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Ron Paul Assassination Hoax: Is It an Israeli Threat?

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posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Same Thing They Did With Ross Perot…

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

A Canadian website,, has published an article claiming the Russian FSB, formerly known as the KGB, has issued a report claiming President Obama has ordered the killing of Congressman Ron Paul. The European Times, another “fringe” source has also carried the story.

More reliable sources tell us that the real threat is one concocted by the Gingrich camp and their Israeli backers, based on Newt’s private promise of a full scale invasion of Iran.

Veterans Today, while investigating sources of stories in the “fringe” media supporting the Gaddafi regime, tales of his military victories and how his 250,000 man Tripoli militia was going to descend on the dozen or so rebels who eventually took the city, tracked two unusual aspects.

We found all pro-Gaddafi stories, along with much of his military support, to have come from Israel and Israeli contracted African mercenaries, thousands of whom are currently awaiting repatriation while being held by the new Libyan government. assination-hoax-is-it-an-israeli-threat/

Ron Paul faces a real threat from zionists and Israeli firsters. He has not proven his loyalty to Israel and posses a threat therefore he will be threatened, mocked and eventually attacked.

The comic and zionist Jew Sasha Baron Cohen publically humiliating Ron Paul

edit on 4-12-2011 by Helixer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 06:48 PM
if RP is assassinated he will become a martyr. the population has already begun to wake up. it is too late.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by biggmoneyme
if RP is assassinated he will become a martyr. the population has already begun to wake up. it is too late.

They mock and humiliate him until the American people get sick of Ron Paul then they will kill him with a heart attack so frame him for prison.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:00 PM
Then they will just have to worry bout that Romney fella

Ron Paul is not scared of this
Besisdes, they would not attempt to kill him, he poses no threat to win the nomination anyway.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:01 PM
That's an eye-opening article OP, thanks for posting it. I almost passed on the article because the opening paragraph seems too ludicrous to bother with, but reading it through, it's scary indeed - and it looks a LOT like what happened to Perot.

The part where VT determined that the RP assassination threats were coming from the same intelligence network that planted pro-Gaddafi stories is what scares me. This is the Mossad at work. If invoking that name makes you roll your eyes and say "another Jew-bashing thread" - all I can say is READ THE ARTICLE.

The question: Is Israel turning to its controlled “alternative media” sites to leak hoax stories across the net as a personal warning to Representative Ron Paul.

Our estimation is: YES

I think we can all recall the very recent pass in which the Web was burned up with pro-Gaddafi stories and how horrible it would be to let him fall to those 'al-qaeda' rebels. The same network placing those stories is where VT believes the threats to RP have come from.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:55 PM
This (Bruno) character is a nobody. His popularity is merely a blink of existence compared to what Dr. Paul's message will inspire for decades. I pity the followers of this individual..

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Helixer
Ron Paul faces a real threat from zionists and Israeli firsters.

Why do people continually post "Sorcha Faal's" hoaxes as real stories?

It really makes them look silly, and is just yet another hate the jews post!
edit on 4-12-2011 by spoor because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 08:34 PM
Can you please provide an example of a politician that has not been targeted for comedic mocking by some Hollywood entertainer or another?

Or is it only because the comic in question has the last name Cohen?

Of course it's irrelevant that over the years he's managed to pull the same stunts with numerous politicians, right?

But ignore all that because then you can say that Borat or Bruno or whichever costume he's wearing that day proves that the evil Zionists fear Ron Paul!

When you ignore facts you can pretty much throw any story together.

I'd also like to see some actual proof of links between pro-Gadaffi forces and Israel.

The article from "VeteransToday" is so horribly written and put together with a complete lack of journalistic responsibility that I think it's an embarrassment to the word veterans.

Ok kids... take one part Sorcha Faal, one part Ron Paul martyrdom and mix it in a steaming hot cup of Jew hate and you've got a recipe to stir up the troops any day!


posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 08:52 PM
I watched both videos and I have no idea why Zionism, Jews, Israel, is even a topic of conversation. I saw nothing about that in the videos. What I did see, was someone who was being completely disrespectful to person of Ron Paul's standing and not only crossing a line, but pole vaulting over that line.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Helixer

I think Dr. Paul should lighten up...I mean it was a prank...He should at least acknowledge that a lot of people got a few laughs out of it. I thought it was hilarious. Imagine if this prank was done to Colin Powell. That would be 10X more funny.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:49 PM

I think we can all recall the very recent pass in which the Web was burned up with pro-Gaddafi stories and how horrible it would be to let him fall to those 'al-qaeda' rebels. The same network placing those stories is where VT believes the threats to RP have come from.

Yup! It is the same crowd targeting Ron Paul that were remorsely banging on about the Libyan patriots fighting the mad man Gaddafi as Al Qaeda and terrorists. Imagine that, Israel was passing off Gaddafi as a good guy and the Libyan people as evil!

Israel and zionists do not like national identities and homogeneous patriotic movements, so they will attack. Ron Paul is an American firster come Hell or high water and he seriously bothers zionist fifth columnists.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Ordinarily I would find my answer to the threads question to be "Yes",most definitively, Israel is involved, but since I have to be true to myself, I find issue with this latest assassination threat made against Ron Paul and because of the many other possibilities, I cannot in honesty believe that Israel had anything to do with the current assassination threats against Ron Paul.

While I am not denying that Ron Paul has been recently targeted for "Exclusion" by the Jewish lobby and in conspiracy circles, it is Obama that has it in for Ron Paul, but if the truth be known, there are also other enemies to consider besides Israel or Obama.

In this day an age, we could have mega super global corporations with billions and trillions to lose that could easily orchestrate, hire, pay for and covertly put together a credible threat against Ron Paul.

Any threat that any mega corporation or some other large globally funded group could generate would want to use the alternative media to reinforce and promote certain conspiracy theories as a means to help distract from the truth.

Being able to effectively blame someone like Israel, Obama or even those within the Military Industrial complex or even the Intelligence community at the NSC level is exactly what would be needed by any mega corporation.

Any crime committed against Ron Paul could then be used for either political leverage, because of course the assassins would know exactly when such at attack would occur and because if the attempt is successful it will force changes that such covert groups have already considered in a thousand ways before implementing their plans.

Ron Paul is a serious contender and those that are really awake have known it for some time. Those that are just now realizing that Ron Paul truly threatens the status quo is indeed a threat to many corporate insiders who rely on a corrupt political system to operate in while they rob the tax payers.

In the 21st Century, assassinating Ron Paul could be expanded from Obama who most likely sees him as the political threat he seriously poses and there is Israel that sees their Zionist control in Washington and in foreign affairs being diminished.

We have other global players and we should even consider that Russian funded and outsourced organized meddling is being witnessed. We could be seeing Russia for instance meddling in American politics just like the USA meddling in Russian politics.

This could all be tit for tat and if so, we should pause in our judgement against Israel or even Obama because the way I see it, there are too many other interests with the means, funds and the State level intelligence capabilities needed to kill someone like Ron Paul so that someone like Israel or Obama could be blamed that would of course create serious political and social unrest should such an attempt be successfully made while being able to blame it on someone, some other person or group.

This to me, this whole issue, is serious for many reasons, but it also has the ability to be a staged event and if such a threat were to be put into motion by those that meet in secret meetings and decide the fate of the world they lay claim to own, then it would be logical to be able to blame someone else and then feed the alternative media with leaks that feed conspiracy theories and blog talk sites with conspiracy disinformation.

Oh well, this is what I wanted to add as discussion because as I stated in the beginning, Israel and Obama are not the only ones capable of such lethal and conspiratorial criminal actions.

Russia, China, even smaller nations could along with corrupt corporations could plan and execute such a plan against Ron Paul.

That is what I wanted to communicate, because such planning, if conducted by nation states, would want to use some scape goat like Israel to distract from and throw fuel on the fire that Israel always has burning for itself.

The two birds with one stone theory is not a new idea, but if we dont consider major corporations and other nation states as being capable of assassination plots, then I would have to contend that you have been living a very sheltered life, because for the most part, mega global corporations are the terrorist that work with government to achieve political and corporate interests with mutual beneficial profits for all insiders so involved.

I would look for Russian involvement, because with recent media disclosures, this appears to be tit for tat conduct, but in closing I would have to admit that while I dont know for certain, blaming Israel for everything is just not right in my book.

Thanks for the thread.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:10 PM
Maybe someone can explain to me what Sasha Baron Cohen has to do with any of this, or why those videos were posted?

they have nothing to do with the supposed assassination threat. Seems like someone is upset that a comedian made fun of their 'savior'....

And finally, who cares what Sorcha Faal says. She has been proven a liar and a hoaxer 100 times over.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:11 PM
Sasha Baron Cohen is a comedian ffs.

Remember Borat? Same guy.

Edit to add: Oh yeah forgot to congratulate you on the Sorcha Faal fail!

edit on 5/12/2011 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Kryties
Sasha Baron Cohen is a comedian ffs.

Remember Borat? Same guy.

Edit to add: Oh yeah forgot to congratulate you on the Sorcha Faal fail!

edit on 5/12/2011 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

Yes I remember Borat. He made a long and very racist movie against the people of Kazakhstan. It was very ugly zionist hate.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Helixer

So in your opinion, comedy acts that you disagree with can be used to show evidence of a "Zionist conspiracy" to kill Ron Paul (or something) because the act is performed by a Jewish comedian?

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Helixer

Ron Paul wishes to attack the corruption of the current american government, if anything the american government should feel threatened enough to take Ron Paul out!

not to mention the various institutions and governments around the world that are hand in hand with american corruption would see the rise of Ron Paul as a threat.. Ron Paul has many enemies.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Djarums
reply to post by Helixer

So in your opinion, comedy acts that you disagree with can be used to show evidence of a "Zionist conspiracy" to kill Ron Paul (or something) because the act is performed by a Jewish comedian?

You are putting words in my mouth.

Sacha Baron Cohen is a zionist and spends a great deal of his time in Israel and little Israel in Golders Green. He uses comedy as a means of influencing the cultural zeitgeist in the UK and US.

All the characters Cohen develops are grotesques and we laugh at them because they are inept and social misfits.

With Borat, Cohen turns an entire nation into a grotesque and I classify that as racism. He does this with Ron Paul; he isolates him and sets him up with an illicit homosexual encounter. People who do not know Ron Paul but have seen the Borat film will form correlations everytime they see Ron Paul. This is foundation of Cohen's comedy, the mockery of the Grotesque.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Helixer

Originally posted by Djarums
reply to post by Helixer

So in your opinion, comedy acts that you disagree with can be used to show evidence of a "Zionist conspiracy" to kill Ron Paul (or something) because the act is performed by a Jewish comedian?

You are putting words in my mouth.

Sacha Baron Cohen is a zionist and spends a great deal of his time in Israel and little Israel in Golders Green. He uses comedy as a means of influencing the cultural zeitgeist in the UK and US.

All the characters Cohen develops are grotesques and we laugh at them because they are inept and social misfits.

With Borat, Cohen turns an entire nation into a grotesque and I classify that as racism. He does this with Ron Paul; he isolates him and sets him up with an illicit homosexual encounter. People who do not know Ron Paul but have seen the Borat film will form correlations everytime they see Ron Paul. This is foundation of Cohen's comedy, the mockery of the Grotesque.

So, since you ignored my first post, ill ask this:

What is your proof, outside of his COMEDY (yes, comedy), that makes you believe that he is a zionist?

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:01 PM

little Israel in Golders Green.

Unless you can show me an official location known as "little Israel" in Golder's Green I am through interacting with you.

Referring to a location by a derogatory name based on who you believe lives there is pathetic. It's no better than Jesse Jackson calling NYC "HymieTown" in the mid 80's.

I suppose it didn't take too long for your true colors to show through, but there they are.

I'll pass on debating with a bigot.

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