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Phycic Prowess; Demonic Or Heavenly?

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posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 04:46 PM
Okay, frist off, i know there must be a lot of threads about this stuff here somewhere, but you know what? i don't care,, i'd rather start one and get fresh info then look at a half eaten piace of junk, use trice to many times already.
Okay, now with the topic;
Now, i've always thought that phycic powers where a gift, and that if you had one, you were blessed by god in some form or another. Buta few days ago, i came apone the fact that the Devil can give you gifts also!
Now along with this, i learned that the Devil is is able to do his evil deeds in a chruch!!! npow if you have any faith at all, you would think "But the chruch is a holy place!"
evadentally not anymore, it seems that the churches have eather been fouled, or the Devil has more power than we have any hope to comprehend.
Now, this is just a little theory, i don't want you guys to take this too serius, and go and burn chruchs, trying to cleans the evil and stuff, i just want some thoughs and openins.
along with phycic powers,what other powers could the devil, hypothetacly bestow apone a human, to convert them to his evil plan?
Give me all your thoughs and openins, please, i don't care if there dumb, or crazy, any idea is good in my book, now acting abone it is a differnt thing.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 04:50 PM
Neither! Good and evil are relative labels and do not have truth unto themselves. It's just the illusion of duality as well as an individual's unique perception.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 04:55 PM
well, every one knows that silly. *rolls eyes*
but i mean, if there is a god, what is good and evil in his eyes, if it has eyes*shivers*

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:00 PM
Phsycic powers are not a gift as i have learned from my research they are learned by strenghtening the mind or taking a lot of '___'.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:13 PM
i like your theory the best, that's what i used to think, but you gotta shift through all the dirt, and garbage, and stuff, but still, do you think that the devil might try to give you a power, any kind?

any one here see dogma? i loe that movie, and it has a very serius story.
anyway, in there, some one sold there soul to the devil to make home alone a good movie, do you think this could happen?

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:19 PM
I think if you look at it in the way of witchcraft, you could use your spells and 'powers' for evil things, as well as good things. You could call upon god to help your family member heal or call upon satan to cause harm unto someone you hate..

thats my 2 cents

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:21 PM
but couldn't you use the powers for good ither way, or for evil, ither way?

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:25 PM
what kind of psychic powers are we talking about here? everyone has a point. for example, i know when my kids are sick or in trouble even if i'm far away. and their father and i finish each others sentances and know what the other one is thinking pretty much all the time. but i can't look at any-old-body and read their thoughts. so, i guess i think psychic powers are good in the way i have them, because they make me closer to my family......or is that just womans' intuition?

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:31 PM
i think that that kind of telepathics would come from your level of love of some one, i csan read my friends thoughs from time to time.
we are talking about all phycic powers, none are off limit, pryo, kenitic, any thing!

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:34 PM
We all carry good and evil within us. It is up to us whether we choose to be good or evil. That's when you use your conscience.
If the devil (evil) is in a church it's because the members are chooseing to be evil.
As one of the posts mentions above psychic powers can be made stronger by strengthening the mind. I think it's a natural gift that pretty much everyone has to some extent.
Therefore psychic powers are not good or evil. But they can be used just like any of your other talents for one or the other.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:39 PM

Neither! Good and evil are relative labels and do not have truth unto themselves. It's just the illusion of duality as well as an individual's unique perception

Exactly. Well said. Unless humanity as can surmise a universaly accepted definition of good and evil, it remains relative to ones perception.


Well, from my definition of good (ousting Bush and his cadres, lol ), I would use it for that purpose. lol.


posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:40 PM
instead of good and about it depends on if you use those powers to do mean things or nice things.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 05:46 PM
mean things, nice things....ok

The problem with useing psychic gifts for "mean things" is that it usually comes back on you.
You know..."what come around goes around". Karma and all that...
Or at least thats what I believe.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:05 PM
okay, so what kind of powers do you guys know of, i only know of a few, clarvoance, kinitc, pryo, and telekinisis

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by EvilLink

uhhhhhhhhhhhh....i think that the
is not the won who gives us gifts i mean do you think the devil grants peoples wishes and stuffffff

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by EvilLink

uhhhhhhhhhhhh....i think that the
is not the won who gives us gifts i mean do you think the devil grants peoples wishes and stuffffff

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 07:44 AM
Holy crap do you people think good or evil is a game? Pick a side, see how far you get untill you die.

Life is not a game, Life is this living as you were born into whatever exstince was choosen or you choose. EVERYONE has some phycic powers wheather they denie the exstince of the holy lord or the dark lord. You could go through you whole life never knowing but doing and getting it right the first time.
Ever heard the saying, Some people are born with greatness others have greatness thrusted upon them. Thats basically how you could define pyhcic prowless. Of course all of which I have said is a mere simplified summary of the Truth. And this is not an opinion its based off personal experience. If anyone is curious feel free to e-mail me, as for those who like to taunt well Karma will come for you if you are driven by ill means.

[edit on 12-28-2008 by William One Sac]

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 11:30 AM
Can you plz stfu, the devil isn't real there's no such thing, churches aren't houses of god nor houses of the devil, predictable humans like to say you go to hell just cause you "don't go to church" ppl that say that jus want power and other dumbasses jus believe it, god is hardly real he's jus all good energy like happiness and love heaven is a place u go to jus to chill after you die then you come back down here to learn more lessons, we are ALL phycic you dumbass you ppl jus don't know how to use it, I do, I'm phycic, I can talk to my spirit guide, see #, and what not and I'm pretty sure I dnt help the #ing devil out you could too if you had a open mind abt it all you have to do is listen, so don't go accusing phycics over dumb# like that the devil isn't even real hell is but its just a state of mind you go there if you want you choose where you go some people go there because they feel they didn't do what they were supposed to do in life, wich is learn your lessons, we expierence hate, anger, envy, jealousy, and all he negative emotions because all you DO feel in heaven is love, that's why they call angels "mean" becos they don't understand how we feel and what we go through like pain sadness depression and what not they don't understand that. Hell isn't something that you go to cause you were "bad" I mean "god" sends you to hell cos you "did something wrong" ohplease, I can get more love from a dog than that. Everyone makes mistakes and if god calls something "sins" then we'd all be in hell cos he's jus asking for us to be perfect? No1 can every1 has there problems and struggles in life, if you don't than you wouldn't be alive, dnt call phycics devils or w.e. Cos were all phycics once again you ppl jus dnt noe how to use it and sorry if that sounded threatning or w.e. That jus really offended me cos I'm phycic full blown and it annoyed me

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 11:50 AM
Since there are no human beings in this world who wield supernatural powers, anyone displaying such powers in this time and age would be evil. I bet a lot of people would get heart attacks or go crazy and commit suicide upon witnessing something they can't explain or comprehend.

But if everyone had supernatural powers from birth, then it would be a different picture and the powers themselves would not inherently be evil, then it would just depend what you do with it.

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by phantompatriot
Phsycic powers are not a gift as i have learned from my research they are learned by strenghtening the mind or taking a lot of '___'.

Not at all. You can build and strengthen your psychic ability through the use of meditation. It is a normal ability that everyone has, if they know how to tap into it. As for them being good or evil? It`s all in how you use them. No different then anything you do in life, it`s up to each person.

Some people look at it as a gift. The real gift is, being able to tap this natural process and using it in a good way.

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