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OWS Has a Chance to Win More Support

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:08 PM
This is a move in the right direction for OWS. If more people within OWS would embrace going after the FED and our government rather than the 1% they would gain much more support from the general public. I know I would support it! Our problems begin with the government and the FED!

Going back to 2009, Americans strongly support auditing the Federal Reserve. This is one of the reasons Ron Paul became a prominent figure in presidential politics, because he is champion for ending federal corruption.


75 per cent of Americans support the Federal Reserve System being audited. 9 per cent of respondents oppose any effort to audit the nation’s central bank. 15 per cent are unsure.

The reason we have a disparity between the haves and the have-nots is not the fault of Wall Street or capitalism. Yes, Wall Street is corrupt but they are allowed to be corrupt because our government is out of control. Fixing the corruption starts with fixing our government. The sooner OWS targets the right enemy the sooner we can fix the problem.


The greatest obstacle to eliminating poverty in America is not Wall Street, it is government. A recently released, well-regarded report (Economic Freedom of the World: 2011 Annual Report) documents the positive relationship between economic freedom and a range of indicators of standard of living, including wealth, economic growth, longer life spans, better health care, lower poverty, civil and political liberties and so on. A strong economy is central to a nation's standard of living. And economic freedom is central to a strong economy. And limited government is central to economic freedom. Therefore, limited government, not wealth redistribution, is central to a high standard of living and less poverty.

edit on 13-11-2011 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by seabag

Know who your real enemies are!


Although I don't completely agree with everything he is saying he has the right idea and is expressing the direction this movement needs to head! Hopefully the people reading this wont ignore his words like you see many in the crowd behind him doing.

End the Fed!

Take Back America!


posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by seabag

a right -wing economy has not shown itself capable of wealth distribution. as long as there are more workers than are needed there will be distribution problems. if the corporations were broken up there would be more distribution but less economy of scale. When is the last time you went in to your boss without a union and said,'you know productivity is way up everybody is doing a good job,can we have a raise". "Sure right away. Wait a minute I have to run that by the board. The stockholders may beef and the CEO want a couple million.
edit on 13-11-2011 by nottomorrow because: grammer

edit on 13-11-2011 by nottomorrow because: spelling

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:30 PM
USA is a democracy based upon Capitalism.

We know now today that Capitalism on its own, can never survive without the People's regulations, to ensure always a level playing field for ALL worldwide, or at least PROTECTIONISM if other nations do not play ball to FAIR trade, instead of those whom had reached the apex and with their power, wealth and influence to curtail others onto the TRUE path of Capitalism, where only competition is the true provider and inducer of circulated wealth within a society.

1% holding the wealth of 99% is unstainable, as current event had proven. We cannot have privatisation where wealth is kept private but losses socialised.

USA is INDEED a LAZY nation of late. Anyone who have $10,000 in disposable savings would rather 'invest' (gamble) on the stock market without realizing that while they may win, they too lose with those precious savings, unfortunately duped by banksters and Wall Street traders.

Should everyone does as those LAZY fools did, guess what would happen to manufacturing and services, where the REAL economy and REAL investments are needed?

We all will only be screwed big time, as is now happening.

And who are the ones, with their big funds, smooth talk and BS reassurances/insurances screwing us all big time? It aint the gov with their few thousand dollars a month salary, unable to buy even a BMW after years of slogging for the taxpayers and serving society, unless they sell out to any paying masters.

It's your friendly Corps and Banks.

It's gotta end today, with us, so that the innocent next generations can be free....

edit on 13-11-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:48 PM
OWS is the foundation of domestic terrorism. All who support it support the decline of this Nation. The People of the Occupy movement need to realize that what they are fighting for is the same thing they are fighting against; money.

They don't have it, others do. They want money that others earned, so they protest.

That is not right. If you want money, if you want power, you earn it. The way the Founding Fathers did. The way the "1%" did. Stop crying because mommy said you were special and prove that you have something to offer. I would rather live in a country run by greedy men than any number of Occupy protesters because those "greedy" men were SMART enough to position themselves into money and power.

The real Patriots of this Nation are those who serve their country, not by Protesting their failures, but by capitalizing on their successes.

Right idea, Occupy, wrong execution. Equality cannot be forced.

I do not support the Occupy movement.

I support the "1%".
I want to change the world. I want to see equality. I want to see a prosperous civilization. How will I do it? By protesting against Power, or by having Power?

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 05:22 PM
That video is from like week one of occupy. Ending the Federal Reserve has been popular in the movement since it began, many marches and protests have taken place outside of Federal Reserve buildings, especially here in Boston. The "1%" and the fed are pretty well linked IMO.

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