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The Chore of Food...

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:02 PM
Is it just me or does the whole food thing sometimes seem like a boring repetitive chore?

I was doing some research online and the ancients believed that the gods of old lived and took their sustenance off 'ether' or some air-like substance of energy.

I was wondering if it was always meant to be that we took food from physical sources?
Was there an easier and more decent way than the current (often wasteful) method?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:04 PM
yeah. i hate food. i hate how much time you have to spend not only eating put purchasing/gathering it and preparing it.

but...without food...what would you eat when you got the munchies?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

I have thought about this before as well....eating and sleep.

Think if you had to fill up your car with gas as much as we have to fill up our bodies with one would buy one.

Eating one time a day I could see...and I'm sure we could survive on that...but I don't think our bodies would like that.

I don't know...I guess it's a good thing food taste good to us...well...most food anyway.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

I absolutely love food, I enjoy food preparation, cooking, eating and I could never say it is a chore unless I was eating food that is supermarket junk.

I do agree with you on the waste issues surrounding food production but as long as people continue to eat processed junk foods with additives, e numbers and gmo's in the mix, there will always be supermarkets that contribute greatly to food waste.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

and preparing it.

That's the best thing apart from eating it.
Seriously I love preparing my food. I can have whatever I want cos I know how to cook.
If you dont know how to cook, try it.

As for the OP, I would think that yes if you dont eat you die and it has been this way since well, forever.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by WatchRider
I was doing some research online and the ancients believed that the gods of old lived and took their sustenance off 'ether' or some air-like substance of energy.

I was wondering if it was always meant to be that we took food from physical sources?
Was there an easier and more decent way than the current (often wasteful) method?

There are people who believe that we can live from air, some have even tried it too.

UK: Scotland Woman 'starved herself to death'

Can people live on nothing but air?

All they need is air

Very dangerous ground to tread in my opinion but I guess it can be food for thought.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:23 PM
I used to only eat one meal a day and I was fine. For years. I met a man in his early 60's. He told me he eats dinner only, each and every day and has for the last 20 years. I would not recommend this for a child or super active person. He was slim but not emaciated looking. I maintained my weight of 125 for years, I was in my early 20's. Except when I was pregnant, that all changed. But I got back into it when my children were about 6 mos old each. Then I changed, got to going out with friends, preparing meals for my family, just eating more often. I havent' been able to stop the eating more often but I know that I could easily live healthy eating one meal a day....if I had to.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
yeah. i hate food. i hate how much time you have to spend not only eating put purchasing/gathering it and preparing it.

but...without food...what would you eat when you got the munchies?

you wouldn't get the munchies, you'd get the sniffles
ho ho ho

but yea. I really wish that the eating thing wasn't nessicary and if I ever find a way to seperate from it, ill be the first to persue it

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
There are people who believe that we can live from air, some have even tried it too.

UK: Scotland Woman 'starved herself to death'

Can people live on nothing but air?

All they need is air

Dangerous fakers preying on the public IMO - Breatharianism - none of htem have ever showed any actual ability to do as they claim under reliable scrutiny or surveillance.

Very dangerous ground to tread in my opinion but I guess it can be food for thought.

edit on 20-10-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:16 PM
Interesting point.

I find the burden of mastication to be somewhat of a chore and challenge sometimes myself.

Fortunately, I was raised on Government Cheese and canned "pasta" products. One one hand it's nice to know that I can function and subsist on simple, easy to prepare foodstuffs...but I've always wondered if I would do well on nothing more than protein/mineral shakes and Tasty Wheat...just for the efficiency of it all.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:30 PM
I know what you mean, thats why I gave up the whole "eating" malarkey. I now just photosynthesis.

2nd line

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 07:26 PM
This is something I've thought a lot about too.

The whole system for fueling the body is grossly inefficient. Plus, for carnivores, if you add up the amount of creatures who have to die to keep one carnivore alive it's disturbing.

I've been a 'snacker' for most of my adult life, even though I was brought up on three meals a day and no snacks in between.

It just felt more natural to eat when I felt like it- a little and often.

I'm comfortable now with two meals a day, plus any fruit I might feel like, but I never eat before mid-day and I hardly ever eat after 7pm.

I hate preparing food, too. It takes hours to get something ready that you'll wolf down in about five minutes and forget about within half an hour.

Yep, fueling a physical body is chore I could do without. And, looking around a supermarket these days I see barely anything that I actually recognise as real food. Doughnuts and fizzy drinks can look tempting, but when you consider what goes into them and the detrimental effect they can have on your body, it's just not worth the risk.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I do eat once a day...and oddly I am a big time enjoyer of food love the tastes and that but I normally only eat once a day.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:10 PM
The Natural State of Reality is Fullness. So it is not necessary to eat to feel full, but for nourishment of
the body.

Therefore, the natural state of the bodily being is Intense Life Fullness, or expansive bodily submission into the Radiant Bliss of the Universal and Divine Life-Power. Chronic emotional reactivity and self-consciousness are contraction of the Radiant Life-Power of the heart. The method of intentional surrender of emotional reactivity and self-consciousness leads toward emotionless self-forgetting-but emotionless self-forgetting is itself a form of contraction of the Radiant Life-Power of the heart. Therefore, noncontraction of the Radiant Life-Power of the heart is the only right disposition. Such noncontraction of the Radiant Life-Power of the heart is a matter of participation in the Ecstasy that precedes the withdrawal of love-since unlove is the essential and chronic disposition or sign that appears when there is contraction of the Radiant Life-Power of the heart. Therefore, the natural state of the heart is Love, or perfect permission of the heart in the Radiant Bliss of the Universal and Divine Life-Power. Love, Faith, and Fullness of Life are the right and natural disposition of Man. And, in any moment, if all three of these concessions do not characterize the individual in relation to the Infinite Process of Existence, then the destiny, the suffering, and the illusions of Narcissus confine him to what is not Real.

edit on 21-10-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:14 PM
I was in my local grocer this evening examining the small print list of 100 chemical ingredients in the factory bread, and I came across this startling word, 'Azodicarbonimide' and it's in all the factory bread ingredients. So soon as I got home I jumped on my computer, and found much more than even that, to worry about. It looks like the food PTB are not only trying to make a profit at the expense of human life and health, but it's as if they are deliberately trying to kill us.
I was discussing this with my Mom, and she asked, "Then what do"
That is a good question, I don't know. I said to her maybe they aren't human.

Why it’s scary: This chemical is used most frequently in the production of industrial foam plastic, and although the FDA has approved its use for food in the States, the United Kingdom has labeled it a potential cause of asthma. In a review of 47 studies on azodicarbonamide, the World Health Organization concluded that it probably does trigger asthmatic symptoms. The WHO concluded, “exposure levels should be reduced as much as possible.” I’ll put it more concisely: Avoid it.

And on this page, they show an Oct 17 ---food recall alert--- for bagged lettuce which I never heard about on the MSM (Unless I missed it, I do not pay much attention to the NWO propagandist MSM.)
The culprit once again, is that deadly Lysteria, found in the killer cantelopes.

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