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Take the Pill! No! Don't Take the Pill!

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posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by greyer

Really fascinating story and great thread Kandinsky. And great find of the In Search Of episode, greyer! Watching that after reading that strange and scary account above certainly gave me a chill. They really did a much better job making the strange seem strange back then, even though they left out many, many details. Seeing the man speak though, wow.

Regarding drug use: a religious, married man, living in Wyoming in 1974, with 5 kids, a foreman of an oil rig, hunting in the woods with a rifle, is not the profile of someone using '___', at all. Also Higdon said he "doesn't even like to take aspirin."

That said, one possibility is he somehow accidentally took a strong hallucinogen. Regarding his lack of dilated eyes when found, the eyes wouldn't be dilated after the trip was over. There are also other hallucinogenics - peyote, psilocybin, ayahuasca - that could create these kind of hallucinations. But are any of these drugs likely to leave him in the hospital for three days with injured eyes? Not really...

It sounds much more like a stroke...but how do you explain the inside-out bullet? The descriptions of an invisible cube, with more space inside than out, people stepping through walls and vanishing, all suggest tesseract-type, fourth dimensional architecture. The bizarre appearance of the being suggest a shoddily constructed human-like "avatar" the creature was using, maybe because its own appearance would have been too bizarre or frightening...

One important angle to this story I've not seen mentioned anywhere else, but which I found while searching for info on this case, is that Higdon's own niece, posting on a small religious message board of some kind, not a UFO site at all, said the FBI took the only piece of physical evidence from this case, the inside-out bullet that could be evidence of extra-dimensional high strangeness:

These are links to articles describing what happened to my uncle, my dad's brother. They are a mostly accurate account that tells the story. I have seen the bullet described in the story, my uncle had it for years, but the FBI evidently took it from a safety deposit box a few years ago where it was stored for safekeeping. The FBI had wanted it for years, but he refused to let them have it.

We are so locked in our scientific paradigm, that when these things happen to us, we attribute them to natural, scientific causes. Our society is not set up to perceive reality in any other way.

A medieval Christian experiencing this episode would attribute it to angels or devils. They would literally believe that is exactly what it was. They could not perceive it any other way.

But what we call "hallucinations" or "strokes" could simply be the physical traces on the mind and body in our realm of genuine contact with realms beyond our perception. That is certainly a possibility. We barely perceive any of the electromagnetic spectrum, and know nothing about higher/lower dimensions or what potential interdimensional or extradimensional beings are capable of. So it has to remain an option. Higdon's bizarre case certainly suggests the Valles-type interpretation.

On the other hand, it could be a stroke or fantasy, because there are always some odd things said which don't make much sense. "Light miles" for one, and this exchange about aliens coming all the way here just for "fish" which they can't seem to manage to keep alive:

CH: Fish... they don't have any place to keep 'em, so they have to keep coming back after them -- out in the ocean.
Sprinkle: Did he say why they don't have any place to keep them... their lakes?
CH: Their sea won't take care of them. They die. Not enough oxygen or something -- they don't know for sure.
Sprinkle: But they can breed other animals?
CH: Yes. Our animals can live there, just like here, but the fish, they've got a certain oxygen -- or iodine -- or something, he says, that they're trying to find out what it is.

That is just animal management incompetence! Or maybe abductors/tricksters unfamiliar with human culture and language are just extremely bad liars.

Here's the second part of that cool In Search Of... episode:

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by greyer
Thank you very much for finding the video; I looked high and low and couldn't find any video or audio. I was hoping someone would do better than me and ATS comes up with the goods again.

reply to post by Nicorette
Hiya Nic and thanks for the extra sources and thoughts.

That said, one possibility is he somehow accidentally took a strong hallucinogen. Regarding his lack of dilated eyes when found, the eyes wouldn't be dilated after the trip was over. There are also other hallucinogenics - peyote, psilocybin, ayahuasca - that could create these kind of hallucinations. But are any of these drugs likely to leave him in the hospital for three days with injured eyes? Not really...

I agree that hallucinogens are an unlikely explanation. Although the dilation of pupils diminishes over time, the after-effects tend to leave a kind of grey ring that lasts well into the next hours. From experience, people who ingest hallucinogens still show unusual traces in their eyes during the following day. On top of that, the *fairly* linear narrative of his account is unlike the average trip.

It sounds much more like a stroke...but how do you explain the inside-out bullet? The descriptions of an invisible cube, with more space inside than out, people stepping through walls and vanishing, all suggest tesseract-type, fourth dimensional architecture.

A stroke seems the most likely of *prosaic* causes...something like a minor TIA. I thought the description of the 'being' could possibly be understood as Higdon looking at a reflection of himself in a convex, reflective surface. Such an idea would account for the face but leave the rest of the physical description open to debate. I'm glad the presentation of the 'beings' caught your's the most thought-provoking aspect for me.

In your link, the poster claiming to be his niece makes a point that is always a problem in these events...

He never made any money off of this, nor attempted to, fearing that it would cause people to say he was telling the story to make money. After so much media attention for several years, and outrageous write ups in National Enquirer and Star tabloids, he pretty much clammed up and quit talking.

The story as it happened is hard enough to be believed as it is, but many took and embellished it, making it even more unbelievable.

Altogether, these humanoid encounter claims are fascinating and very hard to pin down with a 'one-stop shop' kind of explanation. What I enjoy about them is how they make the grey matter work hard and exercise the imagination.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by greyer
Thank you very much for finding the video; I looked high and low and couldn't find any video or audio. I was hoping someone would do better than me and ATS comes up with the goods again.

Hey Kandinsky, finally found some more footage about Carl Higdon, it starts on the first video at 8:52 and on into the second video. Very interesting.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by greyer
Thanks G, the colour illustration would have looked great in the OP. I wonder what book it's out of?

I've seen the doc before and had no idea they covered the Higdon encounter; it was the awful opening credits that reminded me. That and the part when he speaks of an Italian's saucer photos taken on a glacier. I've no idea how they got it so wrong when the photos were debunked in the 60s and never claimed (IIRC) to be taken on a glacier, but a beach.

Season's Greetings

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Thanks you to. I'm fascinated right now, because this morning I saw some amazing sites that have collected a lot of rare material. At the end of my journey, I came across the drawing to my surprise. This person who has done very good investigation into other drawings says that it may made for the film.

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 03:48 PM
another awesome thread! s+f

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Kandinsky

Replying for possible later comment. Incidents such as this are a treasure trove of possible clues for theories similar to mine. Great read...

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 12:15 PM
I am sorry to hear that. What is your Facebook page? I would like to hear more.

originally posted by: starpact
I strongly believe this man had an encounter. I join this site only, and only because the man described exactly the same race of Alien that has been haunting me since childhood. I have posted "drawings" on my facebook page in Nov of last year and another person in a traumatic reaction has seen this type of 'being'.

If the webmaster contacts me I can provide them with these pictures and also one that I can't figure out what it is.


edit on 24-5-2017 by tooprotected because: more info

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Kandinsky

So I just swallowed one of 'em, and put the other three into my jacket pocket."

did I miss something ?
shouldn't he still have the three other pills ?

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: kibric
a reply to: Kandinsky

So I just swallowed one of 'em, and put the other three into my jacket pocket."

did I miss something ?
shouldn't he still have the three other pills ?

It's like Alice Through the Looking Glass in the weird world of humanoid encounters. Think about the misleading distance and the bullet that flew slowly - curioser and curioser.

This was one of my favourite threads. Such a good story and still not truly explained.

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 06:45 PM
Hello, I read your post. What is your Facebook page? I would like to hear more. Maybe I can be of help. --H

originally posted by: starpact
I strongly believe this man had an encounter. I join this site only, and only because the man described exactly the same race of Alien that has been haunting me since childhood. I have posted "drawings" on my facebook page in Nov of last year and another person in a traumatic reaction has seen this type of 'being'.

If the webmaster contacts me I can provide them with these pictures and also one that I can't figure out what it is.


edit on 25-5-2017 by tooprotected because: .

posted on Jun, 2 2017 @ 09:31 PM
Excellent thread! I love reading this info.

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: starpact

Are you still here
I want to hear more about your adventure.
edit on 7-6-2017 by tooprotected because: more info

posted on Jun, 7 2017 @ 03:26 AM
This old video turned up. It shows Carl and his wife talking about what happened and Carl physically showing the bullet. Boy, they look shady back then with the navigator glasses on indoors. He plainly states his lungs had healed and kidney stones had vanished. It's good to get it straight from his mouth because it was cultural then for some researchers to add layers of mythology to reports. His wife went on to write a short book on the subject that wasn't (afaik) published. It'd be a good read, I'm sure

Some extra details from Gordon Creighton and Leo Sprinkle.

posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: starpact

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