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OP/ED: Toronto to Ban Pits... Could the ban be Spreading?!

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posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 09:46 PM
I will leave this thread now because I do not and will not, lose my cool on a public this breed is one of my passions, I have a hard time conversing with people that do not know what they are talking about, and people that are more willing to research the truth about aliens and UFOs than, then this topic, yet will continue to prove their ignorance on the subject.....the logo for this site is Deny Ignorance after all....

I'm outa here!

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 09:46 PM
$500 fine is an insult. The man should do five years for assault with a deadly weapon. Its your dog. You are responsible. If you don't have the mental capacity to have a dog like that then get rid of it. Be accountable. If you don't want to face the possibility of doing time then get rid of your dangerous weapon.

When I was a little kid. I'm thinking 5 years old I was jumped by a Collie and bitten once. I had 16 stitches. It was my fault. The dog was chained up but I ran through his yard and spooked him. I got bit once. Not because he didn't have the chance to but just because it wasn't his nature. Chances are he stood over me and thought wtf... I'm a dead pooch. LOL. If that were a Pit I could have been severly mauled or killed.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
I will leave this thread now because I do not and will not, lose my cool on a public this breed is one of my passions, I have a hard time conversing with people that do not know what they are talking about, and people that are more willing to research the truth about aliens and UFOs than, then this topic, yet will continue to prove their ignorance on the subject.....the logo for this site is Deny Ignorance after all....

I'm outa here!

Well as a letter carrier for 6 years you'll just have to take my credentials as they are. I can tell a biter in less than a second.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 09:58 PM
LadyV's response is an attempt to reduce the stature of the individuals and minimise the validity of their comments when they disagree with her stance on the topic. It helps to protect the ego from ideas that conflict with her own beliefs, so that she does not have to face the evidence of others, and instead stay comfortable in her own views..

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 09:59 PM
Hard facts to swallow for Pit lovers.

"A 1997 study of dog bite fatalities in the years 1979 through 1996 revealed that the following breeds had killed one or more persons: pit bulls, Rottweilers, German shepherds, huskies, Alaskan malamutes, Doberman pinschers, chows, Great Danes, St. Bernards and Akitas."

"Although pit bull mixes and Rottweillers are most likely to kill and seriously maim, fatal attacks since 1975 have been attributed to dogs from at least 30 breeds."


Ah... Fatalities...

Pit Bull -- 76
Rottweiler -- 44
German Shephard -- 27
Husky -- 21
Malamute -- 15
Wolf-Dog Hybrid -- 14
Mixed Breed -- 12
Chow-Chow -- 11
Doberman-Pinscher -- 9
Great Dane -- 8
St. Bernard -- 8


"The breeds most often involved in fatal attacks are Rottweilers and Pit bulls."


And there is just and endless stream of articles on Google about Pit Bull attacks. And everything you can find on them has them as the most dangerous dog. If not the most dangerous it is in the top 3 with the Rottweiler and Chow. But over the study period the Pit Bull was the runaway leader in fatal attacks.

The evidence speaks for itself.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
I will leave this thread now because I do not and will not, lose my cool on a public this breed is one of my passions, I have a hard time conversing with people that do not know what they are talking about, and people that are more willing to research the truth about aliens and UFOs than, then this topic, yet will continue to prove their ignorance on the subject.....the logo for this site is Deny Ignorance after all....

I'm outa here!

Just because not everyone in this thread thinks pitbulls are inherently 100% hypoallergenic fluffy balls of pure love that couldn't hurt anyone doesn't mean you have to say we're ignorant UFO freaks. Just maybe we've lived, observed, and seen things that are completely contrary to your view on the situation.


posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 10:46 PM
By the time we all live in peace and harmony, we will all be either living in padded cells and drive power wheels OR have to go to safty/rule school every 5 years for 2 months. Then again public schools should teach logic and teach people how to learn and not memorize.

Anything could be banned if people are not aware of the dangers. When people are buying a dog, they know they have to train it but they never ask them selves if they think they can or have the time to. When people buy a pit as a family dog they think its a cool dog or a protecter but they might forget about the training a dog like this needs and it becomes like a cell phone (walking/driving).

Banning something is the lazy way out for people who can't see the big picture, these sort of things need FAIR regulation. Just look at all the traffic laws made for just "cars". Just because some people don't know how to be safe does not mean we should all lose like some teachers do when one person some how screws it for the rest.

Smart dogs are unpredictable because they are not robots and do what they were taught all the time no matter what. Pure pit bulls could have evolved into powerful hunters because they knew where the prey would be because they had the brains for it, so you can't dismiss that they aren't smart.

Buckets should not be banned, the parents (with small children) who fill them with liquid and leave them out with no lid on should have to goto common sense school for 2 months.

I don't and never did own any dogs.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
LadyV's response is an attempt to reduce the stature of the individuals and minimise the validity of their comments when they disagree with her stance on the topic. It helps to protect the ego from ideas that conflict with her own beliefs, so that she does not have to face the evidence of others, and instead stay comfortable in her own views..

U2U that to her will ya
- I guess she may see it, but since she has "left" this threas you might want to let her know your comments...just a suggestion...

Here's my pit - His name is Dante - This is a rather old pic...He's aout 4 months older now...

I've trained my dog well - he doesn't bite, bark or jump - but if I play fight with a friend of mine, he'll get confused and then start to jump on my "attacker" and we cut it off before he does anything serious....

I let the same dog that attacks my friend give big wet sloppy kisses to 2 year olds when we walk threw the park and they want to pet him - given the parents okay it - but I don't let him off the leash in public places b/c I know people are afraid of them - When I go to the park with my Golden, people could care less if he's off the leash....

I think its an arrogant assumption to assume that banning pits is logical...They're banned in Miami, and that's exactly where I got my pit from

My breeders in Miami "know people" - not just anyone can take their pit to a vet and get it treated in Miami - but crackheads can fight them in the streets and get arressted for it?? # all that....if you got an issue with the dog, let the owner know and have them arrested - the dog will be put down, cuz a pit that fights isn't going to know how to do anything else....but everyone's all happy to see a pit like mine that will both protect you and play with your kids....

I say if you hate the dog and don't want them around, then do something real about it besides "banning" them, b/c any other actionis useless in all practical senses of creating results....

Me? I love my pit and so do all other people who have pits that are calm and loving animals....He may have the bitting force of an aligator, but I say it helps him to chew that dog food up so he can get his full size and intimidate ignorant people such as the ones who think all he knows is carnage and blood-lust - Have at it folks.....

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 11:25 PM
Awe cmon. Can't you at least block out parts of the pic? This is a family site

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Indy
. . . There are some degenerates living down the street from me (insert your stereotype of a junk pickup and gun rack here) that have a pit and these idiots let the dog run lose. My wife knows if that thing ever comes in my yard it will go to the big dog house in the sky. Which reminds me... I'm turning that animal in to animal control tomorrow.

Those people? Hell that's my neighbors!

Don't be passive with people. Trash love to intimidate folks- makes them feel more special.

When I lived in New Mexico I killed dogs (and other animals) for other people. It took a little getting used to until I saw my first little kid come home from the hospital after the family Chow had decided the kid needed some face surgery.

Hardest dog to kill was a Doberman. She was huge and fearless. I had owned her about a year when she started delighting in leaping on me and pinning me to the ground as she snarled at my face. Twice was it-

We went for a little walk- 7 shots! All hollow point- she was one tough b---- My pistole' had just jammed (S&W junk) and I was glad she dropped.

After the above 7 shot sweat I used a 410

I tried for heashots- more humane

Too bad, we used to hunt coyotes together and she was great. I replaced her with a female Afghan- now that was one fast mutt!

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 11:52 PM
Hollow tip? Now there is the ammo of choice for squirrel hunting

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Indy
Awe cmon. Can't you at least block out parts of the pic? This is a family site

Oooookay...out of respect for the inquisitive kids....

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 12:09 AM
LMFAO! Thanks :-) Now I can show this thread to my kids

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 12:09 AM
Hrm, if were on the topic of banning dogs, add Dalmations to that list. As a owner of both Pitbulls and a former Dalmation owner, I find Dalmations to be more dangerous than a Pitt. My Dalmation Zack had a memory, and every person that ever teased him when he was chained up or tried to hurt him got bitten, maybe not that day, but eventually he would wait, often years till he got his chance. My two Pitt puppies are total opposites, if I raise my voice because they have done something bad like chewing up something or peeing in the house, they both roll over on their backs almost immediately, or run for the room where they normally sleep.

As for dealing with the animals, it seems to be the law in my area that dogs that attack people are required to be put down, which I find completely reasonable in the case of dogs that attack someone. Even fines are acceptable, but I don't think its right to ban an entire breed. Of course those dead-set on it would never stand for anything but total extermination of the breed(s)

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 02:45 AM
Based on my own personal experiences, I've found that most pits will be civil while in the presence of their owners. It's when they run away or escape that they become truly dangerous. Also, unfixed pits tend to be the more aggressive anyway. Like many of you, I have had many bad encounters with pit bulls and find them to generally be dangerous creatures like many predators in the animal kingdom.

I can't imagine that the government would actually take pets away from anyone. They'd probably place a ban on new ownership. Those who own pits when the law is enacted would probably be able to keep theirs. Breeding them would become illegal as would possessing unregistered pit bulls (ownership would most likely require official paperwork). I don't think that this would infringe upon your rights any more than taking away the right to own any number of potentially dangerous animals.

I know that in my little corner of the world (Texas) and most likely other places, there is discussion of possibly making insurance a requirement for owning pit bulls. I think that's a fair compromise. It will insure that only serious owners would even bother and if the dog did attack anyone, then all expenses (and more) could be covered.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by PublicGadfly

When I lived in New Mexico I killed dogs (and other animals) for other people. It took a little getting used to until I saw my first little kid come home from the hospital after the family Chow had decided the kid needed some face surgery.

Hardest dog to kill was a Doberman. She was huge and fearless. I had owned her about a year when she started delighting in leaping on me and pinning me to the ground as she snarled at my face. Twice was it-

We went for a little walk- 7 shots! All hollow point- she was one tough b---- My pistole' had just jammed (S&W junk) and I was glad she dropped.

After the above 7 shot sweat I used a 410

I tried for heashots- more humane

Too bad, we used to hunt coyotes together and she was great. I replaced her with a female Afghan- now that was one fast mutt!

Please tell me you're joking.


posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 04:26 AM
A new tax on something thats suppose to be a freedom is wrong, its like taxing ALL people who own a honda civic or guns. Don't feed the govt law making trolls lol.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by XL5
A new tax on something thats suppose to be a freedom is wrong, its like taxing ALL people who own a honda civic or guns. Don't feed the govt law making trolls lol.

What, are you some socialistic Canadian or something?

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 04:36 AM
Pit Bulls have been banned here in the UK for some years now after one or two attacked some kids I believe.. Can't remember the details.

It's true it is down to how they are brought up, unfortunatly it tends to be (insert degrading word here) who often buy these dogs, though obviously not always the case.

I have seen some who are completely friendly and wouldn't hurt a fly.

I don't kow what the solution should be, maybe they should come under a category that has to be licensed...

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
maybe they should come under a category that has to be licensed...

That's a damn good idea.

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