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Billions of dollars moved in bank transfer demonstrations

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posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

But I will admit, good for the people who moved their money out of the big banks. Better yet, people should get their debts paid off while this phony economy still has some steam left.

Good idea.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:43 AM
Hmm.. This reminds me of something very similar to what happened in the early 20th century... Something about people withdrawing all of their money from banks and then all of our financial institutions failing and causing all but hyper-inflation to occur..

What was that called..?

Oh yea, the Great Depression.

But the US never learns anything from their past mistakes, ever, unless it happens in their own lifetime.

Kinda like how we treat muslims in this country the same way he treated all Japanese people during WW2 or all Russians during the red scare.

Well, it's not happening to you, so why care, right?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:54 AM
And this is just the beginning, expect more money to be taken out.

These fools are going down!

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 12:33 AM
Ouch ! , Thats has got to hurt 4.5 billion, and its not over yet.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

I really think some of these bank will go down, I really do.

My experience with a big bank in college was very educational, eye opening, and jaw dropping. These big banks carry some very large debt ( bad paper ) because of bad investment decisions they made on there part. Most of that bad paper is from the EU and other countries. I could not believe these stupid investments. My first thought was the management must have been drunk at that power lunch. . So who will pay for that ? A= There customers. Were talking multi-billions of dollars and that was way before wall street crashed. There will be no return for some of these big banks this is the end. I should have never signed those agreements, that way I could tell you guys the real bad decisions they made in detail.

I can say , that these all these big banks BA, Citbank. Wellfargo, etc. they really do rely heavily on customer deposits. It's what gets them out of trouble most of the time due to there bad bank investment decisions. First order of business always was increase bank deposits get new customers. more so during a crises.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:56 AM
Bank of America will get their money one way or another with fees somewhere.
Good to see people getting noticed.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:57 AM
Anyone notice the Dow Jones dropped 389 point in trading. They blame Italy.

As I said before in a post above, your money goes to the EU in the form of investments good and bad. ( mostly bad) Working for these guys in my college days you learn allot on how not to put your money in a Big Bank. I'm sure America width-drawing 4.5 billion from it;s banks didn't help .So now Morgan Stanley , Goldman Sachs are saying Italy is to big to bail out. The real story might be is they lost 4.5 billion to lend them ('

I was not stretching the truth when I told you guys in was in the billions. This was going on way long before wall street crashed in 2008. There are more banks than Morgan and Goldman that are in the same frying pan. All that happened is Americans sped up the process a little faster and hit the banks blind sided. Theirs more to come . It your money get out while you can form the big banks. Don' let the FDIC pay you either, you will get only 15 cents on the dollar if your lucky. The FDIC can only cover 20 percent of the insured.

Market drop 389 point ,Italy is to blame.

Morgan Stanley stock plunged 8 percent and Goldman Sachs 7 percent. In regulatory filings last week, Morgan Stanley reported it had $1.8 billion in liabilities related to Italy, and Goldman said it had $28 billion related to all of Europe.

edit on 10-11-2011 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

The more people here about this, the better. I wouldn't be surprised to see this number double in the next few months. Take into account they can loan out about 9 times that money and it really is going to start to hurt.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:51 PM

this question is a complete fail because private banks, commercial or community, do NOT print Federal Reserve Notes ... the Fed does and only the FR. shame on you for trying to muddy the waters.

This thread is about banks, not the Federal Reserve. You are the one who made the erroneous suggestion that banks can create money out of thin air, not me. Sorry, pal.

not really and certainly not like other businesses. Their "fraction" of an illusion is still an illusion.

Nonsense. Receivables are Assets in any business by traditional accounting standards. Real Estate is an Asset. Machines such as ATM's are Assets. Stocks are Assets. Cash is an Asset. All of these Assets can be found on the Balance Sheet of any major name brand company, including banks. They are also Assets reported on the Balance Sheet of even small businesses.

You need to take a course in basic accounting if you don't understand what an Asset is. (And to think you have the audacity to lecture others regarding banking matters. Give me a break.)

what is comical is to suggest "money / Fed Reserve Note" has ANY value whatsoever.

Again, more nonsense. Try to purchase a loaf of bread at the grocery store with a piece of silver, gold, or any other item of perceived value. In American society, you need legal tender - meaning dollars - in order to purchase goods or services. To suggest that somehow dollars have no value in our society is simply untrue.

and you expect anyone to take you seriously, really ???

Since you cannot provide any facts or logic or legitimate resources to back your claims, I will let the reader decide who to take seriously. I would garner you will again lose in this instance. Anyone familiar with basic accounting will realize that you have posted false and misleading information on this thread.

yep, that sure is a valuable resource regarding this topic

A news story about the Occupy Movement from a completely different thread unrelated to this one. Again, what does this have to do with the topic at hand? Funny how you choose to ignore facts and go on tangents.

No use in arguing with you. We can agree to disagree. I stand by my assertion that private banks most emphatically do not create money out of thin air, your ridiculous arguments notwithstanding. Until you can prove otherwise, and provide solid arguments and facts to the contrary, I rest my case.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Domo1

why are we only taking our cash out and putting it into the credit unions.
why not hurt them harder ?
lets see they gave out bad loans and bet against the people that they are here to serve
they stole most peoples retirement packages and their life's savings.
they pay us a pittance on our cash and in return they charge us and arm and leg in interest fees.
they continue to heap insane service charges on us.
and still all the corporate heads get their mega bonuses,perks and salaries.
and they are still somehow making billions a year while they steal from the poorest people -we the people.
and they do all of this with the WORLD`S GOVERNMENTAL CONSENT.
as the bankers claim that they don`t need any controls put on them .and the governments do what -NOTHING.
it is no wonder that the world and its people and governments are drowning in a sea of debt,all the while these madmen that we call bankers are rolling around in their vaults full of cash-op`s sorry it is imaginary cash-that they seem to have made magically appear out of thin air. C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-S-Y YOU SAY.
the funny thing about all of this the worlds debt is that it is all based on projected profit considering that they all lent out cash that does not exist in the real world.nor is it real property as the selling prices of homes are so inflated that it is out of this why do they keep buying these over priced homes ? stupid damn women that want that home and they don`t care what the cost is.
remember compound interest is 1 part loan add to it 2 parts interest = the price you pay them back.and you let them berate you into buying it for them.why don`t you all start saying asking $400,00.00 no $100,000.00 or just say NO.
outlaw compound interest,
force them to rewrite every loan and debt even credit cards.and that is just the debt owing not with any compound interest or them adding what they say they are going to lose it is just the amount of principle that you owe then you add 10% to the total and that is all that you owe .the same for the governments debt.
new world rate of interest is a flat rate of 10% no more compounding interest and the world moves ahead.

and the banks ,
well they lose nothing as this so called loss is in fact projected profit it is not a loss, until someone does not pay back.
cash in hand is profit ;when paid back
imaginary cash is just that imaginary and no one misses it as it was never real.
think on it

all of the worlds so called debt evaporates into thin air which by the way that is all it is and the world moves a giant step forward.
the worlds financial institutions have written to many bad checks and the worlds governments now need to step in and say this is the law of the world.
and this would give most nations the ability to get out of debt the same goes for the people.

bonds and debentures are not worth the paper they are written on as all that you are really buying is DEBT, not just your governments [government bonds] but business debt and the worlds debt which by the way nothing is being paid off as the evil of compounding interest makes sure that you can`t pay it back,ask your governments why our debts on all levels are growing like a wildfire in the bush and all they have to put it out is a bucket full of holes.and the worlds governments debt is in worst condition than what we the people owe .
governments are nothing more than mental midgets and morons who have no idea or understanding of the idea of credit and debt ,and they hold us responsible to pay back their SCREWUPS. --TAXES.

so cash everything in and take the hit now and then put those funds into the credit unions.
up here in Canada cash it all out especially the rrsp`s as they the tax man are taking out 1/2 of all of your after tax dollars that you put into them when you retire ,just ask my parents . it means that you are paying the tax man 50% + the original 30% to 35% tax that you already paid on your free and clear after tax dollars. and guess who is the tax collector on your rrsp cash ,SURPRISE - the banks take it right then and there -take out $3,000.00 and the bank instantly takes back $1,500.00 of your hard earned cash.
a simple rule of thumb.
IF THE BANKS OR THE GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU IT IS GOOD FOR YOU RUN AWAY -because the hell hound `s are about to devour you alive.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Domo1

as i understand the way the banking system works the bank with our cash in takes it and gets loans from a bigger bank and they get 10 times the amount they have in hand . then this bigger bank goes elsewhere and does the same on the ten times times 10 and so on. none of this cash is real .which means that for the original say 1,000.00 they now have in their hands 100 times the amount in hand or 99% of it is not real .
it is quit funny that the banks and the governments have passed laws that say they have the right to steal all of the peoples cash through their lies and false pretenses of having our best interests at heart . and all any of the heads of these financial thieves ever have to do is pay a fine .they stole billions off of the people and they can get away with it not only do they get away with it there is not fault or blame attached to them ,the nameless and faceless few.and the bank pays their fine out of our hard earned cash and all of these thieves get get away with it over and over and they get to collect all of their bonuses and perks. funny if we go in and rob their banks we go to jail for a long time
what ever happened to and justice for all?
the rich walk free.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Domo1

it is amazing 4.5 billion was removed by us but this is only a drop in the bucket.and what are the next 2 money grabbing HOLIDAYS coming up ,have you all got your debit cards ,credit cards and cash burning a hole in your pockets and wallets for how many months to pay them off or is it years at their minimum rate of repayment.
THANKSGIVING -pig out and feed the huge corporate giants of the food industry.
CHRISTMAS -how many hundreds or thousands are you all going to blow just to satisfy the big box stores and the toy industry ,Christmas used to be fairly cheap as we used to get 1 stocking ,a few toys ,and maybe a set of new clothes .a toboggan or sleigh. total cost maybe 30.00. now adays its a playstation ,cell phone ,ipad ,computer and all of these other big ticket items all so they can sit in the house and play games on the net or the big screen tv.
to think we went out doors and played tag,hopscotch,went fishing ,tobogganing ,skiing we made up our own fun and we never vegetated in front of the tubes.
interesting fact though the big retail giants are going to cut back on what they stock and the amount they stock will shrink drastically this year -their excuse is that they had to much left on the shelf last year after Christmas was over .
it is no wonder due to the us banks damn near collapsing the worlds economy. and the governmental lies of all is well is nothing more than wool being pulled over our eyes.
Canada is great at this the art of deception -they tell us only 1 million people are out of work ,funny 2 weeks ago they let it slip 1.5 million are out of work in Canada or 1.5 people don`t contribute to the tax base and 30 people do this is the percentage of just how bad it is out there . and there are no new jobs forth matter what lie their come up with as the BANKS don`t want to lend MONEY for BUSINESS as they are stretch way to thin to cover their proverbial asses.

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