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The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004

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posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:04 AM
I found this link on another forum, "project censored 2005" which discusses the most censored/ignored media stories of this year;

Heres a list of the stories discussed:

#1: Wealth Inequality in 21st Century Threatens Economy and Democracy

#2: Ashcroft vs. the Human Rights Law that Hold Corporations Accountable

#3: Bush Administration Censors Science

#4: High Levels of Uranium Found in Troops and Civilians

#5: The Wholesale Giveaway of Our Natural Resources

#6: The Sale of Electoral Politics

#7: Conservative Organization Drives Judicial Appointments

#8: Cheney's Energy Task Force and The Energy Policy

#9: Widow Brings RICO Case Against U.S. government for 9/11

#10: New Nuke Plants: Taxpayers Support, Industry Profits

#11: The Media Can Legally Lie

#12: The Destabilization of Haiti

#13: Schwarzenegger Met with Enron's Ken Lay Years Before the California Recall

#14: New Bill Threatens Intellectual Freedom in Area Studies

#15: U.S. Develops Lethal New Viruses

#16: Law Enforcement Agencies Spy on Innocent Citizens

#17: U.S. Government Represses Labor Unions in Iraq in Quest for Business Privatization

#18: Media and Government Ignore Dwindling Oil Supplies

#19: Global Food Cartel Fast Becoming hte World's Supermarket

#20: Extreme Weather Prompts New Warning from UN

#21: Forcing a World Market for GMOs

#22: Censoring Iraq

#23: Brazil Holds Back in FTAA Talks, But Provides Little Comfort for the Poor of South America

#24: Reinstating the Draft

#25: Wal-Mart Brings Inequality and Low Prices to the World

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:15 AM
Well what do you expect on election year, everything has to look good for the candidate in power, most Americans are blind by their political parties lies.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:16 AM


Fantastic link!

I am already familiar with a few of those stories. But even though I try to look for news away from mass media sources, I still haven't been aware of the importance and significance of half of those stories.

Great read.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 01:07 PM
Wow, even included Cheney, but not all of it. It left out Bush&Co being War criminals in Japan and other countries. Left out Cheney being indicted(sp?) in France for the 180,000,000 slush fund used to bribe government officials.

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