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Eve’s Apple

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:18 AM
Lol. Why is everyone making this so complicated?

Knowledge = greed. Greed is all about storing for more than mere needs. Storing for more than mere survival. It's all about storing wants for self gratification. Knowledge of want is the fruit of knowledge. Wants are gained through exploitation, robbery, of others to promote one's narcissistic desires, hedonism, unless the wants are distributed equally.

How to store for self gratification takes knowledge of money for such a mechanism to exist.

Root of all evil is a seed. Fruit is a pod that a seed/s is/are contained within that takes root and forms a tree. The tree represents the structure of a particular model of civilization, Babylon. A tree that takes, steals, from others so only a few will enjoy the majority of all wants available because the desire of wants is limitless. The tee of knowledge is the tree of wants. The tree that bears the fruit of greed, knowledge. The fruit is poisonous. It poisons civilization to a degree where it can no longer pursue a course to allow people to discover how to live forever, cast from the garden, death.

Greed does not promote new technology and spiritual values that saves and prolongs life, it slows and destroys it. The temptation in the garden of Eden was about Eve being tempted with the lie of believing the opposite. A lie many still believe is the truth.

All very simple & easy to understand.

Red or blue pill? Babylon or Solomon's Temple, the Temple of Yahweh?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by absolutely
reply to post by Infrasilent

what is amazing is to witness how far u directly despise the truth, u talk about anything as if it is random stupid reactions to something, giving u the opportunity to stand above it as conscious to correct whatever went wrong and create smthg different from

i cant understand how u r given to speak

I'm not sure I understand you at all. But I think you're probably a troll so that would make sense.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool
Lol. Why is everyone making this so complicated?

Knowledge = greed. Greed is all about storing for more than mere needs. Storing for more than mere survival. It's all about storing wants for self gratification. Knowledge of want is the fruit of knowledge. Wants are gained through exploitation, robbery, of others to promote one's narcissistic desires, hedonism, unless the wants are distributed equally.

How to store for self gratification takes knowledge of money for such a mechanism to exist.

Root of all evil is a seed. Fruit is a pod that a seed/s is/are contained within that takes root and forms a tree. The tree represents the structure of a particular model of civilization, Babylon. A tree that takes, steals, from others so only a few will enjoy the majority of all wants available because the desire of wants is limitless. The tee of knowledge is the tree of wants. The tree that bears the fruit of greed, knowledge. The fruit is poisonous. It poisons civilization to a degree where it can no longer pursue a course to allow people to discover how to live forever, cast from the garden, death.

Greed does not promote new technology and spiritual values that saves and prolongs life, it slows and destroys it. The temptation in the garden of Eden was about Eve being tempted with the lie of believing the opposite. A lie many still believe is the truth.

All very simple & easy to understand.

Red or blue pill? Babylon or Solomon's Temple, the Temple of Yahweh?

In a way that is what I was getting at earlier-- but I'm not sure the story really equates knowledge with greed. To me it's more about man's arrogance-- man's use of knowledge to replace the word and actions of God.

It sounds to me like the serpent in the story is the same serpent in Mayan and other mythologies, but in this case the storytellers see knowledge as a curse rather than a blessing.

To me it's the same story of human origin told from a different point of view.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Infrasilent

I use the term theology rather than mythology for starters. Calling other belief systems mythology is disrespectful in my opinion.

These may very well be universal themes found throughout different theologies. The serpent representing self love. Self love vs the love for others. This being good vs evil dynamic.

Without love for others empathy and compassion cannot exist. Without empathy and compassion civilization cannot function for any extended period of time as the lack of empathy and compassion result in inevitable revolution. Self love is greed, or an unbalanced feeling of self love out of proportion with the love for others.

The Tower of Babylon for example being representative of a civilization that imploded. This being the model of a civilization by all indications that imploded due to an extreme social divides between those who could access opportunity and those who were not allowed to. Same with the story of Exodus. These are just a few examples that lead us to understand a common Biblical theme where such a theme can be deducted and applied to the story of the Garden of Eden.

We can therefore reason that the Garden of Eden is a civilization model that allows for equal opportunity so that a majority can access wealth creation mechanisms, ownerships of land, property, and the rest who are physically, emotionally, and mentally unable to are taken care of by the majority. "Even wolves take care of their infirm" as they say.

Ownerships are important in all this. Owning one's own means of productions to access opportunity. The very definition of "the pursuit of happiness." The foundation of "positive liberty." Good. The evil in this equation being "negative liberties." Without equal access to opportunities, empathy and compassion you have Babylon. The destination of being cast out of the Garden of Eden. Where the cycle of falling empires will repeat itself time and again where future generations expect different results everything time they practice negative liberty, Babylon.

When there is a single poor man a single rich man cannot exist otherwise it is called Babylon. The system of concentrated wealth and legions of poor. The result of "knowing" how to concentrate wealth. The knowledge of greed. The opposite of the Garden of Eden.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

you have really weird minds, how a serpent could symbolize self love? mamamia wat ones must hear,

i remind u that a serpent as an animal particularity is first to attack others and insist on that act till total immobility of the other then leave

so actually wat u r saying is that it is good to kill others to some extend as representing love to oneself, but dont leave them miserable u must kill them, if misery u do to others then god is not happy and see it in wide view as babylon

serpent is in more relative image, is the animal that represent lowest self can b, always through lowest dimension floor reality, with rampant insects, even a rat seem higher since it jumps while snakes never, so how could that b used as a reference to self conscious? when self conscious cant b but of free dimension from knowing its free reality

u keep insisting on proving logics from ur wills of biblic words promises, which prove ur free means there being from powers despise to logics and mostly despise to rights and truth respect

rights are serious thing, not a toy easy to make by pretending a form of giving it bread

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by absolutely

The correlation is not weird, meaning different, it's academic. Narcissism is often considered an evil "negative" attribute in both religious and secular academic studies. Please consider that I described an unhealthy level of self love?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by absolutely
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

so actually wat u r saying is that it is good to kill others to some extend as representing love to oneself, but dont leave them miserable u must kill them, if misery u do to others then god is not happy and see it in wide view as babylon


Where, how did you assess that from what I wrote?

Never mind, just let it go... The explanation I am sure would only serve to confuse me all the more.

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