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The last 12 years of New Speak: How the lexicon has become deception.

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:43 AM
New Speak:
n. : propagandistic language marked by euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings.

I would say, in conceiving the subject to this thread, I would say that we are not talking partisanship. I was considering at first the current administrations usage of New Speak and realized that under George W. Bush "The Defiler", that we had seen a few uses of New Speak.

I fear, though, that coming closer to the End Game, the reason New Speak has become more prevalent, and more sophisticated under the current administration of Obama "The Betrayer", we are being intentionally deceived, as it seems to me, on a daily basis.

Here are a few from "The Defiler":

Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act is a plague on the constitution. But it is given the tongue and cheek name of Patriot Act. Not that anyone (including the Congress) actually read the bill before signing it. Except the authors [see: Project for a New American Century, for authors].

Operation: Iraqi Freedom

The macabre and banal would be laughing at the gallows humor of such a title. Not only was the entire Iraq occupation based on lies by our President Bush "The Defiler", but the Iraqi people have obviously had nothing at all like freedom or liberty, the entire time we have been occupying (nigh, sullying their sovereignty) them.

The John Warner Defense Act

I don't know who on Earth this is supposed to defend. It particularly violates Posse Commitatus, and leaves the door open for the legal precedent to use the military on the streets of America

Now the newest New Speak terms (I'm sure there are more):

Double-dip recession

It's a called a depression. The only reason the current people in the three branches of government, the main stream media, and the globalist interests who direct all four and benefit directly from this (besides Ron Paul) aren't calling it that, is that they don't want American's to wake up too quick before the police state control grid is in place and the global bankers (globalists) have looted us blind.

Kenetic Action/Humanitarian Mission

It's called a war, and don't treat me and my fellow American's like idiots. Who do you think you are talking to? I was here for Bush "The Defiler". I know that bombing a country with our missiles is an act of war. Oh, you got NATO involved? NATO is a military group of nations made up by a majority share of American dollars and arms. Don't treat us like children. Children we are not.

Transportation Security Administration

They're called Gestapo. They ask you for your papers and they assume you are guilty until proven innocent. Plus, they don't make me more secure; they are a symptom of a virulent disease.

Quantitative Easing

It's called inflation, and when you jack more funny money (see: print paper dollars at the Federal Reserve) into a crippled economy with no real GDP, you get inflation.

Austerity Measures

To para-phrase Gerald Celente, it's taking your benefits, taxing your more and paying you less, and asking you to work more hours.

You try.

Just give the phrase, and then give it's real meaning underneath. I'm sure we can come up some more.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by franklin555

"Kinetic action"? For real? Is that a "thing" now? I... haven't heard that one. What a hoot.

Operation: Iraqi Freedom was originally "Operation: Iraqi Liberation. But even Gin Rummy thought that was playing the obvious card too much.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:04 AM
Yeah, that's what our government referred to the Operation: Odyssey Dawn, the Libyan war. By the way, I got see Les Mis a couple weeks ago, excellent!

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by franklin555

"Kinetic action"? For real? Is that a "thing" now? I... haven't heard that one. What a hoot.

Operation: Iraqi Freedom was originally "Operation: Iraqi Liberation. But even Gin Rummy thought that was playing the obvious card too much.


back in the 60's and 70's "liberating" something was a euphemism for theft

of course it was in the name of "the revolution"

i'd say you were right in that regard

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by franklin555

I remember watching the second Iraq invasion on CNN.. The Commentators called the operation "Preemptive Defense".

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:43 AM
There are other examples:

Department of Defense - actually attacking foreign countries
"spreading democracy" - actually attacking foreign countries
Homeland Security - Staging false flag attacks (and interesting to note, if you translate it to german you get literally "Staats Sicherheit" aka Stasi.

There is "change you can believe in" - which actually means Bush junior on speed.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:45 PM
If you look to the media as the OPFOR, you will be part of the controlled opposition. When you play the game, you lose, no matter what side you choose.

Black or Red buddy, place your money here, all bets are final and I promise the game is legit (it's legal I promise).

Please leave your soul at the door, welcome to American Imperialism. Turn on Fox News some more, mmm that war tastes good, gimme some more.

Turn on MSNBC, feeling sad for the countries you topple. Gotta pay them off, can't have people dying and not compensated.

Turn on RT and get the 'truth' as they see fit to disclose, when fit to disclose. Outraged every day? Well, welcome to the party. Black or Red sir, it's a hell of a game. Place your bets.

Watch some Alex Jones, and enjoy your daily dose of panic attack. No way he's alive today and still telling the truth! It's all a lie, help us before the collapse! Prepare yourselves, gather, hoard, buy guns people!

Turn off the TV, and it gets really quiet. No boogymen anymore, no internet to satsfy your impulse cravings. Nothing to buy now, or sell fast. You would think it would be boring, but you soon realize you're just as busy. Maybe get a little more sleep.

Turn off the radio, and you might hear the music all around you.

Turn off the lights and you might see the stars tonight.

Turn it all off and you're playing right into the hands of the power elite. Living like a happy little cave man in his happy little cell. Little boxes, little boxes, little boxes made of tickytacky.

You're a slave, stop resisting, the war was over before you were born. Place your bet, black or red, the game is legal, it's legit.


Global Financial Meltdown, Here I Come, It's gonna be a GREAT RIDE!

edit on 2011/10/24 by sbctinfantry because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:09 PM
"Affirmative action" has been around for 40 years but of course what it really is is persecution of whites.

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