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Why I'm Here

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posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 07:46 PM
I came, I saw, and I was disgusted.

This planet, these people, are beautiful, have so much to offer, and have so much potential. This beauty shines through, and some individuals have learned to thrive in the light of ease. However, there is so much struggle, unneccessary at that, and such a damning of the natural beauty and natural systems/cycles of this Earth.

This is changing, the "Cleansing" if you will is already, and has been, in full motion.

With that said, the reason why I am here is to reveal that much is possible, and that we ought not to judge one another with a feeling of malice or fear, but with a judgement of hope, and understanding. Our society, especially here in the US, is filth ridden with ways of thinking that are fully damning. We are taught to compete, not cooperate. We are taught to hate, to point out "reasons" as to why another is "Bad". These reasons, if you take a step back, are often spawned out of their own inability to find and be the beauty that is here, be the strength that is here and within. The "Reasons" are almost always frivilous in nature, and yet you will find individuals carry out with every day life embodying their negativity, fueled by supposed judgments that beg the question as to why?

Stop consuming, start thinking. Stop hating, begin beauty and strength. Stop competing, and start cooperating while doing your own very best. Start encouraging and stop projecting hopelessness.

Most important of all, start Believing

My entire life i have believed there is so much more, and I have been shown this, time and time again. The degree of the "signs" or as I like to refer to them, communications, have become so incredible, I have been accused of everything ranging between dangerous, to crazy, to being told that I am schizophrenic, when i try to disclose the experience or event. I will never stop this. Transparency to the highest possible degree, truth, is so important. instead we have all levels of society from husband and wife holding infidelity from each other, to our governments and inter-dimensional beings not coming clean.

The easiest way for me to explain these accusers away is a simple reference to my younger years. Growing up, I had and still have an immense fascination with the beyond, the things that are spherical in this "Flat" world. Whenever i would speak of things like space, etc. my sister would get extremely uncomfortable and have to leave the area, or forcibly ask me to stop talking.

The purpose of this site is to DENY IGNORANCE.

Those that do not even give a degree of creedance to my "overly fantastic" fairy tale stories and ideas, are doing one thing, they are making a choice.

edit on 23-11-2011 by xacto because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-11-2011 by xacto because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:29 AM
Well said.
And if you want to be part of a statement, join in the "Don't Buy Anything" campaign - I think its Nov. 27/28..

And welcome!

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