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All things Pagan. A Druid's guide.

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by karen61057

Note: Most Christians do not feel a need to protect their souls during prayer. Prayer is the same kind of opening to the ether as any pagan ritual. And Christians seem always to be plagued by demons !

The only reason Christians do not protect themselves with a Shield is because they are not taught to do that. They are only taught that the Symbol of the Cross is all powerful against Inferior Spirits, and this simply is not true. The Pentacle is actually the world's oldest Protection Symbol. The Pentacle is a pentgram within a circle, representing the interconnectedness of all things. The circle represents the wheel of life, the cycles of the seasons in endless procession, with no beginning and no end.
Symbolic meaning of the pentagram
For Christians who automatically think the Pentagram is a Symbol of Evil:

The Pentagram As A Christian Symbol Up until medieval times, the five points of the pentagram represented the five wounds of Christ on the Cross. It was a symbol of Christ the Saviour. This is in stark contrast to today where the pentagram is criticized by modern Fundamentalist Christians, as being a symbol of evil. The church eventually chose the cross as a more significant symbol for Christianity, and the use of the pentagram as a Christian symbol gradually ceased.
text source
It is a symbol which Solomon conceived once
To betoken holy truth, by its intrinsic right,
For it is a figure which has five points,
And each line overlaps and is locked with another;
And it is endless everywhere, and the English call it,
In all the land, I hear, the Endless Knot.

There are three things, (funny how that number "3" keeps popping up?) that Evil/Darkness/Inferiors cannot cross:
1. Salt. The Ancient Alchemical Symbol for Earth.
2. Iron. Iron is the very first "hardened metal produced my humans, it has been said that ETs/Angels gave this technology to Humanity.
3. Protective Symbols, such as the Pentagram, worn about the neck, as an ear ring, or a finger ring.I was gifted with a Sterling Silver Pentagram ring with I was initiated into the Craft.
4. Power Words. I am not about to post any, learn these on your own. There are words of power that will dispel anything that goes against you, but they must be used carefully. Remember, spoken words created all of this. I don't really think the name "Jesus" helps, it is not a real name of a person, but I would say the original name would have power if used properly.

My advice, if you wish to protect yourself, no matter who you are, or what your religion is, research this and learn for yourself how to form a protective shield about you, your home, and your car. Done properly, your car will be invisible to traffic cops, and will get your home every time. By the way, police are trained to fear the Pentagram, so put one on your rear bumper.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by cetaphobic
I just realized you only have a limited amount of time to edit an OP, so if we're doing a Pagan FAQ we should all work on it in here and then start a new thread for the finished product.

Yes, you are limited in time to edit, but there is a work-around for that, called linking. It's also the trick to get around the 5000 character post limit. No need to start a new thread, I'll keep it organized, promise. This is our henge now.

Why don't you post what you have so far, and I'm sure we'll be adding to it.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:58 AM
Interested to see what you come up with for the FAQ, if you need anything let me know. I hope to be of assistance where I can

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Druid42

Gaia was there before Jesus, and we simply need to tune in.

agreed completely.

Its just that, as far as i know, he was the first one to name? notice? speak of? Her. Carl Jung called Her the "collective unconscious".

and yes, i'd like to hear more of your thoughts on this....

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by karen61057

The words of power from long ago may no longer be pertinent in our world. It is our job to create new words of power that work for our modern minds. Our thought patterns are not the same.

Our task now is not to ask of the land but to give back to it. A polarity of the pagan path of old but still the same path.

i see my task as going where my feelings lead and i do not presume to know or be able to judge what your task is or is not, except in so far as it may aid or obstruct my own path.

legitimate conflict of interest is ok with me.. and is often how She makes decisions. I firmly believe that there are genuine elements that exist in opposition to my own, just as there are parts of my mind that are in opposition to other parts : this is ok and normal i think.

decisions always involve some kind of polarity.

i do not know what is right for Her. i only know what is right for me. Someday i'll really really feel that : tizz so difficult to watch humans act in obviously hurtful ways....

and agreed: translation of old knowledge/context in to our more modern framework would be helpfull, tho i do argue that, at least with regards to the Tarot, it has been continually updated, with the best ones building off of and expanding the previous iteration.

i also firmly believe that the actual rituals and objects involved in a magikal practice do not matter. What matters is the intent, the actions, and the connection one has to these rituals/objects.

-whatever works: works.

i like to see these various ways and try to find some meta-law/truth that runs through them all. I see a few already, but much more, i have yet to see, i think.

i give thanks that the path is so long and that the endpoints are illusionary.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by autowrench

My protection symbol is the very image used for my avatar. Commonly refered to as Metatron's Cube, it has been something that has always brought me peace and comfort.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Druid42

i'll b that third

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by MESSAGEFROMTHESTARS
All I was merely trying to attempt to do(and failed miserably, apparently) was open your eyes to a new way of comprehending the world in which surrounds us by not allowing the seclusion of any of what these works of history have to offer.

the problem is that many of these more modern western 'stories' (the bible et al.) is that they proclaim an exclusive tradition and specifically condemn those that do not adhere. They also tend to encourage expansion thru proselytizing, which basically amounts to imposing one's belief on another.

it is to this aspect that i react the most....and many others as well.

what many pagans do is offer information without imposing.

can u see the difference?
edit on 2-11-2011 by galactix because: italics edit

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone

Mother Earth, Gaia is a loving, generous, Soul.


and to me, She is also potentially the source of my death. She is just as likely to kill me. Not out of any malevolence, but merely because She is so much larger than we are: her physical stirrings (weather, volcano, earthquakes, etc) can kill many many humans if they don't look out....

as bellow, so above.

this is true of our own mind and neurons (comparing human mind to human neuron) as it is true of us to Her. I see living entities as parts of her mind, each contributing, but just as we do damage to small parts ourselves (for many reasons: branding? kills cells right?) for our own reasons, so does She: it is not really possible for me to fathom why, and someday i may stop trying.

i further believe that She is an emergent consciousness (still dreaming i think), just as we are, and that far from fully developed, She is changing just as we are, in part because we are.

and that there a more like Her out there....

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:02 PM
What is going on here. This thread is so derailed its not even funny and you older members know better.
This is "All Things Pagan, A Druids Guide" not a personal beliefs thread, not a how to use ATS functions thread, not a how do we put together a FAQs guide, Not a "All Things Pagan, A Wiccan Guide", not a Christian express you distaste thread. It was supposed to be an informative thread on Druidism.

If you want to talk about ATS functions use the U2Us or chat room or just look it up in the hundreds of threads telling how. If you want to talk about Wicca, start a "All Things Pagan, A Wiccan Guide. ETC. Thanks for taking an informative possibility and throwing out the window.

The discussion should have been, the difference between True historical Druidism and and Modern adaptations, the use of tools, chants, talismans, spells, history, definitions, etc THIS IS WHAT A GUIDE IS.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy now. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Now, please re-read the title. It does say All Things Pagan, right? See the apostrophe s after Druid? That means possession, as I was asked by another member to start this thread. That makes this my guide, that people are helping to write. Many have volunteered help already.

Originally posted by Agarta
What is going on here. This thread is so derailed its not even funny and you older members know better.
This is "All Things Pagan. A Druid's Guide." not a personal beliefs thread, not a how to use ATS functions thread, not a how do we put together a FAQs guide, Not a "All Things Pagan, A Wiccan Guide", not a Christian express you distaste thread. It was supposed to be an informative thread on Druidism.

Not really. The title does not say a guide to Druidism. That's only a small branch of Paganism.

The discussion should have been, the difference between True historical Druidism and and Modern adaptations, the use of tools, chants, talismans, spells, history, definitions, etc THIS IS WHAT A GUIDE IS.

Feel free to start that one, if you so choose, and I'll participate in it.

Now that that is cleared up, continue.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Druid42

You specified the topic by adding "Druidism". You specified the style by adding the word "Guide". If you wanted it to be simply all things pagan than you should not have added these two words.

You are a new member so you obviously do not know so I will tell you the original post is the precedence of the thread. If you stray from it you are derailing this is against the T&Cs. Just because you are the Original Poster does not change that and you can and have derailed the thread. You don't seem to understand that this thread can and may be deleted because of this fact causing the good information within it to be lost. Maybe it should be to help you to understand that threads are for gathering information into one spot, teaching and asking questions on specific topics. If you want to discuss Paganism in general don't specify a type then switch it up. the title should have been simply All Things Pagan.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Agarta
reply to post by Druid42

You specified the topic by adding "Druidism". You specified the style by adding the word "Guide". If you wanted it to be simply all things pagan than you should not have added these two words.

You are a new member so you obviously do not know so I will tell you the original post is the precedence of the thread. If you stray from it you are derailing this is against the T&Cs. Just because you are the Original Poster does not change that and you can and have derailed the thread. You don't seem to understand that this thread can and may be deleted because of this fact causing the good information within it to be lost. Maybe it should be to help you to understand that threads are for gathering information into one spot, teaching and asking questions on specific topics. If you want to discuss Paganism in general don't specify a type then switch it up. the title should have been simply All Things Pagan.

I've just cast a Prayer spell for Clarity, and Sensibility for you. I do hope you start your OWN thread, with YOUR guidelines, and stop interrupting our Merry Meet. Or, please show me your "official" thread police badge.

Bright Blessings,

edit on 2-11-2011 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

You know as well As I the guidelines are the T&Cs not the Original Poster with the exception of beginning a topic. Someone in the future may find this thread and expect it to be Druidic in discussion and leave it without the info because of the other topics and beliefs thrown in. It should have been simply titled "All Things Pagan" and left at that or remained on subject of Druids.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Agarta

Blessed be Agarta,
Please, please, just calm your mind.
When the beginning of the title states that it is about all things Pagan, it means "all", that includes Druidism, Wicca and all other Pagan religion.
While the second part states that Druid is the first author of this Guide and that others can contribute to this Guide, to help explain the Pagan religions to those that do not know.
Now once again, calm your mind please and bring no Negativity to this thread, please.


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Druid's is in the title, not Druidism. Please let me clarify by saying that it does NOT say "A guide to Druidism" in the title. It is a guide to all things Pagan, started by a druid.

Simple enough?

However, you may add any information you'd like about druidism, as that would be on topic, and very informative.

If you are still unhappy, please alert the mods, and have them review it. Being the seasoned member that you are, I'm sure you know how to do that.

I am not violating T&C's, and I have properly authored my thread, but of course, being a "new member", I may be wrong. Best to let the mods handle it, aye?

Peace, Agarta, and blessed be.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Thank you, Des and Khali.

Your ways are appeciated. Kind blessings to you both.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Druid42

First off, I would like to apologize for the "new member" comment. I am not sure what numbers I looked at when I stated that, as you and I joined 5 days apart. I would not have made that comment had I read it correctly. I apologize.

Second, Are you telling me that your intention for this thread was "A Druids Guide to All Things Pagan"(not saying this should have been the title. I am simply attempting to understand, as the title is obviously misleading)? As it reads, it is a heading of All Things Pagan and a sub heading of A Druids Guide. This tells me it is a guide for Druids, and why would a Druid need a guide to other beliefs?

Third, Nipple comments=off topic, How to use ATS functions= off topic, making a FAQs thread= off topic, as this should have been the FAQs thread in itself. I had friends, I recommended this thread to, not even finish it because they felt it strayed so far, so its not just me.

As I see it, with my deep studies into paganism over the last 25 years, this thread and what is being discussed is pseudo pagan beliefs for the new ager. I thought it would be a serious thread about the serious topic I guess I was wrong. Sorry for the interruption, continue on your "Merry way", but my knowledge and the knowledge of my very informed friends are lost to it.

Edit to say: My studies and practices are in no way limited to Druids alone. There is some very good information on Wicca that does come close and a few are spot on. I just wish it could have stayed on topic a lot better, it might have helped people. Maybe this conversation will help in that.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Druid42

As a reader and follower of this thread - but not having posted in it - I would like to add my comments to the discussion about its topics and direction.

I was very interested to learn more about the Druid history and practice as begun by the OP and subscribed to the thread as a result. As it was an area of personal interest, and some limited personal research years ago, I kept up with it for awhile.

But it can no longer be read as a body of work by those interested in learning more about the topic. Personally, I think this is a bit disrespectful to the original material and topic, one well worthy IMO of discussion.

I’m not sure this can be seen by the majority of the contributors - as it is now a hodge podge of so many different elements - and really seems much more to be a pagan community bulletin board with no effort to coherently share and educate on the original topic.

So my question is - what is the primary objective here? Share, educate, inform and discuss?
Or bulletin board for a cyber Merry Meet?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Agarta

I have a simple question for you. Have your deep studies of 25 years been studies, or an embracement of the lifestyle? Just curious.

I do fail to see your reluctance to share information, or participate in our conversation. If we are not being serious enough, then perhaps you and your friends can start a thread, and drop a link in here, so we can get a taste of what true knowledge is.

That is all I have to say for now.

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