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Opponents of Occupy Wall Street -- Since you know better, WHAT DO WE DO?

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Op. Good on you, I support you...

What these brainless idiots don't realize is that we are not a riot country. We have not had protests for 40 years in any way substantial. Just ignore these stupid fools who tell you to stop. You see, what you have there is a bunch of simpletons in your life that don't think THEY are worth #, don't think THEY are powerful, don't think THEY can make a difference....So what they do is pretend like they care about you, and project their own lack of self worth onto you...They try to stop you from doing what is right because they are weak...

Everything is not OK in USA, any retard knows that...and child knows that....any fool knows that....anyone pretending that your participation in a movement in its infancy is worthless...are worthless themselves....

One more thing, I am 42, very financially stable, have 4 kids in private school, and I support you. I know things are #ed up. I am not unemployed (180 degrees opposite of that.)

You are in the beginning of something big and important, at some point there will be representation, a collective voice, a purpose, a movement, and if yall can hang in there until that time comes...I promise you...all these stupid fools will jump on your bandwagon, because someone on TV will tell them to...

I also want to state that NO OLD FART deserves an opinion on this because their pathetic, lazy, stupid, sheep mentality allowed the government rape to us, you , and your children. So the fact that some stupid veteran war hawk has an opinion is was his complacency in this entire issue for 40 years that has allowed this to happen...

To me, the opinions of arm chair quarterbacks, and old fools whop played a part in creating this economic nightmare from their own stupidity, are irrevelant.

Keep fighting the good fight for all involved, brush off idiot is obvious you are in the right place at the right time. Do you really want to sit on your ass like your father (figuratively) and continue to let your kids get raped financially. Shame on your DAD!!!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I disagree with you 100%

Something has been done, and even you can not deny this. The protests are something.

What is debatable is the effect OWS is having.

But that is not the topic of this thread, this thread is for people such as yourself who disagree with the OWS protest to voice an alternate solution. How would you go about bringing change to a system that is, as you said, set up to fail?

Patiently awaiting your insight,

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:54 PM
The protestors are all talking, taking $hit from the police and need to meet force with force.

Revolutions are fought and won by bearing armys and you can talk all day long to the Mafia government and prostitues know as police and come away with a slap round the face or look at History and know blood will need to be spilled.

The USA keeps telling people they must reach a political settlement but is bombing the crap out of people so play by the same rules.

Sorry the OP did ask and i don't care if i'm standing alone with my views, they are what they are.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by MentalGiant

i agree with you. possibly because we are both fathers, we understand why this is happening to us, and what's gonna happen to our kids if we don't at least try..

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by xDeadcowx

i've been awaiting his insight since he off topic responded to my OP... i'd say don't hold your breath.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Master_007

although i don't agree with a violent revolution (yet) i do respect and understand your view point.

i say yet because last night was a serious wake up call for me. the police here are complete robots, and the only way to deal with them fighting on the wrong side of the battle is to either overload their systems, or unplug them..

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by FurvusRexCaeli

most people don't know that there are large information campaigns going on as a part of this movement. the big thing is trying to educate the people who come by and observe, or he spectators who were there last night. there was a 5 minute peoples mic directed at spectators last night as to WHY they should be angry.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Master_007

History will judge us.We cannot resort to violence.Rebellions dont have to be violent.The governments around the world are in trouble.You cant expect things to happen overnight.Look at Europe.Protests/Strikes have shut down entire countries.The protests are massive in Greece, Spain and Portugal.They really are ripe for rebellion.over there.It feels like everything will start over there.You have even have leaders calling the EU an 'economic prison'.Feels like a leader for the movement will emerge in Europe.The Indignados starting this whole thing in Spain and it will end in the United States and be global.It isnt time to make the apple fall yet but it will come soon enough.And we can do it peacefully. You sort of have to wait for things to get worse before some people will listen.Austerity may be the best thing governments ever gave us.Especially when they try to say its all our fault when it isnt.It is the systems that are in place,the systems they created that have failed.We can change things with elections and idea's not violence.We need to come together and welcome everyone.Including the 1%.Surley they dont want to suck the host dry.We need to convince them too.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

YOU are NO BETTER than a third world peasant. The difference is you live in a country that has allowed people to rise above being a peasant or worse.

That's what is really at stake here, our way of life, working hard to have a good life, you know all that American dream non-sense.

The best damn part is that the rift the left and the right is creating between people is all being played out by you and me and the Tea Party and OWS. They (government both sides no distinction) are sitting back and watching us all play right into their hands.

A few people (the same as usual) all big money players all public talking heads for the left or right but secretly (or not so much) in bed together are pulling the strings of a giant puppet show. With the sole purpose of sparking so much discontent so much disparity and hate between the classes that when they make the final play and unveil their vision for a new utopia (masking sweeping reforms of and invasions into all our lives) we will beg them for it.

It seems almost Hollywood. I'm finding it hard not to feel like we are being set up. I don't want this to be taken as an endorsement of a belief in an antichrist or some non-sense. . . But doesn't anyone else feel like this is part of the show where the "hero" with all the answers sweeps in seemingly perfect but secretly just another puppet... I swear I've seen this movie before . . .

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:24 PM
The OWS protesters are being used by the big international corporations.

It's all a lie. Read the book 1984

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by MentalGiant

I also want to state that NO OLD FART deserves an opinion on this because their pathetic, lazy, stupid, sheep mentality allowed the government to rape us, you , and your children. So the fact that some stupid veteran war hawk has an opinion is was his complacency in this entire issue for 40 years that has allowed this to happen...

To me, the opinions of arm chair quarterbacks, and old fools who played a part in creating this economic nightmare from their own stupidity, are irrelevant.

by far the best retort on this subject today..

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