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Why do people believe in redistrubution of wealth and more taxes for the rich?

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posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

Human nature being what it is, no country is pure or honest... In our past though we a nation, corrected ourselves in many key times, in very big ways...

The People just need to unite and decide what needs changed. Seriously. As long as the Tea Party and OWS are polarizing foes, divided we stay.

There is common ground, people just need to want to stand there...right now, no group out there represents *the will of the people*

So divided we are, and divided....we will fall.

It's getting down to a now or never thing
Then perhaps is is time that someone united the people in a common cause for change before America suffers a complete collapse from internal social decay.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by hudsonhawk69
Again what you say is true but if I am to upskill jow will I support my family if I'm not working. I would love the study unified field theory but that is not exactly something I can do by correspondence

Well unless you are hawkings I don't think it will pay the bills. Many though have a job and then have interests totally different than their job, but the job puts the meat on the table so to speak.

This is to everyone not just you...

If you are in a place you don't like, in a place that looks to be impossable to get out of, first you need to blame no one but yourself. Don't blame the Government, don't blame the rich, don't blame God.... Blame yourself.

The other half is don't expect or demand anyone to help you but yourself once again. You will get help, or opportunities, or dumb luck, or good timing. It happens every day all the time, but until you, and only you, create the situations for all this to happen it most likely will not.

Some got it easy in life, it seem that everything they do turns to gold, some seem to struggle every step of the way. Well if you got it easy then great, and if you got it hard then tough, that is life. Life has not been easy for me so I'm not the ass many might think, but if you tackle you problems with that attitude you will succeed.

There is no 1%ers or 99%ers there is only you. 99% of the crap everyone bitches about will never touch them personally, but they still bitch like it actually affects them daily.

I don't blame the government for my poor life choices but this is where you and I differ. If I can't afford to buy a car I can't get to work. If I buy a cheap car that is unsafe I get traffic tickets on my wat to work. I don't make enough money to repair my car. I can't get a job closer to home.
I understand that Traffic police and the traffic laws are designed to make travelling on our roads safer. The problem that the system causes is that the very people who are getting traffic fines for drining crappy old cars are the very [eople who can least afford to repair their car. Now they have a fine that they can't afford to pay as well.

The system doesn't work.

When one in four children in California now live below the poverty line.

The system isn't working.

When immigrants are going home to mexico because they get a better education and have better chances of geting a home loan.

Something is wrong.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by f4rwest
Has anyone subtracted the money these evil rich people use to employ people and pay their salaries every year? You either choose to start your own business, or you choose to work for someone's that simple. All you holier than thou idealists make my head up!

and how about we make the 50% of the united states population that don't pay taxes simply pay $50 a year.

It's only that simple if there are jobs to be had... Unemployment is very high and I don't have any money to start a business and why would I want to in this failing economic climate? That wouldn't be a safe investment on my part.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

That is a wise keep going... Can you move to where there are more jobs? Can you find a way to plan for a future business?

Think outside the box and you will be fine..just persevere!

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

I have no problem with those that have money! My problem is with those people that have so much money that it creates the power to manipulate the leadership role! You should be able to see how these men have lobbied our government to allow them to ship jobs overseas where there are no labor laws! Or how a group of wealthy individuals created the federal reserve in 1913 and right after that the IRS which are all private entities! Or how these men have grouped togeather to make or break the markets at their whim! So no i have nothing against the wealthy except where and when they conspire to control the markets of the world! I know how this all sounds to the ignorant rational individual but these few things I state are just the very tip of the top of the iceberg! I also have a problem with these rich men paying capital gains taxes which are just 15% and are paying less then as a percentage of most secrateries, school teachers, policemen and firemen! I have many problems with these men, way to many to state here! For one the definition of a capitalist is someone who makes money out of the toil of others! So these men do not produce anything but monies for themselves! Though i believe i'm getting off track! I believe in those that work hard should profit off their own sweat & not some capitalist or businessmen just because they have the position or funds to control the once free markets! I am not for taking the monies of those that have worked hard for it but on the same note there are not too many rich people that have worked hard to gain their wealth! I realize there are many people that don't understand our need to now have a world where all have a job, shelter, food and water, as well as choosing for themselves what should be a right of the individual! People need to understand that representitive government is a beast of a previous age and in an age where information can be transfered in the blink of a eye we no longer need a middle man to make choices for us!
We ahould be able to choose to grow our own food, produce our own electricity, trade our own goods without having to worry about the state taking a percentage to bailout a failing bank, to pay for a war in a foreign land, or pay some lazy addict to get high on someone elses hard earned monies! Though this will never be because so many have been fooled by a corrupted, lieing and dangerous agenda intent on having the masses being a subservient submissive!

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 02:35 PM
If they are mega rich they got that way from selling their goods to the people of the lower classes. Instead of lowering the prices of their goods to give the consumer a break, corporate greed sets in and they raise the cost. They have to keep up with their lifesyle they made for themselves. Look at NETFLIX, he shot his own foot by try ing to make a friend "mega rich" by giving him "Quikster".
Jobs that are in India, China and those other outsourced countries are making the goods at a cheaper cost, no college degree needed. Those companies that outsource say if they hire someone in the USA, individuals need a college degree. I guess that would be good grounds to pay for a cheaper product made in a sweatshop.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

That is a wise keep going... Can you move to where there are more jobs? Can you find a way to plan for a future business?

Think outside the box and you will be fine..just persevere!

I'm doing ok and that's great but let's not be led into believing that any man can better himself by hard work alone. Yes I have a job and a family and I may not have much but I don't go without. Others are not so fortunate. There are people living in my neighbourhood in poverty because our government and society has failed them. No amout of hard work on there part is likely to take them very far... They don't have the oppertunities that I do.
The same is true of my life. I am doing ok but without more money (which I don't have) I can do no better. I look around me and I see idiots and arseholes whom have become sucessful because the are good at politics or got a lucky break. Good for them, but most of them are not deserving of there positions because they are so outstanding at their jobs but because they are suck ups that cut costs and save money.
The company that I work for made more than 30 million dollars last year but they can't afford pay me more money? How does that work?
My parents taught me that if I work hard and I'm honest I will be sucessful. Well I'm not.
The only thing my hard work and honesty got me was used, abused and poor. I am trying to get into the management program at work. I've been trying for four years. I haven't even been able to get an interview because my manager won't support me. Why won't my manager support my application you ask? Because she is scared that I'm after her job.
She should be scared. I have an I.Q. of 140. Fat lot of good that's done me. Being intelligent has given me no more breaks than any other person in the neighbourhood. Wouldn't it be nice if I could reach my potential. I research theoretical science online in my spare time... As a hobby.
But getting back to the point if I am going to upskill and get a better job who will pay for my education? how will I support my family while I'm studying and not working? If I am to move how am I supposed to pay for that? I struggle to pay the bills from week to week. My wife works mon-fri and I work Fri-mon so we work opposites days. We might get a half hour of silence togeather after the kids go to bed. It's hard and it's not like the world that my parents grew up in.
My mom was a stay at home mom but that's not even close to being an option for my wife. My dad grew up in a time when hard work and honesty took you places in life, that is no longer true. I know many people the have university qualifications but the work in a gas station just like me. They can't get a better job either because the jobs are just not there. Jobs just arn't secure these days. There is no loyality in the work place. To my employer I am just a number on a peice of paper. This is not the fifties where my parents were looking down the track at a long happy and prosperous future. This is 2011 and I'm faced with global economic colapse. So yeah... I am pissed. am I whinging? Yeah I am a little And why shouldn't I? The generation that came before me made all there money and kept it to themselves. Then to top things corperations have ruined the world economy and I have NO future. There is no silver lining here. there is no happy ending. Our world is being destroyed hand over fist by money hungry corperations that control MOST of the worlds money and assets while so many live and die in poverty.

Reveloution is inevetible...

Perhaps if we spent more time talking and shareing rather than arguing and fighting we would be able to make more progress.

Things must change. I refuse to let the future of my children be stolen by big business pillaging and rapeing the earth. I refuse to stand by and do nothing when the very financial institutions that have brougt us to the very brink of finanical ruin... Walk away not only scott free but bailed out by MY tax money.


enough is enough.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

My dearest hope is the day never comes when you recall this thread and these comments...with a dazed look and feeling like a dumb ass...

I hope you are right.... Just don't believe you are. I am not basing my beliefs on anything other than history and what I see...

Most young people refuse to believe the cold war is back, (it never went away really, just underground for a few yrs) but the ones that remember it are looking at things with a raised brow. Globalism is not the answer...but I do believe it is going to be the outcome if OWS gets it's way... Should that happen, laws, regulations and rights would be dictated by some leader that quite likely might hate the US...

If they get what they are asking for, we are all screwed

Do you have a comprehension problem or are you brainwashed to death? Honest answer friend! After hours and hours of debate you still think OWS is "evil" because it is liberal and because it will force a communist world order?

We already have globalism. How can anyone not see this is absolutely incredible. You should not fear fantasies, you should feal reality. Let me tell you I fear a capitalist world dictatorship with 1,000 corporate ultra wealthy pricks dictating policy thinking they are totally above the law, should never pay taxes, and are too good to even tell someone hi.

These are the people who siphon the wealth up and up till the government runs out of tax money because people are laid off and have no income to declare. It is called money out of circulation. Here is the deal, don't give us any of your money, we don't need it. take it to your grave. Hopefully other billionares such warren buffet will chip in to recirculate the money and others will take notice. Not every rich man is a snoby, entitled, mean sob.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

That is a wise keep going... Can you move to where there are more jobs? Can you find a way to plan for a future business?

Think outside the box and you will be fine..just persevere!

Yeah........lets all move to make Cinaed happy!

Just another cop-out, one of many. At least in china they execute criminals just like that CEO who was putting melamine in babyfood.

WTF should anyone move? Do you call that freedom? Redistribution of money is necessary so that the government won't have to keep borrowing or start greatly deflating the value. Then cut all waste and make it efficient again.

If you don't like it then move to china. And no not everyone can be a businessman but at the same time the wages should be respectful enough so that people do not have to work 2 jobs or 1 job with lots of overtime just to exist.

This is common sense, but conservatives let greed get in the way!

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I did not imply anyone should leave the country. There ARE jobs out there.... I got one. I know lots of people finding jobs. If a person can't find work in the local they are in sometimes moving to where the jobs ARE is advisable.

Generations before us have done so without much grumbling....I dont see this generation as any more entitled or special that their ancestors...

But if you want to justify vigilante killing --you go right ahead. God forbid anyone vote with their feet or in otherwise be inconvenienced to make a buck


posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Cinaed
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I did not imply anyone should leave the country. There ARE jobs out there.... I got one. I know lots of people finding jobs. If a person can't find work in the local they are in sometimes moving to where the jobs ARE is advisable.

Generations before us have done so without much grumbling....I dont see this generation as any more entitled or special that their ancestors...

But if you want to justify vigilante killing --you go right ahead. God forbid anyone vote with their feet or in otherwise be inconvenienced to make a buck


AT the end of the day all this may not matter much... Coperate greed and power hungary egomaniacs are destroyong the enviroment at an alarming rate... I only hope that something is left over for my children.

To label The OWS movement as "a whining bunch of children" clearly points out your ignorance as to the many issues OWS has about the world we live in.

There is more than enough to go around... Why do so many live in poverty?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

The systems designed to suck you dry of all our pennies. You can rant and complain, or you can change everything that you do not like about yourself. Starting with the way you think.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

People live in poverty by choice.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by hudsonhawk69

You focus on the lack of what you do not have, and you create what you think about most of the time.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Jetman44

They made it rich from the people who CHOSE to purchase their products. Completely and utterly the choice of the individual who desired and intended to visit that store in person and live out their chosen experience.

The reason people keep on getting poorer is because a lot of you spend your residual income on clutter and junk. About 5% of the populace in the world know that by investing into assets will pull you out of your financial situation quicker. Did you know Stupidity is one of the most costly mistakes in any individuals life.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:25 AM

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