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Will CERN Kill Jesus?

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posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:30 PM
Scientists at CERN have announced that within the next year, the God Particle, can be found.

When this particle is found, and announced to the public, it will eventually make all of the worlds religions collapse in on themselves. Many people disclaim that theory, but I think that once the work being done at the LHC progresses, religious people will realize that no God created them. Time is all we have.

"Scientists working to find the elusive "God particle" say they've discovered "intriguing" signs that it does exist and they are closing in on what could be a basic building block of the universe.

Researchers working at the Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest particle collider located astride the Swiss/French border, were quick to note they have not yet found anything to definitively prove or disprove that the Higgs boson particle exists. However, they think they're close enough to figure it out within a year.

The Higgs boson particle has long been a focus of great scientific speculation. If it does exist, it's thought to account for why everything in the universe has weight. Frequently referred to as the "God particle," it could be a key component of everything from humans to stars and planets, as well as the vast majority of the universe that is invisible.

Scientists hope that finding Higgs boson could help answer many of the great mysteries of the universe. Conversely, without this cornerstone of physics, many of the theories that serve as the underpinnings of human understanding of the universe evaporate." Source

Religion is founded on the creation of the Universe by one God. When the Higgs Boson is finally found, it will prove how the universe, and life was really created.

Here is an excellent, revealing, and thought provoking documentary done by Stephen Hawking. He explains his stances on God, religion, nature, and the Universe. It's a 44 minute long film, so curl up with some hot cocoa, and check it out!

edit on 13-12-2011 by chanel because: added an excellent documentary

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Will CERN Kill Jesus?
I doubt that but it may open a access port for..... So keep your hopes up

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13


posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I seriously doubt it! A great deal of Christian's faith can not be swayed by logic or fact. They will believe what they believe no matter how wrong it is because their belief is deeply ingrained and doesn't have much to do with fact. This is not to say that their beliefs are wrong, it is just that I know plenty of Christians who believe because they were 'told by god' aka the bible to believe and nothing else will matter.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:41 PM
IMHO, this is what killed Jesus.

The end of "Serious Jesus"

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:44 PM
Jesus is just a human made ideology just like all trains of thought that helps you understand the world around you. Its a human coping mechanism, cant really kill it.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:49 PM
I'm sure a lot of them will wait until they actually do find the particle.

And, quite frankly, it won't do anything but deepen the faith of many. I'm quite sure that they'll argue that it's just one more layer of complexity.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:49 PM
I don't see how finding this particle collapses the idea of a creator.
Just another mechanic of the universe doing exactly what it was created to do.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:50 PM
If the LORD ENLIL influenced the religion that CHRIST came from and Christ called the in the SKY FATHER human alone not the is. Its gonna be a sad day when many realize what they done here especially those who just throw his name under any given topic of ignorance. So with that MAY THE LIGHT GUIDE YOUR DARK WAYS FOR TO TRY TO DISOWN GODS CHILD CAUSES A MAJOR FAIL ON THE REALITY OF THOSE WHO DISRESPECTED.. Enjoy your current realities
many will WAKE hope before you are trapped in darkness that may be released here. Playing with anti matter machines hmm cant be mad if anti energy comes thru*

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:52 PM
I'm not what you'd call religious, I'm just ridiculously with that said, if we have a god, why couldn't he make a particle known as the higgs boson?

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by chanel

Religion is founded on the creation of the Universe by one God. When the Higgs Boson is finally found, it will prove how the universe, and life was really created.

The particle really has nothing to do with religion:

"As some of you may know, The God Particle is the title of a popular science book by Nobel Prize winner Leon Lederman, who was Fermilab's director for many years and thus my boss when I was a postdoctoral fellow there. According to Leon, he wanted to call the book The Goddamn Particle because nobody could find the thing. However, his editor discouraged him from the title, suggesting that The God Particle would sell many more copies. This is the story that Leon tells us."

But please, don't let that stop any of you from ripping organized religion apart...

edit on 13-12-2011 by facelift because: content edit

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:54 PM
Will CERN Kill Jesus?

One can only hope...

Once that 'roadblock' is down, then we can finally move on and
get our flying cars that we SHOULD HAVE HAD by now....:shk:

I could see a big uprising as a result of the CERN findings: those in denial and wont change - those who realize they have been lied to and are angry - those who are like "I told you so" - those whos head explodes

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 03:59 PM
How can you kill somebody that has been dead for 2k years?

no, really, i think that so many blind religious people will start to burn themselves in public squares and things like that, or start to buy tickets and take planes to go and destroy the LHC because it's a "devil's thing"!!!!

I find all of that in extreme funny
edit on 13-12-2011 by Caggy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Caggy

It may destroy itself, please consider as the Jesus jokes roll. Remember this machine helps control the conscious to disbelieve in GOD. DOnt worry I wont troll this thread I just dont see how any cannot see the dangers in a antimatter machine
with all the stuff going on. Sorry Op for derailing a bit I will let you all continue to use your WILLS...

edit on 12/13/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Caggy
How can you kill somebody that has been dead for 2k years?

no, really, i think that so many blind religious people will start to burn themselves in public squares and things like that, or start to buy tickets and take planes to go and destroy the LHC because it's a "devil's thing"!!!!

I find all of that in extreme funny

Explain your reasoning for thinking the finding of this particle has anything to do with the disproving of... anything? Just explains the mechanism by which particles acquire mass.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:13 PM
Um finding the Higgs Boson particle will have as much effect on Religion as discovering the components of my hot cocoa you mentioned. It tells me about all its ingredients, possibly its point of origin and something of what it is…but fails to tell me who made it.

I assure I did not make the cocoa and it didn’t just spring into existence all on its own. Even though all of the chemical components and conditions could produce this cocoa, I know that someone made this yummy hot cocoa as I have yet to see a spontaneously made cup of the stuff!

What does it matter if it appears to be spontaneously made or if there was magic involved it is still a lovely savory cup of Cocoa! I say stop worrying and arguing over who made the cocoa and instead join me and have a cup?

Do you take marshmallows? Oh and does CERN shoot "LASERS"? (That is rhetorical, just wondering how they will "Kill" Jesus)...
edit on 13-12-2011 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:21 PM
Man... you have just posted my favortie headline on ATS this year...


posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by chanel

Thats probably the stupidest thread title Ive read in months. It just smacks of a materialists unfounded smug arrogance and ego.

Religion is founded on the creation of the Universe by one God. When the Higgs Boson is finally found, it will prove how the universe, and life was really created.


Will it explain where it itself came from?
Will it explain why there is SOMETHING rather than a presumably more stable NOTHING?
Will it explain the origins of space and time themselves?
What about the origins of consciousness?
What about the conundrum of the observer changing the observed?
Does it prove math actually exists, and isnt just a figment of imagination?
Can it prove even, that ANYTHING actually exists?
Does it answer what existence itself is?

Come to think of it... what existential question CAN it answer with anything resembling objective certainty, that does not require an enormous amount of unproven assumptions to support?

Dont pop the cork and throw that "Jesus/religion/all-other-beliefs-but-my-own are dead!" party just yet. Youre not even close.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by chanel

i will bet you that when they find what they are looking for it will only open up a whole new way of viewing things and entirely more questions. It will not disprove "GOD" and may even help the religious case to those who can fully apply the underlying meaning to what is discovered.

in short, this will only zoom in on a small particle to find a whole nother "world" inside it

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 05:04 PM
Yeh I hate the term "god particle", I am not a religious man but this term shows the arrogance of some mainstream scientists.

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