take the methane release and the Santa Anna winds, the drying up of Texas and the blizzards in Europe all as single events -- you don't see a trend. The prediction is, that extreme events will be TRENDING UP -- not that next year will have a super-tornado that is 10 miles wide -- but it's hard to ignore that we had one THIS year. Maybe they skip a few hundred years... or of course, not as many people were around to report these events.

Which "religion" is wrong here? The one that says that we don't have a climate problem, or the other one that says; "Stay with business as usual."

The Standard Operating Procedure in the USA is not working anymore for a lot of people. Economies come and go, but ecosystems USUALLY take millennia to change. I think a LOT OF PEOPLE are OK with changing from a Profit at All Cost to a "what makes our lives better to be living" model. It doesn't require a despotic rule or Communism to achieve that -- we've already got a pretty despotic economic system that terrorizes resource rich nations, though supporters of Capitalism like to ignore all the "economic losers" -- which requires we ignore that 400 people own more than the 100 million at the bottom in this country, and THOSE people have a better income than half the planet. Doesn't sound like a "free market prosperity" it sounds like a Pyramid Scheme and someone is focused on the top few bricks to sell the idea of how GREAT free markets make everything.

>>> Because ultimately, it's hard to ignore the Pro-Carbon corporations who make $40 Million in profits on a bad day, working so hard to discredit AGW theories. Sure, it sounds like a debate between too hard-set religious cults, but WHO started that?

Whatever side people want to debate -- when park rangers the world over have to constantly change their maps to account for their "preserves" moving North, and for Blue Jays in the arctic region - it's kind of hard to say that it is "Environment as Usual." These maps were a bit more stable 20 years ago.

>> Regardless of whether humans are warming the planet or if it starts getting cooler -- we HAVE to reduce the consumption of humanity and that is going to require a change. We have to have economic justice because I'm not going to TOLERATE my kids living as indentured servants because their is a religious cult that spends all day worshipping CEOs. I want green energy, so that I don't have a few monopolies overcharging me for something I depend on, and I'd like a country that was technically moving towards the future, rather than bickering about the Buggy Whip.

Now Global Warming is being called a conspiracy by "Alarmists" and people who like Taxes. NOBODY really likes paying taxes. Taxes are necessary to PAY for things like wars for oil, which are necessary because Oil Companies like profit and the Military is the single biggest consumer of gasoline on the planet. The CURRENT conspiracy to rip us off seems to be MORE REAL than the alleged "New World Order - Al Gore carbon tax" conspiracy we are supposed to be so afraid of.

And I'd really LOVE the USA to go back to the early 1960's economic system -- Socialism and High taxes on the wealthy is what made this country great. But that has NOTHING to do with reducing environmental impacts and supporting alternative energy.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:16 PM


posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Bearack

Originally posted by Observor
At this point of time debating whether the globe is warming or not and if it is, whether the primary contributor is human lifestyle or not is completely meaningless. Even if we did have some control at some point of time in the past, we are past that as evidenced by the methane emissions. The best that scientists can do now is to develop models to predict climate change, so that we can prepare for it in the best way we can, rather than attempt to stop the change.

That's what I never could understand. The continued debate rather than the development of safe guards, I.E. climate proof food development. Coastal relocation plans or structure developments to limit life loss if the water rises.

I don't think science can disprove that this earth has changed a million times of it's life that had absolutely nothing to do with humans, so why should we not adapt to the change versus trying to change it itself?

In my view, this is the way we have got to go now. If it isn't too late however, this would take a whole new global/environmental outlook and new models of living which it seems is and always will be beyond human capacity. Preparation is key but until the last breath is taken on this earth - when ever that may be - the Elites will think only of their own profits and comforts.

I can truly see future generations living underground on a barren planet like rabbits in their warrens and they'll still be fighting each other.
I even wonder if the barren planets around us have already long ago ended up doing exactly the same?

If we started eating our own fingers - it wouldn't be long before our whole body was consumed and that's the insanity of mind we are applying to this our one and only beautiful life giving planet.


If the masses don't learn to come down very hard on those who have the power to change things and develope civil ways and social systems to oust them if they don't act in the interests of the people and the planet then I'm afraid, we're on (already are) a Run Away Train!

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by blackcube

I wonder which species will be next to replace us, the bee's, the rats or the Cockroaches? Probobly not the Bee's to be fair.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:18 PM
let me see here ...yes I remember something about earth warming and cooling the earth is warming and a great flood will occur, and then an Ice age...the guy cutting wood better cut down the whole forest and build an Ark

edit on 14-12-2011 by rebellender because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:21 PM
I am still afraid that the government will use this to institute a large amount of carbon taxation. If this article is true, and if this causes a calthrate gun scenario, then for a period of a few decades CO2 emissions will become a drop in the greenhouse gas ocean

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by andy06shake

We have something better than FTL.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by andy06shake
reply to post by blackcube

I wonder which species will be next to replace us, the bee's, the rats or the Cockroaches? Probobly not the Bee's to be fair.

If it happens they may be native and right below the feet of abovegrounders..

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Very very good find.

This show that us humans are puny and earth will do whatever she has to do.

I'm sure those vents are producing in a week way way way more greenhouse gases than all of humanity has produced in the last thousand years.

Now I'll just print this and show this to the still brainwashed ``we must cut our CO2 and pay carbon taxes`` eco-nazis in my family... maybe that'll wake them up.
edit on 13-12-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

It is doing this because the ice is melting and thin caused by humans changing the climate.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:35 PM
The drilling into Lake Vostok will add more there is supposed to be a huge gas layer in the bubble over the lake.

There will be other added sources also. My sister in Alaska is telling me how the permafrost is melting and releasing methane as well. Each year they get more soggy and don't refreeze hard like before.
edit on 14-12-2011 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Lykantroph11
Okay so I don't know much since I've got little time to do proper research SO PARDON my possible stupidities but.........:

My frist thought about reading the entire thread is that if the methane will heaten up the air this could cause the ice to melt-> melted ice a.ka cold water speeds up the melting process of the ice -> all the cold water could flow into the sea...... Could the cold water affect the oceanic currents ( change of temperature of the ocean ) and so affect the temperature to drop drastically on land? ?????( colder seawater, colder air blowing in? )

Yes.... it has been noted by scientists, that the seawater currents from the Arctic/Antarctic ice fields and flows will cool down some as the ice melts. But when all the ice is melted, seawater temperatures will continue to climb as the result of climate change.
edit on 14-12-2011 by Erno86 because: spelling

edit on 14-12-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 14-12-2011 by Erno86 because: spelling

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