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Calling Out Jewish and Christians- Please Answer ONE Question

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posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:59 PM
Each religion is right. Each religion is wrong.

I love reading how some bash Christians and some bash Jews --those have no clue where they are in Spiritual Development. Then there are those who say there is no God, or religion and that is the easy way out and the lowest point in our Spiritual Development. They have a long way to go.

Each religion is right and wrong. God puts us on a journey here on earth where He thinks we need the most help to further advance in Heaven. We choose to come here and we need to learn all we can while here as there is no such thing as reincarnation. This belief is part of the lowest form of Spiritual Development as it aids in the "If I don't get it right this time, there'll always be another time" teaching, and that is wrong and actually part of Satan's teaching. On Judgement Day our bodies are reunited with our souls. If there was reincarnation, which body would our soul be united with?

I'd start with the religion you feel the closest to because that's probably where God is guiding you. Be careful not to heed the call of Society but listen to the call of your Conscience.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by AllUrChips

Dear AllUrChips,

But I did answer your question and I explained that many claiming to be "Christians" do not understand. Titles and claims are very nice; but, the book speaks for itself and it says more than you assume. We know of at least two instances where people were "raptured" (taken to heaven) in the old testament. The New Testament talks of how Jesus, just before his arrest, was with Moses and two others. I am pretty sure that Moses was a Jew and the New Testament discussed Jesus meeting with him, doesn't sound like he was in hell and Moses died before Jesus was born.

Im pretty sure your dodging the QUESTION I asked. Just like all christians do when asked this. Dont beat around the bush please. Are you praying to a false messiah in jesus christ? The jews(who by the way happen to live in the holy land) dont believe your story. And pastor, correct me if im wrong, but does your religion happen tp claim that NO ONE will be saved unless they believe that jesus died for their sins and they accept him into their hearts? Im pretty sure it does.

You comment "all christians", how very bigoted such a thing is. "All" anything is to deny people their right to come to their own conclusions and blame them for the misunderstandings of others. As for who I pray to, I pray to God in the name of Jesus, that is in the recognition of the fact that I needed salvation because I am not God and am not perfect. You ask me what my "religion" believes, I am not a religion and don't care what a "religion" believes, I care about what I believe and read the bible (I have read many of them, even the Book of Mormon and the Koran). The one I read says that even though it is harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, through God all things are possible. It said that in reference to whether or not a man could be saved that did not give his all.

Perhaps you think that this is the first time anyone in the world for the past two thousand years has asked the question that you did, you would be incorrect. Still, why seek to create greater disagreement, can you not agree that all who truly love others are deserving of salvation?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by AllUrChips

Simple answer my friend.

Jews are the chosen ones, therefore if you are not a jew you are not a chosen one.
pre-Christians did not like this idea so they found a way to trump simply being born a jew by being part of the son of god club because they have no other way to get to heaven otherwise.

Seems a bit unfair that being born into a non jewish race would condemn you to eternity in hell from your first breath doesn't it.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
So I have a question for you christians or people of any religion(just figured mostly christians on here) that I even stumped a pastor with. Its not that hard of a question either. WHO is right? Which of your religions are right? The christians say that you must accept jesus christ as your lord and savior to go to heaven. Jesus is the SON of GOD according to christianity. Now, Jews dont believe that jesus was the son of god. Rather just a prophet. NOW, Im no expert, but if the jews are the "chosen" ones, and they actually LIVE in the "holy land", then who is right? Are the jews not going to heaven because they do not believe that jesus was the son and died for their sins? Are the christians wrong, and Yeshua(translated to joshua) is the son? And those are just the two main religions, thats doesnt even include muslims and allah! So that is my question, WHO IS RIGHT? Jews or christians.
edit on 30-11-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

You begin with an assumption and stereo-type of dissension and division.

You will fit right in with those who also begin that way.

The Jews have taught me immeasurable amounts about my own (Christian) faith. The Hindus and Buddhists have offered me much, some of which I have taken and made my own, and I am thankful. Some of them have said the same of me and my faith.

You know that reference to "drawing a line in the sand?"

There is an historical perspective to that which provides a profound twist to the usual meaning.

Colonel Travis drew a line in the sand inside the Alamo, and stood alone on one side of it. Essentially, he said, "You are where you are are and it makes perfect sense to be there. But I have chosen this side, because it is what I must do. I hope some of you will cross that line and join me."

I view faith that way. And, like Travis, have no love loss for those who remain on the side of the line from which they began-- they were all good men no matter their choice. They are my brothers in arms no matter if they chose to fight the next battle with me or not.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
Each religion is right. Each religion is wrong.

I love reading how some bash Christians and some bash Jews --those have no clue where they are in Spiritual Development. Then there are those who say there is no God, or religion and that is the easy way out and the lowest point in our Spiritual Development. They have a long way to go.

Each religion is right and wrong. God puts us on a journey here on earth where He thinks we need the most help to further advance in Heaven. We choose to come here and we need to learn all we can while here as there is no such thing as reincarnation. This belief is part of the lowest form of Spiritual Development as it aids in the "If I don't get it right this time, there'll always be another time" teaching, and that is wrong and actually part of Satan's teaching. On Judgement Day our bodies are reunited with our souls. If there was reincarnation, which body would our soul be united with?

I'd start with the religion you feel the closest to because that's probably where God is guiding you. Be careful not to heed the call of Society but listen to the call of your Conscience.

Wowzers! contradict yourself much?

You start by saying that god puts us where we need to be to further our spiritual development and you also add that no religion is right or wrong and then follow all of that up by stating that reincarnation is not real, reincarnation is a part of certain religions.

You've proven yourself as a 'basher'.

Seems you've a way to go to learn a bit of humility. Your attitude would be closer to what most people consider to be satan.

I shouldn't have been so smug about this, i know but at least i got the message across.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by followtheevidence

Originally posted by AllUrChips

Originally posted by followtheevidence

Originally posted by AllUrChips

Originally posted by followtheevidence
I find it puzzling that people will ask questions they're just dying to know but they appeal to second-hand sources vs the original source. Why not read Scripture for yourself?

Even if someone were to humor you and give you an answer, how could you be sure it is correct?

edit on 30-11-2011 by followtheevidence because: (no reason given)

I have read the scripture myself.
second line.

Did you read it with this question in mind?

No. I was raised with it, forced to church and found myself not believing once I was old enough to see for myself and make my own decisions. Trust me ive spent time in church. And it made me sick to see that out of an hour service, 45 minutes was singing and them collecting and begging for money. I know they do some good things, and
I know the church staff especially the pastor is well taken care of. Ive seen a few pastors houses trust me

Is this an honest inquiry on your part, or some sort of would-be polemic? There are hypocrites in the faith, yes understood but irrelevant to your question.

I believe the op asked ONE question. I did not create the thread for ME, I opened it to get the answers of you religious people, thats what I meant in the title. Also, I told you that ALL christians will try to turn this around and spit religious sounding rhetoric, but it never answers the question. PLEASE ANSWER the question I ASKED. I will take no questions about my faith as Ive already made it clear of my stance.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips

Originally posted by DrChuck

Originally posted by AllUrChips

Originally posted by DrChuck
reply to post by AllUrChips

You might as well ask a Red Sox or a Yankees fan which is the ultimate team.

I think religionj is slightly more important than baseball, just slighly.

I'm pointing out the redundancy of your question. Of course a Jew or a Christian thinks their religion is the right religion. Why would you even bother to ask them that?

Well because its kind of important to know if you will go to "heaven" when you die. If the christians say you must believe in jesus to get in, and jews dont , who is right. Im sure they both strive to get into heaven right? How is that redundant by the way?
n. pl. re·dun·dan·cies
1. The state of being redundant.
2. Something redundant or excessive; a superfluity.
3. Repetition of linguistic information inherent in the structure of a language, as singularity in the sentence It works.
4. Excessive wordiness or repetition in expression.

edit on 1-12-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

Do you know what a redundant question is? Its a question that answers itself. When you question a Jew or a Christian on whos religion is the right religion, what do you think that Jew or Christian will answer?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

I wish your name was AAnswer! Could you please answer the question. How can the jews get into heaven if they do not believe jesus died for their sins and was the son?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Raivan31

Wow! TWO pages so far and you are the ONLY one who has answered the question!!!!! I wish I could flag you, thanks for passing the reading comprehension test

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
reply to post by AQuestion

I wish your name was AAnswer! Could you please answer the question. How can the jews get into heaven if they do not believe jesus died for their sins and was the son?

Dear AllUrChips,

Please read what I wrote, I will try and simplify it to help. What does it mean to know Jesus, I explained it is not about a name, it is about knowing a heart, a heart of love that cares about others the same as it cares about itself, that is what it means to know Jesus. To know a person is not to know their name, heck, I know who Obama is; but, I would not say that I know him as a person. There is only one unforgivable sin, that is what it says in the New Testament, it is not a trick or a question on an exam, it is what is in your heart, your love for others and for the universe (God is all that is, has been and can be). It is not complicated and it is not a game, it is very simple. It is bigotry by people (atheists and those who claim to be believers) that would leave others behind because they didn't have special knowledge. Your question was answered, you refuse to hear what I said because you believe in bad christian doctrine, now perhaps you can tell us how you learned so much bad teaching.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
So I have a question for you christians or people of any religion(just figured mostly christians on here) that I even stumped a pastor with. Its not that hard of a question either. WHO is right? Which of your religions are right? The christians say that you must accept jesus christ as your lord and savior to go to heaven. Jesus is the SON of GOD according to christianity. Now, Jews dont believe that jesus was the son of god. Rather just a prophet. NOW, Im no expert, but if the jews are the "chosen" ones, and they actually LIVE in the "holy land", then who is right? Are the jews not going to heaven because they do not believe that jesus was the son and died for their sins? Are the christians wrong, and Yeshua(translated to joshua) is the son? And those are just the two main religions, thats doesnt even include muslims and allah! So that is my question, WHO IS RIGHT? Jews or christians.
edit on 30-11-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

I think you have asked a very good question ... this is what I think...

The Jews had a series of ceremonies that they say was given to them by a divine being through Moses.

They observed these ceremonies for 1500 years without really knowing what they meant...
...but all the priests, sanctuary and animal sacrifices were prophetic of what would happen to their Messiah...
...when He became a man and walked among them...
...when a priest named Caiaphas ordered His death as hundreds of priest before him had reheared it.

The laws and ceremonies also had the effect of keeping Israel genetically separate...
...because the Messiah was to be expressed through their uncorrupted humanity.

The only people who understood all this when it happened were later called Christians...
...and they soon spread over the world and formed into local groups...
...and eventually became so numerous that power structures took advantage of it.

All Christians knew the story but naturally local differences emerged...
...and where there are differences there is debate, discussion and disagreement.

As you know the busiest forums have the most controversial subjects... as differences were discussed the debate was kept alive...
...and so were the manuscript proof sources preserved and copied and distributed.

The end result of this is that the 3500+ groups that call themselves Christian plus their Judeo forbears...
...have kept bits of the story alive.

The purpose being that a small part of humanity may preserve the knowledge of a struggle...
...that involves interdimensional beings and a conflict that is beginning to re-emerge.

These inter-dimensional beings have been reinventing themselves in popular media as 'aliens'...
...and the biblical histories and Judeo/Christian people have kept the knowledge alive... that at least some of humanity is not caught out by the deception.

Your question: Who is right
My answer: All of them because each has played a minor role in a multi-millenium long play.
edit on 1/12/11 by troubleshooter because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/12/11 by troubleshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

WOW! You sound like a politican with all that jibber jaber while FAILING to answer the very short question. It requires a very short answer. Ill add you to the list of everybody else that cant answer the question.
Thanks anyways.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
reply to post by AQuestion

WOW! You sound like a politican with all that jibber jaber while FAILING to answer the very short question. It requires a very short answer. Ill add you to the list of everybody else that cant answer the question.
Thanks anyways.

LOL. Really, you couldn't understand my answer even when I simplified it? Perhaps nobody else will understand it; but, if they do then they will see how insincere you were. You want to set up a straw man with a yes or no answer when neither is correct. I gave you the correct answer with examples. Pat yourself on your back and remain ignorant of the answer; but, the answer does not change. Why attempt to create problems and conflict rather than learn together and bring greater understanding, why attempt to divide unless it is to conquer?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
reply to post by AQuestion

WOW! You sound like a politican with all that jibber jaber while FAILING to answer the very short question. It requires a very short answer. Ill add you to the list of everybody else that cant answer the question.
Thanks anyways.

All of them.

All have played a minor role.

Clear enough for you now?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:28 AM
In this case about the Jews vs Christians... Who is Right? Depends on who you ask. In reality... It's just a faith that a person has chosen to believe in. I believe in god, but the answer to this question is neither are right.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
So I have a question for you christians or people of any religion(just figured mostly christians on here) that I even stumped a pastor with. Its not that hard of a question either. WHO is right? Which of your religions are right? The christians say that you must accept jesus christ as your lord and savior to go to heaven. Jesus is the SON of GOD according to christianity. Now, Jews dont believe that jesus was the son of god. Rather just a prophet. NOW, Im no expert, but if the jews are the "chosen" ones, and they actually LIVE in the "holy land", then who is right? Are the jews not going to heaven because they do not believe that jesus was the son and died for their sins? Are the christians wrong, and Yeshua(translated to joshua) is the son? And those are just the two main religions, thats doesnt even include muslims and allah! So that is my question, WHO IS RIGHT? Jews or christians.
edit on 30-11-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

The reason you were able to stump that pastor with your question is because he, like most so-called preachers today, does not read his Bible. He may think he knows it, but he doesn't. Most preachers today only teach what they were taught, which is a sad misinterpretation of Scripture. The nation of Israel is not the chosen people of God. The Jewish people are no longer the chosen people of God. I could sit here and type out a whole bunch of Bible verses to prove it, but the following video has all of them in it. It explains how the Jewish people are no longer the chosen people of God, and it explains who today's Israel is. Please, watch it if you really want to know the answer to your question.
edit on 1-12-2011 by jeramie because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:31 AM
It was a simple question, why can't anyone answer it?
It wasn't "please spout a bunch of religious rhetoric"

I have no problem with the religious by the way but this question really doesn't have anything to do with religion as such.

OP: your a naughty boy/girl for asking such a loaded question btw

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:33 AM
The answer is really quite simple. It's called "Dispensational Grace"

In the book of Daniel (OT) it speaks of 70 weeks that God will deal with His people. BUT God did not want anyone to perish so He sent His only begotten Son Jesus (John 3;16) When Jesus died on the cross and resurrected 3 days later, it was for the remission of mans sin. ALL mankind. Jew and Gentile. This was the birth of Christianity which in its infancy really was Judaism with the only difference being that the Gentiles believed that Jesus was/is THE Christ. And thus was born the New Testament. But I digress...

This period of 70 "weeks of years" (an entirely different thread) stopped when the clock reached week 69. (Jesus crucifiction and resurrection.)

So the obvious question then is... WHAT ABOUT THE JEWS AND WEEK NUMBER 70?

That is what the "Apocalypse" (The Revelation) is all about... This is the week (of years) where God unleashes his wrath for mankinds wicked ways. At this point, the conversation can change depending on when you believe (if) the rapture occurs... When the rapture occurs, Jesus will take all that have accepted him as Lord and Savior and THEN will God once again deal divinely with His people Israel. (Armageddon)

ANYWAY, without getting into a full disertation, THAT is Gods plan for both Jew AND Gentile.

Originally posted by AllUrChips
So I have a question for you christians or people of any religion(just figured mostly christians on here) that I even stumped a pastor with. Its not that hard of a question either. WHO is right? Which of your religions are right? The christians say that you must accept jesus christ as your lord and savior to go to heaven. Jesus is the SON of GOD according to christianity. Now, Jews dont believe that jesus was the son of god. Rather just a prophet. NOW, Im no expert, but if the jews are the "chosen" ones, and they actually LIVE in the "holy land", then who is right? Are the jews not going to heaven because they do not believe that jesus was the son and died for their sins? Are the christians wrong, and Yeshua(translated to joshua) is the son? And those are just the two main religions, thats doesnt even include muslims and allah! So that is my question, WHO IS RIGHT? Jews or christians.
edit on 30-11-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by jeramie

Originally posted by AllUrChips
So I have a question for you christians or people of any religion(just figured mostly christians on here) that I even stumped a pastor with. Its not that hard of a question either. WHO is right? Which of your religions are right? The christians say that you must accept jesus christ as your lord and savior to go to heaven. Jesus is the SON of GOD according to christianity. Now, Jews dont believe that jesus was the son of god. Rather just a prophet. NOW, Im no expert, but if the jews are the "chosen" ones, and they actually LIVE in the "holy land", then who is right? Are the jews not going to heaven because they do not believe that jesus was the son and died for their sins? Are the christians wrong, and Yeshua(translated to joshua) is the son? And those are just the two main religions, thats doesnt even include muslims and allah! So that is my question, WHO IS RIGHT? Jews or christians.
edit on 30-11-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

The reason you were able to stump that pastor with your question is because he, like most so-called preachers today, does not read his Bible. He may think he knows it, but he doesn't. Most preachers today only teach what they were taught, which is a sad misinterpretation of Scripture. The nation of Israel is not the chosen people of God. The Jewish people are no longer the chosen people of God. I could sit here and type out a whole bunch of Bible verses to prove it, but the following video has all of them in it. It explains how the Jewish people are no longer the chosen people of God, and it explains who today's Israel is. Please, watch it if you really want to know the answer to your question.
edit on 1-12-2011 by jeramie because: (no reason given)

But Jews do not follow the bible so anything in it proves nothing to them.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by jeramie

Originally posted by AllUrChips
So I have a question for you christians or people of any religion(just figured mostly christians on here) that I even stumped a pastor with. Its not that hard of a question either. WHO is right? Which of your religions are right? The christians say that you must accept jesus christ as your lord and savior to go to heaven. Jesus is the SON of GOD according to christianity. Now, Jews dont believe that jesus was the son of god. Rather just a prophet. NOW, Im no expert, but if the jews are the "chosen" ones, and they actually LIVE in the "holy land", then who is right? Are the jews not going to heaven because they do not believe that jesus was the son and died for their sins? Are the christians wrong, and Yeshua(translated to joshua) is the son? And those are just the two main religions, thats doesnt even include muslims and allah! So that is my question, WHO IS RIGHT? Jews or christians.
edit on 30-11-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

The reason you were able to stump that pastor with your question is because he, like most so-called preachers today, does not read his Bible. He may think he knows it, but he doesn't. Most preachers today only teach what they were taught, which is a sad misinterpretation of Scripture. The nation of Israel is not the chosen people of God. The Jewish people are no longer the chosen people of God. I could sit here and type out a whole bunch of Bible verses to prove it, but the following video has all of them in it. It explains how the Jewish people are no longer the chosen people of God, and it explains who today's Israel is. Please, watch it if you really want to know the answer to your question.
edit on 1-12-2011 by jeramie because: (no reason given)
edit by]

Sorry to inform you that you are WRONG. God is NEVER wrong. you can MISQUOTE scripture and twist it to your hearts desire but the Jews ARE God's chosen people. As I have explained in some detail, God has a plan for ALL of us that NONE should parish but there are those that would twist His words to make THEIR point. Not trying to be rude here but God's Word is eternal. To accept your comment is to accept that God is fallible. Think about that extra DIV

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