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Can Satan read our minds??How about demons and other kinds of spirits?

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Minori
I have walked on the dark side of things. Satan and his demons are very real. Remember you can not have one with the other, there would be no understanding of "good" if you did not recognize "evil". Just like you would not not if something was bad until you tried it.


Your adopted opinion can also be described as viewing evil as it's own end, as it's own cause, which some undoubtedly take it as. Most subscribe to the view that evil is an imperfection in virtues, the low bar of mediocrity that is shamed against the actual attainment of a virtuous set of principles.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

I cant tell if you're trying to act philosophical or if you actually have no idea what you're talking about.

0.o I'm sorry.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Soulece

I'll go with philosophical

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

Okay right on. Just checking.

Do you critically think about this stuff then?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Soulece

Ya, but drop the insults unless you want more than sarcasm back!

We're not your scapegoat because we see or understand things another way.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

What I am saying is that I know both sides and in all ways. People can view the evil in any form they choose, the point is that it still exists, and it is very real. How people preceive evil is where the problem comes from. Sadly to say some would not notice it if it was staring them in their face and breathing down their back. The bad mojo sits heavy, very heavy.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:54 PM
So after reading through this thread, it seems to be that most people so far who do believe in the spirit world believe that spirits can read minds.....

Maybe I should invest in a lead helmet.

Your thoughts are your own!
Even if something could read your thoughts,
why would it matter what you think?

A silver tongue cannot persuade a golden heart.
Nothing has control over a humans actions,
thats what free will is.

Bottom line.

Interesting thread!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Northwarden
reply to post by Soulece

Ya, but drop the insults unless you want more than sarcasm back!

We're not your scapegoat because we see or understand things another way.

I am not insulting you in any way. And yes, we do see things a different way. You must open up to all possibilities. See were im going with that?

Just dont be bias is all im saying. Most bible thumpers are.. and I wont bunch you in that classification for arguments sake. But they think " only the bible is the answer!"

Thats just like picking a favorite team and fits under ATS's motto "Deny ignorance". But I am in no way saying the bible is a lie. Im just a critical thinker is all.

As for satan reading minds? How? Isnt he supposed to be in the abyss right now? I cant remember if that is now or if thats during revelations.

edit on 22-10-2011 by Soulece because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by Soulece
reply to post by Not Authorized

Firs off, yes you are religious.

Not in the traditional sense. Religion is man's way of reaching God. The Cross is God's way of reaching man. I don't use Man's way, therefore I am not "religious" in the way you imply.

Christ came to those dead in their sins. He never had anything good to say for the established "religion" of the day. In all cases "religion" interferes with God's purpose and that of the Cross. I follow Yeshua, and He has no need for religious establishments, nor religion.

Anyone who follows the good book down to detail is a christian. ...

I am a follower of the Way, born again by the Spirit of God. Second, I agree with religion comes blindness. Case in point, the Roman Catholic Church. I follow God and God only, and only thru his faith and word do I live. I do not follow any denominational churches, nor do I even attend them. The heresies of today's "religion" are exposed by the scripture alone.

Is it impossible that religion could have been tweeked from the tower of babel

There's nothing in the scripture about the Tower of Babel being center to one religion in the past.

The reason the scattering happened was there one world language, and one world speech, in which our ability to do evil would know no bounds.

In fact, men did not "call upon the name of the Lord", it's a well documented mistranslation which more accurately is stated as "profaned the name of the Lord", even before the flood.

Additionally Nimrod was a hunter of Men, being "mighty" before the Lord, or more accurately translated "in opposition to YHWH" and the first world dictator.

You must not have studied that hard to make such a claim, as clearly there were at least 2 "religions" at the time of the tower of Babel. Those that believed God's promise in Gen 3:15, and the those who rejected that promise and were profaning and in opposition of YHWH.

Also, you missed my previous posts in when the plan for redemption was already laid out in Genesis 3, well before the tower of Babel. Even if what you "say" is true, that plan for redemption was laid out before Adam and Eve set one foot into the cursed world negating your entire point.

Oh yes, I have read the bible. I know the game. I used to be a christian until I decided I do believe in a god but the stuff this book says sounds really.... really fishy.

1 John 2:19 - They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

You were never born again as defined by John. You're only proving my point that you followed religion and were thus religious but with no faith and never saved. I am saved, and have never followed religion, or have been religious.

People will wonder about God. Then people will put down THEIR own thoughts and claim things.

Then you did not study hard. If you can't find Yeshua on every page in the OT, you haven't even scratched the surface. It is only a half truth when you state people will wonder about God no matter what. Romans Chp 1 is a good place for you to start.

I came to my own conclusions realizing that the Bible is an interlinked message system, using the same idioms, puns, figures of speech, etc over 66 books, 44 authors, and a couple thousand years with one message - your redemption. Kind of a hard feat for man to accomplish such 'brain' washing.

He rests on heaven (the stars we see each night; space).

Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Sounds familiar.

The bible is one tangeant of the story. SOmetimes you need to think for yourself on these things if it really matters to you.

Then I accept your "title" with open arms. The one who says "you fool" is in greater danger of hellfire than I. See, the one in me, is greater than he (satan) who is in the world and this is not my residence.

I've spent years studying religion. I used to be an altar boy. I did all that jazz..

"Religion" strikes again, and you wonder why I don't consider myself religious.

And your bible is not the only answer. Its another piece to the puzzle. It's proved in Genesis with the tower of Babel. How it was broken off into different "languages".

See your misinterpretation of Babel above. Second, you argue with Christ on this one, not me. It was he who claimed He's the only way. Third your statement is more accurately "your Bible does not fit the answer I want, so I'll piece together the one I do".

Thank you for proving Isa 53:6:

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way;

The bible speaks in dualities. Learn up on that.

It does, and scripture interprets scripture. You should apply that sometime and see the integration written by the Holy Spirit thru men.
edit on 23-10-2011 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2011 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2011 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Northwarden
reply to post by Not Authorized

Third, Christianity is not a religion. It is a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. The one who delights in making and keeping his promises. Going to 'religion', is actually the opposite.

I appreciate your words and reading your post just there. I do want to point out this as questionable however, because Christianity certainly does qualify as a religion, and has been one since Paul and other apostles formed the original Nicean churches, and you know which churches were formed considering the many letters which were written them. I have no real contention otherwise. I wanted to point out that it would be disingenious to avoid calling Christianity a religion simply to avoid the label.

I agree with your statement, especially in regards to modern day "churches". However I define religion as such.

Religion: Man's way of attempting to reach a Holy God, on man's own grounds and works. Nearly every church today attempts to make some 'ruleset' based off the opinions of men on how to reach God (Isa 53:6).

The Way: God's way of resurrecting a dead man, so that he might live, using his rules and his only method -- and He does all the work.

This is why early believers said they followed The Way in the early "churches", a singular instance pointing directly to Christ and Christ alone. No "loyalty" to denominations, or centralized earthly authority, or even their local gathering place which really was what the "church was". It was about following Christ, and Christ alone.

The true Church are the people themselves, being a temple for the Spirit of God. Not a building, or gathering place.

Also, Christ was not religious, so how can I be if I am to truly be a Christlike one? They are mutually exclusive. If I am to take up my Cross and follow him, by default I too must NOT be religious.

The term "Christians", or "Christianity" today is corrupted to the point of correct hatred by the rest of the world. Nearly all Christians are certainly not "Christlike ones", and I'd venture to say most of them who claim they are, are NOT born again believers. You can tell who they are by their fruits, as going to church and being 'religious' do not save you.

If you want to use the secular definition, that's fine. But clearly, I have a much different definition of who is religious, and who is a born-again follower of The Way.

Hope that explains my view and to where my statement of not being religious stems from. Religion is an evil tool that interferes with God's plan.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by eeks4
Just wondering..I have heard that yes Satan can read our minds and no Satan cannot read our minds..Does or would anyone have any logical proof on this?? Is there anything in the bible about this??Thank you for your help

By your statement, you infer that you have some belief in satan and that he has some ability/authority to interfere in peoples lives. Since satan is a biblical name, I will lead you to biblical answers. I ran across this article and found it to be concise and it gives references. The author states in the article:

Jesus is in the synagogue on the Sabbath teaching when he encounters a man with an unclean spirit who says:

Mark 1:24 Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God.

As you can read this unclean spirit recognizes Jesus for who He really was and speaks directly to Him. It is very interesting to me that evil spirits knew who Jesus was, but the Jews did not. Did you notice what this spirit asks Jesus? This spirit asks Jesus “Did you come to destroy us”. Any spirit who could read minds would already know this fact and would not have to ask this basic of a question. Do you understand what I just said? It is very obvious to me that evil spirits cannot read the minds of men if they have to ask them questions to why they are here. You can clearly see this example repeated in Luke 4:

Link to article

The author does a good job of defining the mind and how it is protected from satan. I concur with the author and have found personally that satan is not able to read our mind nor have knowledge of our personal thoughts. He is, however, capable of knowing us like we might know a brother or sister. As a brother, I knew exactly how to push my sister's buttons to make her mad. I knew what to say to set her off, to make her cry, to cause her pain, and could use this knowledge to gain advantage over her. This is how satan works and he is very good at it.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Soulece

Which bible are you talking about??? What is in a name???? Who named these representations of the creator??? That is the tricky part my friend...with your theory you can not trust anyone. So in turn I say to yourself, the inner voice, the true and absolute connection to the divine. That little voice in your head that tells you " Don't do it, bad idea" , that is spirit, god whatever "name" you use communicating with you, keeping you on the right path, free will allows us to make the descion we do, right or wrong.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:41 AM
Satan who? Please explain...

Demons and other kinds of spirits...errr...that's a big question...

Forget about the 'reading your mind' about, manipulating thoughts?!


posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by jhill76

- They do have wings.

Not all angels have wings. Seraphim and cherubim do, and there are some that do not. Read the book of Genesis when God sends angels to Sodom to warn Lot about the impending destruction, the angel's he entertained had no wings. The word "angel" in hebrew means messenger, because that is all they are.

I was specifically describing guardian angels. Above does not call them angels. They are surely not just messengers. You are surely mistaken, if you think they just pass messages. By the way, they don't like to be called angels. That's a man coined term.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Not Authorized

The term "Christians", or "Christianity" today is corrupted to the point of correct hatred by the rest of the world. Nearly all Christians are certainly not "Christlike ones", and I'd venture to say most of them who claim they are, are NOT born again believers. You can tell who they are by their fruits, as going to church and being 'religious' do not save you.

Thank you for making this statement. I have been going to say this very thing. Today, the term Christian has been prostituted to mean anyone who has some form of belief in God or a god.

Early followers of Christ were called the followers of The Way - "and [Saul who became Paul] asked for letters from him to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, both men and women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem," (Acts 9:2).

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Gibborium

Originally posted by eeks4
Just wondering..I have heard that yes Satan can read our minds and no Satan cannot read our minds..Does or would anyone have any logical proof on this?? Is there anything in the bible about this??Thank you for your help

By your statement, you infer that you have some belief in satan and that he has some ability/authority to interfere in peoples lives. Since satan is a biblical name, I will lead you to biblical answers. I ran across this article and found it to be concise and it gives references. The author states in the article:

Good point, but to be fair Christianity states that Yeshua was also God in the flesh. Scripture is quite clear that only the Spirit of God knows God's thoughts, also that at this point in his ministry he had the Spirit of God indwelling in him.

1 Corinthians 2:11 For what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit of God.

Also Romans 11:34 states the same in a Rhetorical question.

The inability for demons to read Yeshua's mind actually might be round about way of proving Christ's deity without outright stating such. It wouldn't surprise me, as the NT is riddled with such 'hints' in case certain people wish to ignore John 1:1

I still think the real question should be if unsaved people (those without the spirit of God) can be possessed/minds read without them knowing.

John does state those who do not confess Yeshua has come in the flesh have the Spirit of AntiChrist. We also know that the Spirit of God is what searches our hearts and minds. If one is possessed with the Spirit of Antichrist, where does that information go?

Just food for thought.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by amaster
I would be more concerned with god reading your mind than the devil since he'll be the one to judge you. However, for the sake of this conversation, Ha-satan was an archangel charged by god to temp the will and strength of man's faith. So satans purpose, even before his supposed rebelion was to tempt man. Satan's only crime was that he took our side when god got angry at us for falling and for that, he was kicked out.

Satan MUST exist, because yin and yang : there is and must be free will for human beings ! so free will means CHOICE : Satan is the bad choice we make, or we choose for Christ and good behaviour .. but we are FREE to make the choices WE want !!
So Satan is the one presenting us the bad behaviour we can have ... but he is NOT the one who is doing the bad things, WE are ... !!
Christ is the One presenting the good things we can do, our choice anyway !!
Satan even did bother and try to influence Jesus' mind .... didn't work of course ....
The only thing I would like to understand better, is why Adam and Eva were pushed out of the garden of Eden, but the Satan could stay in there ... so when we will go back to that garden some day, he still will be there ??? .....
I hope WE then will have the power to push him out of there, power we didn't have at first time ...
but we, also as spirits, will always have FREE WILL ! so yes, we will always have the choice to do bad things ... so yes I think Satan will also be there forever to forge our free will, to continue to push us into this or that behaviour WE decide to have anyway ....

Satan can not read our minds, only God can. But as others did say : he sees us and knows us like we see and know a good friend .... by knowing us he can influence our behaviour, just like we can do with a good friend ...
come on let's drink another one and do some bad things ..... that kind of influence ...
interesting thread !
edit on 23-10-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by Not Authorized

I still think the real question should be if unsaved people (those without the spirit of God) can be possessed/minds read without them knowing.

In my dealings with the spirit world, I have experienced many things. I have dealt with those who are oppressed by other spirits, those that have been afflicted/inflicted, and those who have been possessed. In each of these areas, the level of manifestation can vary. Possession occurs very infrequently and only in extreme cases and only when one has opened their heart and invited the spirit into their hearts. Only in possession does the person lose their free will. The controlling spirit has the authority to do as he desires.

But as to being able to know the thoughts of the person, as far as I know, scripture is mute on this. I do know that God does put limits on the satan and his dominion. It might be that the mind is protected, because I do know through personal experience, of a man who was truly possessed was delivered and all the spirits were cast out. He had no will of his own while possessed. He could not control his speech, or actions, but his mind was intact and protected. He was aware the evil that was done through him, and he was fiercely tormented, but his mind was still there, observing and knowing. In his testimony, he stated that it felt like he had been pushed aside.

Of course, this doesn't answer the OP's question, but I am not sure we will actually know that answer until we receive our glorified bodies. And then, it just won't matter.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by Soulece
Just dont be bias is all im saying. Most bible thumpers are.. and I wont bunch you in that classification for arguments sake. But they think " only the bible is the answer!"

Thats just like picking a favorite team and fits under ATS's motto "Deny ignorance". But I am in no way saying the bible is a lie. Im just a critical thinker is all.

As for satan reading minds? How? Isnt he supposed to be in the abyss right now? I cant remember if that is now or if thats during revelations.

Except you are coming from your own personal bias. If you want to 'open up the minds' of us Bible thumpers, then do it using our scripture without violating our scripture. See, it's designed as a closed system self error detecting system spread across 66 books of bandwidth written by one author. If you want to 'break it', get into it and use the closed system.

Here's just a hint of what you are 'dealing with'. I could tear out John 1:1 and still prove through other scriptures that Christ was God in the flesh. I could tear out John 3:16, and still prove Christ is the only begotten son using the Psalms, Genesis, 1 Corinthians, etc. Or that born again is not a new concept and was in Jeremiah, Isaiah, the Psalms, and Ezekiel. And that is just the start.

See, the Bible interprets itself and has that message spread across all available bandwidth (which is exactly what you want to do if you're sending a message into an enemy territory).

More-so, just like most people who've never read the Bible (or had only a superficial reading), they always call the book of Revelation, "revelations".

Do you know what you tell me from this statement? You've either never read Revelation, or worse, you can't comprehend the first verse of Revelation. See, the first verse blatantly points out that the whole book is a singular revelation given to Yeshua, to shew unto his servants.

If you can't comprehend such simple plain language for a simple thing such as what the book is about, how is that going to re-enforce your argument that we are wrong biased ignorant bible thumpers? Yet, you come as an expert proclaiming we are wrong just because we believe the Bible. If you can't even get such a simple thing correct, what about the real meat of the scripture? Do you not see the irony of that? That my friend is demonstrable bias.

In addition, we were told quite bluntly by the Lord himself, and his Apostles this is exactly what would happen. When we see 'bible thumpers' or other statements for the like, it only encourages us and strengthens our faith.

You might have "Read" the bible, and might have gleamed a few concepts from random bible passages or passerby, but your post clearly shows you never studied it. That is where you fail to deny your own ignorance. Listen to teachers like Chuck Missler and his book of Daniel study and prove each and every one of his points wrong, and then get back to me.

We're "biased" only because you don't like the message it says.
edit on 23-10-2011 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2011 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Not Authorized

Exactly correct about Jesus and religion. You have discovered the very thing i have reading the bible, that from the very start this was all about him. The revelation i had was that Jesus is God in person because that is what the entire bible alludes to without coming out and saying it right in your face. I believe Jesus wanted us to come to that revelation on our own (Jesus never told the people to stop worshipping him when he healed the sick and raised the dead because it was for his glory). A few of us have realized it, but many reject the idea and call it heresy. There are many, many books and versus that tell us who he really is. The book of Isaiah has alot to say about Jesus. Jesus and Yahweh are one and the same, Jesus even said so himself which is why the pharisees had him crucified for blasphemy. There are many times when Jesus has said "I AM" when speaking and teaching his disciples, who later became the apostles after he returned to his glorified body.

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