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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 05:59 PM
I truly hope the father is charged and this entire episode goes to court. While it is in court the whole story may emerge. Some of the comments within this post suggest that there was a naked person, that a different person enters the room when the lighting changes.

Someone mentioned an adult video being taped, it was mentioned that the Child was stealing music from the internet and that is an offence.

Whatever is going on in this family home - with a supposedly educated and respected member of a community as the father - something is very very wrong.

In my, mostly unpleasant research, it is known that all forms of Child Abuse are not restricted to any one sector of society. It is a fact that Child Abuse occurs in the homes of educated people, people who hold positions of authority and people who actually administer the very laws that are supposed to protect Children.

No one is above the law but there are plenty of people who think they are above the law. Ask any psychopath or narcissist if they are guilty of anything - they will lie, cry and deny. Anyone who protects a Child Abuser is just as guilty as the abuser - in my opinion.

Much Peace...for all the abused Children waiting and hoping for just one person to help them...

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:04 PM
I am all for a little discipline. But sometimes parents do take it too far. This being a great example. I remember when I was young my father wouldn't spank me, he would slap me across the face. That got me in line pretty quick with my behavior.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
You folks are so contradictory it isn't even funny.

Here we are dropping bombs on nations and BLOWING THEIR KIDS TO BITS and you all want to freak out on a guy using a belt to whoop his child?

Get your priorities straight people...

Y'know...your series of replies to this are some of the most intelligent replies I've seen on here in a long time.
I've actually been on posting strike for a while, and you sir, have broken my streak (to the best of my knowledge.)
You're right.
Sure, it sucks that some kid is getting beat by their parents.
But at least it's the parents and not some stranger.
I guess.
Anywho, just because this can be found on the internet doesn't make it any of our business.
If this was such an issue, with this kid obviously smart enough to record the incident but not contact CPS or just...well...stupid.
(I'm not sure if that sentence made any real sense, but I'm assuming you get the gist of it.)
Yes, kids get beat every day.
(at least my mother had the good graces to use crippling emotional abuse instead of messing up my pretty face.)
No, it's not cool.
But...unless a kid's life is in danger, it's really not all that serious.
This kid, while slapped around and obviously hurt, was in no real life-threatening danger.
And yeah...why assult this guy's job because of anything other than how he does his job?
Sure, I'll bet he's a jerk (or maybe not...I don't know the guy so I can't make that call) but what does that have to do with his job?
Kids do stupid things that anger parents.
Parents take their anger out on their kids.
Kids get upset and try to ruin their parents' lives.
Rinse and repeat.
You bleeding hearts out there all think that this is something new?
Aren't there more important things to concern ourselves with?

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 12:33 AM
Children getting blown up by bombs is wrong.
Children being abused anywhere is wrong.

Both scenarios need to be addressed.
Both scenarios need to have charges.

Any harm to a Child is wrong.
Have a look at some of the people in positions of authority and try to convince yourself they are not guilty of Child Abuse. Any leader of any army, navy or military organisation that drops a bomb where Children will be harmed is guilty of Child Abuse. In the case of bombs and warfare the murder of innocents should be mandated as murder as well.

Trouble is the world is full of mind controlled sleeping souls who have yet to wake up and realise the reality.
The reality is it is 2011 and we still don not protect Children properly and sometimes not at all.

Much Peace every Child abused by an individual, a professional or an organisation...

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

The idea that a child being beaten by the person who is suppose to love and care for them no matter what, being not as bad as a child being beaten by a stranger just seems wrong to me.

I can't disagree with that statement, but it sucks to agree with. I'd rather see a kid get hit by a stranger on the street then by a parent on the street though, but a situation like this being recorded inside a home, a stranger would be worse.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 03:57 AM
Oh my god guys, she didn't even bleed. Chill out. Also, not sure if anyone follows the story, but she told her dad she was dropping out of college, and he told her he'd cut her off if she did. NOW, AFTER SEVEN YEARS, she releases the video. psh.
edit on 5-11-2011 by graphuto because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by graphuto

Psychological harm does not break the skin to allow blood loss.
Depth of thinking is necessary sometimes to evince depth of character.

Much Peace....

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 04:02 AM
"Psychological Harm."

Hogwash. If the girl had just laid on the bed and taken her licks for STEALING, it wouldn't have even gotten that "bad."

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by graphuto
"Psychological Harm."

Hogwash. If the girl had just laid on the bed and taken her licks for STEALING, it wouldn't have even gotten that "bad."

This is extreme abuse and extreme psychological abuse. That you don't understand this is very alarming. The people on here that don't understand this need some massive healing/counseling themselves.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
It doesn't matter really.

Its not your business what people do to their kids. None.
They created them, it's their call.

I agree the punishment is a bit over the top, and I personally do not use weapons when punishing my children. I do not hit the face or vulnerable organs either.

But I have kids of my own and I totally understand whats going on here.

Over the top? Yes for sure.

Our business? Nope not at all.

Why don't we go after this judge for corruption issues like how they imprison innocents just to keep the $$$ flowing or other actual crimes like that?

This is being torn out of context and it's just another way the Nazi Parent - Police can justify their agenda to strip parents of any rights and allow the government to control all of our parenting decisions.

In the USA a prison guard is not allowed to beat a convicted felon. This was sick -I think he turned the light off so you couldnt see that this was arousing him. Yes we have the right to "discipline" our children but we do not have the right to batter them-if he did that to a stranger he would be guilty of assault why should he be allowed to do that to his own flesh and blood

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Originally posted by graphuto
"Psychological Harm."

Hogwash. If the girl had just laid on the bed and taken her licks for STEALING, it wouldn't have even gotten that "bad."

This is extreme abuse and extreme psychological abuse. That you don't understand this is very alarming. The people on here that don't understand this need some massive healing/counseling themselves.

Simply your opinion.

That you don't understand that this wasn't abuse, and it would be insulting to call it abuse to someone who has ACTUALLY been abused, is very alarming. The people on here who don't understand this need a few blows to the face with a closed fist or some other such object to really put things into perspective.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

Whoah..I call time out. I f"I" had done this I pray the "court" would show the compassion you suggest.
This is a JUDGE. How many people has this bastard sent to jail, prison...fined? You see, some of us think if WE are subject to law, YOU should be as well? I personally would not be overly harsh with this man because I believe your legal justice system is a sham. It isn't legal nor just.....but excuse one of your criminals? Nope. Some of us don't like you who use violence to get your way, Or do we all just give you our money because we think you are doing such a great job?

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by graphuto

This guy was a JUDGE. How many people did he sell out that were better human beings than he?

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:12 AM
Double Standards are the Norm here in America...but citizens always deplore them. How many do you flaunt before we say that is one too many?

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:08 AM
i cannot hold my tounge any longer, i have read a lot of these posts and have some points to make,
i can tell who is from america, maybe if this kind of action was illegal in america they would not feel the need as a nation to physicaly abuse other nations
in the u.k. this man would be arrested for this, what he has done is deemed by the law and psycologists as abuse, children have rights
would any of the pro beating crowd be ok with being whipped or beaten for a parking ticket or traffic violation?,
violence begets violence, it was very violent, guide your child with hard earned respect and love not fear anger and beatings, what this man has done to his child is exactly what he should be protecting her from

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused

wonder how many here who are vociferously against any form of physical discipline, would have reacted to the father simply calling the cops and reporting his daughter for theft, to teach her a lesson. That would have probably indemnified him career-wise. I have seen a great variety of opinion from parents on here, from both those who have chosen, as is their right as a parent, to never strike their child, and from those who like myself have decided, which is equally my right as a parent, to use it. I rather doubt there is anyone in this discussion who honestly feels that abuse is a good thing.If you are one who does not believe in any physical discipline, I'd sincerely like to hear from you on what your reaction to that scenario would be, and why.

There's never an excuse to lay a hand on your child with the intent of inflicting pain. I would not have called the police because that punishment, in my opinion, does not fit the crime and the entirely outrageous and excessive fees involved with digital pirating are not fitting. After explaining the possible consequences of the child's actions that leave no room for interpretation, I would have done one or more of the following: 1) taken away the child's computer and internet for everything except supervised school work; 2) grounded them for a few weeks; 3) removed other must-haves of the child including video games, favorite items, phone privileges, what have you; 4) mandatory chores from the time homework was complete until bed; and 5) possible 2 hour earlier bedtime. Maybe even one more, due to the age of the child; 6) mandatory volunteering for public service for a period of time on weekends.

There are several ways to discipline your child without striking them. IMO, beatings, belt whippings, anything stronger than one or two swats on the behind with your hand, is just lazy parenting. Set rules and leave absolutely no question as to the consequences of their actions--don't threat, don't be wishy-washy. Be firm and stand by your words. If it's a two-parent household, both parents need to stand together and not downplay each other because as soon as one becomes soft, it's all over.

Thank you for replying CC. I too would not call the police on my own child. And the options you mentioned seem appropriate to me also. I would not handle it as the father in the video did. However I do not think it rises to the level of "abuse" either. The emotional outrage that this video has elicited in the general public, will be used by government to further intrude in our lives and homes though, I think. And that is how we lose our freedom....bite by tiny bite.....because The People have DEMANDED it!

Stay well.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
reply to post by Enderdog

I read your rightwing rant and agree with a lot of it; but if you are afraid of more government intrusion into peoples personal are getting to the party a little late, don't you think?

Now who wants a nice hot bowl of the "patriot act"?

Exactly. But, I've always been at this party. The same kind of emotional public outrage was used to get the Patriot Act put in too. People keep falling for it though. So maybe TPTB are correct in their assumptions about The Sheeple.

Stay well.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by NuminousCosmos

It is if the person doing the beating is getting turned on sexually by it and he appeared to be-I was beaten myself as a child -it was humiliating and traumatic and I still flinch when anyone touches -Ive never struck my daughter who is an honor student now-

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 09:10 AM
In the court of his own house, the judge has some discretion over the creation of the punishment that would fit the crime. Striking a child in this manner is horrid.IT is not justified and it compels me to wonder just what thrill he gets from doing it. There must be a hundred ways to modify the child's behavior without inflicting physical damage. AND-- if the child is NOT capable of modifying her behavior by inflicting physical pain, then his punishment of her is ONLY abuse, nothing more. This may be how he, himself, was raised, but he is surely intelligent enough to break this chain (unless he does not want to). God bless this girl.
This judge needs to be removed from the bench at least long enough to fix the part of his so-called thinking that is broken. This treatment is wrong on every level.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:13 AM
It was said he would not be charged and the statuet of limitations has passed
therefore no charges will be brought against him.

-And overall the beating was so bad because she would not listen,
she was told to turn over and she defied him. If she would have turned
over it would not have been as bad.

-PS- She illegally downloaded games and music into their computer,
and her father is a judge. How do you think that looks?

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