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Calling Demons and using them

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posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:14 AM
you're a worried demon summoner/apparent 'controller' from san fran, CA....
who hopes to wreak enough devastation here on earth, to settle the score of your master....
and so that aliens, due to earths devastation, will come and save you back to your home?

I dunno dude, if you're taking the piss then all I can say is all's fair in love, war, and internet forums
troll away...
If you's serious, then I'll be! but, maybe pitting dark against dark is just gasoline to the flames... as others have tried to implore you, why not choose a more usefull weapon against the dark forces? Screw religion up it's aching backside, but (and excuse the pun
) the path of light and rightousness is the only morally logical decision for a conscious being to make. (if we're all for understanding eachother that is)

anyway, I'm sure we'd have some wicked conversations were we to meet, no harm no foul here... though I still can't agree with you.

all the best

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by ramle

Soooooooooooo . . .

there's satan and his servant agents demons.

And mere mortals are going to call up such supernatural critters and order them around to serve THEM--the mortals?

And we're supposed to think that makes sense?

As a psychologist, I'm used to dealing with delusional ideas . . . this one takes the cake.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by ramle

you are a kid .My suggestion use cornelius agrippa's work on angels rather than demons,demons will build bad karma.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Nikola Tesla believed in a world of aether from which he tapped free energy.Torsion physics is the other name for it in Russia.

That will explain the various phenomena like ghosts,angels,demons etc.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:40 AM
'In nomine Omnipotentis, spiritus vero maligni et deservient mihi praesidium contra eos recede a me!
Malevoli spiritus inspirant hominum cogitationes malae;
Cheats spiritus et mendaces qui fallitur;
Ludificari spiritus, qui ludunt credulitate eorum,
Auferam omnes virtutes anime mee et claudere aures tuas, pellentesque sed obsecro te pro Dei misericordia.
Spiritus boni qui me liberaliter sustineant,
Da mihi virtutem resistendi malis spiritibus et influentia sua lumina nec falli artimanhas.Preservai superbiam et vanitatem cordis mei recesserunt a me invidia, odio, malitia, et contra omnem sensum caritas, quae totidem sunt spiritus fores aperi maus.Que fiat!
Deo Gratias! "

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:19 AM
Please be warned.....for every dark or evil entity, there is an even brighter, whiter light. So anyone who feels so inclined to summon up some evil, please feel free to send it my way so I can infuse it with some bright white light and send its decrepit, powerless pathetic as* back to where it came from. I'm all for summoning , if the main purpose is to destroy that which is evil. Please do not be fooled, you are in no way controling any of these evil beings, they my friend have got control on you. Do not mistake the false sense of power for control, that is what they want you to think. Tread carefully , and safe passage.


posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by ramle

Best of luck to you and your ventures.

But know this: Karma escapes no one. Unless you are prepared to take responsibility for your actions, then be mindful of what you do.

I am not to say which is right or wrong as the thought itself is subjective. Positive-bonds; negative-builds.

Be confident in your actions if they are sincere. Nothing is more powerful then the 'will'


posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Minori

Ah but w/o the dark there would be no need for light. All has its purpose to keep the path progressing.

Negative requires more energy as the 'feeling' of immense power. Light is no more powerful than dark; only combined energy can overcome - LOVE.

Sorry, but I am sick and tired of all the 'flower and sunshine' people being up on there high horse.

All in Balance

Negativity requires much more control.Tho most are consumed before mastery.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by papazen

Sancte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio contra nequítiam et insídias diáboli esto præsídium. Imperet illi Deus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, princeps milítiæ cæléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in mundo, divína virtúte, In inférnum detrude. Amen

Nice, I love a protection prayer in Latin.


posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by ramle

I don't usually make comments on a thread like this, but I have to ask -

Are you for real? Seriously, you sound like a charater out of a Dresden Files book. You're having a contest with your mentor's murderer to see who is eviler?

I'm only posting so I can come back and read more of this train wreck thread....

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by ThatGuy45

Please believe me that the way that I came to light was to go through the dark. I have been there, I have seen what it can do. Of course one can not exist without the other, how would we know what was good if we have never experienced that which is bad. I know the power of the dark arts, I learned it with the soul intention of using it against the very thing that it stands for. The easiest way to defeat any enemy is to know how they work, and that my friend I can say with confidence. The "dark" things do not like me, I have them figured out, and they are not all powerful. We give them the power when we call upon them. I am sick of people putting their faith in these nasty things, try a little positivity, the results are awesome. For every dark spirit summoned there is an army of angels ready to pounce. You go ahead and call on your doomed beings, I will stick to what is good and pure.
edit on 6-12-2011 by Minori because: spelling

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:46 AM
There is alot of good and bad insight and advice from posts on this thread concerning demons.

In past times I have 'created' magikal entities and have found them to be useful for particular tasks. I did go a bit mad one time when I got a 'voice' stuck in my mind which I knew was not my own thoughts and on a seperate occasion I became 'taken over' (as I intended) for a few minutes till I expelled it.

I dont worry about the dangers that come with doing such things because I am feared. I cant explain anymore than that as to what that means because I observe the code of silence. There are those who know what this means.

Take the above words as you will.

As I have written, so shall it be.
As I have spoken, so shall it be.

I have a big collection of LHP pdfs that I am working my way through, trying various disciplines and ritual pathworks. I wont discuss exactly what they but in my other threads and posts, if you go to my profile page and check through the right posts and threads you will learn the various things I've done and hinted at.

Hail sirE.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:57 AM
All are going to pick on day who they want to be with..God or Satan..If this is your choice then you have our rights..How ever i would appreciate that you wouldn't put this on the internet..But we still at the moment have our freedoms..Look i have seen and even know the real devil,and demons and lie..If this is what you want then go for it..

My self im racked up by the evil spirits all the time cause i fight them..My choice is freedom.HEAVEN not hell...So I get tourcherd 24 hours ad day for it...I think your making a big mistake here..And please do not use my God the god most high to think that he is going to help you to get these demons...You will need lots of protection cause demons do turn against you...I hope you know what your doing..

Again its your choice and we should not judge but think really hard before you get involved with evil..Remember there called evil for a reason

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Tindalos2013
There is alot of good and bad insight and advice from posts on this thread concerning demons.

In past times I have 'created' magikal entities and have found them to be useful for particular tasks. I did go a bit mad one time when I got a 'voice' stuck in my mind which I knew was not my own thoughts and on a seperate occasion I became 'taken over' (as I intended) for a few minutes till I expelled it.

I dont worry about the dangers that come with doing such things because I am feared. I cant explain anymore than that as to what that means because I observe the code of silence. There are those who know what this means.

Take the above words as you will.

As I have written, so shall it be.
As I have spoken, so shall it be.

I have a big collection of LHP pdfs that I am working my way through, trying various disciplines and ritual pathworks. I wont discuss exactly what they but in my other threads and posts, if you go to my profile page and check through the right posts and threads you will learn the various things I've done and hinted at.

Hail sirE.

No one fears you!! the evil can take you as quick as you think...or blink a eye..There playing with you and have you where they want you..Which is not with god and is with the devil...When they fear you they will attack you...They fear me cause im holy and love and stand with God so there for im always attacked...When your not attacked that means they have you..Watch out..Evil can and will turn on you..

Say you want to become a real christian..Well you better do it the right way are you will be attacked...Then they fear you cause they know they are loosing you...Your not feared trust me i diffidently know that...Your messing with evil so they are using you so you go with them not God...You are not feared your not Holy

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by ThatGuy45
reply to post by Minori

Ah but w/o the dark there would be no need for light. All has its purpose to keep the path progressing.

Negative requires more energy as the 'feeling' of immense power. Light is no more powerful than dark; only combined energy can overcome - LOVE.

Sorry, but I am sick and tired of all the 'flower and sunshine' people being up on there high horse.

All in Balance

Negativity requires much more control.Tho most are consumed before mastery.

Negativity is out of control..not in control...Have you ever seen a man possessed??? Would you say ther is control in that..I would say not....Control is different...Being negative is a lack of control...

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by ThatGuy45
reply to post by Minori

Ah but w/o the dark there would be no need for light. All has its purpose to keep the path progressing.

Negative requires more energy as the 'feeling' of immense power. Light is no more powerful than dark; only combined energy can overcome - LOVE.

Sorry, but I am sick and tired of all the 'flower and sunshine' people being up on there high horse.

All in Balance

Negativity requires much more control.Tho most are consumed before mastery.

Negativity is out of control..not in control...Have you ever seen a man possessed??? Would you say ther is control in that..I would say not....Control is different...Being negative is a lack of control...

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:06 AM
Use an iphone?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by eeks4

Forgive me, I used the wrong term. Discipline - not control.


And the possessed man is a perfect example of being 'consumed'

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by ramle

In my case was only able to seal some of the power of the demon which has proved very potent, but not up to par with the spell's description

Forgive me, I haven't read the whole thread, but maybe the problem your having is not being able to properly gaze beyond the vail in attempting to open your third eye? just a thought. not like the world needs anymore raging deamons around. wait... you seem kind of young? shouldn't you be doing homework or be in school or something?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Calling Demons and using them

I've seen some insanity on these boards .. but this ranks right up there at the top.
Life isn't like a Kim Harrison novel. Demons are't cute and they don't run coffee shops.

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