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On "little men" and the spirit world.

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posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 12:14 AM
It has been discussed that for some reason possibly only children are able to see into the spirit world or some sort of a different dimension. In this they see "little men", spirits, oddities, etc. It could just be that their imaginations are heightened at this age, but regardless, most accounts do in fact come from children.

However, I would like to address the other large portion of such accounts, these appear to come from the elderly. I propose that humans in some sort of a life-altering transformation period or big change in their lives are able to see into this "realm" so to speak. Perhaps all of their "other" senses are heightened during such transition periods, and this opens sort of a doorway into seeing things that people don't normally see. Let me explain:

1.) Children are young and new to the world, so their 'vision' is still clear. They see these little men and spirits all of the time, walking around in our world. They know that kids can see them, so they attempt to be elusive (maybe they themselves are scared because they can't normally see us?) That's why childhood accounts always appear to have these creatures as hiding or running away. Adults wave these accounts off as nothing more than big imaginations. These occurances happen THOUSANDS of times a day, just think about it, really. Sort of the "what 1 person says, 5 others are thinking" type of thing. We came up with more than a dozen of personal accounts on this board alone, imagine the world as a whole.

2.) The sick or severely ill sometimes have visions or see/have weird occurances, and they are certainly undergoing life altering changes. Sure there is a lot of stress on their bodies and a lot is probably hallucination, but still, it's worth thinking about. Some claim that they see lights, or angels/God etc. Perhaps they are just seeing into the spirit world because they too are undergoing changes. Not necessarily angels, etc., but something more than your average person can see.

3.) The elderly also have many accounts of seeing spirits and "little men" (as described in a different post). The elderly are soon to be leaving this world (perhaps into another), and so they also are having life-altering changes. Because of these life-altering or life-changing events, they too can see the spirit realm more clearly.

4.) As for your average adult that claims to have seen a spirit, "little man," etc, perhaps for whatever reason he/she just has the heightened sense that comes only with life-altering change.

It's worth putting some serious thought into, rather than idly waving my post off as an idiotic rant. I would be very interesting in hearing what any and all of you have to say, because I think I have some good thoughts here. If you have any ideas to add onto mine or different theories, please post. Also if you have any other stories that would be great. What are your thoughts?

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 09:17 AM
I know two men in there late 30's who claimed to have seen "little men" in the woods, one being my brother who was dead serious and even tried to discredit himself by saying it was probably an animal.

As far as the elderly seen such things I do remeber my grandmother a couple years before she died saying she could see the devil in the room.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 09:32 AM
Oh, I had a teacher once who told the class of an experience he had as a child. He was living in the countryside and woke up one night and had to go to the toilet, which was located in a small shed outside the house. When he looked out the window he saw this light, like a small lantern, wobbling its way over the backyard. He woke his even younger brother up, who took a quick glance through the window and said: "That's just the brownie" before returning to bed and falling asleep again.

I'm not sure about how true this story really is, but this wasn't a kind of teacher who told jokes and stories to the children. And it sounded pretty cool at the time.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 09:50 AM
My friend once told me that she saw a little green man running across a shelf.

We were in our friends shack/shed hanging out having a fire, then all of a sudden she sat up and told us that he was running across it, we looked over and saw nothing....
But then again she was high, could of been hallucinating.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 05:19 PM
Cool stories, it's hard to believe that if there are literally millions of these stories going around, they can't ALL be hallucinations, can they? There are way more of these sightings than many other things like say Bigfoot or Lockness Monster. I'd say sightings of this nature are up there with UFO's. But these just never get reported because it sounds fanciful and dumb.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 05:25 PM
about that teacher and his younger did his younger brother know its a brownie and what did he mean by calling it a brownie....maybe its his friend or something....brownie....maybe its a brown creature

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by CookieMonster000
about that teacher and his younger did his younger brother know its a brownie and what did he mean by calling it a brownie....maybe its his friend or something....brownie....maybe its a brown creature

Well, this was in Sweden where I'm from, so this was the closest translation I could manage. But in my native language the word cannot be mistaken for anything else.

I searched and found a short description about it at

Choose the link on the left that says: "The Tomte"


posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 06:18 PM
Ill tell yea this in my home country of ireland There be a whole race Of the wee littlr people and in the counter side was found and put into national gerophic a story of the little people CITY with photos .
Thats right a whole empty city was found mostly underground with everthing Scaled down to a four olds Hight small steps cealings and all.
as to the Fate of the wee ones know one knows but storys and leagendons abound.
And this post is No BLARNY .

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 10:40 PM
Do you remember what issue of National Geographic that story came out in? I'd like to read it, sounds really interesting.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 03:51 AM
Before my mother died in 2000, she would knod her head towards the door. I asked her why she was knodding her head. She said that the two angles told her that everything will be fine and not to worry. They were described as very tall and had to really stoop down to look in through the door. Then at times she would look down onto the floor and laugh because a boy and girl were playing. Your mind does open to the other side when it is time, or as a child you still remember.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 09:26 PM
Yeah, I have heard other stories like this also. I think there are a lot more stories like this too that people don't even bother to tell anyone, because they'd rather keep it to themselves. With this many reported cases, and tons more unreported, how could it not be real?

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