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Is Herman Cain the Anti-Christ?

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:48 AM


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:53 AM
No he is not.

If you are naive enough to believe in the existence of such a thing... Then YOU are the anti-Christ!!

A better question might be does he like green eggs and ham.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:53 AM

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:56 AM


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:00 AM

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:03 AM


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:04 AM


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:11 AM
I thought Obama was the anti-Christ, didn't I read this on another thread? IMO the anti-christ will not be a politician, I always pictured the anti-christ as a leader of people but not necessarily an elected one.

As for Te...77, you shouldn't judge people but their skin color. It sounds to me like you voted and supported Mr. Obama and are sorely disappointed in him. You shouldn't condemn a whole skin color because of one man.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:13 AM


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:17 AM
Ok - let's get past teo's obvious attempt to divert this thing and let's talk about why Herman Cain may or may not be the Anti-Christ.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:25 AM
Very intersting word play. I though the same thing with the whole 999 plan and the way he kept saying it over and over. Other than his whole 999 plan i know nothing of what this dude wants I just know he won't get my vote makes me think of Obama for some reason with false promises and lies. I also feel the same with with everyone running ATM not a single one worth the job all corporate @$$ kissers. Ron Paul sounds good but there is something in his eye's i don't trust either and most of the time my judgement on people are dead on. I don't see Cain winning this it will more likely be who steps forword in this occupy movement. Lets face it the whole movement can be easily hijacked since there is no real set goal or purpose besides the empty corruption bit. Its a good cause but i know someone will step forword and take the president spot off these protest and people will follow him/her blindly.
edit on 17-10-2011 by warsight because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Stratus9
Herman Cain fulfills the prophecy of the Anti Christ.

The name "Herman" is from Hari-Mann translated from the old Germanic 'Army Man' or 'Leader of the Army'.

In Greek and Jewish translations, "Cain" refers to the Son of Satan:

In the Greek New Testament, Cain is referred to as εκ του πονηρου.In at least one translation this is rendered "from the evil one", while others have "of the evil one." Some interpreters take this to mean that Cain was literally the son of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. In Jewish tradition, the serpent (Hebrew nahash נחש) from the Garden of Eden was father to firstborn Cain.

Herman Cain's full name means Leader of the Army of Satan.

Herman Cain's birthday is December 13, 1945. In 1945 Bricha ("flight"), an organization of former partisans and ghetto fighters, began smuggling Jewish holocaust survivors from Eastern Europe to Italy and from there on to Palestine. This was the beginning of the 'Birth Pangs' leading to the State of Israel and during which the Anti-Christ would be born.

Herman Cain's platform relies on his 999 tax plan. Inverted = 666. The 999 Tax Plan encompasses a Tax ID that all people will have to use as even the very poor will have to file papers. As American ideas tend to spread world-wide this may become the norm for the rest of the Earth.

For hundreds of years Alchemical doctors referred to the Liver as the 'seat of the mind'. Herman Cain had cancer that metastasized into his liver- normally a death blow. And miraculously, he survived it. (the deadly blow to the 'head' that is survived by the Anti-Christ'

He is to be given power to speak - or to address the multitudes- by the Satanic power on earth. Herman Cain is supported by the banking and industrial interests - Koch Brothers in particular whose father had been a consultant to Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler. These interests have been promoting Herman Cain since his political beginnings.

The only time Jesus advocated or committed violence in his life was when he literally beat the 'money changers' outside the Temple. The Money Changers of that day were the Bankers, and 'Investors' who were harming people by their usurious practices - and still are. Herman Cain was head of a state Federal Bank with ties to many banking institutions. Those same banking powers who are currently giving him 'power to speak'.

Cain's speaking ability is touted by many to have a 'miraculous' capability to turn people to his way of thinking.

Would not the act of flipping some numbers upside down (999 into 666) imply the opposite of post-flip numbers? I like Michelle Bachmann, but suggesting a flip was one of the most moronic things she has done thus far, and again I really like Michelle Bachmann.

Speaking of names, Stratus(9) has to do with the clouds, and I think that is where your head was when you came up with this theory.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by warsight

The 'Occupy' movement won't allow a 'leader' of any sort. They even declined to let a congressman speak to a rally as they did not want anyone in position of that high authority to be recognized as 'leading' them in any way. This is their 'infiltration prevention' plan: no leader, completely Democratic functioning where everyone has a vote. And the 'Occupy' movement is actually working against those same greedy, inhuman types that Jesus beat in the Temple. And as the Bible says "you will know them by their works." So people who are risking themselves to stand up to Jesus main enemy on earth are obviously not doing the work of the Devil.

So that leaves us with ostensibly voted for World Leaders, such as Herman Cain. I never said Cain was the Anti-Christ. I said "Is Herman Cain the Anti-Christ?" I just find it interesting that so many elements of his being fit the prophecy. I also find it funny how many one-liner knee-jerk reactions I have seen in response to the question.

As an aside, If you don't understand the 'Occupy' demands you must just be watching Major News only because they listed them some time ago and there isn't one American- left or right- that can argue with any of it. Unless you are a 1%'er or are working for them:

1. Pass a bill to reinstate Glass-Steagall, a safeguard separating banks' commercial lending and investment operations. "Its repeal in 1999 is considered the major cause of the global financial meltdown of 2008-09," the group states.

2. Repeal Bush-era tax cuts.

3. Prosecute "the Wall Street criminals who clearly broke the law and helped cause the 2008 financial crisis."

4. Overturn a 2010 Supreme Court decision that allows corporations "to contribute unlimited amounts of money to campaigns."

5. Pass the Warren Buffett rule on fair taxation, close corporate tax loopholes, prohibit hiding funds offshore.

6. Give the Securities and Exchange Commission stricter regulatory power, strengthen the Consumer Protection Bureau and help victims of predatory lending whose home loans have been foreclosed.

7. Take steps to limit the influence of lobbyists and eliminate the practice of lobbyists writing legislation.

8. Eliminate (the) right of former government regulators to work for corporations or industries they once regulated. Eliminate the right of any former corporate head to become a regulator of that same industry.

9. Eliminate corporate personhood.

10. Insist that the Federal Elections Commission "ensure that political candidates are given equal time for free at reasonable intervals during campaign season."

11. Pass the Fair Elections Now Act.

This is not a list of demands that Satan would work up.
However the 999/666 Tax Plan with it's federal tax id on all people seems more like a 'beastly' thing...Especially under the name "Mark of Cain".
edit on 17-10-2011 by Stratus9 because: wild platypus

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:49 PM
You do realize that throughtout HIStory people have tried to pin the "anti-christ" label on about anyone with opposing views to theirs. Or as of recently any presidential canidate that isn't ron paul OR a woman (seriously never seen one theory about a woman canidate being the anti-christ). Do you really think that Satan would come back as anyone obvious?

Maybe it is Herman Cain. But do you really think Satan would come back as an individual to rule the world??

According to your logic this is also the "anti-christ."

I would encourage anyone working in the realm of reason to understand the "anti-christ" is a belief system.. Not some mortal man. This is why the "anti-christ" is able to speak in many tongues, because ANYONE who believe in the ritualistic customes and beliefs of religon not only believe in their divine god, but also believe in the "anti-christ."

The antichrist is a personification of a belief system NOTHING more. Ex. "The trees leaves whispered in the the wind."

Yes, there is suffering (which is what the anti-christ is), but to create a supernatural human out of it is a distraction from the truth. It is a cover up so that you sit around discussing who it is and when they may return, instead of looking at yourself and saying how can I end suffering? Which is a simple enough question and something you realistically have control over. Religon takes control away from the individual and places it in belief of a system and its ideas.

Hopefully this clears anything up for those who are not sure who it is or wether it is real or not. Of course there will be those who have too much pride in their religon and beliefs and will not see it for what it really is (mind you pride is one of the 7 deadly sins in which religous fanatics take part of DAILY).

My opinion on Herman Cain: just another blind man attempting to lead the blind.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by croweboy

Speaking of names, Stratus(9) has to do with the clouds, and I think that is where your head was when you came up with this theory.

Hmm.. and I thought the name was an easy word picture, you know, like the ones you get in elementary school. The metaphor is Sitting on Cloud 9.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by ImmortalThought

Maybe it is Herman Cain. But do you really think Satan would come back as an individual to rule the world??

According to your logic this is also the "anti-christ."

I would encourage anyone working in the realm of reason to understand the "anti-christ" is a belief system.. Not some mortal man. This is why the "anti-christ" is able to speak in many tongues, because ANYONE who believe in the ritualistic customes and beliefs of religon not only believe in their divine god, but also believe in the "anti-christ."

If Herman Cain were named 'Bob or Billy or Jake' I could agree about the wrestler bit.

But Herman Cain (he has no middle name to break the flow) means "Leader of the Army of Satan."

You note that the anti-christ can 'speak many tongues'... money is the world wide language that all understand and Herman Cain is all about the money.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Stratus9

Originally posted by ImmortalThought

If Herman Cain were named 'Bob or Billy or Jake' I could agree about the wrestler bit.

But Herman Cain (he has no middle name to break the flow) means "Leader of the Army of Satan."

You note that the anti-christ can 'speak many tongues'... money is the world wide language that all understand and Herman Cain is all about the money.

BUT DUDE! Kane the wrestler teamed up with his brother the Undertaker to form The Brothers of Destruction!!!! It has to be the anti-christ!

O, but their "real" names arent kane and the undertaker, I got ya. Sorry I forgot the process as to how you have to file with system first to actually own your name in the eye of the public. yea damn that makes sense

edit on 17-10-2011 by ImmortalThought because: I do not know why it included my recent post under the qouted... whatever

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Stratus9

Well, I have to admit, I was very skeptical about this thread at first, but now I think you are spot on.

It's been frustrating lately, knowing that there is a gigantic ritual going on, but not knowing which ritual was being unfurled - Chris Christie running for president (that one should be obvious), Huntsman running (reference to the King of Babylon - Nimrod the hunter), Cain running too (let's not forget McCain ran in 2008 and Obama means "blessing of Hussein").

I think the 999 being equated to 666 is not the best route to convince people. BUT this-

Cain offering the mark of the beast, this is what the Satanic elites are going for. The mark of the Beast is a mark of protection just as the mark of Cain was a mark of protection from God upon Cain so that no one would hurt him. Here, it is Cain, functioning as God, offering his mark of protection. When the engineered apocalypse of 2012 occurs with its diseases and starvation, the mark of Cain (meaning a symbol of vaccination - see the movie Contagion)- showing allegiance to Cain-would protect the people who have chosen him willingly.

So, thanks for a great thread.

But just to clarify, Cain would be the false prophet, not the antichrist. The false prophet is the one that is in charge of the monetary system and enforces the mark of the beast/ mark of Cain. The antichrist is a Jewish messiah king that pretends to deliver Israel from its enemies (not a "savior" from sins as Jesus Christ was).

So, can I try to convince you that Prince William is the antichrist?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:07 AM
As I saw Michelle Bachman point out at a debate, Herman Cain's 9-9-9 economic plan is 666 upside down, so yes Herman Cain IS the Anti-Christ.

Four years ago all the kooks thought (still think?) that Obama was the Anti-Christ, now Cain? Why's it gotta be a black man, man? That is so racist!

BUT it is, however, seriously silly!
edit on 18-10-2011 by Threadfall because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-10-2011 by Threadfall because: clarity

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Right now I'm in between it being Herman Cain and Prince William. Today he was named the most influential man in the world ahead of Cameron and Obama.

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